I Won't Make It — Rich Wilkerson Jr.

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turn me to second samuel chapter nine is where i want you to turn second samuel chapter nine as you're turning there uh i just wanna continue to say thank you today growth track is happening uh in our church and uh if you're here in person you can go that happens today right at uh 12 30 and uh 12 p.m thank you adrian right at 12 p.m also online you can go to that but our church um is staff led but it's servant leader run it's always been the heart of our church just servant leaders all over the place serving to make this place possible i want to shout out a couple servant leaders this is from the i love my city team she helps oversee our prayer team and works as a full-time teacher with children with special needs not only does she serve on sunday but she also finds time to serve during the midweek constantly looking for ways to make things better is what her leader said about her who makes some noise for gabby real who serves here at vu church [Applause] can i shout somebody out from the kids team come on right now in the chat this is really good he serves faithfully week in and week out each week he works diligently to make sure that the legends and voo kids production is excellent he is passionate about raising up the next generation of leaders to be in love with jesus who makes some noise for jesus fernandez [Applause] aka jesus fernandez how about one more from our crew space how many of you enjoyed small group this past week anyone love your vu crew out there i want to shout out one of our crew coaches she just started serving as a crew coach this is somebody who oversees crew leaders doesn't just oversee a crew but now it takes time to help oversee crew leaders she just started serving as a crew coach this season and she is so committed to the cruise that she helps lead she is kind and patient she also serves on our host team wow double whammy and is an all-around amazing leader can we make some noise for sarah raponic i believe that's how you say the last day come on make some noise for all of our servant leaders [Music] just grateful just we understand that we can't do this without people serving and being part of it and so and why not check out the growth track today step two is happening step two is happening 12 p.m online or right here second samuel chapter nine um it's it's just sort of a fun season here at church as we're stepping into the summer and um been in a six six-month collection on the gospel of mark and excited to take some time to uh just preach some different things the lord's been stern in my heart and uh this is a story that is really close to my heart and maybe you've heard it maybe you never have but i promise you after you leave today you'll you'll never forget it it's a it's a special one that's gonna encourage some people second samuel chapter nine verse one let me just read all eight verses and then i'm gonna preach it it says david asked is there anyone still left of the house of saul to whom i can show kindness for jonathan's sake now there was a servant of saul's household named ziba they called him to appear before david and the king said to him are you ziba your servant he replied the king asked is there no one still left at the house of saul to whom i can show god's kindness ziba answered the king there is still a son of jonathan he is crippled in both of his feet but where is he the king asked ziba answered he is at the house of nikira son of a meal in lodibar so king david had him brought from lodibar from the house of makir's son of a meal verse six when mephibosheth son of jonathan the son of saul came to david he bowed down to pay him honor david said mephibosheth your servant he replied verse 7 don't be afraid david said to him for i will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father jonathan i will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather saul and you will always someone say always you will always eat at my table mephibosheth bowed down and said what is your servant that you should notice a dead dog like me there's this song on the new album it's called i need revival and most of us who are part of who we know it well but i like how the song begins because the song begins with these verses that have so resonated in my spirit the song begins by saying i won't make it i won't last and today in honor of our record being released i want to preach a simple message to you but one that is quite heartfelt really from my soul hopefully to your soul i want to preach from the subject i won't make it i won't make it i won't make it would you pray with me all over this room today and online right now though we ask that you would meet us here today jesus we asked lord that you would minister to us we ask that you would touch the deepest areas of pain but we ask that today god you would bring healing to the room god we are believing and we are anticipating for a revival to break out in our church right here at vu that lord we believe there is a remnant here in south florida of people god that are longing people that are hungry people that are thirsty for your presence we're reminded of the words of jesus that those that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled so lord meet our needs today and we discover and see jesus in a fresh way may he not just impact our day but may he change our very lives speak to us now holy spirit in jesus name all of god's people said all of god's people said oh come on 10 am and everybody online can we put our hands together can we thank god [Music] i i really don't know what you you've walked in here with today but i i believe today that if you walked in you're on the verge of giving up if if you've come in today thinking about quitting if you are sort of on your last rope i believe that the lord wants to speak to you today i believe the lord wants to empower you today i believe the lord wants to meet your need today you might have walked in here empty but does anybody have some faith that people are going to walk out full of the spirit full of his presence i love the old testament the old testament uh it shows us in so many ways the character and the nature of god all 66 books of the bible are important that we would we would read them because they all begin to tell us the story of god it really is the gospel and the old testament it lays a wonderful foundation and as you study it and as you read it you begin to look and you look for the traces or the outlines or the shadows of jesus and his grace and in second samuel chapter nine i believe that we have one of the most beautiful gospel stories really in all of the bible in order to kind of give the text some context let me just back up a little bit and tell you that my favorite bible character aside from jesus you gotta always say that as a pastor there's always some like really creepy christians like what about jesus luke did i tell you that somebody wrote me a full like diatribe email yesterday about how the song logic is theologically incorrect i forwarded it to you so you can respond to them and tell them how the theology in the song is okay jesus is my hero jesus is my favorite character but if there's someone that comes after jesus it would have to be king david king david there's more written about david in the bible than any other bible character how about this not just the bible king david there's more ancient history and writings around him than any other person in ancient history i mean there's a whole lot about this man there's so many things that i love about him he is such a complex individual the scripture says that he was a man after god's own heart by no means is he a perfect man in fact what i love about his story is that we don't just get his wins and accomplishments we don't just get his strengths we also get his massive failures and we get his weaknesses he is not perfect but come on somebody he is being perfected is that anybody else's story in the room that you know you're not perfect but come on by god's grace i'm getting better and he really is a renaissance man i mean he's the giant slayer but also the harp player i'm rhyming today he's the shepherd king he's the warrior poet i mean he's dynamic he is really unlike most people that we ever meet and david at a very young age is anointed by the prophet samuel to be the next king of israel the first king of israel is a man by the name of saul who rebelled and disobeyed god so god was looking for another and he goes and he finds david who is the seventh son of jesse jesse doesn't even think that david is a candidate he brings in all of his sons and actually forgets about david and samuel's like do you have any more kids and he's like oh yeah i do have one more son he's out in the pasture looking after the sheep he says bring him in and when he brings them in the lord speaks to samuel and says that is the next king how many know that many times who man chooses is not who god chooses many times the things that man is attracted to are not the things that god is attracted to you might feel like you are unfit you might feel like you are unqualified but you don't have to look any further than the story of david to be reminded that we serve the god who does not call the qualified but rather he qualifies the call [Applause] david is anointed king right there on the kitchen floor of jesse's house but what i love about david is that david is anointed but the moment that he's anointed doesn't mean that all of a sudden he becomes king i know you can be anointed but not appointed you're going to have to learn this because there's a lot of people in this room that you're anointed but just because you're anointed it doesn't mean that you're ready we live in a time period right now that if we've got a gift a skill a talent if we've got a word if we have a prophecy we believe it should happen right now but as you study the story of david david gets anointed by the prophet but then he has to go through obstacles he has to go through pain he just like every one of us has to pay his dues god has to get him ready god has to prepare him for what is in front of him because david gets anointed but it's a long i'm talking about years and years and years until he has appointed the king his story is all there in the old testament it's important that we get it today because before we get to 2nd samuel 9 you got to know what's happened in david's life david gets anointed on the kitchen floor then he goes to the battlefield where there's this guy named goliath a foot tall giant nobody will fight him david says i'll fight him david doesn't have convention conventional weapons instead all he has is a slingshot dude hasn't even hit puberty yet he's got an armpit hair he's like come on bring him out let's go like he's he's different someone said he's different but literally he takes down this giant cuts off the head of the giant as he comes back into israel saul begins to fall in love with david saul was tormented by demons and the only thing that would bring peace to him watch this the only thing that would bring peace to the soul and the mental place of saul was worship music and david used to play his harp for saul how many can testify that when you turn on some worship music how many can testify that when we start playing that vu worship come on somebody it starts to settle my soul it starts to bring peace to where i am david would play his harp david ended up marrying saul's daughter michael that's a girl's name believe it or not david becomes best friends with saul's son his name is jonathan in fact as you study their relationship they are a beautiful relationship of what a deep healthy friendship looks like david begins to fight for saul and david becomes honestly so strong and powerful and the people would sing they would say saul is as slain as thousands but david has slain his tens of thousands before you know it saul begins to compare himself to david how many know comparison kills your contentment and what started out as a beautiful relationship quickly turned and resentment set in and saul becomes jealous of what's on david's life and saul seeks to kill david david goes from being the golden boy of israel to a fugitive on the run and as you read his story i mean he was anointed on this kitchen floor he becomes the hero of israel and then he becomes the fugitive of israel this is all before he's even seen the war of the lord come to pass in his life he's running from saul he's living in caves the scripture says he has about 300 men that are with him this is how they're described they're described as in debt discontented and distressed that's who he's building his kingdom with in fact there's a beautiful story one time where david he's able to kill saul because saul is asleep in the valley below him and he and his men go down and he has a spear above saul but david says to his mighty man he says to abasha do not touch the lord's anointed i just want you to see who this man was he chooses not to kill his hater isn't it funny the world that we live in today which is all about let me prove my haters wrong let me get revenge on everybody let me tell you what unless you have a truck david had a tribe of thousands of men with swords and spears trying to kill him and he still didn't even seek revenge you could have called it self-defense but david said nope this is up to god's time to a point when i should take my rightful place you say rich why are you telling me all this i'm telling you all this because god was preparing the stage for david to come to power how many know it's not enough just to have a title of leadership you have to actually have the heart of the people and so although david was anointed it was not his time to be appointed god was allowing things to take place because he was allowing the stage to be set that all of israel would not just give them their allegiance with their words but their very heart would be given over to david how is your heart given over to someone the only way that comes about is time must take place you see seasons of struggle squeeze out strengths that stories are written about and before you know it david was becoming a legend in israel why not because of the blessing of a prophet named samuel but instead because of the curses of a hateful king named saul what i'm trying to get you to see today is as people watched david respond to the adversity to the pain to the struggle and to the suffering it was melting their heart saying that's the leader that i want to follow please hear me today opposition is necessary for your vision some of us don't get this in the room but if you're going to actually have a god vision you will have to face opposition someone say it's necessary what you're going through right now is necessary the struggle that you are in is necessary you can't control what happens to you but by god's grace you can control how you respond to what happens to you i'm telling you what your struggle is squeezing out strengths that stories come about with the bible says that saul's house was growing weaker and weaker but david's house was growing stronger stronger someone say stronger and stronger i believe today that if you're following jesus and if you keep your eyes on him you are getting stronger and stronger and stronger it might not look like it right now nobody else might be applauding it right now nobody else might be noticing what you're going through but i believe by the grace of jesus christ you are getting stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger as our text picks up we discover that saul and jonathan are finally killed in battle and because david had chose to wait patiently he didn't just give up and say oh i'm anointed i should be in position right now he said no no i'm gonna i'm gonna fight through the struggles now he is crowned king of israel thank god he waited thank god he remained faithful and so many around him were faithless and as our text picks up in second samuel chapter nine it's an interesting season because this is the first time in a long time that there has been peace in israel that it's very clear that david is king and in that time period it was quite customary that when a new household took over power it was just practical in the day and age that they were living in that anybody else who was connected to the previous house or the previous lineage of the other household who had power everybody from that household would be executed they would be put to death primarily for a practical reason that is they didn't want to get years into the future and all of a sudden somebody would come up from the house of saul and say wait a minute i'm actually the rightful heir to the throne let me take over power and so the custom of that day is that as saul lost power anybody who was connected anybody who had saul's blood was put to death that was considered justice at the time david is in power he is in control in one day he has this question i just want to pick up the text he says it this way second samuel chapter nine verse one he asks a very peculiar question david asked is there anyone still left of the house of saul to whom i can show kindness for jonathan's sake this is a bizarre question once again we are seeing how dynamic and how different david is from every other leader because david does not want to harm his enemy instead he is looking for his enemy in order to bless his enemy he has this question is there anybody still remaining is there anybody left that i can show kindness to watch this chapter nine verse two now there was a servant of saul's household named ziba and they called him to appear before david and the king said to him are you ziba your servant he replied the king asked is there no one still left of the house of saul to whom i can show god's kindness ziba answered the king there is still a son of jonathan he is crippled in both of his feet well where is he they asked zipa answered he is at the house of machiar son of a meal in lodibar everyone say low to bar so david says is there anybody from this house this is very peculiar this is very odd this is very different but is there anybody else who is still alive i don't want to hurt them i want to help them i don't want to curse them i want to bless them i don't want to execute them i want to exonerate them and show them kindness so there was a servant of saul his name was ziba and he says to ziba ziba is there anyone else and ziba says one of jonathan's sons jonathan is the son of saul this is saul's grandson he says one of jonathan's son is still alive and david says where is he he says well he's living in a town called lotabar everyone say low to bar lotobar is not just a literal place lotobar is also a figurative place that many people even in this room and watching online today you are trapped in you find yourself in lodibar by definition has several different meanings the first meaning that we know about lotobar is lotobar means uh the place of no bread some of you know what it's like to be trapped in a place where you're constantly hungry and you're constantly thirsty but nothing from this world will satisfy you nothing from this life will bring you peace at night in fact there's people that have come today that are so desperate that are so hurting and all you're looking for is a little bit of peace all you're looking for is a little bit of purpose all you're looking for is something to quench the thirst it doesn't matter how many things you try of this world doesn't matter how many different partners you go to bed with does it matter how many times you take a drink doesn't matter how popular you get doesn't matter how much money you bring into your bank account you still feel like you're living in the place of no bread the irony of the idea is that this guy named mephibosheth the grandson of saul is living in lodibar the place of no bread but david is from the town called bethlehem which is the house of bread can i encourage some people today that in god's house there is always satisfaction in god's house there is always fulfillment it might not look like it's going good around you but come on in his presence you can find satisfaction for your soul this is the house of bread there's more than enough that's where david's from it means no bread but it doesn't just mean no bread it also means a pastureless place lodibar the the place of no pasture pastureless meaning nothing is nothing is growing life in reverse maybe you've walked in today and this is how you would describe the season you find yourself in is that there's no momentum and nothing seems to be healthy and nothing seems to take root and nothing seems to be flourishing maybe your marriage feels like it's pastureless today maybe it seems that way with your business today that man i keep swinging and i keep trying maybe your faith feels pastureless today nothing is growing life in reverse this is low to bar it's the pastureless place once again contrary to david's life david he wrote in psalm 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want someone say i don't need nothing if jesus is my savior somebody believe it today the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing in him and he makes me lie down beside green pastures are you trapped in low to bar today are you locked in the pastureless place does your life feel like there's no bread the third definition that we know of lotobar is the place of no communication it's one thing to suffer it's another thing to suffer in silence there's people even in this room today that you've come in and i know you look nice on the outside but you are suffering on the inside sometimes we go through pain that's so deep in trauma that hurts so hard that we ought not even speak of it i don't know if you've gone through something before but the pain is just too bad to even talk about it with somebody trauma it just hurts so bad i can't even i can't even speak about it i can't even say a word about it maybe something happened to you when you were younger maybe somebody betrayed you maybe somebody lets you down maybe you let yourself down maybe it's a mistake from the past maybe it's a mistake from last night but you are silent about it why because silence is a symptom of shame and lotibar is the town of shape we meet in the story that jonathan's son his name is mephibosheth let's try to say that together we're gonna learn the bible today everyone on the count of three mephibosheth ready one two three our church is speaking in tongues finally praise god mephibosheth by definition means shame the son of shame the son of shame trapped in the place of shame he said rich what's all this shame about you gotta you gotta you gotta in order to understand mephibosheth's shame you have to know his story and the story of mephibosheth is a sad pitiful heartbreaking story that many times we at church we don't ever even learn about it but mephibosheth is the grandson of saul he is the son of jonathan i just want you to get it in your mind he was born to be a king he's got royalty in his dna but what we learned in some chapters earlier in second samuel chapter four i'm going to read it to you second chapter four one day they hear that saul and jonathan have died in battle and now that they've died in battle everybody from the house of saul and everybody from the house of jonathan they assume that execution is coming to their life they assume that they are going to be next so we'll pick up what the text says second samuel 4 4 jonathan son of saul had a son who was lame in both feet he was five years old when the news about john about saul and jonathan came from jezreel watch this his nurse picked him up and fled but as she hurried to leave he fell and became crippled and his name was mephibosheth i want you to see this today because we see a man whose name means shame mephibosheth who's living in the no bread pastureless no communication place he is hiding out he's believing that one day the king will find out where he is and when he comes he will be executed and now mephibosheth is on the run but he can't even walk i just want you to get a glimpse that at five years of age something happened to him there's some people in this room that the reason why you're living in lotibar is not because of something you did but it's because somebody dropped you on your journey and his nurse got the word and when she got the word in her haste and in her hurry she let the boy go and the little boy wasn't born crippled but he became crippled a little boy wasn't born with an inability to walk but because somebody dropped him now his legs won't work now he's paralyzed now he's running but as he's running he can't even walk to where he's going i don't know who i'm preaching to today but i sense it in my heart and my spear somebody dropped you somebody lets you down somebody hurts you somebody somebody dropped the ball someone did something it's amazing here we have a five-year-old problem but a grown man i can't tell you how many people i talk to in our community that they are grown up on the outside but they are still suffering on the inside many times we're 37 years of age but we're still tripping over a problem that happened to us when we were 12 years of age many of us have found ourselves rendered in a place where we are unable to move where we have no strength to speak up where we are suffering in silence in the place of shame and it's all because somebody dropped us on the journey i don't know who dropped you i don't know who let you down i don't know why you're living in lodibar today i can imagine that mephibosheth this this little boy who who's now as we discovered the text much older as he's been hiding out as a fugitive awaiting his day of execution i'm sure he went through the circles of playing the blame game you ever find yourself just playing the blame game i bet he started with himself well maybe it was something i did maybe i was maybe i was struggling maybe i was running from the nurse and the reason why i'm crippled today it's my fault i did it or maybe he started to shift the blame towards the nurse and that nurse if she just would have been more patient with me if she would have been more focused on me but she let me maybe start blaming his dad jonathan you were never there you are always at war you are always trying to serve your dad i never had a dad of my own no one ever affirmed me no one ever encouraged me nobody ever spoke words over my life maybe he actually got a deeper meaning and said you know what it's actually grandfather's fault it's all saul's fault my grandfather saw if he would have honored god i would still be in the rightful place to receive all that god had promised me i should be king of israel instead i'm living as a fugitive instead i'm waiting for my day to die i ought to be where god had destined me to be but how many know you can blame yourself you can blame others you can blame everything and anything but all roads lead to the same place it leads to low to bar it leads to the place of shame but come on can i say it to you the way the lord spoke it to me some of you today it's time that you get out of load a bar god says you're breaking free today god says you're getting out today god says you're moving forward today god says you're getting your voice back today you're not meant to live in lodibar you're called out of that place but how many of you know you can't get yourself out of low to bar the only way you can get out is somebody has to carry you out i don't care how much i will it and i don't care how much i desire my legs don't work and i don't have any ability to get myself from this place of shame back into the place of strength i don't know how to move forward can i encourage you that in the same way mephibosheth felt all alone can i remind some people today the king still knows where you are the king has never lost you for a minute the king knows where you're located the king sees you he's got a plan for you you can't get yourself out and that's why the scripture says in second samuel chapter nine verse five so king david had him brought from lotobar from the house of mahir son of a meal [Music] and all week long i've been thinking to myself what was mephibosheth thinking came and knocked on his door one day years and years have passed he said the king it's calling for you and i gotta believe as this man was carried to where david was the entire time he was thinking to himself i won't make it [Music] i won't last i'm dead it's over i've been running i've been hiding but he knows where i am i won't make it i don't know who's here today and you're saying i won't make it this marriage ain't gonna make it rich my kids aren't gonna make it i can't handle these bills i can't handle all this pressure i can't handle all this stress i'm not gonna make it man and they carry mephibosheth where david is [Music] it's amazing because i don't know if you're picking up on it yet but this friends is a story of the gospel this is the good news this is why we gather and i just my job is just to help us remind us why we gather it's not to see one another it's not to look cool it's not to gram it all that stuff's fine but it's to gather around this message and this news and what is this message what is this news this message in this news is i am mephibosheth and so are you that sin has left me in a paralyzed place [Music] how many know before we even get into a description about whether or not you sinned i sin how we sin how many know if that's not the problem the problem is is that our great great great great great great great grandfather named adam he sinned and his blood is running through my veins and like mephibosheth his grandfather saul's blood was running through his veins and therefore it meant execution for him but mephibosheth had a father and his name was jonathan and jonathan and david had a covenant relationship and david said i want to show kindness to jonathan's children i want to spare jonathan's children because of my covenant relationship with david see mephibosheth had saul's blood running through his veins but he also had jonathan's blood running through his veins and today can i remind you of the gospel that while we were enemies of god at just the right time jesus christ came and laid his life down and today god says yes you got adam's blood in your veins but if you are in christ jesus it also means that you've got jesus blood in your veins and therefore i will spare you my wrath and i will spare you my punishment not because of your good deeds but because of jesus [Music] sin left a dirty stain on me but the blood of jesus is the great detergent that spares me [Music] as mephibosheth is thrown into the presence of david it's a beautiful beautiful picture of how god treats us when mephibosheth son of jonathan the son of saul came to david he bowed down to pay him honor and david said mephibosheth son of shame mephibosheth replied your servant watch this verse seven here we go don't be afraid david said to him for i will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father jonathan i will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather saul and you will always eat at my table mephibosheth bowed down and said what is your servant that you should notice a dead dog like me david doesn't give me chest justice david gives him grace and i won't make it unless i get grace and you won't last unless god gives you grace and you can't endure unless his grace meets you and you're too weak unless his strength finds you right where you are and you're unqualified but if his grace comes upon you it doesn't matter what the demons of hell say about you the very god of israel declares i am for you and if i am for you who can be against you i won't make it unless i get grace and today grace is here to meet you where you are it's not a principle it's a person and his name is jesus and jesus is the much better david much much much much better grace is is doing something in your life [Music] see grace is security notice what david says david says don't be afraid just want to encourage some people i don't know if it's your first sunday maybe you're watching online right now i don't know how you got onto this youtube channel right now i don't know what somebody else has told you about god that god is so mad at you that god can't stand you it is quite the opposite god loves you so much that he gave his only begotten son named jesus and because god sent jesus there is no condemnation over your life today if you would simply believe and you could receive god would say to you you got nothing to be afraid of [Applause] i'm not gonna make it yes you are i won't last yes you will yes you will grace gives me security i don't have to impress you i don't need your approval if you turn your back on me he never will i've got a security it doesn't come from what i've done it comes from what he's done my security is not found in my good behavior my security is found in a good savior and his name is jesus and today all fear has to go at perfect love grace is security but look what he says grace is kind for i will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father jonathan let me preach to our church for a moment in a world that is so polarizing in a world that is going to extremes on every side whether you're on the right or whether you're on the left i believe the body of christ needs to be like jesus he had a criminal to his right he had a criminal to his left but there in the middle stood jesus there in the middle hung jesus i'm looking for a church that would say let me give you a third option it's called the middle let me give you a third option which is it's because of god's kindness that men come to repentance it's always been his kindness that's been wooing people to him oh i've messed up i've made mistakes i've done things i'm not proud of aren't you thankful that there is a god who is waiting for you who says i didn't come to hurt you i came to help you i have kindness for you [Music] you don't know my sin rich i deal with sin i deal with darkness there is no sin too big for god's grace [Music] and i can today as ziba the king the king calls for you [Music] the king's waiting for you i know i can't get there i know that's why we come to church because when you can't stand up there are people to your left and people to your right and people in front of you and people behind you that say if you can't stand baby we will carry you to where he is [Music] it's his kindness if it's god's kindness that leads men to repentance something tells me it's the kindness of the church that leads to revival [Music] our church is kind especially to the lost we're not angry at the world if that's where your heart is today if that's your motivation you're probably going to need to find another community because it will never ever be the voice of this church we're not going to judge people who are lost they're lost instead we will call the church to attention to remind ourselves that there is a broken and lost world that people are living in low to bar but there is a church that gets the herald the goodness the kindness the mercy of god and with it a revival can be ushered grace is kindness [Music] but grace is also restoration look at what he says he says i will restore it to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather saul [Music] i had the right time today i could preach this to you i could get you happy with this because somebody dropped you somebody lets you down of you don't even like who you are but the reason why you are who you are is because something happened to you so your whole life you're going through life and you're trying to explain yourself but nobody will even take the time to hear your story and you don't even know why that thing triggers you you don't even know why you say what you say you don't even know why you do what you do it's because somebody dropped you something was taken from you and mephibosheth was born to be king but his nurse dropped him and his grandfather rebelled and his dad died and now here he is all alone but there is a king who is greater than david who says i will restore to you everything that the devil meant for evil i'm going to turn it around and i'm going to use it for good everything that the devil stole from you baby jesus said i bought it back that you would be restored [Music] [Applause] i'm restoring you i'm restoring your influence i'm restoring your reputation i'm restoring your influence i'm restoring your health i'm restoring your finances i'm restoring your freedom i'm restoring your love for me i'm restoring your confidence i'm restoring your identity i'm restoring your personality i'm restoring your courage [Music] [Applause] he's restoring he's the god of restoration all that you lost in additional seating he's he's bringing it back grace is restoration but as we close grace is not simply security it's not simply kindness it's not simply restoration grace is sunshine for he says you will always eat at my table [Music] the table is the picture of family the table is a picture where everyone sits equal it's amazing because um how many know that uh just because you disagree with somebody in your family doesn't mean that you stop giving them a seat at the table it's funny some of you you got people in your family that are so far from god that are so living in sin it has never stopped you from giving them a seat at the table it's amazing some of you you have people at your table who voted different from you but somehow you figured out how to get through dinner not talking about politics [Applause] [Music] [Applause] because the table is a picture of family we received communion today it's god treating us like sons and daughters saying come and sit at my table i will prepare david said a table for you in the presence of your enemies god is saying that i am establishing a table right here on the earth in every demon in every principality and everything that tries to come and harm you none of it can touch my table [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i won't make it i won't last but mephibosheth was carried to david's table day after day year after year and i think the thing that so speaks to my soul about the grace of our god because i know i won't make it unless i get his grace but his grace is freely received today [Music] when david's son sat at that table and mephibosheth was ushered in they had to carry him in his legs did not work but picture it today try to imagine it today if there's a table sitting here on this stage and i'm carried to it everyone's already sitting everybody's already waiting when i come in everybody can see my shame everyone can see my hang up everyone can see my hurt everyone can see my trauma everyone notices my pain everyone sees my failure everybody knows i was dropped but the moment i'm seated at the table all you can see is from my waist up and i want to encourage someone today that grace covers every one of your deficiencies grace covers every one of your weaknesses grace covers every failure grace covers every sin grace covers everything you've been trying to hide because at the table of god you sit as a son you sit as a daughter you won't make it unless god's grace meets you where you are but his grace is here come on and give him praise his grace is here [Music] would you stand to your feet today would you stand to your feet today you're getting out a loader bar revival's coming to your house today this is the story of the gospel for a god who was so kind that called us into his presence to give us security to show us kindness to restore everything the devil stole to give us sonship i don't know who i'm preaching to today if you're online right now if you hear in person would you just get your hands in a place to receive i am who i am by the grace of god i am who i am by the grace of god i can't achieve this thing i just i just receive it i just bask in his love today he found me when i was running when i was hiding he found me he found you you think you found this church no he called you to this church do you think you found the house of bread no no no he he has been storing up and he has been waiting for just the right moment that the stage is set you might have been ready but others weren't ready you might have been ready but it wasn't your appointed time i just wonder for a moment today as we kick off all of our services here today god's doing something in our church i just wonder if we could let desperation break out in the house i just wondered if we could find ourselves broken i wonder if we could put ourselves in the position of mephibosheth because that's who you are that's who i am i won't make it god i won't last god i need you to show up right now god meet me where i am lord i i desperately need you i need you more today than i needed you yesterday god i can't live off of yesterday's man i need a fresh word i need a fresh anointing god i'm tired but i'm not done god i'm fatigued but i'm not done god i feel like i'm on the brink of quitting i feel like i'm on the brink of ending but i'm believing right here in my weakness i'm believing right here in my shame that god you can come and meet me today i won't make it i won't last [Music] i won't make it [Music] i [Music] come on is that your prayer today [Music] is that the cry of your heart today [Music] [Music] oh come on is that your prayer [Music] you know jesus [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] come on everything i heard [Music] you have [Music] i won't make [Music] you help me [Music] today your head's about your eyes are closed the hundreds here today and additional seating in our main auditorium but for those watching even online right now if you're trapped in low to bar if you're trapped in the place of shame you're done suffering in silence i want to let you know the king knows where you are and he sent a messenger to call you into his presence he loves you and you won't make it unless you get his grace today his grace is here when we surrender i love what mephibosheth says he says what do you want with a dead dog like me this is the only reasonable response to the radical love of god not that i'm puffed up with pride but rather i am humbled to understand that an all-powerful omnipotent perfect god longs to have me at his table that's where we worship from that's where we sing from [Music] today if you're in this room if you're watching online you've never surrendered life to jesus i want to give you that opportunity right now before we go to make jesus first in your life to repent turn from your ways to his ways it's not a magic prayer it's a life-transforming one maybe you don't feel anything but you know in the depths of your soul today god is speaking to you you've been carried to his presence today on the count of three would you be bold would you lift your head up high enough and long enough just so i can see it i want to include you in this prayer of salvation if that's you that's me rich ready on the count of three ready one two three if that's me just say that's me rich that's me that's me rich that's me i'm getting out of load a bar today getting out of load a bar today changing my name today i'm not a slave of shame i'm a son of righteousness church can we just join our friends by lifting our hands towards heaven say dear jesus jesus today today i surrender my surrender i give everything that i am give everything over to you who are you forgive me forgive me i repent today i ask that you would give me sonship that you would give me your grace i believe you are who you said that you are so do a work on the inside of me i won't make it i won't last without your grace thank you jesus for reviving me today i love you lord in jesus name everybody said come on church can we thank god come on can we thank god hey rich wilkerson here i want to say a big thank you for watching today's content believing and trusting that it impacted you and if it did help you or and encourage in any way i would love for you to like it and share it with some other people make sure to subscribe to the vu church youtube page where you can get more content just like this and while you're there go peruse the gallery as they say and see past talks
Channel: VOUS Church
Views: 31,810
Rating: 4.9541187 out of 5
Keywords: vous, vous church, rich wilkerson, rich wilkerson jr, dawnchere wilkerson, miami, church, live stream, worship, church live, live stream church, sermon, miami fl, miami chuch, preaching, the gospel, good news, the message of jesus, jesus, what god wants, what does god want, sermons about god
Id: M9K2T1aBaKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 44sec (3344 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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