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keep this subreddit on topic please, this does nothing but annoy people

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Optimism3 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

ah shit here we go again. FUCK OUTTA HERE.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/i-called-game 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

WHAT THE FUC K Is this Post!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Quesder 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hate this subreddit with a burning passion.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OfficalPartyPlayz 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
ah guys i am in school listen it's literally the weekend i don't want to be in school but you know what guys i'm going back to school oh guys look at this building this is actually a pretty nice school i would rate this a uh a 2 out of ten trash all right what's this over here all righty okay so um i guess these are the lockers oh my gosh do you hear the bell i have to get to class i have to get to class eh hey what's up bros sorry to interrupt this fantastic video you guys wouldn't mind doing me a big favor go ahead and slap that big like button it will change colors when you slap it so you know hit that like button while you're at it if you want you can go and share the video with a friend and subscribe it's free and it helps me out a ton all right back to the video and here we are oh you must be tico our new student take a seat please okay yep that's me okay now everybody since we have a new student in our class i think we should go around the class and everybody should say their name and a little bit about themselves okay okay why don't we start with you leonardo hey guys uh i'm leonardo and i i make sock puppets i i mean wow that's amazing hey guys my name's alexandra but you guys can call me machi what the i hope leonardo make song puppets my name is dragon i'm a sci-fly rapper and i hope you guys like my music wow you'll have to play us a song at the end of the day um hi my name is cornelius and i play basketball uh hello my name is ethan jaquavious third and um i i don't like to do anything in my spare time hello my name is tikko and uh i like burritos what the heck wait wait i have a question mr teacher mr teacher i have a question yes what is that guy who is that oh that is our class pet that's a class pet now so today's lesson i would like to teach you a little bit about water and the importance that water has so water first of all we need drinks excuse me oh okay uh anyways as i was saying the planet earth is made up of 80 water and our bodies are made up of water as well so water is extremely important to us we use water for drinking we use water for cleaning we use water or can you please stop throwing those thank you i'm sorry we use water for uh plants we watered our plants our vegetation of our crops is it possible to drink too much water it is possible to drink too much water so we must get like really inflated uh well i i believe you could you could but i mean you would eventually sink you wouldn't sink no no you wouldn't sink um but it is important to have your water in moderation just like our class pet has water in moderation as well um is he okay he does not look okay meow i think he's he's been up in that box for about a month or two i'm pretty sure he's fine wow he hasn't he doesn't move much that's okay he's creepy anyways uh anyways does anybody have anything more important to say about water maybe cornelius do you have anything that you would like to add about our water conversation well actually i have a question sir sure is water wet it can be yes it can be wet uh if it is cold it will be ice but when it is when it is wet it is when it is liquid when it is wet it is wet that is about it yes okay now leonardo how much water would you say that our bodies need every single day in order to maintain and survive um well i'm pretty healthy myself and i drink a half a glass a day with ice in it is that right uh i think i think there should be a little bit more than that does anybody else have any other any other ideas tico me water yeah i agree yes yeah and now he's right right yeah okay yeah uh water yeah water is what we're talking about yeah yeah okay no i know a better answer okay what is that jesus my pastor told me jesus is always the answer uh okay i mean yes um water okay uh yeah uh sure yeah if that's if that's what your pastor said then sure um okay hey i got a question sure why have you been feeding that cat i wasn't aware we had to feed the wait what i thought i thought that was a responsibility of the class class have you been feeding the cat at all no no no no wait whoa no i think cornelius i think cornelius was on this week i didn't even know we had a cat oh my gosh wait if you've not been feeding the cat if we've not been feeding the cat then that means he's hungry yeah that would explain a lot does anybody know what this is a potato a dog a rat a calculator uh cl close uh no this is a camera now what we're going to be doing today is uh we are going to be showing how to use a green screen which is right over back there to remove the background and isolate whoever is in the foreground uh which by the way will be needing a model uh shortly so just think about that and then we can replace the back oh yes go ahead does that mean that if i take a photo with somebody i don't like i can cut them out i mean technically yeah yeah that's that's what it's used for the green screen is uh used to remove uh anything that is uh not wanted in finally a lesson in school that i actually will pay attention in all right well there we go it's good to hear that now i i will be needing a model do we have any volunteers um uh okay don't don't jump all at once uh i guess this guy should do it cornelius yeah yeah i'll do it man okay there we go so just stand right there and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be taking off of did you hear that uh was that one of you guys no wait where'd the cat go meow what i hear him i hear that i do hear it yes where did he go um i don't see under the desk no it's i think it's coming from wait is it wait a minute is it coming from behind meow oh my gosh he's so creepy all right we need to we gotta get back to class i'm ignoring that guy he's creepy meow so anyways as i was saying uh we now have currently standing in front of the green screen uh yeah that's fine that's fine so i will be taking a photo of you and then what we'll be doing is we will be loading it onto the computer and removing the green screen and then we can put you virtually anywhere in the world all right smile for the camera oh there we go i like it loving it loving it there we go work your magic looking good looking fantastic there we go show me something no wait a second okay that's okay you know what it'll no one will see no one will know no one will know green screen all right looking good looking good okay i think i have enough pictures here all right now what we could do is bring it over onto the computer and did you just hit the camera no i was uh i was just testing it uh okay well you have this is very very old and expensive equipment you have to be very very careful with it okay um oh my gosh come on let's get it get it guys get it get it get it no guys come on no this is expensive this is i don't even hey uh alexandra what's up tico so um i just wanted you free later you know i'm a guy right meow what all right it's uh lunch time oh hey what's up blow you uh are you ready to have some uh some lunch i would love some lunch i am starving all right well we have lots and lots of fantastic things for you lots of fresh food lots of nutritious food what would you like oh i just want uh a bucket of ice a bucket of ice for lunch yes um do you want a fork or a spoon or no no no no no no just let me know have my ice all right sorry there's a cat on the ice yeah hi yeah okay thank you thank you oh yeah all right all right thank you thank you um oh all these tables are taken um can i sit here oh yeah yeah so um yeah i was just like talking you know excuse me can i have some fish wait some fish yeah yeah actually we have a grilled flopper on the menu today delicious absolutely i'll get it for you right now it's fantastic are you kidding me i'm sorry i'm just having a bad time leonardo let me make a sock puppet with him oh you want to make a sock pocket puppy puppet with leonardo yeah he just told me no he said i wasn't good enough leonardo do you really think he's not good enough for a sock bucket last time he didn't even sew up because i agree i just forgot about that okay hey did you just throw a tomato oh it is on whoa food fight i'm gonna get you you guys think you're chilling oh yeah come here you're so trash you're so trashed holy crap uh you're cleaning it up mr teacher person whoa guys stop hitting me with tomatoes you gotta hate each other trash trash trash this is art class welcome to it and today we are going to be drawing our class pet so uh can you do me a favor can you maybe just strike a pose for us and everybody i want you to be taking uh taking close attention and tones and values and and meows okay go ahead i'll step over here oh dang boy he's sick um yo let me get a look at that all right all right i think i know what i'm gonna draw oh okay so now i thought it would be a great idea to look at everybody's work we're going to start with leonardo's so here's leonardo's work that's trash oh my gosh i'm just kidding leonardo that is beautiful you did a fantastic job all right now next up is cornelius's work let's take a look at that oh that is fire whoa cow cat yo it looks like it kind of looks like dave david i work very hard on that it's trash no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding it's beautiful it kind of looks like dragon trash no i'm just kidding yo okay next up is dragons hey that's not bad that's kind of decent thank you thank you thank you good job good job okay and we have alexandra's whoa that was beautiful oh my gosh amazing all right next up we have ethan jaquavious the third's artwork let's take a look at this that's not horrible pretty trash but not horrible i'm just kidding i'm just getting chillax chillax all right and finally our new class member tico let's take a look at chico's work what are you saying hey yo word on the street you call my art trash bro what's up with you yeah your art is trash bro oh bro you didn't watch your mouth bro no your art was talking about mine was better man what's up bro oh my gosh what's up dad what's up what's up here my art is way better you know better now my heart's better why can't we all just be nice but in fairness your art was trash what did you just do don't tell the teacher all right looks like we're missing somebody is anybody missing uh um uh yeah yeah sir um dragon said that he had to go to the bathroom he'll yeah he'll be here soon oh uh okay uh all right then yeah okay everybody uh i have a game who wants to play me me me me meow oh what what do you did you hear that i don't even know where that came from anyways what was your game teacher uh i thought we should play uh keep away with the ball uh but i seem to have misplaced the ball i don't know where the ball is do you guys have you guys you have it okay oh there we go oh i gotta get it all right so we're gonna need two teams we're gonna need two teams so let's get uh tico and leonardo and cornelius and we're still missing dragon okay uh well um and then against everybody else i guess all right here we go guys try to keep it away as long as you can here we go ready set go okay okay there it is there it is no i gotta get it i gotta oh my gosh guys get your balls away from me this is mine what it's stuck oh we got it though i'm gonna score a point i'm gonna score a point i i'm gonna get in against the ball my team's gonna score come on come on come on you guys suck uh okay everybody that's it for today i hope everybody had a wonderful day i will see all of you bright and early tomorrow okay [Music] you
Channel: Tiko
Views: 3,422,662
Rating: 4.9420934 out of 5
Keywords: Tiko, gaming, fortnite, fishy, fishy on me, fishing on me, kid friendly, family friendly, voice trolling, tiko, kid trolling, voice changer, little kid voice trolling, fortnite trolling, fortnite voice trolling, fortnite funny moments, tiko fishy on me, fortnite funny moments clean, fortnite trolling creative, fortnite battle royale videos, voice trolling tiko, tiko songs, tiko diss track, little kid voice trolling, fortnite funny, fortnite battle royale, voice trolling fortnite
Id: wFv94jRCKqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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