Ice Ultra | The Documentary - Behind the scenes of Beyond the Ultimate's Ice Ultra race

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all to runnin in its purest form is as simple as putting on a set of trainers and just seeing how far the body can go [Music] [Music] so we're just going through kit checks in the moment and they have to meet every item on the list I you see it's pretty extensive but in the environment that we're in you you can't play around with this the runners have to be able to look after themselves as much as possible this is a self-sufficient rice that's what we call it and that's what it is [Music] [Applause] what this brief is about is to make sure that the next five days go as well as possible for you to make sure you stay nice and safe and to make sure that when we leave this place we leave no mark of us being here whatsoever so we've had accompany us to try and make sure that we can get as many people to the finish line as possible it's the semi Heartland that officially euros last remaining wilderness you'll find a checkpoint every 10 kilometers on this race it's our first night and we're in a tepee as you can see we're lying on the snow apart from the added comfort of a two half reindeer skins each glamping at its finest I'm a little bit frightened that no you I never around yes things like tomorrow's London 60k the long stage when we have a longer stage the field is spreaded there are the systems there are the safety systems that keeps everyone safe and we are the safest cold race in the world we've no doubt about it we can get to anyone on this course within 30 minutes tops we can get someone out of here within 30 minutes to do so we are the one of the safest races for our systems we don't take risks and you always pass in the roulette [Music] didn't see that well done it's alright yeah ice ice on my CB pick it off Sui - 15 - 25 average temperature just great visibility should pick up as well towards the end of the day but we're about to lead them down to the star line some people are very focused and really thinking through everything that's going to happen in the day for some people this is just anticipation this is fear now they've just withdrawn into themselves a little it's this a huge challenge [Music] [Music] we're on stage one at checkpoint two so they're 17 KN they've got 60 K to do today and by this point now they've kind of figured out that layering system so they know that now they've when the first 17 K happens they get on kickoff all the time to get it right by this point they're in a bit of a swing of things and they can they can push on so they're coming through in the in pretty good spirits we have had one dropout already though unfortunately please put your foot into soft snare like this as you can see once you step off the tray off your foot can fit right in really easily please pull these groin unfortunately so that's his race over eight hours hmm okay for today walk in the park to my spot raving mad that's me where were the other runners they're all pasta in these races we tend to get the higher up in companies seniors directors army personnel from all different types and backgrounds we we get people that just have to save every penny they have for years and let's just get on that start line the one thing that kind of unites them all as a shared experience and they're all wanting to to see how far they can go to see what their their breaking point is and see are there any limit is so even though they might come from different walks of life or be there for different reasons they all want the same thing whether that's journey of self-discovery or to inspire others fundamentally they they all want to grow we are locals and we're taking care of the logistics and marking the trains and setting up the checkpoints and so the temperature absolutely blows it says it about - 28-30 at the minute and when you're at the end of the stage that's when everything starts to fail on you so we've got a lot of our team kind of out there in the minute just shadowing but we've also had a lot of DNS couple of sickness vomiting which tends to happen we've got some - unfortunate injuries and strains pretty cold out lads a long day for themselves they they can comment over the next couple of hours get some sleep probably still do another 5-10 minutes in bed a few packs but this is just a wake-up call to get water on we're down to one or two burners at the minute so if you're wanting to get up now some water on our first aid sum will get a solid night's sleep just from being exhausted someone had broken sleep throughout this entire trip it is a case of taking ownership of over the day and once you get up even though you feel brokenness it's all about just pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and putting a brave face on and getting ready to to address the next day and it really is a case day at a time if you think the too far I had in these things especially when you're exhausted it just seems like an overwhelming challenge don't think about running 150 miles to the RTT you think about running five and then the next five and then the next five if you go into this with a strategy to focus on everything from the outset and do it all in one big [Music] it becomes a lot harder [Music] no actually it's just something another to drop puts nine out of the race we just about left with a half-filled but everyone that's here is looking really strong so I'm happy about that today it's looking similar whether the yesterday's big clear sky 28 degrees now there a minute - of course it could go as low as minus 32 - 34 on those Lakes it depends on air pockets today you're on a one massive Lake just very possibility of hyperthermia mentally yesterday was a bit easier than the first day just simply because the distances were a bit shorter and sort of at least the cold more Easterwood you know what's gonna happen I mean the cold particularly this point is so extreme minus 30s the stresses that's per annum body notional it's well it's the hardest thing I've ever done so you know I'm not goin for glory or anything that I literally just wanna finish it hopefully with all my body parts intact that would be really good but yeah anything more than that would be our ethos really as a company is to try and get as many people to the finish line as possible and we pick our team around that ethos so we picked the best of the best that we can and there's no doubt about it that if we didn't have this team in place there'd be people that wouldn't get to the finish line the care of the medics and the samisen everyone's experience that over the years and those kind of things it helps her get to the finish line and that's what we want this race wouldn't have been possible without the Sami people helping it I don't think there's anyone more used to the environment and the temperatures than we are we're so exposed to it each day I mean it's cold being out like sitting on your ass if it's minus 20 but it's not that cold to be out driving snowmobiles serving reindeers even though it's minus 35 because you're constantly moving just like the runners off so if that answered your question [Music] when you're at the end of your calories and you're starting to really dip into a dark place and you are really low on energy just focus in on that next checkpoint is a key and critical part of a race strategy and as you get towards the end of a race just knowing that you might be an hour or two hours away from the next person it makes the race a lot more manageable mentally fatigued [Music] bottom of lakes the forest is a bit undulating that you long sea forever I think we're pushing each other quite a fast pace so I'm now absolutely not good but that's probably more to do with the fact that I've done about 76 miles over the past a couple of days [Music] we're down to sixteen runners we've had nine the drop with this temperature range all of Artie around like a state of red alert and we're ready to react really quickly because these temperatures things can happen fast I'll keep your supper than I can give it to you you can use it later when when we're in that state of red-hot level of risk we're all PennDOT we're all ready to reroute so hopefully when we get the last person back tonight we can all relax [Music] my feelings more injured I've got really tired written and my anger surface water is fighting something I can see that everyone's tired and everyone's battered but one last push and you'll be there check whiteheads on once you've done today Assam massive stage ticked off you've just got 15k to do tomorrow but I'm excited it's the last the last real day really customize the shorts I always think from six-pointed click point and I know there's a finish line today and I reach it anyhow let's go guys have a good day from ganas de Bourgh you know how in the java race directors is probably one of the most rewarding jobs I could ever think of in I mean you end up being in these life-affirming life-changing adventures with people reserved often for most people at once in a lifetime thing it fundamentally changes them as a person has written forever and you have been a small particle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the kilometers go by very very slowly especially towards the end but yeah I'm happy that it's done it feels good that we've just got 15k morrow so just coming past the second to last checkpoint she's just sitting there for about a kilometre just thinking about like a really nice big really big piece of fat on the outside just nicely browned off with chips Bearnaise sauce [Music] final day 15k stage and they run from the Artic line all the way into your mother's finish behind me quite a short stage in comparison to the rest of them but it's been brutally cold again today so [Music] thank you that was really good stage [Music] davon I was gonna get there but I'm so pleased today to our great event by an absolutely great event you great team so great job beyond the ultimate why why should people do this to find the edges I'm gonna find where the edge of your life are you special it's just an ultimate test of endurance you know the terrain the the climber the whole race it's not just running it's looking after yourself doing your app in me and all these guys from all over the world but you know the organized this is just a great event real goodfeel factor so that's why pretty wrecked my legs are embarrass my blisters all over my feet my actual biggest question was gonna be I think it's a combination of things really I like to change myself see well push the boundaries see what I'm capable of both physically and also mentally and also going going on adventures gave to some really remote parts the world beautiful places awesome experience real challenge victory mentally and you know that's what so I came and so amazing views made landscape meet some great people as well on the way well it's always a sort of bittersweet filling to finish obviously you've satisfied you've completed the challenge but but I already feel a little bit sad that it's over because it's just been so beautiful out there I just I love the I love the simplicity of your day as well you all you've got to do that day is just get from there to there and stay alive yeah very happy mate very happy and good day today actually is nice short day isn't is that kind of hours I know I screwed up she run and then I can enjoy the scenery so yeah everything mean I think it's good to push your boundaries it's good to challenge yourself a little bit and I think you know at the time it's very hard and the sense of achievement that you get afterwards is pretty fantastic you go to the Alps I can always see my roads and cars and Teleca bones and things where it's here you just see a kind of ocean of snow and mountains and there's no man-made machinery proper wilderness it's an it's a pretty unbelievable place to spend some time actually with this is my head wonderful crossing the finish line is always great feeling you
Channel: Beyond The Ultimate
Views: 66,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultra, ultramarathon, ultra marathon, run, running, trail running, endurance, ice ultra, btu, beyond the ultimate, sweden, arctic, adventure, documentary, adventure film, swedish lapland, documentaries, documentary film, damian hall, 6633, mds, fire and ice, coldest run, race sweden, ultra race, beyond the ultimate ice ultra, ice ultra the documentary, ice ultra documentary, ice ultra sweden, ultra marathon running documentary, running documentary, jokkmokk, ultra running documentary
Id: 7H2AsHSa13U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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