I-Witness: "Mga Batang Langoy," a documentary by Jay Taruc (full episode)

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[Music] samo Abaddon and Islamic alum be an arrow NATO territory million is a subpoena homologous a bundle [Music] ambolyn Pardo Boston classy melayu is Las abejas non unit Hindi dosa gobbles mr. John tender Papa Sookie sapa garage in Doha Salonika Keaton along sushi bar Amaka our hands are upon a Circassian is the subpoena maharat no barangay Sabine on an Aloha low [Music] come son boy I need you to say mr. sterling Graham be here it's uh sir - OH dongsuk it's a no then they come in makka al moosari so manga pink ulama sabi nila you know who i am a lagina - a libera goon Dina she ran along behind in business garmets escuela napa Tatanka to llama and between Lupino mattandast group or nasarah all anti para or gargles does it mean sample rissalah component know my language until a packing this in assumed or Macrina in a vanilla blue my long way oh goodness hmm better fucking day by that oh no I don't know Oh sunny anomalies yen as a base of our bass player only unpin sangsik when she Monica packet Nieto at LM copy bhai naca Horniman a today is lesson lugar kunsan illa mahir of Mauritania hot about an omen and Bayern Willis AMA galooby okay lemon panel intervene in Malayalam the haka time Burma huntin a monopoly in Tamil Eelam Manila to lead and emit vodka in a clogging and ocassion so Nagas in a hadith Mahabharata Antony can aluminum occurrence a bayonet Salman bankin gammad in Sepang in ISTA [Music] late sinner ulka hindi nirupa Millis a flag ceremony Alma nove a salmon bada-boom a sickness a mannequin le Marteau Garcia some masonry all Naha Petula my own goggles say that 'no Tracey Nenana Tilley parents agreed to int teacher Teresita normal de semana Isla animal eats vanilla pod passive man kappa national panel in bavaria navaja passover Mohito atmarama in hindi neelam camilla pegasi you nine roses are kindle or islamic appetito tapas now indonesian agreement or share in this Anacapa tapas tapas of ma ma two-year span is channel enroll non-dimensional enroll along with the Hillenburg firm on behind the shadow see underneath Valek salam laid the Posner wrongful an obscene CC guru in soccer here upon Bannon anoonan more hi visa pompano Tulagi Milla I a banana in isn't a pneumonia bata uncannily mother-son Dumba magazin vasila hunger conditioner in it at Harbin Hindi Polamalu bogan around [Music] Matt Apuzzo is an aura son Pegeen died kapatid neelam hindi neelam assertion doe Ibaka on Anila uncannily monogamy Sarah Linden lilium component Alisa woohoo possible Amina Mohabbatein and Pamela Galilee param Akash Antonella Mahabad damn it poppin gammy sighs Kayla sabaha de Lempicka high anger sadness on a high beam Abbas amaretto cosas Holland boom ojos angular [Music] I'm Buddah Stalin and Ho Chi Minh sambata I'm a looong metalman caramel and onion schoolbag so Tony for me at zapatos snap Amazo my yet not even own amana bata uncannily monogamy Makaha lu our at Bakuman Hamner am the banco how about a me Lily being and Marisa Bohannon Obama seguro Pinatubo and Ellen and down and Tulisa amalgamin open Hindi Mufasa salli ala al Monica Piris un carro y nadie know so I palette and Anila para hindi Molly mu time and Luke are definitely banana I&K Nura all at Quincy my pan on that long basis I sang lingo you silly do Malloy / winner Islam [Music] Vanunu Milazzo tubulin an Islamic alum be hallucis on telemetry on understand Jericho pero mahira purring eCPM Tincknell alla romana bata undagger a loop a decent garrison Kahuna Alma re didn't support a second man and Dagenham Eloi Lema at the local talent aha Alma laughs as nylon jellyfish at malossi urging and Collison banthus on us in the bunker with sadhana [Music] comb kaya diecut diecut Scylla Camilo Malawi billion protection mobility boom allow I'm wrong about us Toby Sanna Sanna and luma Louie [Music] pero said Nikolai Ewan McBay pagina an melaka stop abuse table Cena Lubin biglan and salmon and Palin [Music] [Applause] [Music] Andina hominin bahasa Hadippa added community ancas Santa Monica [Music] Omar witness upon bunion Islam arrow to the perineum violin at Maharani Bagh are open upon us is Salma content are now in a Google gas I mean you know my last the very navigation and idea [Music] dahi personal kinara nasan and he raps about our da-da-da-dum collaboost nana Onawa an el peligro he mera naam arabic and ito [Music] but kigali la escuela su mamá bang Ellen Samana bata Sigonella malama kula-dharma lista [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Alma Hollenbach Neoga be unction from olam the pendulum famiglia [Music] hababam a pollutant e Bambaataa nasa load and bison areola Quincy Whelan Magua Hindi Casilla muhabba corral die even Saban Park uncanny lemon reproof assign me I'm not up the Queen's in a meeting nurse cement along here bugging me some police equipment no I mean I just gonna slip that my first witness so what my back on the end here on the bottom pretty but I am on earth [Music] [Music] dial Hindi no go on an assignment Luna Ranga be Moroccan c'mon Taliban Polamalu bata [Music] I got Olimpia Milano pie [Music] Peter Parker's Asylum aha punana non-ideal election at muhaha kawana assignment [Music] [Music] Madison boostin masculine Capone suerte nila Andina [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] let me neutral on i'm nella be baku maximal are classy Karen even Enigma medallion all about a second attempt a great review I go I know same in Syria only only here uh pants on young math assignment English 100 read 700 725 I don't know 130 37 137 understand 7 103 the Honda Galahad cinnamon Tulare Nomura bata now whom are innocent all at Liljegren Seguin Hindi Rossini lonegan McHale masala dhaba comedy [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm a patron in Canada Medeiros isla Nahanni long lag is a classy Cyril palagi in anonymity [Music] sequential my Kapali minor - huh I didn't upon sin : evanka vegan alma mater gamma Columbia seal asylum Makaha sama Hong Kong services service of asylum kuma Hines intervene and dagger simply Lang of America rule police become banging it out bamboo massive 800 square upon one a receptor gamma in it McKinley you see I come in happened a long time ago Monday I should have burned you up on me he's gotten it that was me a blogger she looked at me cinnamon a permanent mullah be kneeling sorry limp insulin Canyon amano-san town hiya mala here my toe to longer ol Serena at mama Appetit kumahachi opposite o sanam Pagar al knob NASA column on local Nepal Mahalo Allenby Noonan oxytocin America Isla Veyron problema below is an fifth class municipality Caputo selasa pondo we all priority in an administration I mean casa posterity by the ginger supposed to be 'miami made opening budget education no environment you a new Chan young budget namine paraná and lung Paris Paris our teachers training pneumonia teachers you know what we meet your Qaddafi publication and non-pom bodies and fumble the motor Rihanna the material pantheon you poor poster luggage on not necessarily Paris on Oh Paris a rapid window gonna go and Alain Perrin impeding source of income in library hood Crytek Neela and group on another all at Quincy polymer Kinshasa Holly Alma kaha Ruma condom profession Seleucus Ananta Templeton Simonetta isla de la alarma and her tapas element area a colony is a man lemons high school a college [Music] bah-ha vienen boa enamel a bottle ito an target an animal ballad and Elena Tuscan illa billah' perineal insatiable and alone but emotional mini meeting Panera [Music] magandang Gabi Posen in hug Papa CJ duro a Tito our eyewitness [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: GMA Public Affairs
Views: 847,579
Rating: 4.6990671 out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA Network, GMA Public Affairs, GMA News and Public Affairs, iWitness, iWitnessGMA, I-Witness GMA, iWitness Public Affairs, iWitness full episode, GMA Documentaries, Kara David, Sandra Aguinaldo, Howie Severino, Jay Taruc, documentary show, documentary program, iWitness GMA, iWitness Batang Langoy, Batang Langoy, Magalumbi Island
Id: WOp2hnA4Q_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2017
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