Identifying Luck: Mario Party 1

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[Music] welcome to identifying luck for the original Mario Party it is here we will learn how to best improve our odds of winning at the only mire party game that consistently takes away your coins for losing let's hop into the pipe and take care of our first item on the list the bonus stars we've got the coin star happening star and minigame star this third one Awards the player that collected the most amount of coins from minigames but where this bonus star considers a viable minigame varies from title to title in this title standard minigames and one player minigames are what's counted nothing else remember how I said this game likes to take away your coins for losing well it also makes sure to subtract the same amount of coins from your total minigame coins earned interestingly enough this is the only Mario party where bonus stars aren't optional you have to play with them on something that is optional however is the use of these six dice blocks that can be purchased in the mushroom shop they all have different attributes from one another and if you were to turn them all on then each player would have a small chance of having to roll one of them instead of the average dice block we also have the no koopa sign and the no boo sign let's first go over what each of these characters do while present on the board koopa troopa grams coins two players that pass him he'll grant 10 coins prior to the final 5 turns and 20 coins during he'll also grant 20 coins to the 10th player that passes him while the no koopa sign is being used koopa troopa will not appear on the board so players won't be making as many coins as they normally would throughout the course of a game boo let's player steal coins or stars from other players it cost nothing to steal coins the amount of coins stolen is randomly selected from numbers 1 through 15 no amount of player input and either end of the steal will increase or reduce the amount of coins stolen it costs 50 coins to steal a star and just like the coin steal player input effects nothing you have to take it unlike future titles which have items to prevent players from taking your stuff this game has none of those so if you're being stolen from to accept your fate that being said the only reason to not have boo steel for you in this game is if you don't want to upset your competition and put a target on your back while the no boo sign is being used who will not appear on the board so players won't be able to steal coins or stars from other players which will make it way harder for players to pull ahead if they're falling far behind boom naturally does not appear on peaches birthday cake and Koopa Troopa naturally does not appear on eternal star remember using any of these items I listed is optional they are not on by default blue red happening Bowser chance mushroom and minigame during the final five turns blue spaces and red spaces will always have their coin values doubled from three to six the events that the happening space is triggering this title or ruthless will cover every one of them once we get to analyzing each board bowser spaces trigger the bowser roulette which can result in these following events coins for Bowser Bowser takes ten to thirty coins from the player who landed on his space this is the most common Bowser event in Mario Party 2 but in this title it gets randomly selected just as often as the others these next four events are minigames with modified outcomes I'll list their names but won't go further in detail until we get to the minigame section Bowser balloon burst Bowser's face lifts Bowser's tug-of-war bash and cash Bowser revolution Bowser takes everyone's coins and splits them evenly among all players this is actually a fantastic outcome for the players that are lagging behind in coins it's one of the few events for the player who landed on the Bowser space can actually end up in a much better position than the one they originally started in Bowser's Chan's time this is Bowser's modified version of chance time 100 star present 1000 coins present and star steal these are all and yellow text the cursor very rarely lands on these events if it does Bowser leaves and does nothing well it is a ripoff that he doesn't follow through with any of these events the bright sign is that no one loses anything so that's something to be happy about if the player who lands in the Bowser space has at least one star but no coins Bowser gives the player ten coins in exchange for one star this is actually one of the worst outcomes from landing on a Bowser space because it's only one that makes you lose a star if you're in possession of at least a one star make sure you have at least one coin too because if you don't then you're really going to regret landing on a Bowser space if the player has no coins or stars Bowser gives the player 20 coins oddly enough if you have no stars and no coins and going for a Bowser space is actually a great move to make so if the option presents itself you should take it unless you see a different available option called the chance space which appears on boards naturally while also appearing on the board whenever a star is purchased landing on one of these spaces triggers the event that those falling behind love and those far ahead hate true to the name this event serves as a chance to flip the game on its head but when we're done with it it'll be choice time instead in this title the player has to hit three orange blocks to decide what will happen two of the blocks have pictures of all four players heads and the one in the middle shows what they are swapping coins or stars the player can hit the blocks in any order but whatever the order the remaining blocks spin faster with each hit the order in which the players heads are shown of the side dice is directly correlated with the turn order for example if the turn order is Peach Luigi Yoshi Mario then the side dice will also roll in that order Peach Luigi Yoshi Mario once a player has been selected they will disappear off of the other dice block to ensure that they don't trade with themselves the middle dice block which determines what will be trade between the two players will always always roll on the same cycle so you can memorize the entire pattern but where the dice block starts in the cycle is random but now that everyone will find it easy to memorize the whole pattern so what are some general tips for this tiles chance time well when the block is spinning its fastest it's easier to land on the player you want instead of the trade you want this is the case of revokes jumping at random and trying to time your jump if you choose to jump at random then it's basic probability you have a one in three chance of getting the player you want as opposed to a one in ten chance of getting the trade you want if you choose to time it before you jump it's easier to keep track of the player icon since they're color-coded as opposed to the trade icons which look quite similar my suggestion is that you choose what's being traded first if you haven't memorized all pattern then just focus on the spinning block until you see the trade you desire then memorize at least two trades before your desired one so you'll know when it's about to come up once you see the trades you marked in your head spin by jump to hit the trade you want the side dice Blanc's will then spin faster but you shouldn't select a side just yet as most Trey's distinguish between left and right and you're more likely to land in what you want for this second dice Blanc than the third so think about what you want in each side then determine which side is more important to get correct make that side you hit for your second dice Blanc this way you'll save the less important side for them most difficult to land dice block if the trade is selected at the beginning was the swap coins or swap stars 1 then go on either side and land in the player with the most amount of what's gonna be traded so you can at least ensure the demise Bowser's chance time it's like chance time but Bowser Riggs it so that he is on the receiving end of the trade unlike normal chance time stars cannot be lost this event isn't as bad as it could be while both dice plugs are spinning at their fastest possible speed you only have a 1 in 4 chance of being selected to lose something and that something is only 10 to 30 coins what makes it even better is that you're not going to be giving your coins away to another player in the game just Bowser so while Bowser's chance time may sound scary just know that the odds are in your favor and even if it doesn't work out it's still not nearly as bad as it could be back to our less descriptive spaces the mushroom space makes a play a role for either a mushroom or a poison mushroom the former will give the player another dice block whereas the latter will make the player miss their next turn while it looks like you can time your jump to easily get the mushroom I'm sorry to crush your dreams by saying it's predetermined no well time jumps will save you from the 5050 odds of losing a turn this is why it's better to steer clear from these spaces if you can only purposely land on one if you need to make a big play or just don't care if you may not get to roll next turn here's our last one the minigame space this space is flat-out overpowered when a player lands in it they play a single-player minigame to earn coins for only themselves most of these single-player minigames are easy so the player will almost always end up gaining a healthy sum of coins and as I said at the beginning these coins the player gains count towards the minigame star so a player has high potential to get an easy minigame to collect coins from in addition to furthering their lead for the minigame star and no other player can prevent them from doing so because these are single player mini-games all that being said if you can land on the space go for it more often than not you'll be roar'd and this title boasts a lot of boards out of all the Mario Party tiles 1 through 7 this one has the most boards at 8 well six of them are named after and belong to the six playable characters in the game there aren't any advantages granted to a character if they happen to plan their home board this title gives each board a difficulty rating in the form of these stars the more there are the more difficult the board or at least according to the developers I'm a little hesitant to give my own difficulty ratings for these boards since they vary depending on how many turns you're playing and the kinds of people you're playing with they can be inaccurate at time so I'm not going to do them our first stop is DK's jungle adventure here's the space lineup out of all the boards that has the most amount of blue spaces at 59 ties for the most merit spaces at 7 and has the second most amount happening spaces at 9 the reason why these numbers are so high compared to the other boards is because this board has the most amount of toll spaces out of all of them at 86 here's a good opportunity to explain how the star space works most boards when you purchase a star the star space itself will move to another random location however it can't move to any space on the board at once since only certain spaces have been programmed to host a star we call these spaces star spaces and normally only one is active at a time when a star space isn't active it looks like your average blue space for this board the star is going to randomly spawn at one of these seven star spaces once the star is purchased at the active star space it will deactivate and a different star space on the board will become active when a star space is deactivated it will not activate again until every other star space on the board has been deactivated once the last star space deactivates then every star space on the board now regains the potential to become the next active one a star space cannot spawn in the same place twice in a row cool what's there in the middle of the game you recall that these five star spaces have been deactivated and you notice that the current of star space is this one so I ask you where will the next star spawn the only possibility is right here since all the other ones are either deactivated or will deactivate after its star has been purchased having this knowledge and applying it while you play can be the difference between you winning a game or losing a game since this is a feature that many people will claim is unpredictable but as we've seen here there are ways to increase your chances of guessing or flat-out knowing where the next star will pop up any part of a board where players may have the option to take one path or another is called a junction this boards junctions function in the form of these whomps that guard some of the splitting paths if a player takes the path that a WAMP is not blocking it'll move to block that path afterwards if a player wishes to gain access to the path that a WAMP is blocking then they must pay ten coins to pass and the WAMP will continue to block that same path these are coin stones players can only pass it they have 20 coins otherwise the path being blocked won't be made available to them if a player passes bowser on this board then they'll be forced to purchase a completely useless bowser statue for ten coins and to top it all off there are two booths on the board no other Mario Party board from tiles 1 to 7 have two booths on the board at once which is madness but the madness continues because the order in which players take their turn on this board actually matters at least for the beginning on the early turns players will most likely want to take the path leading up since there's a 6 and 7 chance that the first star appeared in this huge chunk of the board instead of this small one the reason why turn order matters here is because of this whomp whoever goes first only needs to roll at least a 5 to take the path leading up for free while every other player will need to pay 10 coins to take that same path with everything I've told you about this board is an early coin deficit really something you want the answer is clearly no but it's not like you have much of a choice I mean it's not like you can make the turn order whatever you want or can you no you can't but that's ok there's other tips to be found here the whomp at this Junction isn't as brutal since both paths lead to the same place but going up is still preferred since the space layout is a lot more desire boasting a minigame space we know how good Nels are and to happening spaces which as we all know count towards the delightful happening star but before you land them one of them to increase your lead for one of the bonus stars consider this every happening space on this board will trigger a boulder to start rolling down from this mountain and you players calm on the path of this boulder will be forced to end up at this space so before you choose to land on one of these happening spaces consider if moving yourself to this space along with anyone else that gets caught is a good play also be cautious of your placement on the board at all times since you yourself may get caught up in the boulders path by one of your opponents activating a happening space use one of the boos on players that are ahead and barely have above the 20 coin or 10 coin threshold this will restrict the pass that they're able to take making it more difficult for them to up their game for the most part you only want to steal a star on this board if the cost for doing so won't put you under 20 coins the less options you have the worse off you are if a star happens to spawn in this path leading down to consider if it's worth 10 coins since that's what you're gonna lose when you pass by Bowser these spaces are also on the path of the boulder so if your opponents are all clumped up over here then it's highly likely that one of them will trigger the event and move you down this is the hardest star on the board to obtain due to all of these factors for this Junction the left path is the better option despite this Bowser space since you get to visit boo and you have a higher chance of landing on a happening space what's great about the placements for these happening spaces especially is that you aren't in the boulders path so you can freely activate them knowing nothing bad will happen to you the path back to the star mainly consists of safe blue spaces with a big old bowser space slapped on what sucks about its placement is that it's right in front of the space that you'll end up on if you're caught in the boulders path you have another reason to pay close attention to where people are you'll rarely find yourself turning left at the first Junction since the paths loop back around quickly and only contain one star space every minigame space here is on a branching path so before you make your selection check to see if you can land on one and if you can then you should probably go for it over all dk's jungle adventure has events that combo really well together creating an atmosphere where anyone who has a low amount of coins is going to suffer more than they already would bored on to the Swiss bored of all peaches birthday cake here's the space line up out of all the boards it has the most amount of happening spaces at 14 pounds of spaces at four chance spaces at three and mushroom spaces at seven isn't it funny how they gave the most amount of mushroom spaces to the food board anyways this board has one-star space that's active the entire time there aren't any junctions on this board which means movement here is a lot more dependent on your role than your decision-making when players reach the Goomba they must pay 10 coins or all their coins that they have 10 or less to play a game called the flower lottery there are 4 seeds of different colors and the player must choose to bloom 1/3 of them have toes face and print it inside them if the player finds one they'll lose and take the Stars path however if the player chooses the seed with Bowser's face they'll win and they're forced to proceed to Bowser's cake only once every seat has been bloomed will another set appear in addition the colors of the seeds are irrelevant and it's impossible to know which seed is going to have which face your chances of getting a toad are higher the more seeds there are to choose from so for this board whoever goes first will have a slight advantage if a player is unlucky enough to end up at Bowser's cake then they'll eventually pass King Koopa himself and be forced to buy the completely useless not to mention inedible Bowser cake for 20 coins what makes this worse is that it happens only a few spaces away from the star greatly reducing your chances of being able to afford it if a player lands on a happening space then they can bury a strawberry seed for 30 coins that then grows into a piranha plant if a different player lands on the space then they will lose a star that the barrier will gain the plant will then disappear unless that target has no star in which case the plant will do nothing and stay is it really worth 30 of your coins for the chance that a different player with a star will land in the space you've claimed the answer is it depends if you're way ahead and start counting coin count then spending that many coins may be unnecessary to your overall game if it put you below the amount to purchase a star then it's also worth reconsidering but since it's easy to get a star on this board you may find yourself in a game where you and the other players have a fairly even spread of stars and coins so if we know that you're lagging behind in bonus stars or just want to take the risk and it may be worth it to lay down 30 coins couple happening spaces now let's say you're on your way to the flour lottery with around 30 coins and three of the four seeds people have chosen are all toads that means you're going to get Bowser and will end up losing 20 coins to him a few spaces blader if you're caught in this kind of situation then immediately spend 30 coins on a happening space as they'll be way more useful there than in Bowser's claws overall the punishment players receive for playing on peaches birthday cake varies depending on how many turns are being played since that greatly affects the power of these happening spaces the longer a game goes on the higher the total coin count among all players will be which means that most players will easily be able to afford putting down 30 coins to own these spaces they wouldn't be able to afford purchasing as many spaces in a short game since they wouldn't have enough coins to do so it's also more worth it to own a happening space in a long game than a short one since the chances of a player landing on it are increased due to a higher amount of overall spaces being landed on time for Yoshi's tropical island here's the space line up out of all the boards it doesn't have the most amount of any space instead has the least amount of red spaces at three and ties for the least amount of Bowser spaces at - out of all Mario Party tiles one through seven it has the second to least amount of total spaces the board with the least amount of total spaces out of any Mario Party board will be covered a little while from now this board has totem Bowser on opposite islands if a player passes toad they can purchase a star like normal but if they pass a bowser and they'll be forced to buy a completely useless and ineffective bowser - before 30 coins stepping on a happening space will make Bowser and toad switch places there are two swamps that block the bridges to the opposite island and request a fee from players if they want to pass to the other island the fee always starts at one coin but goes up by at least one coin each time a player pays to pass the fee can never lower its limit is 50 coins and the Tooth whomps do not share the same fee players can choose to pay many more coins in the previous amount to make the bridges and accessible to players that don't have enough coins to pay the fee if you have a lot more coins than the other players then it may be worth it to raise the fee by a bunch to block the pass that they want to take boos located on the top of the right Island using boo to steal a star on this board is a risky maneuver has he run the risk of not being able to afford passage along the bridges due to your recent 50 coin deficit if you want to steal a star it's best if you do so when you have coins to spare regardless of your strategy remember what each fee is for each swamp now let you know which pass are available to which players knowingly your opponent's options are at any given time we'll help you out no matter what game you're playing at any point before deciding whether or not you should spend your coins to pass the bridge check the map to see if you can land on a minigame space you'll most likely break even or even gain more coins than you spent to land on it also remember that these spaces count towards the minigame bonus star so there's still worth landing on even if you lose a few coins in the process the turn orders are relevant on this board since happening spaces shake things up so often that no one should really be comfortable with where they're located this is why it's really difficult to give advice on what players first move should be it can be completely safe to move towards toad one turn just for someone to land on a happening space and switch him with Bowser the next keep a close eye on your opponent's locations and let you know the chances that happening space will be landed on if a player is on any of these spaces then they have an extremely low chance of landing on a happening space the only way to be possible is if they roll a ten to land on this mushroom space win to 50/50 for the mushroom in roll a 7 to land on a happening space excluding that completely unlikely scenario if a player is on these spaces you can breathe a sigh of relief that they won't be landing on a happening space any time soon if a player is on any space other than the ones previously mentioned do they have a fair shot for landing on a happening space overall Yoshi's tropical island has the potential for getting crazy remember how every time a player passes a swamp they have to pay at least one coin more than the previous amount well the longer a game goes on the more times players are going to be paying these thwomps meaning there's a high chance that the fees players have to pay are going to get ridiculous by the later turns however paying these fees to cross the bridges isn't a necessary task to win the game most of the time all thanks to a for mention happening space is that swamp totem Bowser around well this board may have an incredibly low amount of spaces that doesn't keep it from getting pretty hectic welcome to Wario's battle canyon here's the space line up out of all the boards as the most amount of minigame spaces at 10:00 and ties for the most amount of red spaces at 7:00 here are the 7 star spaces well you'll notice is that their locations vary between these five platforms if a player wishes to travel to another platform they must pass up a bomb so they can be fired they're using a cannon however players don't get to choose which platform they fire - since all cannons are aimed in the following sequence no matter how many times you restart the board bottom-left shoots to bottom-right bottom right shoots to top-left top left shoots to top-right and top-right shoots back down to bottom-left if a happening space is landed on then this order is reversed when a player is fired to another platform a roulette starts to choose which space the player is going to land on before walking any remaining spaces this roulette is completely random there's no reoccurring pattern to memorize the game just flings the cursor all over the place and a frustratingly unpredictable manner you do have influence to where you'll end up since the cursor will only choose a space when you tell it to but as we can see right here the rillettes going way too fast in order for you to choose the space you want however if you were a robot and had a reaction type of instant you would be able to get it instantly so there you go you can only be launched to blue spaces minigame spaces chant spaces and red spaces no other spaces can be landed on the cursor doesn't hover over the same space twice although it can fling between the same two spaces over and over again well these bits of information may be a little helpful in learning how this roulette works it just cycles through random spaces as such a quick rate to make everything said here practically in applicable so just fire away and hope for the best if a player wants to willfully influence where they or another player go on this board fly guy who's located on the top right platform is their only option players can pay him 10 coins to either carry them to the middle platform or carry another player to this space they can also choose to not pay and continue along the path they're on let's talk about each option the middle platform has loads of glorious and minigame spaces on it along with the potential star space the downside to going here is that players will inevitably meet up with Bowser lose 20 coins and get launched to a random platform which will then trigger the roulette speaking of which when a player pays 10 coins here and they'll also have to go through the roulette so full players are looking to get the star that pops up here then they have a 50-50 chance of landing on one of the right spaces to get over all traveling to this middle platform is a pain while you may be able to land on a minigame space and acquire star which does outweigh the negative of losing 30 coins altogether you still run the risk of losing 30 coins and getting nothing else if you end up with bad luck I recommend only going to this platform if you're guaranteed to land in a minigame space or if you absolutely need to get another star to win having flag I bring a player of your choice - this space is a good move if they're either too close to the star or boo who's located on the top left platform not paying the fly guy and continuing on your path is a fine choice as well just take into account what space you're going to land on and if landing on that space will either help or hurt your game overall Wireless battle canyon is heavily role dependent which means even memorizing all seven star spaces won't help you out much since the only decision you can wilfully make in terms of movement is through fly guy which doesn't leave players many options luigi's engine room is complex to say the least here's the space lineup out of all the boards is actually quite average in terms of its space layout the only thing worth mentioning is that has the second most amount of total spaces here are the seven star spaces the main feature of this board are these red and blue doors one set rises up to block specific paths while the other set goes down to open up other paths the door switch at the start of every turn when players land on certain happening spaces these ones or if this robot on the board has paid 20 coins to switch them it's easy to forget that the door switch at the beginning of every turn don't let yourself take a path without remembering that the doors have potential to change positions in fact I can't stress enough just how important it is to check your map every time you make a decision in general in every Mario Party if you pass the robot at the bottom of the board and can pay 20 coins to prevent a player from extending their lead then you may want to do it inversely pay attention to how close other players are to this robot so they don't end up screwing you out of a star there aren't any star spaces located on the main path which means there will almost always be an opportunity for players to block other players off from any star that pops this is a lot to remember and it's only made worse when we factor in these three happening spaces which also switch the doors let's just be thankful that they're unlikely to be landed upon these other two happening spaces launch players directly up to this path which contains the hardest star space to reach on this board no matter where players go all pass and the warp pipes that lead to boo if you want to ensure that certain player can't switch the doors using the robot then you've got to get them below 20 coins who can help you out on this mission however just target the troublemaker and hope you steal a lot of coins for the first branching path here check the map and consider your options if you can land on the mini game space want to use the robot or want to stay in the same area and wait for the doors to switch then go down otherwise go left this third reason for going down is something we call stalling it's something a player does when they want to stay in the same area of the board they're on in this case a player may not want to take the open path for one of the doors so they may instead decide to take this path with more spaces so they can wait until the door switch next turn if a player passes Bowser then he'll use has make as many coins as you want mecha to produce one coin for the player which sounds nice if it weren't for the fact that he takes 20 coins from said player afterwards that's a 19 coin loss not so nice overall Luigi's engine room may seem a bit overwhelming at first but once you learn its mechanics and how to manage them then it's not all that bad Mario's rainbow castle may seem quite fluffy and carefree compared to the other boars but it can dish out some serious punishment at times here's the space line up out of all the boards that has the least amount of blue spaces at 33 and the least amount of mushroom spaces at 2 in fact out of all the boards in Mario Party tiles 1 through 7 this one has the least amount of toll spaces at 53 that's tiny but don't let that small number fool you as its main gimmick takes all of this into account this board has a couple splitting pass here and there but no matter which path players take they'll eventually end up at the middle of the board where they'll have to take this cloud up to the tower to visit either toad or Bowser if a stars purchase from toad and the tower will spin around and Bowser will take toads place if a player visits him then they'll be forced to purchase a star at the of 40 coins afterwards the tower will spin around and toad will take Bowser's place and so on it's a very simple concept but one that requires players to be aware of who's on the tower at the time and who's closest to said tower let's say you're right here and the other players are here Bowser is currently occupying the tower obviously you don't want to visit Bowser you'd rather someone else see him instead so he can swap a soda someone you do want to visit in order to make sure the other players get ahead of you and see Bowser you should take this path going right since it has more spaces than this path going down this is a successful stall and we'll make it so you don't get to the cloud as quickly as you normally would receiving a star or a star is not the only way for the tower to spin if any happening spaces landed on in the same event will happen toad and Bowser will switch places if someone you don't want to get a star is about to visit toad then try to land on a happening space with a visit Bowser instead a couple of strategy with counting your spaces to gain an edge over the other players if all else fails then it may be worth it to visit Buu and steal some coins or maybe even a star don't forget that there's two chance time spaces on the board either overall Mario's rainbow castle has an easy to understand yet punishing gimmick that players need to get a good handle of if they want to win Bowser's magma Mountain is not a fun board to play on here's the space lineup out of all the boards that has the potential to carry the most amount of red spaces at a whopping 50 we'll get into that later but as of right now here are at 7 star spaces there are three junctions on the board that players can pay 10 coins to use if they want to take a shortcut they'll let them skip 10 spaces on average this sounds fantastic if it weren't for this little detail if a player accepts taking this shortcut then they must pay the fee and a roulette block will appear showing a star face and Bowser's face if the player gets the star face they are allowed to take the shortcut however if they get Bowser's face they have to continue on their present route with no refund what makes it worse as that looks like you can time your jump to get the star face but you can't its predetermined just like your average dice block when arriving at one of these junctions check the map and consider your options as a star space on the path you've already been traveling on then don't try to take the shortcut inversely can you get to a star space before the other players if you take the shortcut then it may be worth going for it there's one Junction located on the top of the board when a player gets here they are forced to hit another rule add this one free of charge getting the star face takes them to Boo and Bowser's face takes them to Bowser where he steals either 20 coins or a star depending on yet another 50/50 roulette block if you own a star then you want to avoid this section of the board at all costs you can do so through this injunction where if you win the roulette then you can take a shortcut that bypasses all the danger at the cost of ten coins even better you'll pass cubature plus some spaces later and gain at least ten coins which will balance out the transaction however if you do this then you lose your chance to visit Buu who can get you coins on a board that wants nothing more than to take them all away stealing star here isn't that bad of an idea either since the person you steal from will only have a 50/50 shot at reaching boo - revenge steal back it's all a balancing act so when you reach this Junction consider if the potential benefit for visiting Buu outweighs the potential risk of visiting Bowser if a player lands on a happening space then the volcano will erupt and all blue spaces will turn into red spaces the event starts on that player's turn and ends on that players turn two terms later well this event is active this board has the highest amount of red spaces out of every board in Mario Party tiles 1 through 7 overall Bowser's mega Mountain can really stomp you down if you're not careful even if you consider all your options at each Junction you can still lose - bad luck do these 50/50 Roulettes if all hope is lost and targeted chance space if enough stars have been purchased on the board then they're most likely will be an opportunity for you to change the tide of the game the final board this tile is eternal star here's the space lineup it doesn't have anything that sticks out in terms of space count and space layout but it does have the most confusing gimmick of all every path players take ends with a warp pad which will warp players to another warp pad on the board just memorize what pads lead to which simple you say but oh no it's not that simple this board runs at what we call warp courses and I was lucky enough to find that this person made an extremely helpful guide on how to fully understand this gimmick before we get into details let's learn how to read this guide first both letters and numbers symbolize individual war pants leather work pads send players to number war pants so leathers are where you work from and numbers are where you warp to looking at war course one as an example we can see that a warps to to be warps to three C warps to seven and so on three separate warp courses exists one of the three is selected at random as soon as the game starts our first objective should focus on figuring out which warp course Ron as that'll us know where every warp pad on the board leads to all right let's travel upwards and take warp a day it leads to warp pad to nice let's find that combination on the guide here we go a to warp course one wait a moment hey two also exists on warp course two and warp course three so we still don't know which warp course Ron that's right we've got to take a warp pad that leads to a unique number for all three warp courses if we want to actually figure this out what warp pad fulfills this criteria a lot of them actually but our best bet is warp pad D since we're pretty close to it let's take it and see where we end up warp ed six that's d six which can be found right here and since D six doesn't exist anywhere else in this guide we know for certain that we're on warp course three now whenever we take a warp pad all we gotta do is check the guide for work course three to figure out where we're gonna end up so for example if we take warp pad J then we know for sure that we're going to end up at warp pad nine which is Bowser whenever a player visits Bowser he'll steal a star or 20 coins if they don't have a star he'll then return them to start and change the warp course he will do this whenever a player visits him if a player lands in a happening space then Bowser will send everyone back to start without changing the warp course if you learn how to read this guide and understand the tips I've given you then you'll have a massive edge of our players that mistakenly think that this board is luck based they'll claim that you're incredibly lucky for getting boo every time while they get Bowser when it'll really be your knowledge of the board not look that's guiding you here are the seven star spaces but what makes them different from previous star spaces is that they're all active at the same time players will have to pay twenty coins as usual however they will be challenged to a dice block game where the character with the higher number wins the player's dice Blanc is rigged to roll only numbers from eight to ten if the player wins then they get the star like normal but they lose and they get a star taken away when all seven stars have been bought seven more will appear on the same spaces overall eternal star is a fantastic example of how you can crush luck by applying your knowledge of how the game works this title has 49 minigames that all have a chance to pop up in party mode there's 24 4 player mini-games 10 1v3 minigames 5 2 v2 minigames and 10 single-player minigames out of all mario party towels 1 through 7 this one has the most 4 player minigames and the least of 1v3 minigames certain minigames are different from others and says the basic rewards for minigames played 10 coins the players get the amount of coins they collect these minigames have a yellow font in-game and will be referred to here on out as coin minigames you'll notice that some of the descriptions for the Bowser minigames it won't be specific regarding how many coins players will lose if they lose the mini game this is because the amount of coins taken it ranges from 10 to 50 and usually correlates with the current turn number so if the games been going on for a while Bowser is likely to take more coins let's do it four player minigames balloon bursts alternate pressing a and Z to blow up the Bowser balloon B can be used instead of Z when the pump flashes it is full of air when it's full you can pump lots of air into the balloon you need to nail the sweet spot where you're pumping as much air as you can as fast as you can to do this you need to alternate your button presses rhythmically at around 282 BPM beats per minute if done correctly the game should end with about 13 to 14 seconds remaining most games played by people who don't know this rhythm will finish it around 10 seconds so you'll be well off as long as you keep on pace and don't get distracted the game ends when either a player pops their balloon or the time runs out in which case the minigame will end in a draw and no one earns any coins Bowser balloon bursts like the original balloon bursts but everyone who loses gets coins taken away if the mini game ends in a tie everyone loses coins bombs away cannons are aimed at the floating island the island bobs and tilts with the waves so don't fall in you can see where each cannon balls being launched the moment it shot you can also see its shadow travel along the top of the water use these two details to predict where each shot will land any cannonball that hits the water will cause the island to tilt the opposite direction so players need to adjust their position if they don't want to fall off cannonballs that hit the island while you're grounded will temporarily immobilize you to avoid this jump as soon as a cannonball strikes if you jump on the players head then their movements be will be reduced and they won't be able to jump making a way more difficult for them to adjust the upcoming shots only jump on the players head if they're near the middle of the island jumping on their head while they're on the edge puts you at risk for catapulting yourself into the ocean avoid getting directly hit by a cannonball if you don't then you'll get launched off the island and lose the game ends when there is either one player remaining or the time runs out in which case all remaining players win box Mountain mayhem a coin minigame break the mountain of stack boxes you can find coins inside and the Box Mountain there are also want blocks that bounce you back when you attack them about 43 to 45 coins can be collected occasionally players will find coin bags of some of the boxes these are worth 5 coins apiece and are definitely worth and getting these items can be scattered around when the player breaks and reveals them in the open if you see a coin bag drifting around to make a mad dash to grab it but if everybody goes for it then it may be a better move to keep punching the mountain for guaranteed coins players can stun each other for a short time with different results if you jump on someone then they're partially flattened and cannot punch if you punch someone they'll get pushed back a few feet if you attack someone with the ground pound then they'll get flattened onto the grain and cannot move if your aim is to get as many coins as possible then you shouldn't waste your time harassing other players but if you instead want to ensure that certain player doesn't get many coins then use punching it to your advantage this move has a short cooldown and can immobilize an opponent if use repeatedly against a wall at best the victim won't be able to move much at all and at worst they'll be trying to avoid you the entire time either way they won't be gaining many coins this isn't listed in the controls but players can also kick while jumping this isn't recommended however as it's a lot slower than repeatedly punching the blocks bumper balls ride your balls and try to bump others into the sea and use your analog stick to roll around on your ball your strategy for winning should change depending on how many players are left at the very beginning of the match secure the middle of the platform so you aren't quickly eliminated if two or more players are battling it out in your allege then build up the momentum and bump into them since bumping one player can cause a chain reaction you can put yourself in a great position if the opportunity presents itself if you're trying to bump someone off and see someone else is aiming for you then immediately retreat and get to a safe position remember that you don't win by the amount of people you're not gone you win by being the last player remaining when three to four players remain you can use a technique that I've dubbed the slingshot er to execute this technique build up your momentum and roll in between two players bumping into one of them if done correctly then your initial bump should fling you to the second player then the first again and so on if you do this near the ledge then you'll most likely knock someone off if you do this near the middle of the platform and then you'll gain stage control over everyone else who will most likely be near the ledge while this technique can be used over and over again throughout a match it could also cause your opponents to team up and target you if this happens then try to stay in between them as much as possible ironically executing the technique again and again you won't be able to use the slingshot technique once it comes down to a 1v1 you're in the advantage if you're either at center field while there by the ledge or if you keep bumping into each other yet you're bumping them further away if this is the situation that never led up keep bumping them over and over if you see them turn away for a retreat predict their movements and ram into them with full force if the two of you are bumping into each other repeatedly near the middle of the platform without any noticeable change then you're at a stalemate you could keep bumping into them and hold a stalemate for a draw if you don't want them to have any chance at winning or you could take the more risky approach by backing off and attempting to build momentum to give yourself an advantage this could definitely backfire on you if your opponent knows what you're doing and strikes you while you're vulnerable if you're caught in a bad position to make your movements unpredictable and get to safety buried treasure uncover the hidden arrows and try to find the treasure chest press a to repeatedly dig rocks are harder to dig through the treasure chest will always spawn at a random location sometimes it'll be in the middle of everyone and sometimes it'll be right next to someone so even if you keep these upcoming tips in mind you may end up losing to sheer bad luck hidden arrows point players in the direction of where the treasure chest is so follow them exactly as you try to reach the destination first also pay attention to any arrows your opponents and cover as that will give you a better idea of where to go next the treasure chest is unlocked by whoever touches the middle of it first so if you and another player are both uncovering it at the same time then make sure you're aiming for the center I stated before the huge rocks at the top and bottom are harder to dig through making movement more difficult here so don't go to either area without good reason movement through tunnels is quick so go through tunnels that have already been made by other players if you can but mashing doesn't make you dig any faster so feel for you to repeatedly press a at a more relaxed pace castaway's a coin minigame many coins are drifting by in the wide wide ocean cast your line and real women there are three rows of items floating by with single coins coin bags are worth five coins and treasure chests worth ten coins players have to obtain the items floating by by casting their gloves a short medium or long distance which is indicated by how far the analog stick is pushed before letting go when the player makes a cast they have to reel the glove back whether they capture that item successfully or not this minigame may look easy at first but it can be deceptively tricky the glove you cast takes a while to hit the surface of the water so if you flick your analog stick as soon as your desired item is at the gloves landing spot then you'll miss it by a long shot you instead need to gauge the distance between your desired item and your gloves landing spot to figure out when the best time to flick your analog stick is as an example let's say this player wants this treasure chest and the third row they should flick their analog stick once they see the treasure chest enter this spot only then will the glove land on it for retrieval each item has a row that they'll show up on more than others for coins is the first row for coin bags is the second row and for treasure chests is the third row to maximize your coin gain get an especially good feel for all the sweet spots in the third row so you can retrieve as many treasure chests as possible coin block blitz a coin minigame when you hit the blocks coins come out jump to hit the blocks and take as many coins as you can there will always be three blocks that yield one coin five blocks that yield variations of around four to twelve coins and one block that yields a variation of around fourteen to twenty two coins the game will randomize where these blocks are located each time this minigame is played so it's possible that you may end up with a bunch of one coin blocks in your corner try to manage as much space as possible and plan out which block you're aiming for next if you jump on another player then for a short time their movement speed will be reduced and they won't be able to jump crazy cutters cut the fossilized characters free use the analog stick to move and cut along the line the possible shapes players have to cut or goombahs by bombs and booze and you player who gets at least 80 points by cutting along the outline of the character as accurately as possible will successfully cut out the shape and win the mini game if you're moving and decide to take your hand off the analog stick and then your character will keep moving in the last direction you move them in so you can't stop in the middle of cutting you have to keep going with what you got for getting a detail like this may cause you to go so far off the outline then no matter how beautiful the rest of it looks you'll get zero points so don't screw around near the end this mini game is pretty strict pay close attention to the tip of your drill and the outline you're leaving behind it will give you great insight as to how well you're doing and if any adjustments need to be made at mid match drilling upwards is a bit more difficult and drilling downward since your character covers up the outline just remember that every shape players have to cut look identical mirrored so the cut you'll be making going upwards will look like a reflection of the cut you made downwards be extra gentle with your analog stick whenever you're taking a turn these are the parts that people lose the most points on so mastering them will put you a step ahead facelift pull and tug Bowser's face to try to match the example press a to grab the face then hold a and move the analog stick to pull it you can release by letting go of a there are six facial features players can manipulate the left eyebrow the right eyebrow the left cheek the right cheek the jaw and the nose players can reset a feature to its default position by pressing the B button over it the game chooses one of eight facial variants for players to mirror six is the eight facial variants are perfectly symmetrical players will find themselves pulling the maximum distance for every feature more often than not here's how to get a perfect score for each of the eight facial variants [Music] you don't talk about this one I can't get it for the life of me grab bag a coin minigame it's a coin stealing free-for-all grab players bags by pressing B repeatedly when grabbed press B to escape when stolen from players will lose either a single coin or a coin bag which is worth five coins has a lower chance of being stolen and can only be stolen if the player has at least five coins this means it's more worthwhile going for players that have at least five coins so you have a chance of getting a bigger reward just make sure you mash B as fast as you can so your opponent won't break free of your grasp if you're being targeted for your coins then run away and jump as much as possible no one can steal from you while you're in the air so unless you land in a bad spot you shouldn't lose any coins if someone does catch you then mash B as fast as you can so they won't steal anything remember that any coins lost in the mini game counts as coins lost for the mini game star as well hammer drop a coin mini game try to get the coins that the hammer bro throws down but watch out because he throws hammers to the hammer brother can throw down coins coin bags which are worth 5 coins and hammers the last of which will completely immobilize a player and make them lose the ability to pick up any items for a couple seconds take great care to avoid those if you jump on someone then they're partially flattened and their movement speed is decreased if you attack someone with a ground pound then they'll get flattened onto the ground and cannot move at all regardless of how you stun another player they won't be able to jump but they can still come into contact with the items that the hammer bro throws down falling off the tower will not let the player continue participating in the mini game but will keep the coins the player gathered before falling drop downs will move towards the edge of the tower before falling off and disappearing forever watch the item that the hammer bro throws down each time and decide whether or not it's something worth going for if it is then watch the shadow of the item so you'll know exactly where to be to get it you can retrieve items quicker in the air if you jump but be wary of other players below since it's quite possible to land on them and catapult yourself off the tower hop a bomb the bomb has come pass it to somebody with a before it explodes the bomb will pulsate throughout the match until it explodes you'll know each time it pulsates with this visual indicator of it puffing up and this sound indicator it'll explode once it reaches around 12 pulses so you can count how many it's on as it's being passed around to better prepare yourself but saying around 12 pulses is only a good rule of thumb there is a more precise way of knowing when it's gonna blow try to remember this low pitch sound of a bomb makes no other sound will do it has to be this one because the third time it makes this sound in a row is when it's going to explode unaware occurrences it'll make this sound four times in which case and just get the BA bomb off of you but more often than not if you toss at the moment it makes the sound for the third time then you're home free the game ends after one person loses and that person must give five coins to each other player losing 15 coins in a mini game is brutal so if there's a player that's doing well with their coins are both on the board and with the mini game star then you can put a serious damper on their game if you execute this technique right hot rope jump the flame erupts spins and spins jump the rope without touching the flame if even one person touches the potagooo rope they must give 5 coins to each player however if the four players reach 20 jumps then they all win the game well you could throw the minigames to the other players don't get the maximum amount of coins that could be getting you'd be losing out on 15 coins yourself some more often than not you're gonna want to play nice and try to win the Rope will spin faster at five jumps 10 jumps and 15 jumps if all players know this then no one will get caught off-guard of the sudden speed increase and you'll have a higher chance of winning the timing for jumping is the same regardless of your position so if you're struggling with one position you can absolutely look off another player's butt to jump the height of your jump is dependent on how long you hold the a button if you tap it then you'll do a short hop if you hold it then you'll do a full hop the full hop is always preferred even when the Rope is spinning at its max speed it simply doesn't go fast enough to warrant players using jumps low to the ground players tend to lose more by jumping early than waiting to jump later if you're playing with any CPU sets a high difficulty then jump as soon as they do they'll rarely lose this minigame keep a way open the door without letting the spike Koopas get the key if they do the game ends press B to pass the key if the player with the key makes it to the key lock all the players win if one of the five spike Koopas gets the key or if the timer runs out then all players lose five coins the spike Koopas AI isn't that dastardly so whoever starts that the key should have an easy time but if they do happen to touch a spike Koopa then they'll drop the key if this happens then one of the players quickly needs to retrieve it and continue on their path to the key lock so the spike Koopas don't get it the key can be thrown while on the ground or in the air both throws send it pretty far so passing it to teammates in a better position is more than possible mario bandstand be a part of the bandstand a conduct with the analog stick and play instruments with a cue time to carry the tune an example is played first each time so play in time as the cursor lines up with the marks on the street of the music each time a player misses a note they'll get hit by a hammer from the audience which does nothing else but notify the player of their mistake the conductor should be extra cautious to not miss any notes as a single note for them is about equal to a couple notes for the other players the player with the most accurate timing of playing or conducting wins multiple players can win if they tie for first place mushroom mix-up move quickly to the same colored mushroom as toads flag if you're too slow the mushrooms will sink if a player falls into the water then they lose the last player standing wins the mini game there's no pattern to the flags toad raises its completely random position yourself on the black mushroom in the middle whenever you get a chance so you'll be a short distance away from any mushroom toad selects once you get to the mushroom indicated block the edges of it to make it harder for other players to get there if they attempt to jump onto the mushroom you're on and you manage to block the mid jump and they'll bounce off of you and land where they started which at that point will most likely be the water if you position yourself for them to jump on your head then you can cause them to catapult off the mushroom into the water as well if you're the one caught trying to access a mushroom then take routes that avoid the other players so you don't get blocked off if you realize that the jump you made is about to land on another player's head and lose you the game then you can interrupt your jump with the ground pound if you jump on someone then they're partially flattened and their movement speed is decreased if you ground pound someone then they'll get flattened onto the ground and cannot move at all regardless of how you stun another player they won't be able to jump a movement option that's incredibly necessary to succeeding in this mini game especially when toad starts speeding up as the game continues here's the most crucial tip for this minigame so listen up you can begin your jump towards the mushrooms while they're underwater and land on them the moment they emerge if you have good timing this will help you win but it's useful for styling on your opponents and what else is more important than the musical mushroom when the music stops it's a dash be the first to jump up and get the treasure chest on the center mushroom the music can stomp after six seconds pass 13 seconds pass or anything in between we really don't know and there are any indicators to let us know when it's about to stop you don't win by landing on the center mushroom you win by hitting any part of the treasure chest after landing on the center mushroom once a player hits it any other players are left on the center mushroom will be forced to jump off now you could jump on a blue mushroom and then jump to the center and you could attack other players by punching jumping our ground pounding them but instead just execute a full jump towards the center mushroom from the spots on the ground that blend together in color if done properly you'll land on the center chest quicker than anyone else putting you in the best position to hit the treasure chest and win the mini game no other course of action required platform peril these platforms will fall as you jump on them jump across the platforms and be the first across the goal line you can also collect additional coins located on a few platforms coin bags are worth 5 coins and won't show up nearly as often if you jump into a pyramid of bricks then you'll fall and we'll be out of the mini game you can also fail if you don't make the platform itself so time your jumps appropriately the quickest way to beat this mini game is by making a straight shot for the upcoming goal any changes of direction however small they may be will slow you down so promise me you'll only change course if one of these three conditions are met one you're so far ahead that grabbing coins it won't lose you the mini-game after all it's extra coins for the taking - you're so far behind that grabbing coins compensates for the loss after all if you're gonna lose anyways may as well make some profit or three you're about to hit a pyramid of bricks in which case change of direction yes enough for you to dodge you can jump on the players head to reduce their movement speed and restrict their jump but you'll find it's just not worth it because it's both difficult and unrewarding since bouncing off of their head will most likely result in a loss for you running of the bulb run the bulb down to the socket punch the boos before they grab you the hallway is full of booze which attempt to engulf and hypnotize the players bigger boom makes things difficult by slowly chasing all the players down the hallway consuming those who fall behind they can be eliminated by punching them when they get close enough but if they get too close to the player they will become possessed by the boo players under the control of the boos will usually attempt to retrieve the bulb from its current holder alternatively if the possessed player has the light bulb they will walk into bigger Boo forfeiting the game for the players either situation is easily remedied however as a punch from an ally will snap a hypnotize player back to reality players must also be aware of thumps who appears obstacles and attempt to fall on players stunning them and opening them up to an attack from a boo if the player with the bulb reaches the end of the hallway all the players win including those lost to the boos failing to reach the end of the hallway or losing possession of the bulb loses the game for the players and they must each forfeit 5 coins as common sense may tell you don't linger around the area close to bigger boo even a small mistake of that distance can prove fail always be aware of your partner's locations and help out if necessary shy guy says raise the same color flag as the shy guy a is white B is red players are given a lot of time to choose which flag they want to raise the beginning as more time passes the shy guy will speed up and players will be given less time to make their decision his speed will stop increasing at about 10 flag raises sometimes he'll try to trick all the players by raising two color flags at once when this happens the amount of time players have to make a decision is increased by a tiny amount so don't be hasty with your button press wait to see which one he fully puts down before choosing a flag you've how to be quick this minigame will continue indefinitely until someone wins by being the last player standing or until the remaining players get knocked out at the same time which would result in a draw don't be hasty at the beginning there's no benefit to raising your flag as early as possible when things start speeding up pay very close attention to the shy guys arms if you races only one arm then there won't be a fake out and you're free to raise the respective flag if he raises both arms then take an extra split second moment to wait and see which flag he leaves up then choose that one the fake outz can get really tricky at time so don't be hasty and focus on being quick at the last possible moment skateboard scamper the floor beneath you breaks up as players scamper across press be repeatedly to skate and a to jump the thwomps that can be found embedded in the ground don't require precise timing to jump over where's that the whomps that can be found on top of the ground do you require precise timing to jump over the layout for this mini game is the same every time so feel free to memorize the locations of everything so you don't get caught off guard halfway through the mini game players will come across a coin bag that's worth 5 coins you should definitely jump to get it there's no reason not to hitting your maximum speed is easy for most of the minigame pressing be repeatedly an average rate will do however once all the obstacles are behind you in the camera shifts and the speed limit comes off and the mini game turns into a button masher for the remaining players with victory belonging to whoever matched be the fastest knowing all this reserved your best but mashing for the very end since it won't help you out at any point beforehand slot card derby push the unlock stick lightly and drive your slot car to the finish line smoking tires is a sure sign of going too fast if you don't slow down you'll definitely spin out 2 courses exists on these sections for each course you can go as fast as you want without spinning out for every other section your tires will start smoking at max speed indicating you need to release your analog stick for a brief moment before speeding up again memorizing the sections the course our sweet spots for speed along with getting a good handle on when to briefly release our analog stick will have you racing ahead of the other players if a player is overlapped by another player that player will be rammed into a limit them the mini-game will end in a draw if no players have reached the goal within two minutes which won't ever happen to you unless you know you and your friends are just screwing around tipsy tourney tilt the frame to slide the shell revealing the picture beneath the panel's uncover the whole picture you should start with the border panels moving to each corner once the shell starts moving towards you once all the border panels are near completion move inwards to slide the shell towards the middle and make small adjustments to and cover the rest of the picture they've done correctly you should complete the mini game when the timer's at about 15 to 17 seconds most players clear a few seconds below that because their shell doesn't slide where they want it to get a good feel for it and shoot for the time specified treasure divers a coin minigame dive into the sea and bring up the treasure chest from the bottom press a to dive small treasure chest only contain a single coin medium chest contain three coins and large chest contain five coins when tapping a to swim around you can do so at a relaxed pace no mashing required if you touch one of these enemies you'll be stunned for a few seconds additionally if you touch them while holding a treasure chest you will be forced to drop the object back to the ground these enemies move in a predictable pattern that's worth memorizing the shark methodically swims between both edges of the screen the top Bluebird swims between the left edge of the screen and the center right part of the screen the bottom blooper swims between the right edge of the screen and the center left part of the screen these two bloopers will always cross each other up at the middle make sure you don't get confused which one is which as that can cost you dropping a valuable treasure chest go for the larger treasure chest first if you see someone drop one then immediately take it for yourself and you reach the surface as quickly as possible you have a limited time staying into water if you stay for too long then a counter will appear on top of your head starting with the number 5 if it counts down to 0 you will drown and float back to the surface this scenario mainly happens when a player gets hit by the enemies more than once otherwise it's not too much to worry about grab the treasure chest you want avoid the enemies by memorizing their patterns and make some coins 1v3 minigames bashing cash a coin minigame you better hope you don't play this minigame as the solo player you're about to find out why hit the player in the Bowser suit with your hammer the person the Bowser suit must have run away until time is up each hit will rob the solo player of a coin back which is worth five coins the solo player can then attempt to reclaim the coin bag before another player gets it the solo player can avoid being bashed by hammers by jumping on the other players a player jumped on will have their movements be reduced but they still retained the ability to swing their hammer the minigame ends once the timer runs out or the solo player loses all their coins whichever comes first if the solo player manages to run out the timer without losing any coins they get a grand prize of nothing that's right the solo player can't even wait any coins in this minigame the prize is not losing coins that's the best outcome for them the worst outcome is losing all of their coins this has made even worse when you remember that subtractions to your coin count and mini-games also subtract from your minigame star coin count so if you've won tons of minigames and end up losing a bunch of coins in this one then you can possibly lose out on a bonus star because of it for these reasons this is an important minigame to get good at jump as much as possible if you're the solo player you can't spam it sadly since the game restricts you for a couple seconds after you've made a jump but as soon as you're able to again go for it if you're one of the little demons picking on the solo player then spread you and your team out and attack the solo player from different directions this will make it more difficult for them to avoid you the coin bags fling out pretty far so you can actually lay back for a bit to retrieve them easily without doing much work just make sure your teammates don't know this Bowser's bashing cache like the normal bashing cache accept any coins that the team of three collected goes straight to Bowser if the player doesn't get a single coin stolen in the minigame Bowser takes 15 coins from the player who landed on his space the solo player will always be the player that landed on the Bowser space the most optimal strategy for you to take if you're the solo player is to lose a single coin bag and nothing else that sounds like a little bad right because the earlier bashing cache you don't want to lose anything but hear me out if you were to avoid everyone perfectly and not lose anything then Bowser is going to take 15 coins from you however it's the only thing you lose is a coin bag which is worth 5 coins then Bowser won't take anything from you you'd be taking the lesser of two evils if you're on the team of three then you need to remember that coins you get from the solo player are gonna go straight to Bowser so your focus should be on making sure that the solo player loses as many coins as possible if he knows that the timer's running low along with the solo player having not lost anything yet then don't attack them anymore remember they'll lose 15 coins that they didn't lose anything in the mini game so if you only managed to steal a coin bag from them as time's running out then they'll lose a lower amount of coins than they would have if you and your team just decided to stand still bowl over let's go bowling the bowler uses the analog stick to aim the shell while the people who are pins try to jump away if the solo player knocks over a normal pin they'll get a coin if they knock over a player's pin then they'll take 5 coins from the player if you're the solo player that's much more worth it to hit another player's pin than a normal pin even hitting all three normal pins doesn't amount to the coins that a single player pin will give you there's also the added bonus that you're taking coins away from that player both what they had on the board and what the head for the minigame star at that point target whoever's the biggest threat to your game otherwise if you can hit multiple player pins at once then you can make a lot of coins while having multiple players lose theirs the game ends when the shell either reaches the end of the lane or hits a wall it's unlikely that you'll hit a wall though since the shell is relatively easy to control make sure it's going in the right direction before the shot takes place if you're one of the three players then tell the other two to spread out this will reduce the possibility the solo player nailing multiple player pins and getting a lot of coins this will also put them in a position where they have to use their best judgment on who to target since everyone's so spread out instead of easily hitting everyone's pins at once if all three players managed to not get hit then their reward is it's like a reverse fashion cache except the people that weren't gaining anything can only lose 5 coins well it doesn't balance out entirely it's nice to see there's a minigame that's unfair for the three players as well coin block bash a coin minigame coins come out of these sturdy blocks when you break them the person with the hammer can break them in one hit this is compensated by the fact that the solo player has a slower movement speed than the other three one of the three players can steal the solo players hammer if they wish by jumping in their head and picking it up only a vertical blow can be used to destroy the blocks if this overhead blows using a player then they'll be completely immobilized in place for a few seconds this blow cannot be jumped over it can only be avoided by dodging aside if the sideways blows use on the player they'll be knocked away and completely immobilized for a few seconds this blow can not be avoided by dodging to the side it must be jumped over the overhead blow doesn't cover as much range as the sideways blow it is good to use if you want to stun your opponent without bringing them closer to a block inversely if you're next to a block you want and wish to launch people away now the sideways blow would be a better option cover your ground as much as possible and don't let anyone jump on you or punch you remember the hammer is a powerful tool which is why it's great to get in possession of it so if the player if the hammer isn't covering themselves well then go for a steal of the 9 blocks that can be broken at for them contain coin bags which are worth 5 coins apiece and 5 of them contain a single coin if you for example notice that the 5 blocks that have been broken all contained coins and you'd know for sure that the rest of blocks contain coin bags so keep this information in mind and adjust your strategy accordingly coin flower shower hug coin minigame coins fall down in a shower on the flower everybody collect as many coins as you can get the solo player stands on the tilting flower and gets the coins they're dropped on the tilting flower while the other three players have to use boats to try to reach the coins the solo player missed if you're the solo player then stay within this circle and make sure the flower doesn't tilt too much if you play our cards right by keeping the flower relatively level and paying attention to where the coins are dropping telegraphed by their shadows you can potentially take every coin in this minigame without leaving a single one for the poor saps and the boats running in small circles making adjustments when necessary will normally be enough if for some reason you want one of the three players to gain a lot of coins then you can tilt the flower in their direction if you're one of the three players and notice that the flower is heavily tilting a direction then make your way over there as soon as possible to retrieve the dropped coins you can predict where the flower may tote next by paying attention to the solo players movements if they play the minigame well enough though then you can end up with nothing speaking of which if the solo player falls off of the flower and into the water the minigame will instantly end if one of the three players needs one more coin to afford a star then you may not even want to chance them getting that coin so throwing yourself into the water may actually be the best move available it all comes down to how confident you are at preventing the threatening player from retrieving any coins crane game mini-game you are the crane game crane try to grab the prizes by pressing a repeatedly if caught wiggle free with a the mini game ends when the player on the crane either drops their desired object into the pipe or drops their desired object back onto the floor because they didn't mash a fast enough to hold on to it the solo player can choose to pick up a treasure chest worth 10 coins a coin bag worth 5 coins or a single coin they can also choose to pick up another player's character if they out button match their opponent then they'll successfully drop the character into the warp pipe and we'll take get this one third of that players coins if you're the solo player and one of your opponents is a big threat in the coin Department then you can really screw over their game if you manage to get their character in that warp pipe what sucks is that the placements for the 3 characters are random so your target may be super far away which means they'll have more time to escape from your grasp way the distance between your target and the warp pipe to whether or not your target is a good button masher and determine from there if it's worth the risk if you're not confident in your button mashing skills against any of your opponents then just go for the treasure chest it's a much safer option if you're getting picked up by the solo player you better be mashing as fast as you possibly can losing 1/3 of your coins is an enormous setback at mid game and endgame you really don't want that happening paddle battle a coin minigame paddle your boat down the river with the analog stick shy guys hiding on the banks will poke you with spears if you get too close if you're the solo player and get poked you'll give one coin to each of the three players if you're one of the three players and get poked then you and your teammates will each give one coin to the solo player rocks around away but they won't do much other than pump you a little bit although it may seem like the solo player is at a huge disadvantage this minigame is actually dead even the three players together have the same power as the solo player so don't give up if you're alone rotating the analog stick quickly can be done using a few different methods but we gotta go all-out with the classic palm burner just don't hurt yourself pipe maze that coin minigame and drop the treasure chest into the pipe so it falls down on you move the chest with an luck stick and drop it with a the solo player is the one that drops the treasure chest if you're one of the three players then all you can do is try to influence which pipe the solo player picks you can always ask them nicely to pick the one that leads to you or you can tell them to pick the one that only to them this will make them think that it actually leads to you so they may second-guess themselves and choose a different warp pipe one of which will be the real one that leads to you if you're the solo player then pay strict attention to the pipe layout as the camera pans upward follow the pipe that's above your head and whenever you see a horizontal pipe dart your eyes along to the other side and follow that pipe upwards until you see another horizontal pipe and so on until you get to the top and know which pipe to drop the chest into if you're sure of yourself then don't let any of the three players talk you out of your decision puranas pursuit press B repeatedly to escape the piranha plant players on the cloud ground pound to feed the piranha plant with rain if you're the solo player then you can press B at a moderate pace there's no need to button mash well you really want to focus on are the obstacles in your path the logs on the ground can be jumped over easily for the rocks on the ground are bigger and require more precise timing so you don't hit one and slow down as you're skating along a track your eyes across the background for logs every one of them you see will suddenly fall down onto your path so the moment you spot one and get ready to hop over it if you're one of the three players then sync up your ground pounds with your teammates if you all ground pound at the same time and repeat as quickly as possible then the piranha plant will speed up and lunge further giving the solo player less leverage with the amount of mistakes they can make if the solo player keeps their speed at maximum and doesn't make any mistakes then the three players cannot win this scenario is unlikely however since oftentimes the solo player will slow down one way or another whether it be to a miss time jump or they fumble entirely because they didn't check for the falling logs in the background if the solo player wins then they steal five coins from each of the three players if the three players win then they steal five coins each from the solo player losing as the solo player sucks no one wants to forfeit fifteen coins so to prepare yourself for this mini game even further you can choose to memorize the entire layout since it's the same every time tightrope treachery the person of the tightrope must walk to the goal line players and boats can shoot their cannons with a many cannonballs that hit the tightrope itself will only serve to distract the solo player by shaking the screen violently direct shots to the player are the ones that will directly affect their placement how the player falls over is dependent upon at which direction the cannonball was going for example if the player gets hit by a cannonball coming in from the right then they'll fall over to the left there's also strong winds that the solo player must adjust to while they're moving forward if you're the solo player then you generally want to stay in the middle of the tightrope as you move along if all three players stick to one side in a combined effort to push you off the other then give yourself more tightrope on that side so their strategy doesn't work be careful though since the one of them can quickly move to the other side and catch you off guard only do it when it really seems like they're gonna stick around there for a while if you get hit by a cannonball then immediately make your way back to the middle of the tightrope and continue on every time you get hit you're invincible for a brief moment so you'll always have a chance to readjust yourself if you're one of the three players that work together with your team and form a strategy the three of you could keep pummeling the solo player from one side just to quickly switch to the other or you could all work together with a gust of wind to throw the solo player off balance another options for one of the three players to constantly hit the tightrope over and over again this will give the solo player an awful time trying to figure out where they are in the midst of their confusion the other two players could launch direct shots at them from one direction mixing up these strategies and being as unpredictable as possible will increase your odds at knocking down the solo player if the three players managed to make the solo player fall down from the tightrope or run the timer out they win and steal five coins each from the solo player if the solo player walks to the goal line they win and steal five coins from each of the three players tug-of-war is a 3v1 tug-of-war against the player in the Bowser suit rotate the analog stick to pull the rope make your opponents laugh or something maybe that helped Kozma screw up if the solo player wins then they steal five coins from each of the three players if the three players when they steal five coins each from the solo player oh your poor poem Bowser's tug-of-war like tug of war except the losing side loses coins to Bowser if the minigame ends by a draw everyone loses coins the solo player will always be the player that landed on the Bowser space 2v2 minigames a bobsled run a team up with another player for a bobsled run using an analog stick to adjust speed and a to push the sled at the start whichever team meshes a faster at the beginning will get a head start over the other team which is a fantastic advantage to have when on the track of both players should hold up to go the maximum speed they should steer by tilting their analog sticks up left and upright only slowed down a teensy bit when making harsh turns otherwise you should be holding up the entire time there are three boost pads on the track sliding over even a couple pixels will give you a great boot there's no need to aim for the hole boost path so don't slow down and attempt to just go as fast as possible and graze the side of it if you're ahead then get a grasp on the other team's movements ideally by screen peeking block them off whenever they attempt to slide past you if you end up behind them then look for an opening and try to sneak by them as best you can running into walls isn't as much of a punishment as you'd expect but you don't want to slide along them for too long you'll slow down soon enough if a team falls off when the other team still needs to reach the goal in order to gain any coins if they fall off tubes in the mini game will end in a draw if the opposing team falls off then the rest of the minigame for your team should be a leisurely slide down the track the winning team steals ten coins each from the losers bomb skip all it's two on two bombs cabal the first team to score wins press B while jumping to shoot a player on offense can pass the ball and make a goal by shooting while on the ground shooting while in the air or phase shooting in the air within the semicircle the camera will zoom in and the player will practically dunk the bomb in this last method is also your highest chance of success if you're on the offense team shooting it from the ground and in the air is unreliable since the B bomb has a tendency to not land where you want it to getting up close to the net I guess for a dunk isn't that hard to do especially if you're jumping the entire time while you're moving the defensive team will have a tougher time stealing from you if you're in the air since they won't be able to punch they can however jump on your head to steal the B bomb but this requires amazing accuracy and timing so as long as you're even mildly aware of their movements jump over and over towards the net and dunk them a bomb straight in there you won't have much of a problem this minigame is heavily weighted in the offensive team's favor if you're caught on defense then your best bet for you and your partner to both jump towards the person with a bomb well there's still a small chance that may pass you this is a good counter strategy to anyone who's to jump happy if you and the person with the B bomb both jump into each other they'll rebound off of you losing any momentum they had a grounded steal may work best at this point since your opponent will have it in their head that jumping won't work however the problem was stealing of the ground is that you aren't invincible at any time during the steal so the moment you get the B bomb the other offense opponent could just steal it back this could even turn into a steal spree where it's about to see who can hold on to the B bomb for more than a second in order to get away and score a goal for this reason jumping is the preferred method for stealing the bomb if you have to see a wall on the ground to make sure it's safe to do so beforehand the moment you're in the disadvantage make it - for the net and guard it as much as possible this will make a dunk more difficult for the offense team to attain what's even better is that the bobbum can be caught while in the air so they feel pressured and end up making an unsafe throw you can quickly turn the tides and they won't know what hit him the fact that the bobomb can be intercepted in midair as part of the reason why passing to your teammate isn't a good idea most of the time if you're surrounded then the last thing you want to do is throw the B bomb up in the air for them to grab it you instead one look for an opening and jump out of there I said before hit sucks to be on defense for this mini game but as long as you prevent the offense team from rushing in then it should balance out accordingly if one of the team scores a goal within the time limit they win ten coins each from the losers if the time limit runs out with no goal made the mini game ends in a draw deep-sea divers a coin minigame a team up to help raise the treasure chests at the bottom of the ocean I press a to swim and rotate the analog stick to reel in one player's diving down and retrieving the treasure chest they can swim as far away from the bows they want but they move right while their partner moves left or vice versa and they won't be able to swim the desired direction either the player on the boat needs to be still or also move in the same direction as them when the player diving comes into contact with the middle of a treasure chest they'll hold on to it while holding on their swim speed is greatly reduced and they won't be able to swim back to the surface without the assistance of their teammate on the boat who needs to rotate their analog stick at a decent speed in order to reel them in along with the coins the treasure chest contains the player diving has 25 seconds of time underwater before needing to come back up to the surface for a breath of air the game will notify players when the timer reaches five seconds if the diving player doesn't get any air by the time the countdown reaches zero then they'll drop a treasure chest that they were holding onto one and become completely immobilized no input from the diving player will register at all their partner has to reel them up to the surface in order to save them and continue the minigame the two chests in the first level each contain one coin the two chests in the second level each contain two coins the three tests on the third level each contain three coins and the one huge treasure chest in the fourth level contains a whopping ten coins there are 25 coins altogether if you're diving then the moment the minigame starts you need to make your way to the huge treasure chest as quickly as possible if the opposing team is any good then there plan will be the same as yours to win the race to the bottom till your analog stick down and a teensy bit towards the direction of the chest if done correctly you'll have swam the shortest distance and will have grabbed the huge treasure chest before the other teams diver careful though that timer I mentioned earlier is ruthless to players that go for this huge treasure chest there's barely enough time to make a full trip down and up for it even if you and your partner play perfectly you'll still see the timer counting down on your way back up with it so make sure the player on the boat starts reeling as soon as the player diving gets a hold of the goods if the opposing team gets it instead then swim away and settle for the three coin chests once those are gone and grab the two coins and then the one coiners obviously if you manage to retrieve the big 10 coin boy then grab the other valuable ones to desert - break into teams for a ski race in the desert push the analog stick in the same direction at the same time both players on the team need to push our analog sticks to the side indicated by the dialogue the first player on a team to execute the correct input will inevitably start a timer for the second player as in if the second player does not also execute the correct input within half a second then the team will get stunned for a quick moment and we'll have to try executing the same input again if the second player does execute the correct input within half a second then the team will progress by one step and the next input will be in the opposite direction of the last one they completed but simply if your team plays the game perfectly then your input should go right left right left and so on if your team stumbles on say the third input then it may go right left right stumble right left right left and so on your team can actually input the correct direction split seconds before the dialogue pops up doing so repeatedly will make you go a bit faster but it's a little more risky to so only do so if you're confident in your team synchronization the thwomp floating in the air will slam onto the ground rise up and repeat the process it'll take six seconds for it to rise up in one second of stillness before slamming back onto the ground the amount of time players are stunned for if they get crushed is almost identical to if they mess up an input in fact getting crushed by the thwomp will actually move players forward a few feet which is a much better alternative than waiting for the thwomp to rise up and moving yourself summed up pretend the pump doesn't even exist the winning team steals ten coins from the losers and car havoc race the handcar and teams of two the more the two of you press a the faster you will go in a curve the hand car has to be leaned to the left or right so that it will continue without losing speed if you're taking a left turn then lean left if you're taking a right turn then lean right both players in the team need to lean if only one person is leaning the handcar on the curve then you can fall off even at lower speeds so make sure you're in sync if you and your partner aren't matching fast enough and lose momentum then it's difficult to build it back up that doesn't mean you should treat this minigame as a short burst button masher though treat it instead as an endurance button masher so go at a fast speed but not fast enough to tire yourself out it's common for teams to be so focused on mashing at times that they fall out on the curves remember that leaning is just as important if a team falls off then the other team still needs to reach the goal in order to gain any coins if they fall up to then the mini game will end in a draw if the opposing team falls off then don't do anything risky the only thing you're racing against at this point is the clock and it's fairly reasonable as long as you don't lose momentum and get stuck in the middle of the track if this happens let your hand car roll back a little and then make your best team effort to speed it back up the winning team steals ten coins each from the losers single-player minigames ghosts gasp find the leader of the boos the leader is the first of all the boos to move as time passes the group of surrounding boos will slowly close in to capture the player if 27 seconds pass without the player making a decision or the player makes the wrong decision then they'll lose them in a game along with five coins 27 seconds is a long time so don't be hasty and make a decision super early there's nothing to gain from it other than looking cool in which case I guess there is something to gain from it but you know that's besides the point at the beginning the boos are all spread out making it more difficult for you to keep track of each one's movement which definitely doesn't make the job of choosing who moved first any easier this is why waiting a bit for the circle to close in on you is a great idea they're all in the same space and it becomes ridiculously apparent witch Boo is moving before the others when you're ready to make a decision simply run into your target if you're struggling then it may do you good to check for which shadow moves first and then select the booth that the shadow is connected to ground pound a ground pound onto the flat-topped post try to remember which are flat and which are pointy before the butterflies and there will always be five flat-topped posts and seven pointy posts it's easy to memorize the configuration of the post before the butterflies obscure them from vision so you probably won't have much trouble knowing where the flat tops are even if you do happen to forget a few spots some butterflies don't cover the entire post they're on so you can make out if it's a flat top or not if you happen to ground pound a point you post then you'll be stunned for a couple seconds which normally wouldn't be good since you're running on a timer but this timer isn't harsh at all you could ground pound at a point you post five times and still have enough time to complete them in a game it's actually harder to lose this minigame than it is to win it but if somehow someway you lose five coins will be taken away from you knock block tower a stack of wood blocks comes crashing down and break the boxes to get to the treasure chest on top swamps appear alongside wooden crates the creatures purpose is to prevent the player from reaching the top of the tower by moving their buys to rise up before slamming down there will always be two thwomps the lower one will rise up and slam down first the higher one will rise up and slam down second rinse and repeat each swamp will carry whatever is above it as it goes through its motions if you punch a swamp then you lose the minigame punch the crates whenever both swamps are sitting still once the treasure chest is within jumping range hop up to it and claim your prize the ten-second timer is actually something to be mindful of so don't hesitate the moment that the whomps are still punching a crate while wonder the flumps are moving is a bit risky but can guild successful results if well-timed if you lose the minigames and you lose five coins limbo dance do a limbo dance under all the limbo sticks lean back and move forward by pressing a blue sticks are the tallest and easiest than yellow and finally red which can be very tricky pressing a too fast will cause you to bend too far back and fall down losing the game pressing the button too slowly will also make a player loose because they'll stand all the way up and not pass under the limbo stick it's a constant balance of making sure a low enough for the next stick but not too low that you'll fall over luckily you are given a warning that you're about to bend over too far so try to keep it the maximum been without overdoing it and you'll make your way underneath every stick no matter the color if you lose the minigame you lose five coins memory match ground pound on the panels to make a picture appear match all pictures in the time limit to clear the game if the player successfully matches to the same panel the player receives two coins however if the player ground pounds to different panels both of the panel's will flip back after the player realises their mistake matching objects include a red mushroom a green mushroom a fire flower and a green Koopa shell to make up for the final panel that doesn't make of a pair one of the panels in the minigame will contain a Bowser icon that will stun the player if they have been ground-pound on it if the player successfully matches four pairs of tiles before the time limit runs out then they will receive ten coins if the player however only matches three are less pairs of tiles they will receive the total amount of coins from pairing up two of the images summed up you'll either leave this minigame with zero two four six or ten coins even if you happen to get unlucky as long as you memorize your each panel is you should get through the minigame just fine within the time limit pedal power light up the room before your cop Ibou rotate the analog stick to light up the light bulb if you lose the minigame you lose five coins shell game the koopa troopas hide their chess find the Koopa Troopa that has the treasure they all look identical to one another so you need to keep a close eye on the one that has the real treasure the pattern of shuffling changes each time the mini game is played but their method remains the same they'll always spin around in circles at one point maybe even reverse in the direction they were going to try to throw you off guard they'll also quickly hop around switching placements with one another you'll see both of these methods being used throughout their Swift display in an effort to distract your eyes from which Koopa Troopa has the real treasure but don't be fooled lock your eyes onto the prize and try not to even blink if you lose them in a game you'll lose five coins slot machine and jump to hit the block and try to match the picture shown if you get three the same picture you'll win coins the coins associated with lining up each picture are as follows each of the three rillettes have their own unique cycle that they'll always roll on but memorizing them isn't necessary because this minigame is merciful the first real F function is like you'd expect whatever picture was own when you hit the block is the one you get the second roulette actually makes it easier for you to land and whatever picture you got for the first one for example if you landed on a coin for the first roulette and hit the block on the second roulette when it's about to hover over a shell then it'll actually skip over the shell and land on the coin instead the same thing will happen on the third roulette if the first two roulette have matching pictures well you do have to time your jump to some extent so long as you hit the block on the roulette is directly on your desired picture or the one before it and you'll be fine your main focus should be on making sure that first roulette lands on the hat watch the treasure chest pass by you'll see a mushroom coming up right afterwards the moment the mushroom passes by is when you want to jump you don't want to jump later than this moment since the jumping animation eats up some time if done correctly then you'll land on the Hat now wait for the coin to pass by and the moment it's gone jump once more to secure the second hat oh and I forgot to mention the third roulette will speed up if you manage to land on two hats but believe it or not this hats the easiest one to get just jump the moment you see the treasure chest its location doesn't matter the moment you see Braun jump they're easy twenty coins if you don't hit the block after nine seconds that pass for the first roulette then it'll stop automatically if you continue to not hit the block for another second then the second roulette will stop automatically and the same will happen for the third one once another second has passed if you stop roulette yourself by hitting the block and then the next roulette will give you your normal 9 seconds hit the block for the first roulette before 9 seconds pass you really want to hold on to some time for the other two rillettes if the coins aren't collected after a few seconds then they'll disappear teetering towers to jump across the tops of the teetering towers depending on where you land the towers till in a different direction they'll only tilt forward you control whether that's forward left or forward right when jumping to a tower it's further away than you think it is I've never seen someone lose this minigame by overshooting their jump it's always by undershooting it so pretend it's miles away there are two coins in one coin bag that can be found depending on where they spawn you may not be able to grab all three so prioritize the coin bag and only grab the coins if you've already gotten the coin bag or see it up ahead the cutscene that plays at the beginning will unintentionally reveal some of the locations of the items it's only for a split second though so dart your eyes around for the coin bag and start jumping on the towers that lead towards it if you don't see the coin bag in that split second then that means it's off to the far left or the far right side leaving you with a 50/50 scenario if this happens then choose a side and hope it's there if so great grab and move forward if not and get back to the middle and retrieve your pity coins you have to make it to the end if you want any coins you collect it to count if you fall into the abyss you will lose five coins whack a plan jump on the front of plants that come out of the pipes and knock them back down and get coins for when you jump on the number of Piranha Plants increases by one every time that they come out starting at one plant and increasing to eight filling all but one pipe the maximum amount of coins you can earn from this minigame is 36 out of all Mario Party tiles one through seven I declare this minigame as the easiest one for a player to gain coins on the springs will save you if you go off course so there's no worry about falling off you can't get hurt by the Piranha Plants so there's no worry about getting stunned just jump on one of the Piranha Plants and then consecutively bounce off of every other one if the piranha plant you want to bounce to is far away then hold the a button to gain extra height on your bounce towards it if the piranha plant you want to bounce to is close by then don't hold the a button so you can execute a short bounce towards it even if you screw up a little you'll still end up with a bundle of coins [Music] you know before making this video I really wasn't fond of the original Mario Party I thought that losing coins and minigames was just too harsh I also thought that the boards weren't all that interesting but after dissecting the game down to its core I have a little more respect for it losing coins and minigames is still kind of dumb but it does add another layer of strategy in certain minigames where you have to figure out who you want to lose coins the board's ended up having more strategic options than I originally thought which was surprising considering that this title has the most boards of the 7 classic titles while the sequel to this title will prove itself to be a bit more polished I'll still appreciate the original Mario Party for laying down the groundwork thanks for watching see you next time when we cover Mario Party 2
Channel: ZoomZike
Views: 179,098
Rating: 4.9263287 out of 5
Keywords: Luck, Luck-based, Chance, Odds, Probability, RNG, Random Number Generator, Mario Party Series, Mario Party Franchise, Mario Party, Mario Party 1, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Mario Party 4, Mario Party 5, Mario Party 6, Mario Party 7, Super Mario Party, Mario Party Luck, Chance Time, Mario Party Strategy, Mario Party Strategies, How to get better at Mario Party, Identifying Luck, Manipulating Luck, Dice Block, Board, Mario Party RNG, Mario Party Guide, Mario Party Switch
Id: nceU5D-E_PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 23sec (5663 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
Reddit Comments

Can't believe I watched an hour and a half long video on Mario Party, (spread throughout a day and at 1.75 speed, but still) but that was amazing! It's quite nice seeing some mysteries of how some mini-games and boards worked cleared up. My friends and I recently got back into Mario Party, so it's very timely.

I'll be looking forward to the rest of the series. [edit] Oh hey, you're the guy who made it. You got a sub from me!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Piratearrows 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Definitely excited to watch this. I learned some good stuff from the intro video alone. Do you know when your next one will be out? I only ask because Mario Party 2 is my favorite game ever and I'm pumped to have my mind blown

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/QotSAMario64 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
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