I wish I knew these things when I was young! 60 amazing tricks from a plumber near me

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Hello everyone, welcome to our channel. How is your day going? I hope that you will have a good day! Today's video we will share with you 60 amazing tricks of the plumber. First, to get out the broken thread inside the water pipe he used two screws and a screwdriver. Then put the faucet back on and you're done! In the next tip, he will show us how to connect the flexible plastic pipe to the water lock. He cut off part of the pen cap Heat one end of the plastic pipe and connect it to the lock to thread the pipe. He cut another piece of plastic pipe and attached it inside to shrink the size of the threaded plastic end he just made. Thread it outside the plastic tube, he will now attach the piece of plastic tube to the pen cap he cut. Insert the flexible plastic pipe inside the water lock and turn the lock, and his trick is done. Use the cutter to cut away the excess plastic pipe. Can you guess what he will instruct us to do? Oh, so installing the toilet, that's great! After removing the toilet from the box, he turned it upside down and used a piece of cardboard to measure and shape the bottom of it. Using a paper cutter cut the beer according to the drawing, he placed it on the floor to draw the shape again. Use glue and now he will attach the toilet to the pre-drawn position. A piece of cardboard can help him seal the glue to make it stronger and more aesthetic. Oh, now he's started working on the water line. Let's see, the first thing he got was a metal T-shaped plumbing connector Attached one end of the hose to the T-shaped connector, the other end he attached it to the toilet bowl. Next, he used a screwdriver to fix a stand On the other end of the T-connector, he screwed it on with the nozzle. Not only did he install the manhole cover, but he also installed the faucet, and the sink. Look at the way he does his job, he looks professional, doesn't he? Fixing the sink with screws, he fitted it with a drain pipe and a faucet. Finishing objects in a bathroom, this is not an easy task but through his hands, everything suddenly becomes so simple. Wow, you see? As soon as he installed the shower stand, his toilet is complete! The next trick that he will teach us is how to deal with a leaky drain pipe. The first thing he did was remove the pipe so he could fix it more easily. Use scissors to cut off the punctured part of the pipe Heating another end of the PVC pipe, he will make the size of the end of the plastic pipe become large Use a plastic pipe cutter to cut off the excess tube He cut out a hollow plastic ring. I wonder what it is used for? Using his technique, he inserted the twisted plastic pipe inside the PVC pipe Applying glue to the top of the twisted plastic tube, he attached it to the plastic buttonhole earlier. Continuing to use glue, he will secure the twisted plastic pipe with the PVC pipe piece nested outside of it. Not stopping there, he continued to apply glue and attach the end of the plastic pipe to another piece of pipe. And of course, now let's attach them to the rest of the coil. Now let's go back and attach it to the plumbing in the sink! Wow! You see, his pipeline worked great! With the following tips, you and I will learn together how to install this professional plumber's drain plug! The first is still the old manipulation, he will cut off the excess tube. Draw the shape of the cap on the floor and he will use the cutter to cut the bricks in the shape he just drew. Clean up the surrounding soil and right after that, he used glue to fix the lid. Oops! This toilet looks horrible! Even though he used a broom to scrub it, he still couldn't make it any cleaner. Using a hammer to punch this toilet? That's not a good solution. He has specialized machines, so a job that seemed difficult and time-consuming, but he did it easily. Do you see? The toilet has been removed! Now remove the plumbing and let's move on to the next step! First, he used a chisel to remove all the excess from the floor. Use a broom to make the restroom more clean. Making things more clean, he is as professional as housewives. Wow! Every nook and cranny of his bathroom has become immaculately clean. Next, let's go back to the toilet with him, remember that? A new toilet and installation is still the same as he shared with us in the previous tip. This proves that the tips he has shared with us will be applicable in many cases. So don't hesitate to save it! Because maybe one day it will help you in your daily life! At this point, the man in the video has started with the process of connecting the sewage pipe. He used a heat torch to make the pipe fit inside the water pipe that was buried under the house Apply glue and fix it. Use the cutter to cut off the excess pipe. Grinding the pipe, he applied glue to the place to attach the toilet. Put the toilet in and let's connect the pipes! The first time I saw his toilet installation tips I found it quite difficult but after watching it again and understanding how to do it little by little, I suddenly feel that the job is so much easier! Oh, his sink is broken Taking out the water lock, he immediately smashed the washbasin Dismantling the pipes, I guess he'll probably take them to clean First, he disassembled the parts of the pipe. Then use specialized detergent to clean those parts. Use the spray nozzle to clean the inside of the pipe. Now put the parts back together and let's move on to the next step! Next, he will clean the water lock This is probably one of the simplest of the tricks he shows us. Not only does he clean the tools that have been removed, he also cleans the wall and the things that are still attached to it. Now let's put the sink in! Recover the parts and now just install the water line and his job is done. He installed the shelf for his sink with a leg to hide the tube inside. oh, a plastic bottle, what is he going to do with it? Drill a hole in its lid? I still can't figure out what he's making. The next thing he did was cut off the valve part of a tire. Cut on another piece of tire a circle equal to the size of the PVC connector He put the ring out of the tube he just cut out the outside of the connector and put all the things he just made together. Drilling a small hole in the plastic bottle, he inserted the valve he just cut in the tube and fixed it with screws. Using a heat torch to connect a piece of PVC pipe to a piece of flexible plastic, he used a tightening belt to fix them. Adding a little glue, he attached the pipe to the tube on the plastic bottle he had just made. Add a nozzle, let's see what he does with them! Wow! Turns out this is a watering device, it's amazing! The next trick he showed us was how to install a squat toilet In the same way as with a flat toilet, he drew the shape of it on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. Pour more soil inside the location where the toilet is to be installed. He put the toilet in and used glue to secure it to the drain pipes. I feel like it's harder to install this toilet than the flat toilet he taught us, don't you think? Looking at the way he works, I think this is really a problem that only a professional repairman can do. It has so many stages that I can't do it by myself, which is a difficult task for me. But what if I get help from everyone in my family? Will I be able to do it with everyone's help? I think the answer is yes, because teamwork always gives us so much power that we can't even imagine! If you also want to try doing things like this, don't hesitate to ask for help from family members! That will make your job done more quickly. Wow! Remember the sprinkler he built earlier? Now it's time for it to work its magic! Pour the grout and now he will continue to raise the surface around the toilet Like I said, this is really a job that requires time and ingenuity of the performer. Luckily, he's finally made it to the bricklaying stage! After testing, he used a pen to draw on the bricks in the shape of the toilet and then went to the stage of using a cutter to make the bricks fit the size of the toilet. Pour the cement mixture under each brick to secure them. Cutting off the excess bricks, he continued to tile the sides of the border. So his job is somewhat done, now let's apply glue to her around the toilet! Oh my God! Before he finished, he ran into another problem, his glue jar had been used up. Throw it away? No, let's see how he will craft it! First, he took off the top of the glue box and used an iron rod to push the entire end of the box out of it. A little bit of white cement and he'll put it inside the glue box. Close the cap and place it inside the pump. So he's got a new jar of glue to hold his toilet in place! Take a look at this, it works great! Using a piece of pipe, he made the glue flatter After a long time of hard work, he finally finished his toilet. Oh, he's using a drill to drill inside the wall. Oops! He's already drilled inside the pipe! How do I fix it? Let's see what he came up with! Before we deal with the leaky pipe inside the wall, let's see what he's up to! First, he cut two pieces of PRC plastic tubes of equal size. Next he put a piece of PRC plastic tube and a plastic T into the 2 ends of the pipe threading lathe. As soon as he finished, he glued them together and continued to do so with the remaining piece of PRC plastic tube. Use the cutter to cut to the length of the pipe. Next, he cut a piece of foam in the shape of the pipe he just made and folded it in half to fit inside the pipe. Once he has a piece of pipe with this shape, he will use a drill to drill screws into the body of the pipe. Continuing to use a pipe lathe, he connected the other end of the T to another piece of PRC plastic pipe. Does its shape remind you of any tools? Let me know the answer in the comments! oh my god he was sweeping when the broom broke again! To recycle it, he uses cutters. Attach a connector to the broken body of the broom. Cut a piece of PVC pipe the same length as the broken broom handle. At one end of the pipe, he attached it to an external threaded connector. The other end is attached to a PVC cap. Now screw the body and head back together, and his broom is done! He is mopping the house but it seems the floor is too dry for him to clean it. Drill a hole in the cap of a Coca-Cola bottle, what is he going to do with it? Oh, he attached it to a PVC connector Next is to attach them with a piece of plastic pipe. At the other end of the pipe he also attached it with a similar connector Next, he put glue on a waterlock to attach it to pieces of PVC pipe Attached a plastic T, then he attached a plug to a PVC pipe Now let's put the parts we just made together. Remember the bottle cap he drilled in the beginning? He attached it to a piece of flexible plastic wire. Heat the plastic tube with a torch and now he will attach it to the bottle cap. Use cutter to cut part of PVC pipe Use glue to attach an extra plug to one end of the PVC pipe. At the other end, he attached it to the plastic pipe that had just been cut. Heating the end of the tool, he used a metal rod to flatten it. Cut and sharpen the two corners of the plastic pipe. Use screws to fix the body to the mop, now let's try to see how his mop works! Immediately after adding a water bottle, his broom was able to spray water and clean the house at the same time. Remember the leaky pipe inside the wall? Now he's back and done it! First, he drilled a hole and used a cutter to cut out a blank. Next, he used a stick of wood to rub it on the surface of the armor paper. Oh, he put glue on the inside of the coals he just sharpened? Can you guess what he'll use it for? Great, it made a really hard mixture! Even though he knocked with force, it didn't hurt. Cut out a piece of a Coca-Cola bottle, let's see what he does with it! He heated up an iron rod and threaded it through the piece of plastic he had just cut. Put glue on it and he stuck it through the hole in the pipe. Injecting a little charcoal powder, he added glue to fix them. Then, he wiped and smoothed the attached part with the armor pad. Now use a hammer to fix the wood cut out before! Oh oh, what else is he drilling for? Haha, so he's showing off his silver button In the next tip, he will show us how to wrap the wire so that it won't get tangled when it's removed. Pay attention to how he tidied up the wires and you'll discover the secret. I think this is a pretty cool trick, but it's even better if you show your kids how to do it. They will be delighted with these new secrets! Wow! Look, the wires didn't get tangled up when he picked them up! Now let's find out how to make the wire of this cutter more neat. I really have to admire that this guy has some really useful tips! In this tutorial, he will show us how to join two pieces of PRC plastic tubes together. The first is using a cutter, which he uses to cut off half of the top of the PRC plastic tube. After polishing, he used a pen to mark and cut a similar spot on the remaining pipe. At this point, his pipe welding machine is about to come into play. The paper cutter helped him cut off the leftovers on the plastic pipe. Another trick about joining PRC tubes but this time, instead of equal sized tubes, he used two different sized tubes. Do you remember his plastic pipe welding machine earlier? Again he needed to use it, because it made joining his PRC tubes easier. And now, let's deal with a broken faucet. Cut a piece of foam into a circular cylinder with a paper cutter. Smooth it with armor paper so that its size can fit a PRC tube Now he wraps black tape on one end of the bolt, noting that the size of the tapered end should still fit the size of the PRC faucet! Using a plastic pipe cutter, he cut off the part of the plastic pipe that was attached to the broken faucet. As soon as the faucet was cut, he quickly inserted the sponge inside the faucet and followed by the bolt with black tape. Next is using a plastic pipe welding machine, he will connect the water pipe with another lock. Now put the bolt in and take out the screw that has black tape on the inside! As you can see, this is the working mechanism of the tip inside the water lock. Is your lawn mower in such a situation? Let's wait and see what he has in mind to solve it! Attaching two different sized pieces of plastic pipe, he cut the middle of them. Using a plastic pipe welder, he attached it to a T-connector. On the other end of the T-connector, he continued to attach it to another piece of PRC plastic. Continue to add a connector. After a bunch of different connectors were attached, he used a cutter to cut the pipe. Heating the plastic pipe, he bent and flattened one end of it with pliers. Making a similar piece of pipe, he attached them with the connectors he made earlier. He used a screwdriver to remove the blade part of the cutter. Adding to the shank of the cutter a hoop, he used it to secure the T-connector on the shank. Plug in the tool you just made and now let's see how his homemade cutter works! Wow! Great, it can mow the grass! Next, let's learn how to connect these two pieces of pipe together! Oh, how can he get this plug out? Use pliers to cut? That's not a good idea! Notice how he threaded the strings to see how to deal with this! How to punch a hole in this glass? Using a drill? It will cause your glass to break! In order to drill a hole in the cup, he first put a towel inside the pot. Then he put the cup on and used a hammer and screwdriver to make holes in the bottom of the cup. Wow! You see, he made a hole in the bottom without breaking his cup. Oh, he's teaching us how to remove screws from the wall! Another trick on how to fix the sink faucet, let's see how he does it! After removing the faucet from the sink, he used scissors to cut through the punctured part of it. Burning the tube with fire, he clamped it out with his pliers. Fixed the screw and now, he continues to use fire to heat the metal Use a hammer and screwdriver to knock, and his parts come loose. In my opinion, this is not an easy trick to do because it requires a lot of techniques of professional craftsmen. Do you see that? Let me know your answers below in the comments! Although this is a difficult trick, it is a very useful trick because broken plumbing is a problem that many families are facing but have not found a solution. Put the pipes back on, and he's done! Heating and bending the plastic pipes, I had no idea what he was trying to accomplish. How about you? Which country are you watching our videos from? Wherever you are in the world, I wish you a good day! Let's go back to the video we're watching, oh, so he's building a handle for a window. It's great, isn't it? Using magic, he picked up an old hammer from his garden. Cut off the broken handle, he kept the tip. Using a grinder, he sharpened the rust on the outside of the hammer head Taking out the plastic tube, he used the pipe cutter to cut a piece of it Now let's use the pipe welding machine to make the body of the hammer! A seemingly simple task, but is actually quite difficult. Looking at the way he performs his operations with his machines, I can confidently say that he is a professional craftsman. Do you see? He used magic to pick up an old hammer but he used his power to turn it into a new hammer! Great! How can the hole in this pipe be sealed? In a very simple way, he used rivets The water has stopped flowing through the hole, isn't that great? But not stopping there, now let's see how he will attach a piece of PRC plastic to the pipe and cover the puncture site! He has four types of pipes, how can he connect them together? Cut the PRC plastic T in half, he used a paring knife to make it smoother. Do the same with another PRC plastic T then he uses a plastic pipe welder to glue them together. Cut off the excess, and you see? It's absolutely certain! Bring in a pipe welder and now he can just put the four ends of the hose together by applying plastic pipe joining techniques! I am sure that this will be a technique that will help you a lot in life. It's great, isn't it? Oops! He dropped it and his shower was broken! A very simple repair trick was started with an internal threaded connector and a plastic pipe. After applying glue and attaching the plastic pipe to the internal threaded connector, he used a plastic pipe cutter to cut away part of the pipe. A pair of scissors will make dismantling the plumbing parts of the shower easier Once he took out the shower components, he inserted the plastic pipe with the internal threaded connector in and then reinstalled everything as it was. And now we just need to attach the hose to the faucet, and that's it! Put the faucet back in the bathroom. Wow! It works really well! Oh, measure and draw on a piece of PVC pipe? What will he do with it? After wrapping it with a piece of white paper, he drew on it in the shape of the piece of paper and used a cutter to cut it according to the drawing. Drill a hole in a PVC plug. He cut an iron rod to the length he wanted. Putting the PVC seals on the ends of the plastic pipes, he pierced the iron rods through them. Marked the position on the iron bar, he took it out and screwed it into place. Use a welding machine on the positions next to the screws Wrap as much rope as possible on top of the iron. To this day I still can't figure out what he's making. Can you guess what he wants to do? Oh, once he was done tying, he cut off a piece of the lanyard. He put what he just made inside the plastic pipe, he covered both ends of it with PVC plugs Now glue them in place! At the top of the iron, he attached more screws and used a welding machine to fix it. Cut away a piece on the body of the plastic pipe. I'm really curious what's the name of the thing he's making? When you see this object, what do you think of? He heated the ends of the PRC plastic pipes, he used a wooden stick to flatten them. After drilling holes in the ends, he fixed it and bent it. Place it on the plastic tube and mark the locations of the two holes. And drill holes in those places. Use screws to fix Oh my God! This item of his has too many stages. When I first started, I didn't think it would be that complicated. Oh, so what he just did was a crank for his work It was unthinkable, it turned out to be a tool to support plastering on the wall. It's very effective, isn't it? His house's water tank broke, wait and see if he has any ideas on how to fix it! Connect pieces of plastic pipes of different sizes together. Screw the PVC cap onto a bottle cap then use glue to secure it. Secure the previously attached tubes with the cap on the bottle. Add a rubber ring inside and attach another piece of PVC pipe. Now let's put it in with the faucet! His water is dirty, let's find out why! After cutting off a pipe, he took out two large vases. Use pipes to join them together and connect them to household water pipes. Plug it in and see how it works! Wow, the water is clean again! The seats are dirty, this is probably a problem that many families are facing, so how can they be cleaned? After drilling two holes in the lid of a box, he cut the tattoo to the size of the external threaded connectors. Screwing the connectors into the holes drilled in the lid of the box, he used glue to attach it to a piece of PVC pipe. Once he made two such boxes, he continued to use glue and plastic pipes and PVC connectors to connect them together. In the next step, he poured sand into the inside of a PVC pipe section and then added sealed caps to both ends. Thanks to this, after heating, even if he bent the pipe section, it wouldn't deform. He drew the shape of the box's bottom on a piece of paper, then utilized clothes hangers to bend it into the drawn form. Now all he had to do was insert it inside the box and stick it back together, and his work was nearly complete! Connecting the pipes to the boxes, now let's join him in testing the results! Wow! Look there, its suction force is really strong! In order to clean the chairs even more thoroughly, he also used a bit of Coca-Cola and baking soda. Oh my goodness! Can you see it? His machine has made the chairs incredibly clean! Using a metal wire to unclog a toilet? That doesn't sound like a promising solution! Before directly addressing the toilet issue, let's watch his experiment together! Can you feel how intense this reaction is? It caused the box to become distorted and even shattered! With just a bit of lime, he was able to effortlessly free the toilet from the clog. Do you have a car wash like this at home? Running back and forth to pump water is very convenient, isn't it? To handle this situation, the first thing he has is a bottle and a piece of PVC pipe, which he will use glue to attach the tube to the bottle. Use a wire to fix the pipe with a water lock Drill a small hole in the water tank. Through that connector and types of plastic pipes. Put everything you just did together and see the results! Great, the water will pump itself every time it runs out! Did you find it useful? Coming to the next tip, he first used a saw to cut the pipes. Trim the two edges of the flattened pipe end Saw a piece of wood and now let's see what he does with it! After attaching the two forks, he used black tape to wrap them with plastic tubes Tie the cord to the tool shank. Wow! It can pull out the tool from the inside of the tube! You see, it's very useful! Cut off one end of the power pipe. What will he do with it? Plug lots of light bulbs onto the surface Connect all the filaments of the balls together. Mark the position of yin and yang and attach the battery Use glue to fix Drill a hole and wire the light bulb Plug it in and let's see the results! Let's come to the last trick, how he solved this clogged toilet! The first thing to do is to attach this plastic T to the Coca-Cola bottle cap Cut equal lengths of plastic pipes and attach them to the water lock Open the bottle and drill a small hole in the cap Removed the tip of the spray nozzle, he installed it with the tool he just made Next is to drill a hole in a PVC seal he attached it with some tools Next is to attach two pieces of plastic pipe together. Measure and cut to get the right size for the toilet bowl. Cut another piece of foam and let's see what he does with it! Secure the sponge to the plastic tube. Now he continues to cut a piece of the tire Wrap the tattoo with the water pipe, let's see the result! Putting the tool he just made into the toilet, he connected it to the water line he made earlier. Wow! The toilet is no longer clogged, great! And now, I sincerely thank you all for your attentive listening. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel to watch our latest and most exciting videos! See you in the next ones.
Channel: Tips Unknown
Views: 4,279,367
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Keywords: PlumbingTricks, ExpertTips, PlumbingHacks, DIYPlumbing, LocalPlumber, PlumbingSolutions, HomeMaintenance, WaterConservation, EcoFriendlyLiving, PipeRepair, ToiletMaintenance, WaterHeaterCare, SmartHomeTechnology, FrozenPipes, LeakDetection, WaterPressureFix, PlumbingEmergencies, PlumbingSafety, Plumbing101, DIYHomeRepairs, GreenLiving, WaterWastagePrevention, SustainableLiving, HomeImprovement, PlumbingTools, MoneySavingTips, PlumbingMaintenance, HomePlumbingProjects, HomeownersGuide, PlumbingTipsandTricks
Id: WOrnjzGefso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 8sec (4868 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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