Ida "B" Blackburn Beach Boys Interview 1964.

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the e e It's a Wonderful treat for me tonight to have heard and seen the Beach Boys and as you can hear in the background the girls are still hollering for them I'm quite pleased to present to you two of them Brian Wilson on my right and Carl Wilson his brother on the left so this is just two of them in just a minute you'll meet the rest of them but Brian I understand that you've written many of the songs that you all recorded and made popular and also for others I have uh Janet Dean I've written several of their newest hits the latest hit you know since Surf City on up I've lot of those well in uh writing songs for other people are you still doing this well not as heavily I don't really have a chance we're on the road quite a bit now and I when I have a chance usually I'm so busy doing Beach Boy work now I sort of limiting myself to Beach Boys right do you uh feel that most people know that you have uh brothers and cousins in your uh truth well I I hope so by now it's been you know Three Brothers cousin and a neighbor that's been our thing you when you write a song um for for yourself or for your group what gives you the um incentive to write them well usually uh just the fact that we're in the industry and there's a lot of groups competing with us and uh I feel that competition you know and also I just I love music and I get very inspired just generally creative anyway you know and I do all the time well now the uh how many of them have you had that have been million sellers well actually million sellers we've had one million seller that was I get around just recently you wrote this yes I did good how name some of them that you've written Brian oh G well starting with the surfin our first record and Surfin Safari 409 Surfer girl little de cop shut down surf in USA that's Janine right and uh fun fun fun uh get don't worry baby we had little St Nick at Christmas time one year last year and then uh bu when I up when I grow up to be a man and she knows me too well latest to records Well you certainly are a talented young man let's talk to your brother just a minute do you share this uh admiration for your brother yes well he he's done very well with us you know I mean we've had very good luck with the records and everything you're Carl right Carl's Le guitar Le guitar and uh do you find Carl that adults are uh really admirers of rock and roll music but they sort of don't like to admit it I don't know it's it's kind of hard to well some of them do like it and then some of them don't but a lot of them will you know probably have albums and and Records you know rock and roll it wouldn't be caught with them now are you the one that's still in high school right I am how are you classified well I I am now finishing my last semester in school in in 12th grade and where do you go Hollywood Professional School good you all live in and around Hollywood now well no Brian lives in Hollywood but the rest of us live out in South Bay Area in the in the songs that your brother's written the lyrics really have are what I would call ballads in a sense because they most of them tell a story well yeah they are well they're they're young though they reach they're just you know we can communicate you know very well with the with the you know the teenage Market because uh well we grew up with you know in the same environment and everything so well it's been a double pleasure uh talking with you Brian since you are the composer of most of them do you write the words or music first both well usually the music comes first then I write the lyrics over the melody besides that it's great house cleaning music oh thank you very much kind of get the pep and energy we usually like to try to identify and associate with teenagers you know with we're not I'm not so far out of my teenage years I'm only 22 so but uh usually the lyrics are supposed to be aimed at the everyday lives of kids you know that's best like the little old lady from Pasad thank you so much Brian and Carl thank you so pleasure thank you very much you've already met two of the brothers and this is Dennis Wilson who is the drummer and you were doing a magnificent job tonight didn't it thank you not really too well I don't feel so good tonight well I understand you got the Oklahoma bug yeah I've got Oklahoma bug well I'm sorry about that I I heard you and Al mentioning a minute ago that there was a we were talking about Little Old Lady from Pasadena there was an elderly lady in the audience tonight very old lady out there yes there was and that she seem to enjoy did she this is she was clapping her hands and with it hi glad to know you all this I've got to look at you Jardine Jardine right it's kind of English or French they now you're one of the notkin folks and the unner are were you a friend before you got together we all went to school together at the same school except for Mike uhhuh how did you uh assemble the group well one day as we're walking down the street we all bumped heads well really seriously Dennis got the idea that we should write something about surfing because he was a big Aid serer Surfer then very good Surfer I my dad and uh that's quite all right and uh Brian having the talent to be able to write songs and Mike got together and wrote some lyrics and then we got all got together and wrote the songs after we met beforehand uh for instance in school Brian and I went to El Camino CS together and uh we all got together at his house one day and did it well how what what was the first song that you uh did surfing surfing surfing you're a surfer yes ma'am well this is something we don't have much of in Oklahoma yeah I know we do have a lot of water skiing and I'm taking up water skiing now I just bought a new boat I love it yeah it's a great water water skiing in the ocean uh the lakes and the ocean all around well let me ask you something about surfing um is it mostly balance or a lot of three4 of it is balance and the other quarter is guts when you see a wave coming up behind you unless you have the right mental attitude you're going to get uh what do they call it wiped out right well what's the first thing you do when you want to learn to to serve oh you start going to church and then no no oh I don't know I just just bought a board and went down to the beach and practic that's all you can do you know there's not much preparing you can do besides wax your board down what do you what do you boys go from here uh back to Los Angeles we get 3 days off and then we go back to New York oh good you're going to be doing some television this fall I understand now uh we're going to do the Ed Sullivan Show on the 27th of September really big shoe really big Sho right and we're looking very much forward to that show fine and uh Europe is in a offing later I understand around October 19th I believe exactly exactly it could be too much well thanks so much for stopping by may I compliment you on your beautiful dress it is I think is it a gown or a dresser well actually it's a sort of um a beach type I wanted to be in style when I talked to the beach boy thank you very much for your thank [Music] [Applause] you here's a young man that uh seems to be the eldest of the group however this doesn't make you an old man does the elderly lead singer of The Beach Boys you know his name is Mike love and Mike I noticed something on your hand I'm going to pull a sneaky oh no yeah please found how would you look you talk about uh what do you call them a cheat sheet in school oh I don't wouldn't call it cheat sheet I'd call it dictionary that's just about what it is I noticed before the boys went on when before all of you went on uh you were making out the uh the schedule of what you're going sing how do you determine of all your hits that you've had that you put together how do we determine which one to play at which time I don't know just by sort of doing it for about three years almost three years uh we more or less get a feel of uh the audiences and and in general we came up with uh sort of a basic formula like if you're going to do three fast songs we should do a slow song following it or it kind of Paces so there's a lot more to uh this than just getting out there and patting your foot and singing yeah well we try to work as as good an act uh as we can you know we try to get it together as well as we can do you play an instrument yes I do but I'm so brilliant I've lost it Urbana Ohio you know where that saxophone isn't it yeah I played the saxophone but I I lost it a couple of weeks ago and haven't you did very well I noticed the crowd actually uh did you see the girl that jumped over the fence yeah there were a couple of them jumped over and then one got to the drumsticks got any and the police had to carry them up but I understand this is nothing new for the Beach Boys the girls all go crazy well I wish all of them did I mean well some of the crowds you know some of the girls do want to get a souvenir or something can can't you see and most of the women who are watching are probably married women really but uh how do you like playing an Amphitheater such as Spring Lake um well Spring Lake is great I love the outdoors you know I love to play Outdoors it's you know it's a feeling of Freedom where when you're in a a dingy old inside uh what is it Coliseum or or uh something like that it's kind of depressing a little bit of course the crowd makes it uh worthwhile if they're you know enjoying youjo Mike I want to thank you for taking the time out know you just have a few minutes rest before the next show that's right look that way do come back next summer thanks a lot might even come back during the winter well do I have to cut that e for e
Channel: OHS Film and Video Archives
Views: 160,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beach Boys, Oklahoma, History
Id: 6Z4N4BSs4Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2013
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