Idea Of Evil Explained - The Berserk Monster Manual

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one of the most talked about and discussed chapters of berserk doesn't even appear in the official volume releases this is chapter 83 called god of the abyss part 2 which was originally released on july 12th of 1996. that's 25 years ago now as young animal magazine was publishing its way through berserk's golden age arc so it's not a chapter that was never released or never intended to be there it's even called god of the abyss part 2 immediately following chapter 82's god of the abyss part one it's out there in the world but the issue with this chapter according to the reasoning it was omitted from the volume releases was that it gives too much explanation as to what is going on in the story too soon in the story and kentaro miura thought it was best to take it out so that the audience doesn't get a verbatim explanation to the god hand and exactly where they come from and what's going on even though this chapter still doesn't fill in all the gaps for you and still leaves you with the existential questions that you need to fill in for yourself and that's one of the best aspects about berserk to me is that it respects the intelligence of its audience and really allows us to come up with our own ideas and interpretations about what the story is trying to say and how some portions of the lore are supposed to work to this day the idea of evil chapter still works within the story and doesn't seem to contradict anything that miura has written since another reason for its omission could have been that miura didn't want to limit the direction of his story if new ideas presented themselves but 360 some chapters later and chapter 83 still flows as well as it possibly could if you haven't read it i would say that it's definitely worthy of a read especially now in the case that berserk may never actually return so if you've only read the volume releases go ahead and search up chapter 83 and experience it for yourself and create your own opinions on it as for the rest of this video disclaimer these are all my opinions ideas and interpretations of how i view the story and i view this chapter this is not meant to come from kantara miura himself never spoken to the guy and i don't have any insider knowledge of berserk i'm just a fan like you guys and this is what i think about it so at the end of chapter 82 god of the abyss won griffith is undergoing his transformation from human into godhand to think of how this works you really have to think kind of far outside the box first just the general concept of the three worlds of berserk that come into play the characters were pulled from the physical world into a deep layer of the astroworld i recently made a video explaining and deep diving on the astroworld and its concepts so check out that video if you have any questions about how the astroworld works link will be in the description below but the third and final world so to speak is the world of idea and this goes further into just being a place of the afterlife or a place where monsters exist the world of idea is pretty much the place that links all life together as one it's like the origin of all existence not an actual place but a world of ideas collected consciousness of everything you have to think about it in a very spiritual way to me i kind of relate it to the concept that we don't exist within the universe we are part of the universe experiencing itself think of everything as one as opposed to individuals we are all connected and in berserk it's like we're all connected through ideas griffith is essentially traveling past the astroworld into this collected area located within the core of the abyss hence god of the abyss the title of the chapter griffith here is not a physical or an astral being this is sort of like the mental and spiritual concept of who griffith is this is the idea of griffith the idea of evil is represented as a gigantic heart pumping through this spiritual void of souls so think about the symbolism of that all this collected torment and misery is like the blood that pumps through the idea giving it life and power and essentially creating its very existence but the main thing to understand about this is that the idea of evil is not a physical being it is not an antagonist of the story it is not a villain character it's not something to be fought or to be slayed it is literally an idea brought into whatever existence you call this thanks to the collective thoughts and desires of living humans it is the result of mankind it is a concept and that concept is the idea of evil itself to call it a god is again more symbolic than to think of it as a god from something like the bible or the quran or any of the other religions out there it's not an omnipotent being that created life it was created from life it's called a god because in a twisted [ __ ] up way humanity does worship the concept of evil and let me explain what i mean by that so if we look at the world from a completely objective point of view without emotion and without the concept of a god a higher purpose and meaning because meaning is a human construct to attribute reasons and meaning to things is something that we as people need to do to help explain and justify what we experience and what we go through what is the meaning of a star the meaning of a mountain the meaning of a lion eating a gazelle these questions don't make any sense from the perspective of just the universe is doing what it does basically what i'm saying is that the universe is completely indifferent to us good and evil are just words that we use to label particular actions that we find either enjoyable or deplorable to us but they are more or less decided by being a human construct and an idea so for instance the fact that people die young or even die at all that we get sick that we feel so much pain that sometimes the people that do the darkest most twisted thing live amazing lives some people live their entire life in loneliness there's murder disease rape horrors beyond our wildest imaginations all of these things that happen they just happen but to us as humans these things are [ __ ] tragic as hell but to the world to the universe to time they are just things we lump things into these categories and call them bad because they are bad to us but the universe doesn't give a [ __ ] does that make sense so because we fear these things and we hate these things and we are destroyed by these things we want to still feel justified in the world by giving an explanation as to why these bad things happen that explanation is because of evil and people all have the capacity for that evil and to live within a dark uncaring world humans increasingly embrace that darkness within themselves to selfishly try to survive and reap whatever most benefit they can from their struggles the evil within the connected consciousness of mankind alone with the belief in the very concept that evil must exist in order to explain why bad things happen is the lifeblood that pumps through the god of the abyss the abyss itself being a swirling vortex of torment where individuality is lost and souls are nothing more than the feeling of pain loss misery etc the idea of evil perpetuates so strongly within the hearts and minds of humanity we need it to exist in order to explain our pain so it's as if it is a god and as if we worship the idea of evil because we need it so bad that is why i believe it's called a god not because it was a god that created and as some fans speculate there may be an idea of good out there somewhere i don't think i really agree with that because i don't think this is the kind of thing that requires a balance because fear anxiety and darkness is always something that exists outside and inside of humanity and good is just whatever doesn't fit into that category we don't need an explanation for good things as much because we take them for granted we focus more on the negative and if there is an idea of good it will come in the form of what griffith is being set up to be which is a reason and an answer for humanity's suffering the idea of evil within all of mankind only gets more powerful over time the more horrible things happen and the more war violence disease and misery perpetuates the idea of evil has gotten so powerful that it is answering the call of what people desire on a level of being able to create the god hand the apostles even so much as manipulating fate itself to ensure particular things happen whether they try to fight against it or not it can do this because it is doing nothing more than going along with the wills and desires of mankind the quote that begins all the berserk anime episodes of mankind having no control even over their own will also plays into this if the idea sets up a particular situations and interactions then the outcome will be overwhelmingly predictable so humans still have free will but if you push somebody hard in a particular direction and whisper devilish things into their ear and promise them power and an escape well of course they will choose to sacrifice by sacrificing someone you love you become an apostle and it's as if you are truly choosing an embracing evil you are relinquishing your humanity in favor of accepting the idea of evil so every death and every apostle born only makes the idea of evil stronger the god hand themselves worship evil they praise it as it does give meaning to all that exists they no longer fight against it but accept it and praise it as their god it doesn't matter that the apostles do as they will and don't obey the god hand because by submitting themselves to evil the idea grows stronger anyway the apostles are expendable and the very creation of them is enough to keep the abyss swirling and the idea pumping hell even ganeshka that fought tooth and nail to keep his status in the world still fell right into the hands of causality and his very choices is what led to not only his own defeat but the creation of fantasia which was all part of the events to give humanity what they desire bringing all of their fantasies and monsters of imagination into being and giving them a messianic savior to look up to in griffith the idea of evil tells griffith to do as he will because his desires will reflect humanity's desires so again the idea of evil isn't some mastermind antagonist telling griffith and the godhand what to do the idea is just an idea that all humanity plays into griffith was set up to be in a position to give humanity that savior they desired and whether he brought more pain or salvation to humanity that doesn't matter born from evil the more powerful grip becomes as does the idea they can only benefit each other no matter what happens so naturally the idea of griffith plans to continue his pursuit of conquering and soaring as high as he can choosing to have wings to symbolize that soaring nature that's within him and even look at the panels it's like griffith literally absorbs the power of the evil and torment within mankind's thoughts and uses that to fuel his new body and create the femto form so you can look at femto as having a core of pure desires to achieve that griffith had within him and an outer body shell that is literally created from evil and darkness so it's natural to assume that if people believe in perpetuate and embrace the idea of evil to be real then they would also desire salvation from that evil in which the idea of evil creates a world in which that salvation can be achieved in the form of griffith griffith gets what he always wanted along with giving humanity what they want uniting them all under one unified roof of falconia and giving them their garden of eden away from the monsters that they themselves unknowingly wheeled into existence through their own fear it's wild [ __ ] and miura is an amazing writer for weaving all of these things together and yet having all of this really be the backdrop to what the story really is about and that's guts's journey to battle his own darkness and his own trauma and that is the difference whereas gutz's battle is within most people refuse to move past their pain trauma and darkness and they just accept it as what it is and not what it can be guts's fight against fate and that being a core theme of the series plays right into the existential ideas that is the idea of evil where overcoming your shadow self and your beast of darkness is part of rising above what others would willingly give into the symbolism at the fall of the tower of conviction for example where everyone on the ground is embracing their fear and panic and giving in to the dark blobs engulfing them and scrambling for somebody else to save them while gut stands on his own two feet and fights back using nothing other than his own will to do so well okay also he has a gigantic [ __ ] sword but you get the idea guts takes the responsibility upon himself and in a way resorts to his primal nature of just survive as the others are looking for reasons as to why bad things are happening and looking for some savior to rescue them guts accepts the responsibilities and repercussions for his actions others look for ways to justify them so how do we beat the idea of evil is there any way it's like when isidro asks why people can't just stop believing in monsters and they will all go away and sure kay explains how deeply engraved it is in mankind's fears that it would be impossible the concept of evil is even deeper than that it's primordial humans created the concept of evil likely before they could even speak a language or utilize fire so i honestly don't know perhaps it's not about defeating it but weakening it falconia presents itself as a sanctuary and now that the world is overrun it's even worse because instead of just wanting a savior now all of humanity needs one or they will literally be annihilated that only increases the desire for griffith so who knows griffith's defeat or seeing griffith for who he truly is could dissuade humanity maybe or maybe a large realization of what griffith went through to achieve this status uh who knows i truly hope kentaro miura rest his soul left an outline at the very least as to where he saw berserk going and how this concept resolved itself because i sure as hell don't have the answers but anyways that is my little breakdown and explanation of the idea of evil and how i think it plays a role in the story of berserk once again these are just my opinions and my interpretations of berserk as i read it i have never spoken to miura himself and i don't have any inside knowledge i'm just a fan like all of you talking about berserk on the internet but please tell me your interpretation and whatever else you'd like regarding the idea of evil in the comments below because i would love to hear everyone's version of how they see this chapter and what it means to them thanks as always for watching this video guys please like the video and comment because it would really help me out subscribing to the channel would help as well trying to get to 100k subscribers so it'd be really really cool if you could help me get me there and if you subscribe you will see more berserk manga anime and whatever else content on this channel that i decide to put out it's a lot of fun thanks as always guys for being here i really truly humbly do appreciate it i hope you guys have a wonderful day i'll talk to you next time you
Channel: RealLifeRyan
Views: 120,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the idea of evil, berserk, idea of evil, lost chapter, omitted chapter, monster manual, explained, ideas, astral world, manga, anime, kentaro miura, griffith, godhand, apostles, femto, guts, beast of darkness, philosophy, gods
Id: Cjs4ZnrIYwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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