Identify or Jail (ID Refusal) illegal detainment

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There were some serious edits happening during the "what happened in the park" part of the video. Seems they were playing music in the park to stop junkies from shooting up, allegedly. Either way though, that cop seems to be enforcing a rule, not a law.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sha11owBay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not OP video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/triumph110 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It seems to boil down to whether a trespass warning is a citation. Given the cop had to swallow his pride, I'm going to guess it isn't a violation until after someone has been asked to leave and refuses

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/t_dunning πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don't like it, the person recording sounds up tight and things were cut out. This is always a red flag as important detail about what's going on can be left out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why do they ask β€œis this a lawful order” the cop is going to say yes either way...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NightOwlEyes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay with those be have a seat your car for me okay so right now you're detained you're not pretty go you drive off from here it's a crime okay what was my crime sir you're not no crime now I said if you drive off from here who did hate me we have to be thought of a crime I Wilson is the violation 994 arrested for interfering No then tell me to be quiet okay just please just sit there sir okay I haven't done anything okay nobody even talked to me she didn't even talk to me here personal the outline okay they called me here because you broke a few rules being here I don't know I didn't see them I'm acting on behalf of them okay you're not getting any tickets today you're just gonna be excluded from the rest area for 30 days that's it how do you like that I haven't done anything okay that's just it is what it is and I have out everything that's happened in the past hour on film perfect thank you so much that'll be great I'll be perfect like you I'm just gonna be perfect for what for our situation where do we take it what do we do with it okay I need your driver's license or some sort of ID for both of you please you have to ask us to leave first thing you're not getting my ID over nothing you can have my ID I don't care I I'm you have to ask me to leave the place first I'm very familiar with the law I run cop block Oregon so you can look that up on YouTube I don't have to give you an idea until you ask me to leave now are you asking me to leave have you asked me to leave sir do you want to be arrest have you asked me to leave whatever just go 118 watchin hey why do you want to get arrested you know how cops act I have to go to jail anyways today do you want to go is this a lot is this a lawful order okay sure sure 11:5 83 name name and date of birth what's your first name and this is a lawful order for my date on what crime did I commit no crime violation what violation that I commit sir I'm not gonna do this with you I got it now can I get a supervisor please no you can't I can't get a supervisor I just need a supervisor please I haven't broken any law I haven't done anything so we were told that we were told that's like unless I broke anything a violation isn't a crime there's what I thought yes I do what InnoCentive war again hunting purposes of a citation you're required to give your name and date of birth what was the citation refusal to do so is a crime I didn't smile ate anything that's always asked guys won't even let me explain that - sure I'm listening ok I'm gonna go get a piece of paper uh-huh it's called an exclusion form for this rest area ok but that as inform doesn't require in ideas what I'm saying you write it as - citizen it's not required by law if you're right if you arrested me right now I'd be a violation of my civil rights okay if that's how you feel it is because I haven't done anything I don't know who you are it's a violation of my civil rights sir I provide me with your name and date of birth it's gonna be real simple I'm not even gonna I know it's real simple but the thing is is that I haven't violated anything so you can't write me a ticket that's why you can't call my name I don't have warrants I don't have anything wrong with me the thing is is that I'm protecting my civil rights my amendments my freedoms you know my First Amendment my Fifth Amendment right now being questioned I'd like a lawyer okay being being questioned being here that was the one that was clean I didn't do anything I didn't even tie it's all her talk - so I didn't do it I was asked to exclude you guys okay and I eaten your name to do that well you're gonna need to you're gonna need to either pull me out and arrest me and I violate me or you're gonna have to not because I haven't done anything I haven't done anything wrong do you have my idea yep okay like I'm not trying to oh yes I want to go to jail but he knows his right he's going to do right mother don't want me to if you give did you give them you can give them up no I can't we're outdoors and bandik rest up [Music] I'm sitting here waiting for my ID back from the police officers somebody I guess called the cops on me you can yeah I'm playing out here been playing for about two hours and all of a sudden the cops show up like all the time but now they're sitting here telling me that I need to leave so they're saying that we violated a violated something we haven't done anything here and they're gonna try to ideas and that cops trying to ID me right now I'm gonna say that they're going to arrest me if I don't provide ID but I haven't committed any offense so we'll see how it goes I'm not committed a crime of any sort all he's been doing is sitting in the car babysitting the kids while I play so there's absolutely no reason why they need his ID and the guy that actually called the cops on us is getting arrested right now but our civil rights are about ready to get completely taken away from us if they take him to jail over not showing ID when he has not committed a crime that is a violation of our civil rights so I'm really getting about ready to get really he'll probably I'll probably be in handcuffs here momentarily I haven't broken any laws they have no reason to know what my name is I don't believe in just give it my name to people that just say hey give me your name we haven't done anything wrong and that's what we did we stand up so we'll see I might be taking a trip to jail help her out if I go to jail it won't be too long of a trip you said it definitely this is what happens when you stick up for your silver rights you guys so always be careful and when you have kids involved it's a different story but if it's just you do what you want if you got kids don't blame it and don't blame the pistol Bobby says stand your ground Carley it's got Johnson watching okay I'm gonna turn around on the cops real quick so they're over they said they'd be back to pull me out of the car and arrest me I haven't committed any offense as you guys saw so and they said that they were detaining me so I couldn't leave it's just a bunch of [ __ ] cop we were playing music that's all that happened we were playing music and these people over here they have drug habits so when Priscilla comes up and plays music then it shuts down their ATM on their drugs and they can't figure out what to do so it gets really hard it's always hard is it hard does it get hard babe it's hella frickin hard everybody tries to shut you down everywhere you go should mommy be able to sing who's the best singer thank caught he doesn't want the cops to take her to jail so the thing is is I'm the one that was playing okay so yeah I'll give you my idea I don't care you know go ahead I don't care but he was sitting in the car with the kids babysitting the kids while everything happened so there's absolutely no reason why they need to ID him and that just blows my mind that they think they're gonna pull him out of the car and that that's gonna be okay so if you want to still see some real outlaw [ __ ] but that's what's happening right now that's my life probably got handcuffed momentarily I haven't done anything wrong again they're over talking about it right now they want to violate my rights he told me to be quiet as soon as I asked and told me not to talk I asked for a supervisor none the only thing that might save you is they might know better than to pull you outta the car right now but the little one with the egotistical maniac problem he really wants to get you out of the car we're pushing on 20 minutes it only supposed to be able to detain you for 20 minutes no fun we just want to play music that's all we want to do is just play music and help her chase her dream that's all we want to do we don't want to do all this we hate all this we can't stand all this [Music] two hours she had walking up to me just screaming at me telling me that I suck and to get my ass out of here and they're gonna make it happen and basically threatening me and I didn't say a word to her I keep my calm when they approached me like that because I know you know we can't we don't want it kicked out for 30 days we don't try to hurt anybody everyone loves her singing it's all over social media with her being happy right I understand that he does have a choice when he's trying to be a tyrant and get my idea you're not you don't let me talk though real quick he was trying to get my ID from me and I haven't done anything wrong that's not right and then trying to threaten me by putting me in a cage and take away my freedom for that that is not okay anymore from inside the car he asked me not to sell my CDs and I have not sold my CDs in over a month and we livestream all day long she's always on livestream so you can see she doesn't but it's okay you can't investigate and waste your time on that bottom line is we're out for 30 days first singing he basically just lied to you and told you I was selling CDs cause he knew he could say that it's okay we'll just take it down the road somewhere else it just makes that hard on us I hope you understand that we're not out here on drugs my eyes are clean I don't have warrants I I didn't give you my eye I didn't give you my name because I stand up for my rights look what happened to him when he gave you his name I did it and I appreciate it and so did the 78 people watching you cannot did they even say they wanted me exclude it cuz I've never even been out of the car you can't have my ID for that that is not a criminal offense like you just said that is a violation and you have to ask us to leave 24/7 so here's my bottom line you told me not to come here I ain't trying to come back and go to jail I follow the rules right right and we've done this before when we refused I have it refused on here before they fill it out and they give it to us and you know who I am you know our plates if we come back here you can get us you don't need our names to get us we do on the back [Applause] [Music] we got some really funny plates at Kentucky plates what correct but this is registered and insured right we'd have to violate the law and at first where it's just a it's an infraction like you said a violation you're not allowed to you're not allowed to get our names over trespass yes tap you have to ask us to leave but I'm not getting a citation because there's nothing to cite me for right but that's not that's not a criminal violation that's why you're not gonna get my ID today at all even if you want to arrest me it's okay no you're my daughter's got freaked out okay [Applause] comes one to my side you have 132 people watching right now I'm not trying to fight with you you're the one that has an attitude about it I'm not I'm standing up for my rights and it makes you so mad okay the note doesn't care I don't cool no no handshake okay you see why we don't like cops you see this whole thing did they get my ID or you know they did not get my ID if I can't be here he won't be here either you're excluded for 30 days sure if you're back you're not dressed bad you know my name okay I'm not coming back I'm just asking a few I need me when you are threatening me you threaten me didn't you say you were gonna arrest me though okay we're good now you're dismissed thank you you got everything you need right I'm leaving right now right we're leaving right now you're just in this can you get away from the car so we can back up please thank you get away from the car so we could back up safely thank you I appreciate ya hey you ways safe I don't want you guys heard out there anything I just stand up for my rights I don't want you hurt you get it I don't want you hurt you think I [ __ ] want you shot today I don't want you shot today don't even what I'm doing that ain't me go home say buddy go home safe okay we'll see ya there's more of us coming
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,958,054
Rating: 4.2044864 out of 5
Keywords: Cops demand identification, id refusal 2019, id refusal new, Identification denied, identify or go to jail, Arrested playing music in public, Identification refusal, failure to identify, Police demanding identification, Identify or jail, id refusal, Cops asks citizen for identification, Police officer harassment over identification, Stubborn cop vs Sovereign citizen, Cops that cause a lawsuit, Police lawsuit settlement
Id: pgiu1BGH0js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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