I.2: Introduction - Perlin Noise and p5.js Tutorial

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Welcome to a new multipart series about Perlin noise and creating a 2D Perlin noise field, which you can visualize in a variety of ways. Eventually maybe we'll make a nice rainbow colored one. So ultimately at the end of this video series, which is going to be two or three short videos, I want to show you how to make this particular project. But before I can get there, I just want to answer the question in this video, what is Perlin noise, and do a quick p5.js JavaScript sketch that shows you the basics of it. So let me come over here and make a little diagram. So there are two functions in the p5.js library. This is also in processing as well. There are more than two functions. But there's two functions that I'm thinking of right now that are relevant to this discussion. One function is called random. Another function is called noise. Now, this is a little bit confusing, because in truth, the word "noise" really just means random. If you think about audio noise, the [STATIC] sound. It's kind of like random audio gibberish. But the noise function in both processing and p5.js refers to a particular kind of noise called Perlin noise. Now, Perlin noise is named for a computer scientist named Ken Perlin who was developing algorithms and has been developing algorithms for many years, but in particular, in the 1980s for a film called Tron. Now, I'm not referring to whatever that recent one was called. I don't even know if it's recent anymore-- Tron Legacy, I think-- the original Tron from sometime in the 1980s. And one of the things that you might have noticed in computer-generated things that you experience is, maybe there is a-- in the scene, there's-- does this show my horrific artistic talent? There is a vase sitting on a table. And at one point in computer graphics, there's this-- OK, so this is [INAUDIBLE]. There's this idea of a texture-- I should re-record this. But I'm going to keep going. There's this idea of a texture, which is this stuff that is painted onto that three-dimensional form. Now, at one point, computer animators had to hand-make these textures if you wanted the vase to appear like-- look like wood or marble. I don't know why you'd want a wood vase, but whatever. The point is, Perlin noise was originally developed for procedural textures of objects, meaning, how do I create-- I could-- as an artist, I could render some sort of wood-like texture just with my pencil and paper, and scan it, or use some fancy Photoshop Illustrator program. Or I could have an algorithm that generates all the pixels to make that kind of texture. So that's what Perlin noise was originally developed for, procedural textures for three-dimensional objects in computer graphics. Now, Ken Perlin actually won an Academy Award for that. I don't know why-- that's my terrible drawing of an Oscar that looks nothing like an Oscar for technical achievement. So that's a little bit about back story. Now, circling back, I mentioned there is a noise function and a random function. The noise function gives you Perlin noise values. So hold off on the idea of procedural textures. I have an eraser here. I'm going to come back to that in part 2 when I look at two-dimensional Perlin noise. But in this particular video, I am just going to talk about one-dimensional Perlin noise. So what do I mean by one dimensional? Let's think about numbers over in a single dimension. Let's just pretend for a moment that that dimension is time. It's a useful way of thinking about it. So this is the axis of time-- getting very deep into philosophy here. This is an x-axis of time. Let's think about the random function. So let's say every two-- at 60 frames per second, like an animation, like a p5.js or processing sketch, I'm calling the random function. I'm going to get a random value over time-- random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random, random. OK, I can't pick random numbers, because I'm a human being. But you can imagine, I might be getting random numbers between 0 and 1 over time. So that's all right. And this will look if I were to graph it, like some kind of big mess. Now, Perlin noise in one dimension has the same sort of idea. Let's say I want to get random numbers. This pen is terrible. I don't even know if you can read this. Time out. Back with a new marker. This isn't so great, but let's see how this does. So I'm going to draw now the x-axis of time in blue. I wish I had a pink one or a purple one. Those are my favorite colors, in case you were wondering. But I don't. And I want now-- instead of random values, I want Perlin noise values over time. So I'm going to draw you in a visual approximation of what it might look like, something like this. So the idea here-- and the idea here is that ultimately at its core, Perlin noise gives you smooth, random numbers. What do I mean by smooth? I mean that a random number that you might pick at any point in time is related to the random number you might pick later, a moment later, or the random number you picked a moment before. Whereas in-- so this is random. This is noise, Perlin noise, that is. In the core random algorithm, the actual random algorithm itself, those numbers aren't related at all. You pick-- I'm picking random numbers between 0 and 10-- 9, 2, 7, 6, 1, 9, 4, 8, 9, 2, 1, 3. I pick 9 a lot apparently. But with Perlin noise, I might pick numbers like this-- 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6. Boy, this is like Perlin noise performance art. I won't do it again. But that's what that was like. I'm going to do a whole separate video, which is me reading aloud Perlin noise values. I'm sure people want to watch that. Maybe I'll even sing them. Anyway, so you get the idea. That's the core difference. Now that's how it works. Now, there's two more pieces I really want to get to here. One is, OK, I get it. I get the difference conceptually. How are these values generated? Well, actually, they're generated-- just ultimately, Perlin noise is just a lot of math on top of the actual random function itself. So let's look at this. And I'm going to grab a paper towel here. And I'm going to explain to you-- I put my best effort how the actual Perlin noise algorithm works underneath the hood. Now, Ken Perlin has revised the algorithm several times over the years-- I don't know, several one or two times, three times, who knows. And you can kind of-- I'll try to post some links to different versions. There's update-- But I'm going to give you the basic gist of it. So let's say-- so let's go back to random. Let's say I'm going to pick random values over time to start with. And what I'm going to do is actually say I'm going to pick them every 10 units of time-- 10, 20, 30, 40. So I'm going to pick-- and I'm going to pick those random values with some amplitude between something like 0 and 100. These are all made-up values. So I pick a random number here. Then I pick a random number here. Then I pick a random number here. And then I pick a random number here. Now, the next thing I want to do is do an interpolation function. What is an interpolation function? Well, here are some numbers. Here's me interpolating between them. That's like linear interpolation, I think. I just draw a line between the values. But maybe I want to do something a little nicer. And a one possibility, a one kind of interpolation, is called cosine interpolation, or sine interpolation probably, which means, let me draw a nice curve between these values. So here is the start of my Perlin noise function. And let's just pretend I also had to pick a value at 0, which let's say I picked this one. So now I'm going to do that again. This time, however, I'm going to pick those random values every five units of time-- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35-- I don't know why I'm writing-- 40. And instead of picking between 0 and 100, I'm just going to pick between 0 and 50. So let me pick random values. And now, just using a random function, now I'm going to do this. Now let me do that one more time. And I'm going to pick them every two and 1/2 units of time. And I'm just going to go between 0 and 25. And now I'm going to just-- and it's going to be something like this. Now, what if I were to do this possibly eight times, 16 times, 25 times, however many times I want, and each time I'm having essentially the amount of time that passes before I pick a new random number and I'm also having that amplitude? Having-- is that a-- I'm having it. I'm having it for lunch. But I'm halfing it-- having it. I'm dividing it by half, whatever. What then if I take all of these and add them together? Now, I'm going to lose my mind here really trying to do this visually accurately. But let me just-- let's just say for right now I'm going to take this graph and add it with this graph. I'm going to get something that looks like this. It has the essential-- I'm adding these values together with these values. It has this same basic quality. It looks kind of like that original shape. But there's lots of little variations based on these little tiny variations. And this is essentially how Perlin noise is calculated. And these, by the way, are known as octaves. So Perlin noise is calculated over a number of octaves. And essentially it's a bunch of random waveforms. And those waveforms, their period and their amplitude change over those octaves and get added together. And in that sense, it has a fractal-like quality. You might have to go back and find some of my videos about fractals if that concept doesn't make sense to you. But fractal is this idea of self-similar shape, meaning at any zoom level, it's the same thing. And because we're getting finer and finer detail as we go through these different octaves, if we were to zoom in here and blow that up, we might see something that looks something like this, almost like that original one. So Perlin noise, this is really how it's calculated. OK. I'm glad I'm almost done with this video, because in the next video, I'm just going to dive in and write code to sort of visualize how it works. But let's just make one more point here. Actually, you know what? I'm done with this video. This is the end of this first video, which is just explaining the history of Perlin noise and how the algorithm works. The next video I need to look at-- OK, well, if this is how I'm getting the Perlin noise values, how does that tie into the noise function? How do I call it? And how do I get those values back? And how I use them in code? OK, this concludes this particular video, which may or may not have a variety of mistakes and confusing aspects to them. And you, the internet, will let me know. Thank you for watching.
Channel: The Coding Train
Views: 172,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noise, perlin, series, perlin noise, terrain, tutorial, terrain generation, procedural generation, 2d perlin noise, perlin noise processing, nature of code, processing perlin noise, p5.js, p5js, p5.js tutorial, p5js noise, p5js perlin noise, flow fields, perlin noise flow field, noise(), random(), randomness, javascript, creative coding
Id: Qf4dIN99e2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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