ICONIC! |The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman | FULL MOVIE | Drama, Cicely Tyson | Emmy Winner

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happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Miss Jane happy birthday to you you know what you put all these candles on this cakeful never mind just blow them up you ain't got no fit to be going out these candles laughs hmm keep on beat here with me this time next year Lena God willing you're willing don't wanna be here by myself oh man I know you're gonna be here [Music] happy birthday hello Miss Jane hello Jimmy come on happy birthday can I speak with you miss Shane like Jimmy let's go on outside for this stuffing is full of cake ah going with us down to the courthouse when we get ready to move nine or 110. I'm too old to nothing but getting away you can Inspire the others Jimmy you got going in the back your head we gonna have one of our girls drink from the white people's fountain down at the courthouse the white folks found that old new [ __ ] won't let it get anywhere near that fountain you know when they pass that segregate law that old loon come round slobbering and hunting I tell him if if you touch me I take my king and click your school we want Guidry to arrest her if one of us did it we just get beat up now what you want old fat Gucci to restful so we can March down to the courthouse you see these folks round here and ready for nothing like that yet that's our job talk to him Jimmy talk to the young ones we don't have that kind of time Miss Jane what else do you got Jim I've been carrying a scar on my back ever since I was slave that's precisely why we need you your mere presence with us will bring forth the multitudes damn it understand believe it or not I was once young myself that girl is gonna drink from the fountain tomorrow Miss Jane well God Moves In A mysterious way he has one just to perform I'll wait for him to give me the sign Jimmy and he's right most times I'll wait on him that girl is gonna drink from the fountain tomorrow Miss Jane [Music] [Music] excuse me I'm I'm looking for Miss Jane Pittman are you fine Miss Jane in the last cabin on your left down that lane thank you thank you very much tell me again what you want to know about Miss painful I'm writing a feature story oh what is this for radio I'm gonna be on television dead Sullivan Show no man it's it's a for a magazine from New York always prefer Brooklyn myself oh you won't know how come I live so long well I'd like to hear whatever you have to say about what I don't have to say a thing to Ms Jane I understand you were a Slave lots of peoples were slaves well yes but you're still alive just about well I I thought maybe you could tell me what things were like in those days those days tomorrow Miss James Taj should decide tomorrow foreign marks bayonne's first brush with the so-called Civil Rights Movement is a group of negro agitators confronted Sheriff Guidry that the white folks only drinking fountain at the courthouse where no serious injuries reported most several arrests were made well it's her son Jimmy got into jail there she could tell you well I want to do an interview with him as soon as things settle down but I I came down here to talk to you Miss Jane are you 110 years old so did tell me how far back can you remember how far back you won't go the war can you remember second world first world or that that Cuban world you remember the Spanish-American War badish American War I can do a whole lot better than that do you remember getting your freedom I hope I never forget it how far back you won't go you won't go back that far I'll go back as far as you want to go now you don't have to tell him nothing Miss Jane I know that land but if I don't it he said here and whatever may have to death you mean it's all right how far you want me to go back as far as I can go that's even further than when the freedom come that thing ain't gonna bite me is it oh no man no it's just a tape well way to start way to start Elena honestly I wouldn't talk to this man here oh Lena you're just feeling the gaps well I can see who got their mind made up you might as well start with them over there what it is lord lord lord I've heard these things ever since I can't remember two rocks you don't know a whole lot do [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] I will never forget about me they come first officers on horses and tubes just walking they was half dear Dragon they're guns in the mud they were so tired so I'm much older than an hour [Music] but if they ask him too much if we could use some of your water we don't have very much time I'd be honored sir kind of would you do me the pleasure of taking some brandywise well thank you kindly I would like that Casey don't just stand there again get them took some water [Music] thank you these are the same ones man I'm totally peoples when the wall was getting started keep my food wrong I'm gonna kill me a few Yankees and be home for something over there I don't know I've seen them they're right down the road they're right behind me well I'm truly grateful and God bless you all our hearts are with me I turn the [ __ ] loose not lift up to me yeah if the Yankees won let the Yankees have Tyson what are you doing standing there for you go get some more water what far Mr spran they're all gone now oh I think Yankees went he's been for two got a haul that water for them Yankers too you don't want to get boiling all now do you remember they're coming they're coming I guess it's coming this way over there oh my God they're coming right through the field where's the master it is the devil are you hear me won't you say one word about the master oh one word about the silver are they going to skin you alive before they born away oh yeah I'll offer you some brand new one why thank you ma'am what happened to your shoes okay what's your name Tyson they have a beat you Tyson you can tell me foreign Tails master why'd they whip you I go to sleep looking at the end mysterious children you're nothing but a child yourself how old are you right now I don't know Master can I see I'm not a master plain old ordinary Soldier my name is corporal Lewis Brown can you say corporal I bet you can't go on try can't say that you say Louis [Music] you call me Lewis and I'm going to call you something besides ticey Tyson's a slave name back in Ohio there's lots of pretty names for a girl like you what names you got oh Eloise Sophie Margaret Jane I like Jane okay you take it now from now on your name is Jane not till I see anyone Jane when you get older you change it to anything you want but until then your name has changed [Music] if anybody gives you any more trouble just come on up to a high on tell me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Master Brian called us all to kill we knew something big was happening cause he had on his best suit in his top hat now everybody that can stand the crawl could have hit it all right then I got something to read to y'all these papers come through while the war was still gone but wasn't any point in Reading until now whereas on the 22nd day of September in the year of Our Lord 1 862. a proclamation was issued by the president of the United States containing among other things that follow to which that on the first day of January and the year of Our Lord 1863. all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state the people where our shall then be in Rebellion against the United States shall be then sends forward and forever free well it just goes on like that now all I want to say is that you all can stay and work on shares I I can't pay enough since I ain't got nothing myself some Sim Yankees went through here last time you all can stay you all can go just as you please if you all stay I promise I'll be as Fair as Fair where the Earth as I always been with y'all what's that um now use yourself as nurse here you coming in here talking about I'm leaving where to what you gonna do what do we tell we is free to choose there's all kinds of places to go goal in California hold it hold it what you gonna eat well I want to eat food how are you gonna pay for all this food your big young buck with money up same as any other free man and from where is you getting this Fortune honest wage for honest day's work you don't know nothing about outside you belong right here on this Plantation y'all dude yeah I won't I'm heading Full House what about them power rulers honey they got Yankees now no people say I'm just fish the mouse they ain't gonna beat you and they didn't kill you before because you belonged to somebody now you ain't owned but by faith I said my name's Jane and I'm here for a house as soon as you quite the Way North very well Mr Mischief North B's dad away from here now the sun's on the right in the morning and on the left in the evening you got all this all right now remember God bless you John thank you tears in US and she was kissing all the peoples goodbye even kissed me [Music] thank you [Music] we walked for days to rest staying off the main roads causing Imperials would kill a free man quick as he would run away sleep foreign big lore tough as any man showed us the way [Music] thank you [Music] thank you come on Jane come on oh [Music] [Music] my God [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but two plain old rocks make sure to get to Ohio the same time we do so big glorious Little Boy near me we started walking two and a half there was much left in the south in those times all the Yankees could nip and take with them they burned once in a while though you see some still standing you get away from my fibs excuse me could you tell me which way Ohio please ma'am if you don't get away from my fence I'm gonna have that old dog there point the way to Ohio I just wanted to know if I was headed the right way I don't know nothing about no Ohio get away from my fans we had it on then can you tell me if there's a spring around here see no spring around here do you mean this boy are awful thirsty stay there foreign you don't think I'm gonna let you foul this cup with your black mouth do you hold your hands out don't y'all think I love [ __ ] just because I'm giving you water I hate y'all hate you all of you you are the cause of all the trouble we're having around here all this ravishing and burning Yankee and [ __ ] soldiers all over the place they're stealing and killing they don't kill my boy and my man and you're the cause of it and I hope that God they kill you I kill you myself if I weren't God-fearing look what you've done to me look what you've done look what you've done to me [Music] [Music] foreign you two must be pretty tired standing on that grave oh had so well dry can't tell who it belonged to a lot I mean that or whoever it was where y'all going head north we're here no he ain't going nowhere standing there come on now getting those eh for the big freedom hey well we're gonna have to cross the river you know River lighting Mississippi I ain't crossing the river nut you're gonna cross the mighty Mississippi oh y'all ain't heading north you two keep still I know these two let me do the talking see you got you some [ __ ] there joke yes sir for the Bondurant place can't say any much but you got to start with something so feed him they'll grow will do yes sir you two get off here living behind just get off [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign so we walked and walked round in circles properly keep an eye on the way of rednecks and petroles who was on the lookout for Freeman find me it was so tired and hungry and not knowing where else to go I signed on and to die Plantation I didn't know it was going to take me to have long hard years to get off in that place do you know rocks Ned knew that they Flint for making fire sure right oh yeah that's just Miss Jane's way she liked to take advantage of her age that way skipping goodbyes and all said she had too many anyway excuse me got a whole bunch of telephone messages here boys oh thank you in slavery you had two dresses pair of shoes and a coat hey you like that stuff yes ma'am that's homegrown you know not from no kids if any sugar cane before no ma'am I know you ain't never chopped enough no ma'am I haven't man has to chop should have came for a while for learns to appreciate it most people ain't never ate sugarcane raw today black or what I'll work on the diet Plantation for 12 long years and I know what went on I was there I guess I must have been about I guess I was about 22 20. all right let's go [Music] you [Music] oh wow [Music] oh no one trust and love me speak vote for me send me to Washington call it politicians used to come now and stand us up for votes and more than just a few got sent to Washington reconstruction never really worked it wasn't too long for carpet baggers black and white moved in to take from the south while the wall did [Music] it looked like things was gonna be all right for us we had a little school on the place where we could go at night must be about 18 then I give you an education oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Music] Colonel dad was getting crazier bad today sometimes when is uniform like the war never ended this is a normal [ __ ] politicians around here that Schoolhouse up there is going to stay shut down so that I can find you all the competent teacher y'all don't need a pass to leave the place like before you all do right by me and any group stop you on the road you just tell me and I fix it right up yeah I can't pay y'all to the end of the year but you can draw rations and clothing from the store that suits you stay if I don't catch up with them coattail flying Scallywags and the rest of them hot footing [ __ ] Ned started teaching the people's Direct he even wrote to Washington DC but they never wrote but you know he found out about committees be informed that helped the college with their rights and so he found one two if someone tries to burn your crop tell us we know how to prosecute the Vigilantes heard about Nets committed and they started watching him but that didn't stop him none foreign [Music] [Music] we're getting I'm telling you that boy you always better stop being so serious I don't like him getting so serious you understand she understands come on let's go we'll find him [Music] thank you mom what happened foreign eat your food this what happened looking for you tonight they're fixing to kill you they will if you don't leave this place I can't mama you know that you got to I can't leave these people they haven't got anybody else who will fight for them except the committee yeah he ain't worth nothing to nobody did pick your things pick the road New Orleans and take a boat leave them for Kansas you come with me then okay I can't I'm tired yeah you coming with me Mama they'll hurt you again they can't do me nothing there I don't have what you have I don't have the urge I know the land but you know the peoples go to them there talk to him show them you have to come with me my dad I'll stop I'll stop the teachings I'll stop the writing the levels you know that's not right and that ain't what none of us wants I don't want to leave mama I don't want us to separate [Music] I knew that they would come you know I never did tell you but the first time you ever read to us I knew that you thank you I won't hold you back man I won't hold you back Baba make me proud oh my God foreign keep them for me make sure they get the old house same time we do [Music] I didn't hear from NED for a whole year I guess that was about 75 or 76 the same year I first saw Joe pimp I had him over to supper and we started seeing each other from time to time and as things happen dreams people one thing they do nothing laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you but after a time there were too many and no jobs and people started freezing to death a cold others got starving then the protest riots came and people started going off to other states I am still going to school college now when I'm ready I'm coming back home in the meantime here's three dollars and God bless you mama all my love needs well little mama took over here but you finally heard from your boy ever tell them about this when you're going to tell them about Clyde Ranch where are you going that's all there is to it I'm leaving and you're going with me how's Nick going to know where to write to me man we're sending my photograph but what's up on a horse Wild West Style I'm getting on the horse nothing yeah you coming with me I did good die I was so forgetful it goes all out to him and then he couldn't remember what we was there for what y'all doing standing and staring go get on back to work Eternal weird leaving you would Gene and me are going what's the matter Joe ain't I treating you right it ain't got a tall colonel we've been treated very good here but I want to go out and do a little sharecropping on my own listen Joe I'll turn over that piece of good bottom line to you you're gonna work it like you won't show you a good man I need you all around here and ain't much happened since the war and they ain't another [ __ ] on this place can work a horse like you you people's the happiest damn creatures on God's green earth I want to do right by y'all Mighty grateful Colonel Mighty grateful but Jane and me we we want to go off on our own you ain't grateful hell you want a share crop share crop see what I care thank you sir just a minute ain't you forgetting some where am I 50 dollars what did you know oh you forgot that did you well I had fifty dollars to get you all out of that trouble with the cluckses same problem with me go away all mixed up in a little politics there after the war everybody around here knew it I didn't know you paid don't stop doing what they do just cause y'all say hold it now you pay up or else we had to steal everything will dollar for the chair five foot hole shotgun got him seven dog finally still did what they had to do so his beautiful horse the money tree special one he wrote so proud [Music] thank you well here's the money Colonel I'll come out so as you're sure it's all there a little you're a smart one Angie well I got news time lapse come to five more dollars you didn't say nothing about that Joey ain't got no more I got legal rights my interest what are you doing Jane that's your wedding ring that's our freedom it took 10 days a hard walking to reach East Texas and the Glide Ranch [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hahaha [Music] [Laughter] you was Chief Baker everybody call him Chief Pittman did bring horses in from Texas and he'd ride the woods nobody else could oh he was a poet the way he rose [Music] [Applause] like I'd never seen before it's in a chill down my spine the way it looks I knew it was something evil [Music] foreign horse coming to Clive Ranch he just stand there keep on laughing at me let me I know it I know because how many children I'm very have you told him this is why he ride the horses prove something this is man's way you aren't the true response the lesson money you may go if you want I want to know does that mean that all white devil horse gonna kill my Joe schnitzel I did not say that but that's the answer [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] We buried him at the ranch the rodeo went on as always but before it started we told the bill [Music] with Joe Pittman wouldn't you was cute part of me wait wait to his grave no man would ever take the place and that's why I carry his name to this day I'm known to three other mans but none peace I let him know that okay have I got to the part about Albert Cooper yet or near when it come back that time from Cuba oh I thought it did it was I was taking an Andre them it was about the turn of the century I was fishing that day on my place in false River we're not I saw him coming around the bed it was 20 years since I've seen him but I knew it was my net moment I laid her eyes on him yes I did [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign so anyway we we got used to that a small shot whizzing around us but when one of those big ones hit whoa we sometimes found ourselves in the Lively dispute over the proprietorship of the nearest tree now don't go talking like it's mandatory tell it what the newspaper said you get your name in the newspapers me personally mama but I guess Folks by now Miss Dane that newspaper in Washington said that the Rough Riders would have never made it up San Juan Hill if it hadn't been for the black soldiers fighting beside it ahead of them sometimes and you didn't get hit in all that shooting no no never I saw men dead and dying all around me black white Spanish I began to feel it well I was alive for a reason come back to teach I checked around mama you don't you don't have a school on the river well and nothing changed here either yes let's stop talking about how much he has to do miss James you can get that way yeah we both so please you know I know my dad can accomplish a great deal here you made up your mind ain't you there at one Cuba taught me a lot of things mama I won't tell you if you're fixing to use El Thomas Church English I know that it's hard for you to come here I'm discouraging when so many said they would come and didn't but we must not give up we are not alone listen to what Mr Frederick Douglass wrote to us from the north 50 years ago remember that we are one that our cause is one and that we must help one another if we would succeed we have drunk to the dregs the bitter cup of of slavery we have won the heavy yuck way of side beneath our bonds we have rised to the bloody Lash cruel mementos of our Oneness are indelibly marked in our living flesh and that's where Albert Kubo come in he was a kid already killed 12 people black and white like chopping wood he used to say I always talk about killing for I'm too bad I don't brag so much hey Jen you cook this for me tonight I tell you something important what they talked me about your boy there Jen they don't want to build that school there no they say he could just stir up trouble for [ __ ] they want him go back where he come from they don't know how bad tell you this they want me stop him you may kill me tell them I say me you we all-time fish on Saint Charles River am I eat at your can you kill my boy they don't like he preach on the River where he do can you kill my boy I do whatever they tell a bear yes yes I can Miss Jane [Music] challenges [Music] you're running all this way for you gotta leave this place I'm not going to Mama gotta leave me mama that's just what they want me to do I ran once never again Kansas these are my people this is my home now they're not afraid they came to listen and I'm gonna speak yes you got some black men who will tell you but the white man's the worst thing on the Earth but let me tell you this all men are the same the same evil you see in whites you see in blacks and likewise the good to be found is in all men white and black the enemy is not skin it's ignorance it was ignorance that put us here in the first place ignorance because the big tribes of Africa Ward against each other all made slaves out of the smaller tribes our own black people put us in pins like Hogs destroying entire civilization with rum and Beads and it was still the African this time the Arabs Who Sold us on the Block the white man didn't eat guns because we were weak the French the Spanish the Portuguese they took us because we were ignorant we were apart from one another you got folks here saying let's go back to Africa let's go to Liberia well I am not African I'm American a black American and proud of it look inside yourself say what am I what else besides this this black skin you know what a [ __ ] [ __ ] first a [ __ ] feels below anything else on this Earth he doesn't care about himself he doesn't care about anybody else he doesn't care about anything now he'll never be an American he'll never be a citizen of any other Nation but there's a big difference between a black American and a [ __ ] a black American cares and he knows and he struggle that's why I'm telling you this that's why I know that no son or daughter of mine will ever be a [ __ ] I want my children to be black and proud of it this this land America belongs to us all right I don't mean that we own it but that is God's and that makes it as much ours as any man's you are not bested by it no man be your miracles but first be men [Applause] I'm gonna die mama foreign [Applause] ain't got nothing but a double barrel man don't need both of them to bring me down take the lumber and finish the school yeah let me take him talk to Mama Dr Vivian it's important that you're important let me take it bam do as I say else he'll get us both [Applause] I tell you Mama about all this what took you so long out there have all determined the world they tell our bear make you crawl first no crowd crowd get down and cold and we could just overweight no [Music] [Music] laughs again explain oh my soul and feeling all that day I remember talking to you like it was still alive Dave please folks always stayed with me cause they freed I was gonna lose your insist of success and which Soviet Union is already in effect as rejected thank you and Massachusetts the possibility of JFK's younger brother 30 year old Teddy running for the 1962 Democratic nominee said to put your foot in your mouth again no off did that back again huh yes ma'am I try to get in to see Jimmy but but did you wouldn't let you get you you mixed mistake and had you feeling me yet no ma'am when did I come to this place was early twenties 19 and 25. time of the kingfish you ain't long no I seem to remember it was for the hour 19 and 27. I'd slowed up in the field but I wrote down to the peoples to let them know I was still alive and kicking [Music] yes well that's how it is with the Indian Prince me I gotta work for a living well hey there miss Jane hi y'all Mr Rob what you doing out here in Sanford how'd you all like to come work inside the main house oh it feels anymore is it Miss abedin needs help with the two boys that's all how old are you now Jane give or take a look you all know how to cook well now I've been doing it for now in the six years ain't pausing nobody here um it seems like we were a big family Sunday this goal would be 50 to nothing 41 to eat it [Applause] I was too old to play so they stuck a cap on me from my favorite team to Brooklyn branches and it made me do anyway you out yeah be sure people's always looking for somebody to lead them they did it during slave they did it during the war and they're doing it now they always do not times and the Lord always born oh folks look at him and ask is you the one but Nina had a baby boy all the folks look at him and see you the one Jimmy is you the one cause I always knew he would [Music] you want Dick Tracy you done did your figures for the dead yes multiplication tables are coming out of my ear all right I don't want to find this today though we didn't mean to spokespace I want to hear what they say about my jacket he stole three bases and he had two homes he didn't know it says oh right here miss Jang oh I heard the game last night on the radio smart boy Dodgers lost yes but so the Yankees uh-huh you see that Jackie and the Dodge is For Colored folks anyway just like Joe Lewis would you know who he is he told me Miss Jang yeah well did I tell you that he lets melon beat him the first time just to teach us a lesson did I oh he did but oh boy that second time was something else hmm I'm Gilly used to show us all I smell and feel with or Lewis here oh he was famous for that old as he was and years later that's how he died showing folks how smell and feel when shooting people's in the quarters was taking notice of Jimmy how you recite numbers and and like school they was always saying he gonna be a credit to his face that one when he got older he went away to school I didn't see him for 10 long years and that was the beginning of the Civil Rights troubles help us oh Lord and show us the way yep oh man I'm here for your help you know what's going on all over the country all over the South I've met the Reverend King I've eaten at his home I've been to his church I've even gone to jail with him I was with him when he was winning the battle in Alabama and Mississippi but you people here my own folks haven't even begun to fight hold it hold it right there you don't come to our church no more Jimmy I'm here now and I have something to say you have nothing to say you're just fixing to get us in a whole lot of trouble get up listen to what Jimmy got to say well some people are thinking of carrying guns but we don't want anything to do with that nonsense others want to carry Flags well what's a flag if you haven't got any meaning behind it all we have is our strength the strength of our people that's what gives us meaning we need your strength we need your prayers we need you to stand with us because we have no other Roots Jimmy I don't want no trouble for my people what you see here Is All We Are nothing more than that we don't want to lose what little we have I'm sorry I'm sorry I have Disturbed the church I'm sorry I was feeling poorly so miss Hamilton was taking me to the doctor that day thank you I'm Sorry Miss I'm a dean of the trouble we have in here one thing after another since they pass that desegregation and all day how you do today granny to remember Sheriff she's over 100 years old that all this upset it's gonna be all right everybody good I wanted to remind Everlast one of y'all y'all living on this place for free you pay me no rent you pay me no water bill you don't give me a turnip out of your garden you don't give me one egg out of your hen house you pick all the pecans you can find on the place all I ask for is half what I never get I ask you for half the berries are fine and you bring me a Pocketful so dirty I wouldn't feed them to a hog I don't like all right I'll let all that go but this I will not let go there ain't gonna be no demonstrating on my place anybody around here who thinks he needs more freedom than he got already is free to pack up and leave now that go for the oldest one that go for the youngest one Jane two the last one had a baby down there Eva's little boy Peter had to go for Jane I'd go for Eva's little boy Peter they show enough is something going on you know battle it rolls down there at doulaville's place it's been there now 30 years back low got mixed up in a demonstration in Baton Rouge yesterday Mr doolaville give him 24 hours to get off the place after 30 years give him 24 hours to get off the place Jim God yes I have a telephone call for you coming in from New York City hello hello Quentin yes sir look I know this space shot is a big thing but this woman is she's not exactly another human interest story she's fascinating the magazine this size can't survive on a story about an old woman I need someone to cover that Blast Off damn it if you can't go then I'll send someone else Quentin are you there all right all right what I'll be there you have to be I said I'd be there I'm leaving today Miss Jane I'm gonna go watch a rocket take a man around the Earth it's uh it's never been done before you think I'm crazy man I talked to this tree you know Oh Sister oh look at me I'm going on tit you though never ain't the Lord that's keeping me going what is see I can sit in the Sun oh not like I used to but I do pretty well sometimes when I feel real good I look all the way down to the road and looks at the river gently though I just come up the quarters a piece and I sit here under this look the peoples don't fix being nice clean place to sit talk with my God oh sometimes I'll sit here for an hour just thanking him what is blessing and then I go back home there's only just a few of us left you know not unseen enough years to last two lifetime I don't mind seeing a few more though he'll know when to call me when they call me I'll be ready till then I just have some of the children read me the Bible hit the sports page it the fun is I like the furnace too you know and I do enjoy my vanilla ice cream I have my vanilla ice cream I like that you know this oh gee I'm sure in the air as though is this place been here and I'm ashamed to tell you that I talked to and I'm crazy either it ain't it ain't necessary craziness to talk to the river and the tree because now when you talk to the ditches in the Bios that's different because the teaching nothing in the Bible and much more the rivers and the trees there's no cause you're talking to a John Paul tree anybody get caught talking to a China party or a Dollar Tree they got to be crazy but this one here that's been here oh these years and knows more than you'll never know an increase in the Sun it's just the nobility your respects well you found all your guns yes ma'am [Applause] today's Sunday Baptist Church of Baton Rouge and we will continue with some of your favorite music thank you y'all stand right here in the quarters today been some trouble in Bayonne don't want nobody else to get hurt did my Jimmy get hurt they shot him [Laughter] we shot him nobody knows somebody knows well I don't know nothing about it y'all going back now I'm going to buy them what you think you're going to find there except trouble Miss Jane you're too old for that Jim did you just hear me say he'd been shot he ain't dead no nothing only a piece of them dead rest of them is waiting there for us in the Bible and I'm gone Miss Jane you've been on my place long as I can remember you've been part of my family You Raised Me and both my boys but I'm telling you you ain't going to be on today you're gonna tell me now that I have to have to replace those folks ain't your problem and to drink from the fountain today they killed my Jimmy and I say I'm going in all violence today first reports indicate that negro male prisoner died shooting incident at the jail [Music] good night [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] all right foreign [Music] on July 19 1962 five months after the last of these interviews was recorded Miss Jane Pittman died at the age of 110. [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: BlackPix
Views: 434,910
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Keywords: blackpix, black entertainment, the autobiography of miss jane pittman, ms jane pittman, the autobiography of miss jane pittman full movie, autobiography of miss jane pitman movie, cisely tyson, ms jane pitman movie full, miss jane pittman 1974, civil rights drama, slavery drama, historical drama movie, jane pittman, jane pitman, slavery movies, slave movies, black history slave movies, ms pittman, cicely tyson, cecily tyson, cicely tyson movies, black history movies
Id: TvBI0FLdwNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 40sec (6580 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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