Identifying Birch Trees

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[Music] so [Music] the birch tree uiguas matic as it's known in ojibwe [Music] this tree carries many gifts and teachings a few we will share with you today along with some identifying [Music] characteristics [Music] the birch tree and it has a white bark and then it has a an inner bark as well and the white bark of course we use that for for starting fires eh yeah starting a fire and then spring time too they uh tapped for uh if left alone the birch can grow to be a very tall tree there's a bird yeah that's so nice and white looking [Music] paper birch [Music] i just never really noticed that before but they have like black branches eh yeah [Music] interesting [Music] yeah it does say a ball or no one of the uses of the bark is to make baskets or food offerings unfortunately at times too much bark is removed from the tree exposing the inner bark and this hurts or damages the tree and that protective bark is not easily replaced [Music] that is a big perch that is not to say that the tree will die but it will remain scarred for the rest of its life another identifying characteristic are these fungal growths that are found on birch trees most often on either dead or dying trees yeah and those are shelf mushrooms eh they're called shelf mushrooms yeah somebody was telling me i think they're good for headaches ceremonial so much [Music] do they only appear on dead trees [Music] is [Music] and finally there is no denying the black marks and small horizontal lines on the tree itself if you're lucky you might even find some chaga growing on one
Channel: Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre
Views: 7,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Identifying Birch trees, Tree Identification, Birch, Sioux Lookout, NGFC, nature, Anishnawbe
Id: hnnPK7T1N74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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