šŸ”„ I Will Shake All Things - Part 1: The Nations - Derek Prince

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this is 12 and 13 and it is I trust it or prove appropriate to the message which I'm going to be bringing some 94 this is 12 and 13 blessed is the man whom you instruct oh Lord and teach out of your law that you may give him relief from the days of adversity until the pit is dug for the wicked if you don't see the appropriateness of that I trust you will a little more clearly after this evening is over now I want to begin by reading the passage that was assigned to me so if you you can leave the responsibility at the door of Ken Burnett I don't know whether he remembers that he didn't get gave me this passage and I staggered because I thought how can I possibly be it was so vast a theme as its contained in these words which are found in Hebrews chapter 12 verses 25 through 29 Hebrews 12 verses 25 through 29 see that you do not refuse him who speaks for if they did not escape who refused him who spoke on earth much more shall we not escape if we turn away from him who speaks from heaven whose voice then shook the earth but now he has promised saying yet once more I shake not only the earth but also heaven now this yet once more indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken as of things that I mean that the things which cannot be shaken may remain therefore since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve God except ibly with reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire and then we need to turn briefly to the passage from which those words were quoted which was in Haggai chapter 2 and verse 6 and I read them for a special reason that's Haggai chapter 2 verse 6 and beginning of verse 7 well thus says the Lord of hosts once more it is a little while I will shake heaven and earth the sea and dry land and he adds what is not stated exactly in Hebrews I will shake all nations so God says I will shake heaven and earth the sea the dry land and I will shake all nations that's a tremendous theme to contemplate our imagination can scarcely take in what is involved in the outworking of that statement that heaven and earth the sea the dry land and all nations are to be shaken by the power of God before I go into the theme I want to ask you a question which is based on Scripture the question is this you don't have to give me an outloud answer do you believe in the judgment of God because in my experience as I travel around and meet a lot of Christians in different places and attend a lot of conferences and meetings very very little is said today in most places about the judgment of God the attitude almost seems to be when it's not nice to talk about God's judgment let's stay away from that painful subject in fact I think a lot of Christians really almost have reservations about presenting God as a judge it's almost as if that will offend people or frightened people we won't be able to get them to listen to the gospel if we talk about the judgment of God in John 16 verse 8 jesus said when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will convict the world of three things of sin of righteousness and of judgment as I see it those are the three eternal unchanging realities on which all true religion is based sin righteousness and judgment and if we ask what sin is the scripture says all unrighteousness is sin so there are just two possibilities in every action and in every life sin or righteousness and if a thing is not righteous it is simple it is in a way easy to define what sin is as if I were asked what is crooked all I would have to do is hold up a straight line and say that anything departs from there whether my little or by much is crooked and the same is true with righteousness and sin God has held up a line of righteousness it is Jesus and anything that departs from their little or much his sin and on the basis of how we have lived whether by sin or by righteousness we will face the judgment of God there is one appointment that every one of us here will inevitably keep it's the judgment of God not one of us can escape there are two different judgments there's the judgment of condemnation and there's a judgment for those who've received Jesus and lived for him which is an assessment of reward but every one of us will stand before the judgment of God I think it's foolish to live as if that were not so and I think in a way it's unjust to the unconverted not to confront them with the reality of God's judgment in what I'm going to say this evening if I succeed I will paint a picture of some very terrible and frightening things that are going to come quite soon over the whole earth and all humanity and I could wonder if when these things begin to happen the unconverted will not say to you and me why didn't you ever warn us that this was going to happen you see the same person who is the savior is also the judge and his name is Jesus it's interesting that when the Apostles presented the gospel to people from a non-jewish background they always presented Jesus as both Savior and judge for instance in Acts chapter 10 when Peter went to the house of Cornelius and began to tell them about Jesus he said in verse 42 and verse 43 and he commanded us to preach to the people and testify that it is he that is Jesus who was ordained by God to be judge of the living and the dead to him all the prophets witness that through his name whoever believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sins in actual fact Peter put judgment before forgiveness he said the same one through whom you can receive forgiveness of sins he's also the one who's ordained by God to be the judge of all and then when Paul was preaching in Athens again he was preaching to people who were mainly not from a Jewish background he said in acts 17 verses 30 and following truly these times of ignorance God overlooked but now commands all men everywhere to repent there are no omissions and no exceptions God requires all men everywhere to repent and then he gives a reason because God has appointed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom he has ordained he has given assurance of this to all by raising him from so the man whom God raised from the Dane Jesus is the one who is God's appointed judge of all men he's just as efficient just as thorough and just as faithful as a judge as he is as a savior as a savior he omits nothing and as a judge likewise he omits nothing there's a parable in Luke 19 the pan it's called the parable of the pounds or the miners it's about a a wealthy ruler who took a journey and committed to his servants certain money to handle on his behalf and he gave to each of them a miner which they say is about three months salary and then he came back after a long while and reckoned with them said what have you done with my miner and the first one said I've made ten more miners and the Lord said well done good and faithful servant we have authority over ten cities in my kingdom the second servant he said what have you done with my miner and he said I've made five miners and he said well done but he didn't say good and faithful he said have authority over five cities so it's very clear the principle is according to the faithfulness with which we have served the Lord in this age we will be apportioned our sphere of authority in the coming age there will be no favoritism but then there was one other servant who made nothing he said I was afraid of you so I just went and hid your minor and here it is I'm giving it back to you and the Sutton the Lord said you wicked and lazy servant how many of you realized that laziness is also wickedness we have such an unbalanced scale of values in the church if a man gets drunk we think that's awful and certainly it's not good and we wouldn't have a drunkard in church but how many lazy people do we have in church people who never really take time to study the Bible to get down in prayer people maybe who you can't even rely on to do a thorough job anyway and the Bible calls them wicked but I want you to see the end of this parable because when this man went away to get his kingdom and return his citizens sent a message after him saying we don't want this man to rule over us and when he returned at the end of the parable the final words are these but bring here those enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them and slay them before me I was shocked when I felt the impact of those words because the man is a picture of Jesus and he says those who rejected my rule bring them here and slay them before me he is just as thorough and faithful as judge as he is a savior he is here both the same one and God has made a Savior he has also made a judge now let me come back more closely to the scripture that we began with the prophecy that God was going to shake all things that can be shaken nothing that can be shaken will eventually be left unshakeable some years ago not very long ago the Lord I think spoke to Ruth to me about his judgments at the close of this age and he's saying I believe this is my understanding of what he's saying his judgments will come in three phases preliminary intermediate and final now my personal reading of the situation of the world today is that the preliminary judgments have already begun I don't believe we've come to the intermediate certainly we have not yet come to the final judgments of God now let's ask ourselves for a little while if you will follow with me what are some of the things that can be shaken because if they can be shaken they will be shaken I'd like to turn first of all to the famous parable and the the two different houses one built on sand and the other built on a rock the version that's given in Luke chapter 6 verses 47 through 49 whoever comes to me Jesus is speaking whoever comes to me and hears my sayings and does them I will show you whom he is like he is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock and when the flood arose the stream beat vehemently against that house and could not shake it for it was founded on the rock but he who heard and did nothing it's like a man who built house on the earth without a foundation against which the stream beat vehemently and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great notice there's no difference to the tests to which each house was of subjective each of them are subjected to the storm and don't imagine that being a believer will give you a storm free passage through life if anything rather the opposite there's a kind of presentation of truth today which is only half truth which is if you come to the Lord and get saved everything will go well you'll never have any problems etc most of us know by experience if not by scripture that that isn't true a friend of mine who's a preacher was once asked what is the evidence of the maps and the Holy Spirit he replied trouble there was only one difference it was not in what the houses went through it was that one was built on a solid foundation a rock the other was not and Jesus saved building on the rock is very simple it's hearing what he says and doing it and I believe that is the only foundation that will give us a building that cannot be shaken anything that is not built on the hearing and doing of the teaching of Jesus will be shaken so I would like to think over with you briefly some things that will be shaken this is not an a passionate emotional appeal I'm trying to be objective and in a sense analytical I'm trying to say things which everybody will agree to the problem is not to tell people something they don't know it's to remind them of what they know and maybe don't want to remember first of all individual lives can be shaken in the ministry I've dealt with hundreds of people over the years whose lives have been totally shaken by sickness by poverty by broken marriage in various ways people who say I give up I can't go any further nothing helps nothing works I might as well be dead there were people whose lives were not built on the teaching of Jesus it doesn't mean that if we build on the teaching of Jesus we'll have no problems but we'll have the strength to withstand the problems and then Jesus said in Matthew 12 verse 25 every house or household that is divided against itself cannot stand so any household that is divided in which there is not unity and love and peace can be shaken and will be shaken and we see everyday reports in the papers of households that are being shaken in fact I think it's probably the main cause of the problems that confront us in society today it's the breakup of the family and what is is resulted in is hordes of unparent in children parents can run away from their responsibilities for their children but they'll catch up maybe not in that generation but in the next and one of the major social features of the world today is the activities of unparent in children I'll mention just three areas one is South Africa in the black townships whether our hordes of children who know eligio allegiance to anybody have no respect for anything have no concern for human life they have just abandoned themselves because they've been abandoned I've said many times there's no such thing as a juvenile delinquent the delinquents are the adults and there's no one really they can control them see police can keep order in a society if the majority of the society are on the side of the police and in favor of law and order but when the majority of a Sud dis of a society turns the other way the police cannot possibly maintain order it's not their job another place where this is true is in Israel amongst the younger Arabs growing up as a result of the so called Intifada I'm familiar with the Arab culture I lived amongst it and normally the young have great respect for the old and children have great respect for their parents but the end of father has broken all that down and now society is being taken over by teenagers who have no loyalty no commitment no respect whatever and in a sense their society is no longer manageable than a third place which is an example of that is Los Angeles again the root problem is children who've grown up without the love the discipline and the care of parents and there is no social answer to this problem I personally believe it will multiply and increase I can believe that here in Britain there will be whole areas which will be taken over by young rebels and the police will simply stay clear in those areas that there are some areas in the country now but we need to come to the root of the problem which is the parents who failed to train their children then let's think about institutions any institution that is not founded on the teaching of Jesus can be shaken banks can be shaken do you believe that believe me in America we are seeing a shaking of the banks there's a there's a personal debt of $500 today on every American citizen because of the savings and loans banks which fail and for which the government had accepted responsibility actually my personal opinion is there is no way that the United States can escape bankruptcy that's I'm not going to go into that but it's just I believe effect I believe that whole nation is going to be shaken then businesses can be shaken there are many businesses in this country and other countries closing down going bankrupt because businesses can be shaken governments can be shaken we saw that in what were used to be the Soviet Union the whole of that government collapse like a house of cards and no one has been able to put it together we need to be take note of these things because we tend to look to some of these institutions for stability people used to say as safe as the Bank of England that's not very safe we tend to look to big corporations and firms and think well they've got it made but they don't have there's another kind of institution which also can be shaken and that is religious institutions they have no guarantee of stability whatever unless they're built on the teaching of Jesus I believe many many so-called Christian institutions are going to be thrown down in the shaking that's ahead I would say to you don't look to a bang don't look to a business don't look to a government and don't look to a religious institution for security because they cannot provide it they are all amongst the things which will be shaken and then material structures can be shaken structures like this church building in which we're meeting I'll read you just a couple of passages from the prophet Isaiah Isaiah chapter 2 beginning at verse 12 now as I read some of these passages where God is speaking about things that are being shaken I suggest that you make a little mental register of what is the one thing that God hates the most the one thing that ultimately will always bring disaster I don't want to tell you the answer I just want you to follow with me and see if you can pick out what I believe is the one salient feature in Isaiah chapter two beginning at verse 12 for the day of the Lord of Hosts shall come upon everything proud and loft it lofty upon everything lifted up and it shall be brought low upon all the Cedars of Lebanon that are high and lifted up and upon all the Oaks of Bashan upon all the high mountains and upon all the hills that are lifted up upon every high tower and upon every fortified wall upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all the beautiful sloops the loftiness of man shall be bowed down and the haughtiness of men shall be brought low the Lord alone will be exalted in that day and just one verse from Isaiah chapter 30 verse 25 Isaiah 30 verse 25 there will be on every high mountain and on every high hill rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter when the towers fall and every time I walk through a major city such as this and I look at all the skyscrapers and all these tremendously tall buildings and I ask myself what will it be like in the day when the towers fall I always think particularly the ones that have glass walls and it's hard to imagine the kind of scene that would confront us if all of them collapsed but the Bible says they will all fall you may feel uncertain about that let me say for my part I believe it will happen exactly the way it says and then the whole earth will be shaken in Revelation chapter 6 this is part of the unfolding of the prophetic vision of Revelation beginning at verse 12 and I looked when he opened the sixth seal and behold there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and island was moved out of its place I don't think our minds can fully conceive what will happen when every mountain and every island including the British Isles will be shaken and finally in this list the heavenly bodies will be shaken and you remember that the Lord said I will shake not only earth but also the heaven in Matthew 24 verse 29 this is part of the prophetic discourse of Jesus on the Mount of Olives leading up to his return Matthew 24:29 immediately after the tribulation of those days the Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light the Stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken I don't believe any of us fully understand but apparently everything that we associate with the heavens will be shaken which is exactly what God said in Hagin I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens the writer of Hebrews says everything that can be shaken will be shaken why because God wants to reveal and demonstrate a kingdom that cannot be shaken and one way to prove it is to let everything that can be shaken be shaken and the writer of Hebrews says we have such a kingdom we have something that cannot be shaken but it's not in any of the things that I've listed so you need to ask yourself and I need to ask myself where is my kingdom what is my kingdom what am I putting my trust in that cannot be shaken I'd like to go on a little further go back to Isaiah for a moment verse 24 this is a staggering chapter I'm sorry chapter 24 Isaiah chapter 24 I'll read the first six verses and then I'll read a little further on in a minute behold the Lord makes the earth empty and makes it waste distorts its surface and scatters abroad its inhabitants and it shall be as with the people so with the priest as with the servant so with his master as with the maid so with their mistress as with the buyer so with the seller as with the lender so with the borrower as with the creditor so with the debtor God is very specific there will be nobody exempted from this often we tend to think that wealth and social position can provide security but here Isaiah tells us neither the master will be in the same situation as the servant the mistress with the maid the creditor with the lender no form of financial security will be effective then he goes on in verse three the earth shall be entirely emptied and utterly plundered for the Lord has spoken this word the earth mourns and fades away the world languages and fades away the haughty people of the earth languish the earth is also defiled under its inhabitants because they have transgressed the laws changed the ordinance broken the everlasting covenant therefore the curse has devoured the earth and those who dwell in it are desolate therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned and few men are left God gives three reasons why this will happen concerning the inhabitants there they have transgressed the laws they have changed the ordinance they have broken the everlasting covenant those might be interpreted in various ways but in my thinking there are certain laws which God has instituted for Humanity which will never be broken with his permission and when God made a covenant with Noah and all those who descended from him one thing he said was who said whoever sheds man's blood by man shall his blood be shed that's an eternal edict of the lone no human government no human legal system can set aside that long and then it says they've changed the ordinance in other words that I mean I believe it means they've changed the pattern of living which God has instituted for Humanity and primarily that is the family the structure of the family in the mother in the Bible is not based on culture it's based on the eternal nature of God himself God is the head of Christ Christ is the head of the man the man is the head of the womb it starts with God himself and those women who feel that it's unfair to be placed in a position of subordination need to remember that Jesus is in a position of subordination to the Father and as I said earlier I think the changing of that ordinance ultimately has taken away the whole stability of society and there are professional sociologists and others who have seriously questioned whether society can survive when the institution of the family has been broken down and then the third charge against humanity is that we have broken the everlasting covenant that could be interpreted in various ways but for me the everlasting covenant is the Covenant that God has made with men and women through Jesus Christ and when we break that covenant and depart from its requirements we must inevitably be subject to the judgment of God as I look at the world around me and at Britain and I grew up in this country between the two world wars and I've had longer to observe the world than most of you they're not all of you I have seen every one of these things happen before my eyes I've seen the whole structure and nature society totally changed if things that are done today and taken for granted had been done 60 years ago there would have been an opera the kind of thing that's presented on television some of the kinds of things would have created a demonstration 60 years ago you know the little parable about the frog which I heard from somebody if you put a frog in a basin and pour it in boiling water the Frog will jump out but if you put the frog in a basin with cool water and gradually heat it then the Frog will stay there till it dies and that's how the devil has been treating us he didn't pour the boiling water in immediately but he has steadily and gradually heated the water until we're ready to die now I want to go on in Isaiah 24 I hope you take time to study this passage for yourself we'll go on to verse 17 of Isaiah 24 fear and the pit and the snare are upon you o inhabitant of the earth and it shall be that he who flees from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit and he who comes up from the midst of the pit shall be caught in the snare for the windows from an eye open and the foundations of the earth are shaken the earth is violently broken the earth is split open the earth is shaken exceedingly the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunken and shalt tot out like a hot it's transgression shall be heavy upon it and it will fall and not rise again I don't know that language could be more vivid with half a different phrase half a dozen different phrases it presents exactly what the writer of Hebrews says all things that can be shaken will be shaken there are no exceptions then I want to read the close of this twenty-fourth chapter because it indicates the climax which God has appointed and blah God has his own climax his own plan his own program beginning in verse 21 it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord will punish on high the host of exalted ones and on the earth the kings of the earth they will be gathered together as prisoners a shot are gathered in the pit on the dungeon and will be shut up in the prison and after many days they will be punished or dealt with then the moon will be disgraced and the Sun ashamed for the Lord of Hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before his elders gloriously what is the climax it's the establishment of the Lord's Kingdom on earth with Jerusalem as its capital and it's going to take all that Isaiah has described to bring us to that place so when we pray as we should pray your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven whether we realize it or not we're releasing the events that are described in Isaiah chapter 24 it says the moon will be a shame disgrace than the Sun of shame as I understand it the glory of Jesus in his kingdom will be so awesome that the moon and the Sun will look pale by comparison Jesus said in Luke 926 he said when the Son of Man comes in his own glory the father's glory and the glory of the holy angels there will be a triple glory the glory of Jesus the glory of the Father and the glory of the angels any kind of light that most of us have ever even imagined will be totally insignificant by comparison with the brightness of that light but I have spoken to friends more than one who had a brief visitation in heaven and they all said the same thing the light was as bright as a million Suns but it never heard the eyes so I am NOT preaching a negative message I'm just describing what will happen for the kingdom of God to be established on earth so next time you feel like praying the Lord's Prayer just stop and say do I really mean what I'm saying I want to look also in Revelation 6 for a moment again which is the end of this same passage that we read revelation 6 I'll go on from where we finished reading verse 14 revelation 6:14 then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and island was moved out of its place I have to tell you that staggers me I mean I I sit back and I I'm I gasp to think what that will mean and the kings of the earth the great men the rich men the commanders the mighty men every slave in every free man hid themselves in the caves and in rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand there was one thing that sinful men could not bear it was to be exposed to the light of God's countenance and there's one phrase there which has been has impacted me in the last year or so it says hide us from the wrath of the Lamb none of us has ever seen an angry lamb I don't believe that ever has been an angry ham and angry lamb in the history of humanity but one day something totally without parallel or without precedent will happen the lamb will become angry ultimately the rebellion and the wickedness of man will provoke even the land to rock and that site will be so terrible that men would rather be crushed under rocks on mountains and have to look at it no just a moment longer I've lost count of time so I hope I'm within my limits what is the what is the root cause of all this why does God have to deal this way with the earth and with the human rains many answers could be given and I've read books that explain why we're facing disaster some trace social causes some trace economic causes I've just been reading a book that deals with the United States cause the coming economic earthquake which I have to say I think is inevitable I don't think there's any way the United States can avoid the earthquake that lies ahead but that's not the root cause it's not economic it's not social it's not political the one root cause and the Bible so unerringly exposes it is the general dierent degeneration of human character so we look in closing second Timothy chapter 3 second Timothy chapter 3 and we reinvest of all the first five verses but know this then in the last days perilous times will come I like the way Oh let me stop for a moment and see if you can pass your examination don't be frightened if if you don't agree with me you can still go to heaven but what is the one particular word or aspect of conduct or character that is singled out all the way through is that which ultimately provokes God's wrath pride that's right God has been dealing with me personally on the subject of pride from the only two years I think maybe I should share this personally before we go any further in 1990 November Ruth and I took what was to have been a six-month sabbatical in Hawaii we went to seek the Lord for his plan for our future and we envisaged a nice relaxed time in this beautiful setting reading the Bible and praying and having fellowship with other Christians and it didn't work out that way at all it was an extremely difficult time for many reasons I became seriously ill with a disease that could have killed me and Ruth was left looking after a husband who had no strength at all and part from that gone persistently dealt with us I mean I've seen God deal with my wife who is a real saintly woman and I've seen God say and do things to her that I wouldn't have dared to say not because I'm afraid of her but simply because I wouldn't have the strength to do it and I'm not going to lay bare any of her secrets but for about six months in fact we had to prolong our sabbatical because we hadn't arrived at the conclusion at the end of six months gone relentlessly and remorselessly dealt with us he was always kind and always patient never condemned Natori but he laid bare one thing after another in our lives which he insisted that we change and of all the things that he dealt with the one that was most that was central to everything was pride and you know there's various ways of dealing with Prague roulette me tell you one good way that we learned that is to confess your sins I think that's become old-fashioned you know the church today we don't confess our sins but the Bible says confess your sins one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed now the King James Version for some reason says confess your faults I think maybe they were afraid of being too close to the Roman Catholics but the word in greek is sins it's just the same word that's used for sin all through the New Testament confess your sins one to another and you know it's very hard to stay proud when you're confessing your sins you try it let me recommend it to you especially for a husband to confess his sins to his wife I mean if there is one thing that a husband doesn't want to do that's it but I'm glad that I had a wife to confess my sins to and I'm glad she listened so patiently she confessed sins to me too what I'm saying is I have a totally different view of pride from what I had before that's one thing I'm afraid of it's being proud I don't claim that I've achieved that and when I see Christians especially ministers who demonstrate manifest pride I tremble I really do see it seems to me that in the church today you can get away with product it's not considered sinful in fact it's almost considered something to be emulated buddy you know there's a lot of people say pride goes before a fall that's not true says pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the phone I don't want to end up in destruction I'm speaking to you out of personal experience and please don't imagine that I think I have achieved it but I will say I'm a very different person from what I was two and a half years ago and I am continually amazed that God has been so patient with me I am literally amazed that he would tolerate things in me so long and let me say I've never been guilty of adultery or immorality or fornication or drunkenness or misuse of funds all the things that people think about when a minister speaks about sin that's not where it was in fact I think I'm letting God wants me to tell you this the thing that God convicted me almost was carnality I was lying there sick and I thought to myself Here I am I've preached healing for 60 years 50 years I've seen multitudes of people healed and I believe what the Bible says by the stripes of Jesus we are healed so my problem was not really I was afraid of death my problem was intellectual how can I relate my present condition to my belief in the Bible and about 2 a.m. one night or one morning on the day in which I ended up in hospital though I didn't know I was going to be there the Lord woke me and very graciously and gently showed me how much he hated finality you know that God has got strong feelings you know that God longs and he hates and he says in Malachi Jacob I loved and he saw I hate him and Esau is one of the biblical types of carnality and God showed me that carnality is absolutely hateful to him he didn't say I was hateful he reaffirmed his Lomb now I'm not going to he showed me certain scenes from my past some of them in restaurants let me see there and if I were to be wondered how I would explain to others what he showed me because I mean lots of people do things I never did and I do things that they never did and this is my definition of carnality as far as I've been able to see it the writer of Hebrews saying here we have no continuing City but we look for want to come at any time we begin to think and act and live as if this world was our home and we had something permanent here that is Cannella T doesn't need to express itself in any big or ugly sin but once we lose the vision of eternity and are not living in the consciousness of eternal issues that is continuity and I tell you God hates it he doesn't hate you he doesn't hate me and he's infinitely patient but he wants to deal with it afterwards when I was recovering physically and getting better the Lord told me that it would take time that he was going to do it but it would take time and then he said something so sweet he said be patient with me as I have been patient with you I couldn't argue with that still I'm still being patient I want to test if I have come a long long long way I am really flourishing I'm not totally as strong as I was before I became sick now I say all that because I don't want to just what I felt the Lord prompted me to say it but I don't want to just be in the abstract I want this to come down to the place where you live it affects you your destiny is at stake it's not just theology it's how we live there is no abstract theology in the New Testament you cannot find it every time there's a theological truth propounded in the New Testament it's applied to the way we live without exception you can look you'll never find just abstract theological truth so let's come down to the basic we know we all agreed on one thing the thing that God hates most is what cry let's say that again the thing that God hates most is pride I mean so we come down back to second Timothy chapter 3 which is where we were before but know this that in the last days perilous times will come dangerous times tough times the marginal reading in this version is times of stress will come why because men will be certain things what is the root problem it's the decline of human character and behavior and it's progressive and it cannot be reversed this is something God showed me corruption is irreversible once a thing becomes corrupt you can halt corruption you can slow corruption but you cannot reverse it take any piece of fruit any vegetable anything like that it's corrupt and if you leave it its corruption will become totally manifest you can take the most beautiful succulent looking peach but leave it a week and it looks much less beautiful and taste much less succulent now you can do something you can put it in a refrigerator a refrigerator will not reverse the process but it will slow it and forgive me for saying this but I think the church is like a refrigerator you put person in the church doesn't change his corruption but it has slowed it done but God is so realistic he doesn't try to reverse corruption he has only one solution a new birth a totally new star if any man be in Christ he is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new and all things are of God the new creation is totally God originated there's not one element of corruption in it so you can remain in your corruption if you want to sit in your refrigerator you can do it but the only thing that will change you is new birth the new creation and if you've never had that you need it young or old man or woman makes no difference there's no sex in the new birth now let's go on with this list of corruption I'm running out of my time now but in here verse two men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderous without self-control brutal despises of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God there are 18 distinct moral blemishes in that list we won't take time to go into them all but in the time that I've lived in the Western world in nations such as Britain the United States Scandinavia Germany nations which I'm familiar with almost every one of these moral blemishes it's much more manifest than it was fifty years ago many of you who are in the same sort of age bracket as I am will agree with that statement I'm sure we have witnessed a process of corruption in our society and it's continuing and it cannot be reversed the only solution is a totally new beginning but I want to point out to you three things with a very significant there are three loves that really are the root of all the problems love of self love of money and love of pleasure and I would say European culture and society including Britain it's dominated by those three features love of self love of money robber pleasure and you see love of self is what leads to the breakdown of society because I'm so important to myself I can't live with anybody nobody is good enough for me nobody does things the way I want statistics show that in the United States today the average number of people in a household is 1.72 people can't live together any longer what's the cause love of self I want things my way it's my convenience that matters I'm important cater to me and if you don't take care of yourself I'll get on without you love of money I think the one major spiritual power that dominates Western society is Mammon basically in the contemporary culture today if a thing makes money that justifies it no other argument is needed even pornography is called a billion dollar industry and you see I think justice is impossible where the love of money prevents because rich people can get away with anything they can buy their way out of anything they're just as guilty in most cases as the poor that their wealth is a protection for the time being but remember not forever and then love of pleasure there was a slogan that went right through the United States that sums it up if it feels good do it that's the contemporary way of describing love a pleasure but I've talked to many people who were in the Jesus movement in the 1960s 1970s they discovered that though it felt good they didn't do good and at the end of 10 or 15 years they were wrecks physically morally and spiritually then the next phrase is the most frightening of all that's in verse 5 at the end of this list it says having a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away now I don't believe the Bible would call anything that was unchristian godliness so we're talking about some form of Christianity but it's a form that denies its power in the context what is the power that that is denied the power to change people so now we don't call homosexuality a sin we call it a sickness we don't try to change them we just arrange ways to live with them and incidentally homosexuality is just one sin the monks countless others I'm not singling them out by any means just pointing out that basically the church has lost the faith to see people changed and so it invents ways to live with them the way they are and then it says and this is even more impressive in a way from such people turn away leave them alone don't waste your time on them Paul is talking to Timothy as a minister is if people are not willing to change leave them to themselves how much time is wasted in contemporary Christianity by counseling people who will never change I have a friend who was a minister in Australia he's retired now very successful minister with a large congregation okay and he had a number of young pastors working under him and one day he said to them all your books on psychology and counseling I want you to throw them away that from now on were going to counsel people only out of the Bible and then a couple came to him whom he had been counseling for several years with marriage problems and he said to them from now on I'm not going to counsel you because you're disobeying the word the Word of God he said to the husband the Bible says love your wife you don't love your wife he said to the wife the bundle says be subject to your husband you're not subject to your husband so I said I'm not going to deal with you until you will obey the Word of God I have no more time for you what a lot of time he saved himself I mean I've spent hours in counseling in the past I've counseled many people who wanted deliverance from demons but I learned to say something if they had too many theological problems and too many questions I used to say this deliverance is for the desperate you're not desperate come back when you are so I believe that's all part of what Paul said to Timothy leave them alone don't waste time on people who will not change if a person is willing to change God will go to in this length to help them but if they want to stay the way they are God leaves them to themselves well we must go on if you look in the rest of this chapter and I won't deal with it you find that the secret undermining force is the occult well we look just quickly in verse 8 as Janney's and jammers resisted Moses so these also resist the truth Jennie's and jamberries were the two magicians who had a contest with Moses and Aaron that's the first witches coven mentioned in the Bible the magician's of Egypt in Exodus chapter 4 but behind the corruption of human nature is the subtle deceiving corrupting influence of the occult and that's the that's the force that hastens the corruption and then in verse 13 Paul says but evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived now when the model says on this translation says imposters let me say I've learned Greek since I was 10 years old the Greek word is enchanters evil men and enchanters will grow worse and worse in other words incantation is one major form of occult practice again it's the occult and I have come to the place in my own view where if there are prolonged problems that cannot be resolved in a church or in a life or in a home somewhere behind it is the account and you will not really resolve those problems until you get to that root now we come to the remedy and with this I'm going to close for this afternoon in second Timothy 3 verse 16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God can you say Amen to them not some scripture with all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness a very well-known minister in this country if I mention his name every one of you would know it was arguing against the gifts of the Holy Spirit and he said the book of Acts it's not given for doctrine but the Bible says all Scripture is profitable for doctrine for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work there's only one thing that can thoroughly equip you it's the scripture and then we come on to the fourth chapter and there's no chapter division in the original texts I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom notice the Savior is also the judge he will judge the living in the day and preach the word what is the answer the word right there's no other place of security there's no other place of strength there's no other place of real fruitfulness but in the Word of God may God help us to be faithful to his word can you see him in all right if you're here in the next session God helping me I will deal with how do you face the kind of situation that I've been describing
Channel: Derek Prince
Views: 351,260
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Keywords: i will shake all things, i will shake all things part 1, I will shake all things bible study, god is shaking the nations, shaking the nations, Shaking the church, god is shaking the world, sermonindex, hillsong church uk, joseph prince church, god judges the nations, sermon about judgement day, sermon about judgment, bibleĀ studyĀ aboutĀ endĀ times, bibleĀ studyĀ aboutĀ propheticĀ times, sermonĀ aboutĀ propheticĀ times, god judges the nations bible study, God is shaking the church
Id: fi-iMrUms0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 57sec (4617 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 04 2014
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