The Complicated Truth About Houston, Texas

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I'm sure they murder capital right now murder capital right here right where I am right where you at why just over drugs drugs money territory gang affiliation all of it if you saw my Houston's worst Hood video you'll remember that guy his name's Jake and he's just about as raw and real thug life as you can get I met Jake when I was in Houston's thirdd Ward and apparently unbeknown to me I was standing in a very dangerous place I mean I knew it was bad but I didn't know it was that bad I'm beginning week three on this big old Texas road trip I've seen my share of big CI so far Austin's big and getting bigger by the day San Antonio is the seventh biggest city in the state and it's the third fastest growing place now but this this is a lot Houston Texas fourth biggest city in the [Applause] country I think I lost my voice that day that was me at the Houston Texans game on my final afternoon here it was a blast the Texans won and everybody freaked out and what a nice place to watch a game too no jerks no BS I saw a lot when I was here but there is so much else to see let's get out of here and start from the beginning so asked a friend of mine named Mark who lives in Houston I I was like Mark what's Houston like these days you know what he told me Nick to be honest a lot of Houston is a [ __ ] hole I was like damn can't wait to see it you know me right now we're in one of Houston's worst areas it's a place called The Third Ward it's known Nationwide as being a place for Crime drugs poverty thugs gangs you know that kind of place the type of neighborhood a YouTuber shouldn't be after dark well that's why I'm here early in the morning basically this entire neighborhood is wiped out there's a bright spot with Houston's bad sides it's getting better here these Wards are being gentrified from outside investors so all the shootings and robberies and all that other stupid [ __ ] will'll probably never end here at least it won't look so miserable one day I have a whole video that goes through Houston's worst hoods that you should watch it is bad bad bad but we'll come back here later there a whole bunch more at Houston than just bad [Music] things Houston is a big deal it's been called one of the best economies in the country there's plenty of jobs here and a lot of money to be made it has the second largest Hub of Fortune 500 companies it's a city rich in energy and Manufacturing and Aerospace it's diverse and there's a lot to do for entertainment I'll tell you that I know that firsthand you may not know it but Houston was the temporary capital of the Republic of Texas in 1837 this place was runner up to the bustling city of galston which is an hour south but then Galviston got wiped Away by a hurricane in 1900 and so a lot of companies a lot of people moved up here to Houston and the place started to take off from there and then the oil industry of course when they discovered oil in Texas that brought in a ton of money to this place you could say without the Galveston hurricane and the discovery of oil Houston wouldn't be what it is today but there's two sides of this place it's an economic Powerhouse but there's some real issues here when you look at online rankings that websites put out Houston's on a trajectory down down down down the place just plummeted in one prominent ranking on the best places to live Houston was the 59th best place to live in the US last year which really isn't that good but now it's all the way down to 140th what it's like last place for all the cities that mean anything and to rub it in Houston was called the 10th best place to live in Texas I feel like somebody's about to bone out fcy cars everywhere everybody's moving to Texas right well Houston's one of the few places in the state where the population's going down that's just crazy considering the population inflow to this state but apparently the quality of life here has really gone downhill but don't feel so bad houstonians there's a lot of other Texas cities that went down in the rankings too seems like all these new people moving to Texas are making the place worse not better one website you've never heard of called Houston the dirtiest city in the country once and boy did people around here not really have much to disagree about I mean the smog and the oil refineries and all the pollution it certainly isn't very clean here I can tell you that this is how a lot of the edges of Houston look some people have refineries and all that [ __ ] right in their backyards but we got to put this stuff somewhere right it's all very important for our national economy somebody told me once that if it wasn't for energy jobs like oil and natural gas this place would be a dump like Philadelphia or Baltimore that's mean if you've been watching my channel you know I don't like going to big cities anymore I don't like big cities for the same reason that you don't like them they're just too much well Houston's the fourth biggest city in the country the place is the size of Rhode Island and you sure know it driving around there's memes about how bad the traffic is now I experienced some Houston traffic just about every day we were here just something you have to deal with I guess I'm just glad I don't have to deal with this crap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] anymore now always judge a city based on their downtown and I really actually like downtown Houston most people are friendly it's clean there's a lot to do there's a lot of energy here and it's just a really nice place to get around in I think they're lucky to have a downtown that's so vibrant I like to hear a lot more than I thought I would I mean look at this park I'll say it again if this park was in many downtowns I've seen there' be weirdos and bum trash all over the place not here good job Houston they do a pretty good job of keeping the bums out of downtown at least most of them but on just about every block there's somebody laying around or wandering about that looks like they've had a rough time no idea what this guy's doing you can't dress like that and be taken seriously in life can you this guy was just sad he was laying down the street was almost getting run over look at these [ __ ] just Cruise right by them like they were in the damn ghetto Grand Prix or something I went over to try to help him but he was completely out of it like zombied out on drugs so I told a cop of block down and she just kind of rolled her eyes at me like damn it now I have to stop socializing and walk down there and do something I get it though it never ends when we were here the worst of it was down on the souths side under and past I45 near the Greyhound station was particularly bad my buddy told me that when troublemakers from out of town are let out of jail they give them 20 bucks and drop them off at that bus station which makes it even worse down here I also hear that Houston laws prevent churches from feeding the homeless people that sucks anyways in another video I talked to a higher up in a nonprofit here and she said Houston's been able to get 2third of its homeless people out the streets they've put 25,000 people in permanent housing how well they don't put them in shelters they put them in apartments and they also don't insist they stop using drugs okay must be nice but I guess it's better to have them inside than out here like this but I didn't see a lot of tint camping here there's no poop and pee everywhere somebody told me that Houston doesn't have as many homeless people because it's not as expensive here as it is in other big cities I don't buy that at all it's not the cost of living it's the drugs just about all these people out here or on drugs or they're here because of drugs and booze many refuse help I saw another little mini tin Village on the North End of downtown all these people would rather just sit out on the sidewalk and waste their lives away and there's nothing you can do to stop them and then at the light I saw this and that was a wreck right there car W just right there holy [ __ ] you made damn what is happening just saw a car she said you ran a red light you dumbass oh I had to get out of there just way too much drama going on in Houston this morning I'm telling you Texans are decent folks they're pretty friendly but they are terrible drivers terrible terrible terrible I saw some more drama one morning on the north end of town there were a bunch of idiots racing their cars in the intersection and there were kids and families there I was like damn go somewhere else and do that [Music] [ __ ] that was dumb Houston's a big city with many different cities inside of it there's a lot of different ecosystems inside the 610 Loop a lot of the east and south sides of Houston are pretty run down I showed you some of that already but I was pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of the north and West Houston areas were nice this is the River Oaks neighborhood it's just a couple miles from downtown from what I hear the River Oaks is the wealthiest neighborhood here just full of mansions most of these people here have good jobs clearly I think the average home price is like 1.5 million maybe more it doesn't really matter though since you can't afford it it's way safer in here than it is on the south and east sides just a world of difference just nice hoods where Mom and Dad can raise their two kids who'll probably go to some big time College one day and then start a family of their own and then just down the road is West University Place it's another fancy part of town less gudy but still very nice from what I can gather online homes in here are about the same as they are over in River Oaks but they're shooting up pretty fast get in on that if you have a couple million bucks Texas is like Florida some parts feel Southern and some parts don't a lot of Texas has a western vibe to it with the cattle and the oil Wells like Dallas Fort Worth but down here in East Texas it feels very Southern they just talk differently here than they do in other parts of Texas Rice Village is another hood that I promis a viewer i' check out it's kind of on the southwest side of town they have this super upscale shopping area here where you can get expensive things to impress your friends super chill seems safe and down by Rice University it's really nice a lot of people were just walking around just another friendly University neighborhood almost all college neighborhoods are nice except USC that place is in the hood rice is named after the Houston businessman William Marsh rice in case you care another Hood we went to is montros it's another upscale community on the west side of town I'm telling you the west side of Houston's where it's at it's actually pretty basic in here it's not nearly as fancy as West University is this part of town used to be a hangout for the lowbudget trendy you know the gays the bartenders and servers but they're getting priced out now they might have to move to the wards people told me this neighborhood was Lively it is that it has sort of a funky Austin is Vibe lots of edgy places to shop and drink and eat cool little neighborhood up on the North End of towns the heights it's also a well-known upscale neighborhood Treeline streets and Victorian homes for the win H everyone this is all very nice homes here are way more affordable here closer to six or 700,000 a lot of people in this hood are able to walk down to their little neighborhood bars and restaurants and shop at their little quirky boutiques a lot of the middle class lives on the edge of the sprawl of the Houston Metro Area The Woodlands is a super nice place to live here's what that looks like now this place is well known for being super Elite the expensive part of Texas you tell people you live in the woodlands and they're like damn can I borrow some money look at these homes you cannot afford them there's a lot of people moving out here now out in the BB a lot of them are leaving Houston proper they call the new people moving in this area new Stans that's clever it's not just the woodlands though Sugarland cinko Ranch conro all of them are booming with people who don't want to live in Houston and by the way if you want to move here Chase is a good realtor or I know many others too and by the way if you want to learn about where you should live you should go to my website homes sfind yourplace on my website you get tips on where you should move and what the costs are and a whole lot more it's like an AI Nick Johnson consultation for free plus there's gear that you can buy and more that's homes slind yourplace try it today and I'm on Cameo too if you want me to send you or somebody you know a personalized video message go to Cameo and search Nick Johnson YouTube it's fun and now back to the show you mean they don't fight with fist they fight with guns no it's gun play now like back in the Western Days yeah and how kids are just getting guns Just anywhere it's easy it's real easy so they grow up I seen some new kids out here with some Grand Theft Auto guns and they Tri me out what's a Grand Theft Auto gun from the game 16 the video game the kind of guns they got on them in Call of Duty the kind of guns they got them out here now like like flooded out here like that now it's like why where do they get those suppressors and I don't know I don't know where they getting from but they there plenty of it in here it varies a lot on where you are in the city but there are a lot of places in the city where you really can't like it's not safe to just talk to people to communicate outwardly um you put yourself at risk doing that in a lot of places in the city MH what do you mean you can't talk to people in the city and express your opinions what do you mean by that well it depends on where you're at but if you're at a gas station at night you best keep to yourself like it's just a matter of self- protection that you don't I think have the same kind of friendliness with everyone that you could have in maybe a more Suburban uh or smaller scale area but I do think that's kind of an issue that pervades really urbanized areas like Metropolitan in general yeah not really I mean so you're saying you go to the gas station keep yourself someone's going to jack you or they're going to like take something you said the wrong way or it's I think it's yeah I think that that's that's very possible here um like I mean where I live here like we've gotten I had my car broken into a couple of months ago um I've had two or three other housemates have had their cars broken into right here in the last year um so it's things like that uh people there are two members of The Cooperative I'm a part of who have had their cars stolen uh in the last like two years God I don't know if they burned it down on purpose or what jeez this part of town is [ __ ] up and back to the hoods for a bit cuz you people eat this stuff up a lot of Houston is a big ghetto opoulos this is a different bad side of town that I showed you earlier but to be honest there are a lot of bad sides of town you could say Houston has a little bit of Louisiana to it with the climate and the culture and the food it kind of feels like New Orleans a little bit especially after Katrina you can kind of see that when you drive through the hoods a lot of people in Houston say when Katrina hit all the refugees came here and damn it made our town worse they brought in poverty and drugs and crime well I wasn't here then but I'll take their word for it but despite the fact of why or how or when it's pretty rough in here and it floods in here a lot remember hurricane Harvey there's a lot of homes in here who still haven't been repaired from that and that was like six years ago got chickens in the road go get then this is the hood but it sure is cheap though for now a lot of this stuff's between 100 and 200 Grand it's just a shame that most of these people can't take advantage of those prices a buddy told me that there's a big population of undocumented Latinos who live in these hoods and they let them rent the lowincome tax credit properties property owners are like I'll take tax credits I don't give a [ __ ] who's in there once again more people complaining about how South of the Border is ruining things here's another whole entire Block it's basically gone only seven 5% of Houston kids graduate high school it's so bad here that the governor said I'm going to take the schools over and then the liberal parents here cried thou they said it was a political move they said just pay our teachers more damn it and they have a point teachers are doing the best they can there's not a lot of people who want to take crummy pay to teach in inner city schools stuff these poor kids have to deal with in these neighborhoods so bad in here even the Liberals are complaining about everything the big problem is Catch and Release 60% of crimes committed in Houston are from people who were released on bond you can't fight crime when you're letting all the bad guys out can you anyway they got a new mayor in Houston we'll see what he's going to do he says he's going to clean all this up I'll save the second barrel for him some [ __ ] Mappy men have been shot for less than that I don't think you could hold your own in here anyway now with them Grand Theft Auto guns might have to call the whole Calvary I think we should make the punks in here go over and fight in Ukraine if they like shooting guns so much there's the old Astrodome now Houston has a lot to do for entertainment there's rodeos parades festivals tons of theater missed it all that's okay though there's also line dancing and all sorts of honky tonk and stuff in Houston but it's so spread out it's like an hour from downtown I was like I'm not going anywhere I'm just going to stick to downtown I mean I was here on a Friday Saturday and Sunday there was a lot going on did you guys know that only La has more Chinese people than Houston it's true it's super diverse here it's 44% hispanic 23% white 23% black and 7% Asian and I'd heard all about this chinat toown in Houston they're like it's got an amazing Chinatown so we went out and got Chinese food we sprung for dim suum at a place called a taste of Mulan we even walked there from downtown we walked right past the bums under the overpass and everything I had had dim some in like forever look at all those boxes I checked I added in the duck bill dumplings later it was good I ate more that night than I've eaten in a long time I even got the shrimp balls look at that monstrosity how do they do it I tell you then afterwards we walked all the way back up to downtown pass the bums again and had drinks at Sunny's bar which is chill it has a tiki bar theme that was 1.2 miles calor 98 that's it no [Music] 136 on the second day I went went for an espresso Martini in a place called Angel share it's a charity bar apparently they give away most of their profits that's nice of them huh and check this place out it came highly recommended and it did not disappoint there's all sorts of unique places like this downtown fun place and then for dinner wow right this place is neat we supper at a joint called heay I went for the chicken salad and the Cherie board and what a board it was M our final stop on night two was at a rooftop bar called Z on 23 I don't know what the Z stands for or what 23 means look at that view everywhere W damn downtown [Music] [Music] Houston but after dark it seemed pretty sketch down there I think every night we were here there were Sirens at all hours like all flowers I mean all of them indestructible ever living seed of the word of God I'll never be the same never never never I'll never be the same in Jesus name God bless you and Sunday now Sunday was a scene that there is Joel ostein he runs the Lakewood mega church in Houston now I know some people aren't a fan of his Prosperity Gospel thing and some people think he's a stuffy out of touch selfish rich guy but he does a lot for the community and he gives a good sermon we know every good thing has come from you our father in Heaven above Lord as we start this new week off we commit our lives aresh and a new into your hands a lot of churches tell you you're going to hell and the world's going to end soon but it turns out telling people they're awesome and headed for good things in life works way better Joel here grew so fast that he ditched his old church and now he sets up shop in the arena where the Houston Rockets used to play my God on some Sundays there are 177,000 people here spending time with Jesus that's a lot of offerings and it's Sunday sermon is a real who [Music] [Music] W the music production it was like a free concert I was like they do this every week and they were like yeah twice on Sundays we went to the early service so when it was over we had to get out of there why cuz we had Houston T tickets that's why so after church we High tailed it across town for the second half of our Sunday double header that's the Texans Stadium Houston Texans against Tampa Bay Buccaneers Sunday November 5th right after [Music] church oh it is a beautiful day for football go ahead man here come your Houston [Applause] Texas now this place is a freaking Palace I asked somebody why don't they open up the roof and let the sunshine in she was like hell to the no we like our AC here and she was right the place was an ice box inside you know you're in Texas when folks are wearing boots and cowboy hats to the damn game I actually felt underdressed but you just wait till I get to Fort Worth Mister show catch I had one of the Texans receivers on my fantasy team and I I kept trying to get him involved he had a pretty good game and scored a touchdown yay [Applause] me and my manager had the Tampa Bay quarterback and he threw many touchdowns himself yay her anyways the Texans are a decent team apparently not good enough to sell out if you know anything about football you know the Texans got this hot shot new quarterback CJ stad well the game we were at was this coming out party he had the best game of his pro career up to that point and he led a game-winning comeback in the final seconds it was crazy [Applause] everybody was saying about how CJ strad grew up today he became a man I think they were right as I left the stadium on my final day in Houston I was like you know what I like Houston a lot more than I thought I would and I hope this place keeps getting better and now off to Fort Worth for even more Adventures are you looking to move and need advice I do Consulting that's right I'll sit down and talk about where the next perfect place for you and your family should be I do it all the time together let's find you a new home that's safe and checks all your boxes and I can also help you find your new house too email me and I'll work with you on not just helping you figure out where to move but I can help you find your perfect home too that's right I know awesome reliable agents all over the country and I'd love to connect you to somebody who can help you search for that perfect home hey guys if you learned something new about America or what it's like to live in America great you should think about subscribing and turning on your notifications you can also click one of these videos or playlists for more this is Sage Nick manager this has been a cornerhouse entertainment production
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 153,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houston, texas, houston texas, texans, downtown houston, what is houston like, houston crime, houston vacations, houston cost of living, houston realtors, moving to houston, houston hotels, houston entertainment, things to do in houston, houston homelessness, worst parts of houston, dallas, fort worth, austin, river oaks, montrose, rice university, west university place, third ward, fifth ward, houston demographics
Id: 71NKJEMaGno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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