Identity In Christ | I AM Affirmations From The Bible | Who You Are In Christ

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welcome to soak stream healing scriptures I am affirmations from the Bible identity in Christ who you are in Christ the more you know who you are in Christ the more you can walk in the freedom the confidence the authority and the abundant life that God has made you to walk in that God wants for all of his treasured sons and daughters and that is you you have to know it you have to do well on it step into it become it remember it and remind yourself of it I pray that this video would do just that that it would help you remember I pray that this video will help you break free from the lies of the enemy once and for all and step into the freedom the confidence the joy and the abundant life that comes when you know exactly who Jesus Christ says you are throughout this video you will see scripture references on the screen they are the scriptures that declare these powerful truths that we are standing on they free us define us and renew our minds so that we can think about ourselves and others the way God wants us to knowing exactly who we are in him feel free just to listen and soak and these declarations spoken over you or join in declare them outloud along with us you can look up the verses in your Bible and highlight them you can even print out these declarations and put them up around your house the link to download these declarations is in the description section below the video and if this video is a blessing to you please share it with others imagine how it could change somebody else's life as well you never know what somebody else might be going through or struggling with the lies inside of someone else's head or spirit we all need to soak in these truths spoken over us so if you haven't already consider subscribing to our channel hitting the Bell icon so you don't miss other videos just like this from us hitting the like icon because it helps YouTube know to show our videos to more people share this video with others and most of all feel free at any time to come into the comment section and leave any prayer requests you may have so that we and the soaked stream community around the world to be praying with you for you and over you in this season let's bear each other's burdens in prayer for one another and lift each other up to the Lord together here we love you all so much and we mean it when we say that we pray for you every single day the Lord loves you and he is right there in the room with you right now he's ready to heal to equip to refresh and to renew you with His Word and his spirit his presence and his closeness let's pray together before we get started Heavenly Father you come before you right now and we just say we love you we love you so much god we thank you that you are so close we just declare that we need you we need your word we need your spirit we ask that you would remind us of your love remind us of your truth as we declare these truths over our lives transform our minds God transform us into your likeness and help us become more of who you say we are protect us from the enemy Lord drown out his voice so that we no longer hear it we no longer pay attention to it but the only voice we hear and listen to is your voice in our lives up root us from the lies that we've believed and that have been spoken over us protect us Lord and help us to focus on you every day of our lives in Jesus name and then let's begin your identity is found in Christ you are not the things that you used to be you're not the things that you used to do you are not the things that people have done to you or spoken about you or the lies or labels that people have spoken over you you are not those things you are brand new in Christ you are not the things that people have called you those things do not define you you are not the things that people have said about you or the things the people have neglected to tell you you are not the things the enemy tries to convince you of all he does is lie you don't have to listen to him anymore you are not what comparison tells you you are not what the world tells you you are not those things you are brand new in Christ your identity who you really are can only be found in Christ you don't have to search for significance or approval anywhere else because you are already significant in the eyes of the Lord you are already valuable you're already beautiful already worth his love and his love and his opinion is worth way more than anyone elses you have the love of God most high the creator of the universe loves you with an endless love a greater love than you can possibly ever even imagine with that kind of love the Lord loves you and cherishes you and draws you close because he loves being with you you are valuable to God he considered you worth making worth dying for worth saving worth loving worth forgiving worth rescuing words healing worth giving breath to worth revealing himself to worth drawing you close worth giving his spirit to worth dwelling inside of worth lavishing his love on because he really really loves you more than you could ever ever ever imagine you are cherished treasured and loved by God you are more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves you and nothing can separate you from his love you are not who you used to be you are not in your past anymore you are a brand new creation in Christ and you have been set free you are a son or daughter of the Most High God and that makes you royalty a prince or princess of the king of kings and Lord of lords you are made in His image so you have intrinsic value and limitless worth you are saved by grace through faith not by anything that you've done but because of what Jesus did on the cross for you you are filled with the Holy Spirit of God the very same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you you are a royal priesthood chosen and beloved by God [Music] you are never alone you don't ever have to be lonely or afraid because Jesus is always right there with you [Music] you are seated in heavenly places and you are destined for eternal life in heaven with God [Music] [Music] you are fully protected by God your protector [Music] [Music] you are straw even when you are weak because of Jesus Christ's strength in you [Music] you are forgiven and cleansed by Jesus [Music] [Music] you are no longer a slave to sin but have become a slave to righteousness [Music] you are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus [Music] you are fully equipped by his word and by his spirit you've already been given everything you need for life and godliness [Music] [Music] you are powerful you have the power to overcome fear and to love and bless others no matter how you are treated [Music] you are strong in your mind you have the mind of Christ and have the power to think about good things [Music] you are victorious in Christ he fights for you and has already won the battle [Music] you are an overcomer because Jesus Christ overcame [Music] you are bold strong and confident in Christ you are full of God's gifts and you have a ton to offer others [Music] you are full of hope joy and peace by the power of his spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] you are renewed day by day and have your eyes fixed not on what is seen but on what is unseen [Music] [Music] you are forgiven and loved and therefore called to forgive and love others as well [Music] [Music] you are Christ's ambassador sent to reconcile people back to God [Music] [Music] you are whole in Christ and because of him you lack no good thing [Music] you have abundant life in Christ unhindered life to the fullest because Jesus Christ lives in you you are sealed and secure in Christ nothing can take you from the palm of his hand [Music] [Music] you are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works [Music] [Music] you are high above the storm building your life on the rock of God's Word [Music] you are full of God's love lavishing it on others just as he has lavished it on you [Music] your identity is found in Christ you are not the things that you used to be you're not the things that you used to do you are not the things that people have done to you or spoken about you or the lies or labels the people have spoken over you you are not those things you are brand new in Christ you are not the things that people have called you those things do not define you you are not the things that people have said about you or the things the people have neglected to tell you you are not the things the enemy tries to convince you of all he does is lie you don't have to listen to him anymore you are not what comparison tells you you are not what the world tells you you are not those things you are brand new in Christ your identity who you really are can only be found in Christ you don't have to search for significance or approval anywhere else because you are already significant in the eyes of the Lord you are already valuable you're already beautiful already worth his love and his love in his opinion is worth way more than anyone elses you have the love of God most high the creator of the universe loves you with an endless love a greater love than you can possibly ever even imagine with that kind of love the Lord loves you and cherishes you and draws you close because he loves being with you [Music] you are valuable to God he considered you worth making worth dying for worth saving worth loving worth forgiving worth rescuing words healing worth giving breath to worth revealing himself to worth drawing you close worth giving his spirit to worth dwelling inside of worth lavishing his love on because he really really loves you more than you could ever ever ever imagine [Music] you are cherished treasured and loved by God [Music] you are more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves you and nothing can separate you from his love you are not who you used to be you are not your past anymore you are a brand new creation in Christ and you have been set free you are a son or daughter of the Most High God and that makes you royalty a prince or princess of the king of kings and Lord of lords [Music] you are made in His image so you have intrinsic value and limitless worth you are saved by grace through faith not by anything that you've done but because of what Jesus did on the cross for you you are filled with the Holy Spirit of God the very same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in you you are a royal priesthood chosen and beloved by God [Music] [Music] you are never alone you don't ever have to be lonely or afraid because Jesus is always right there with you you are seated in heavenly places and you are destined for eternal life in heaven with God [Music] you are fully protected by God your protector you are strong even when you are weak because of Jesus Christ's strength in you you are forgiven and cleansed by Jesus you are no longer a slave to sin but have become a slave to righteousness you are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus [Music] you are fully equipped by his word and by his spirit you've already been given everything you need for life and godliness [Music] [Music] you are powerful you have the power to overcome fear and to love and bless others no matter how you are treated [Music] you are strong in your mind you have the mind of Christ and have the power to think about good things you are victorious in Christ he fights for you and has already won the battle you are in the bone for camera because Jesus Christ overcame you are bold strong and confident in Christ [Music] you are full of God's gifts and you have a ton to offer others [Music] [Music] you are full of hope joy and peace by the power of his spirit [Music] you are renewed day by day and have your eyes fixed not on what is seen but on what is unseen [Music] [Music] you are forgiven and loved and therefore called to forgive and love others as well you are Christ's ambassador sent to reconcile people back to God you are hole in Christ and because of him you lack no good thing you have abundant life in Christ unhindered life to the fullest because Jesus Christ lives in you you are sealed and secure in Christ nothing can take you from the palm of his hand you are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works [Music] you are high above the store building your life on the rock of God's Word you are full of God's love lavishing it on others just as he has lavished it on you your identity is found in Christ you are not the things that you used to be you're not the things that you used to do you are not the things that people have done to you or spoken about you or the lies or labels that people have spoken over you you are not those things you are brand new in Christ you are not the things that people have called you those things do not define you you are not the things that people have said about you or the things the people have neglected to tell you you're not the things the enemy tries to convince you of all he does is lie you don't have to listen to him anymore you are not what comparison tells you you are not what the world tells you you are not those things you are brand new in Christ your identity who you really are can only be found in Christ you don't have to search for significance or approval anywhere else because you are already significant in the eyes of the Lord you are already valuable you're already beautiful already worth his love and his love in his opinion is worth way more than anyone elses you have the love of God most high the creator of the universe loves you with an endless love a greater love than you can possibly ever even imagine with that kind of love the Lord loves you and cherishes you and draws you close because he loves being with you you are valuable to God he considered you worth making worth dying for worth saving worth loving worth forgiving worth rescuing worth healing worth giving breath to worse revealing himself to worth drawing you close worth giving his spirit to worth dwelling inside of worth lavishing his love on because he really really loves you more than you could ever ever ever imagine [Music] you are cherished treasured and loved by God you are more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves you and nothing can separate you from his love you are not who you used to be you are not in your past anymore [Music] you are a brand new creation in Christ and you have been set free [Music] you are a son or daughter of the Most High God and that makes you royalty a prince or princess of the king of kings and Lord of lords [Music] you are made in His image so you have intrinsic value and limitless Worth [Music] you are saved by grace through faith not by anything that you've done but because of what Jesus did on the cross for you [Music] you are filled with the Holy Spirit of God the very same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives [Music] you are a royal priesthood chosen and beloved by God you are never alone you don't ever have to be lonely or afraid because Jesus is always right there with you [Music] you are seated in heavenly places and you are destined for eternal life in heaven with God [Music] you are fully protected by God your protector [Music] [Music] you are strong even when you are weak because of Jesus Christ's strength in you [Music] you are forgiven and cleansed by Jesus [Music] you are no longer a slave to sin but have become a slave to righteousness [Music] you are dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus [Music] [Music] you are fully equipped by his word and by his spirit you've already been given everything you need for life and godliness [Music] [Music] you are powerful you have the power to overcome fear and to love and bless others no matter how you are treated [Music] you are strong in your mind you have the mind of Christ and have the power to think about good things [Music] [Music] you are victorious in Christ he fights for you that has already won the battle [Music] you are an overcomer because Jesus Christ overcame [Music] you are bold strong and confident in Christ [Music] you are full of God's gifts and you have a ton to offer others [Music] [Music] you are full of how joy and peace by the power of his spirit [Music] you are renewed day by day and have your eyes fixed not on what is seen but on what is unseen [Music] [Music] [Music] you are forgiven and loved and therefore called to forgive and love others as well [Music] [Music] you are Christ's ambassador sent to reconcile people back to God [Music] you are hole in Christ because of him you lack no good thing [Music] you have abundant life in Christ unhindered life to the fullest because Jesus Christ lives in you you are sealed and secure in Christ nothing can take you from the palm of his hand you are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works you are high above the store building your life on the rock of God's Word you are full of God's love lavishing it on others just as he has lavished it on you thank you Jesus for your love thank you so much for your word these promises that we can find our identity and who you say we are I pray that everybody watching this video would allow you to renew their minds every single day in your word and your presence through your spirit through these videos lord I pray that these videos would have a massive impact on everyone listening total life transformation and mind renewal just like you say to renew our minds in your word in Romans 12 we love you so much Lord and Jesus name amen I want to give you a little bit of a challenge right now there's a link in the description section of this video where you can download these declarations I want to challenge you to click the link download them print them off and place them around your house so that you can be reminded by these scriptures and these declarations these I am affirmations from the Bible reminded of God's Word reminded of his promises reminded of who you are in Christ there's no doubt that the enemy will try and distract you he'll try and throw you off he'll try and lie to you and twist your thinking but you have to declare these truths over your life every day to fix your eyes on Christ that's why I also want to challenge you to play this video again play it every morning play it every night play it when you drive when you clean when you pray spend time with God in His Word and in prayer but spend some time in these videos as well because there's power and His Word and his truths being spoken over you there's power as you join in and declare them out loud as well with your voice just like there's power in his words he's given you power in your words so speak life declare these affirmations over your life declare these affirmations over your family over your home over your city over your church over your friends over your co-workers over your country over your world pray them and declare them do it every day start to soak in douse and pour these declarations over your life let this be the stronger word the more often word but these truths start to take precedence in your life and your thinking and your speaking in Jesus they also wanna challenge you right now to share this video on your social media share it in an e-mail share it through text message share with your pastor or youth pastor share it with a friend share it on your work message board share it as much as you can because people everywhere millions upon millions and billions upon billions of people are in drastic need of knowing who they are in Christ it's an epidemic we believe the lies of the enemy too much we get distracted even when we know who we are in Christ so we've got to repeat these dwell on them soak in them declare them day after day and we've got to share it so that other people can do the same thing imagine the impact that it can have in somebody's life when you share it I know that the Lord will put it in front of the right people I love you so much don't forget to come into the comment section and leave your prayer requests spend a little bit of extra time commenting and replying to other people's prayer requests let's lift each other up bear each other's burdens in Christ through prayer and he will make us new again together we love you so much we're praying for you we're lifting you up we're praying with you and we're praying over you in Jesus name amen [Music] you
Channel: SOAKSTREAM - Healing Scriptures
Views: 203,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: identity in christ, i am affirmations, i am, affirmations, bible affirmations, bible, christian affirmations, morning affirmations, sleep affirmations, positive affirmations, reprogram your mind, law of attraction, renew your mind, guided meditation, healing scriptures, healing affirmations, heal while you sleep, healing, i am bible affirmations, audio bible, healing scriptures with soaking music, bible verses for sleep, christian meditation, jesus, christian motivation, renew
Id: -micFLpV90A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 15sec (3855 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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