I went to Planet Fitness and I can't believe THIS happened

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every commercial gym has its bad stereotypes and today I'm going to prove to you that you can get strong anywhere World Gym mostly for Meat Heads usually for people on a heavy budget or college students mostly designed for boys who want to ball and old dudes who just want to float in the pool and today I've come to the gym with the worst reputation of them all the most judgmental judgment free zone we're going to find out can I train here I'm I'm not going to try to get kicked out I'm just going to do my thing see what the reaction of the members the staff do I set off the lunk alarm is it as bad as it really seems stay tuned let's find [Music] out now we entered the most controversial gym on the planet we were greeted by Jesse the general manager we had never met before and he agreed to take us on a tour of Planet Fitness this is our strength equipment we call it so all of our strength equipment super easy to use this is what it's called the equipment the muscle group that you're engaging there's a video that you could scan plays a 30 second video if you don't know how to use the machine before and after the machine as well amazing yeah Smith machines we just got an additional couple two for our uh gym just cuz we're so busy yeah again bench press is squats and like that wise our free weights so our free weights go from 3 lb to 75 lb so we don't unfortunately have those 120 lb dumbbells again we don't cater to bodybuilders so we tell our guys hey do some extra reps if you're out the 75 sure this Our Planet Fitness 360 so it's like a jungle gym kind of a thing uh my planet fness has the biggest one so this is kind of like a test thing that they put out medicine balls kettle bells and the big black chest there's the exercise bands what yeah talk to me here cuz this is unusual for plan Fitness this isn't standard yeah so mine kind of has that cuz again it was like a test kind of a thing okay yeah yeah unleash you can do the you can do the lifts so you can do free weight work here as well that's attached though so you'll be able to do like the push-ups or like a kind of a row gotcha talk to me about no no barbells no free weights why is that correct the biggest thing with Planet finish is uh again we don't have those free weights a lot of people like them um especially with our bench presses are squats reason why uh Planet Fitness doesn't right now um just for safety sure any other questions there's a lot more under the surface isn't there yeah yeah yeah man we're uh yeah we try to give as much as we can for that lower value amazing yeah good stuff well let let me kick into it and let's see how we go sounds good my man I appreciate you the interesting thing always about Planet Fitness is it's outside looking in it's a judgment free zone for people who don't exercise who don't train correct it's going to be interesting how I feel judgment wise me being competent in the gym if people feel as though I shouldn't be here so correct yeah we're putting it to the test all right my man I appreciate you cheers thank you very much I want to show you guys how easy it is to get strong even when you have equipment limitations I'm going to take my normal program make a few modifications show you how I can get strong at Planet Fitness and I'm genuinely just going to train like I normally train and we're going to see do I set off the lunk alarm or do I just go train I think so many people have done videos of intentionally getting kicked out but I was really surprised off the Hub I called and I said I wanted to do this I figured it was just going to be no go away they're like yeah cool come in just don't film other people we're going to get to training we're doing a press day today preparing for the strongest man on Earth in August I'm going to have my full-on workout today you guys follow along I'll give you some tips on equipment modifications if you ever find yourself stuck you're at a home gym you're with limited equipment you should be able to pull plenty from today all right so the first exercise is strict pressed I've been doing this seated with a free barbell I'm just going to do it seated in the Smith machine what are the limitations of Planet f is they don't have free weight barbells look this gym will not be perfect but it is certainly possible to get strong with a few small modifications so this is number one I'm just going to set up this bench I'm going to strict press from here and get really the exact same stimulus aside from some stability and we're going to start with three sets we're going to go two reps four reps six reps and I'm going to work up to 125 kilos for those sets so here I go boom if you guys have watched my videos I'm really big on like the context of your environment where I train at a commercial gym normally speaking and nothing aggravates me more than people making unnecessary noise say like if you're doing a heavy deadlift it's going to be loud in the around but like if you're doing a hack squat you don't need to be like barking at the I don't know at the room I started train relatively quiet anyway get on with my own thing I don't find any sort of excessive noise or grunting or it has really never benefited me if I was in strength gym I would probably do it on occasion but like being respectful for the fact that most people in here aren't super comfortable with exercise uh you cater to the environment that you're in and that's one of the big lift heavy be kind things it's it's context dependent it doesn't you can get walked over if someone's being an but if you're in a space like this you can operate normally and still get a great workout if you're at a strength gym go ahead let it out have fun um but this should be all good Boom the one criticism that I think is Justified of Planet Fitness is it's inherently welcoming to people who aren't in shape but it can often feel uncomfortable if you are in shape so if you look at the lunk alarm Ricky is slamming his weights wearing a bodybuilding tank top and drinking out of a gallon water jug what a LK to me like slamming weights okay but like you're wearing a tank top and drinking out of a gallon jug I don't see why that matters in an inclusive environment um but for the most part people seem they seem like normal people to be honest and the gym seems nicer than I thought it would it's it's the Teeny Hawk there's Tony Hawk and teeny Hawk that's right look at come here come feature you happy to be a little feature in here sure look at this thing get that on camera blonde as it com there you go do you think I could get that going sure you good probably probably who do you got in here dor oh cool Dorian how good yes how good your bodybuilding fish yeah like eat it four times oh wow last time was 8 years ago two now now I just love my food and just strad hell yeah hell yeah talk to me about Planet Fitness why do you choose to train here I just love the atmosphere here like the people like are just they're kind they're considerate place is clean and you know that's why I chose to come here as someone who's obviously had an intense Fitness background the video we're doing today is just coming to train at playing of fitness and seeing how it goes because lots of people you know the lunk alarm and you could get kicked out as someone who say training seriously what would you say to other serious trainers when they look at Planet Fitness from the outside and didn't think that's not a place for me well you know people people judge right and that's the thing with the with the brand that they have they you know it's intimidating to some people but to come in here and you know being a former bodybuilder you can train here you don't have to you don't need heavy weights you don't need stuff if you know how to lift and push and pull properly you're going to get the job done so it doesn't matter what you're doing as long as you do it right right yeah amazing love it than cheers dude what's your name Brian Brian Mitchell good to meet you done DUS bit of chest press actually this is all my program chest press machine I think the natural difficulty here is going to be do we have the load required this goes up to 240 I got one set 6 to 10 I got second set 16 to 20 uh just trying to build like overall power and strength without having to worry about controlling a weight um so we'll talk about modifications if you don't have a weight heavy enough but let's find out first what does 240 lbs actually feel like yeah that's really light that's 140 let's talk about principles of progressive overload people always talk about rep sets to load there are many ways in which you could make things more difficult for the same reps same load uh today I'm going to work with one constant tension and two a little bit of tempo so I'm just going to slow it down so my effort when I'm at 8 to 10 reps is a really good solid 9 out of 10 this would be a good weight for 20 so I won't need to worry about it there um but just a small modification in Tempo and even a lighting machine is going to give me exactly the stimulus that I'm looking to get [Music] [Music] fun fact about Ecentric movements it causes twice as much muscle damage as concentric movements when you're against load and lengthening the muscle you should get a really potent response for muscle building it's not the best for strength because we we want to limit the amount of damage we're doing to train the nervous system but when you're in a pinch training the muscular system to a very high degree really no major problems that's set one done set two is going to be a set of 20 then we're kicking on right I was interrupted by management little habit I have is just wearing my flip flops when I'm doing stuff where my feet aren't involved just ask me to put some shoes on so I mean fair enough that's that's a that's a rule at every single gym even the gym that you go to where they don't care about it um that's just an insurance thing and I know that from having my own exercise facility now there's another rule on the wall in front of me that would be an impedence if you're trying to purely get strong um obviously if everyone had gym bags it'd be really cluttered but the number of things that I have sleeves and wraps and everything it would be really tough uh but shoes are on we're going to do our second set here 20 reps uh of Max weight and if it feels a little bit easy again we'll just control the Ecentric make sure we're getting the muscular working and that will be plenty stimulus for what I need for today [Music] wow that tough that was a good nine I would imagine that weight would feel similar to somewhere between maybe 225 and 250 so enough that for the vast majority of people that would be a really solid heavy set all right next up we're on to Cable flies 3x2 cable flies [Music] interesting fact I broke the Australian out Stone record I think it was 233 kilos about 500 lb a little bit over and I never trained Atlas Stones all I did was dessert your squats back squats deadlifts and cable flies this when I'm doing this I'm thinking about squeezing an atlas Stone this would be one of the ways that you can train around this is on my actual program but if you had Atlas stones on your program and you did the same number of sets and Reps with a cable fly you did the same thing with a zure squat that's going to get you a long way in terms of being able to do an atlas Stone always important when you're on a new cable system it's more dependent on the pulley structure than it is on the weight itself so don't feel like you do 60 at your home gym you got a new space you need to do 60 here as well I would just give it a feel out especially for accessories it's very easy to work a little bit too hard [Music] play the fitness aligns my greater Mission quite a bit goes along with the lift heavy beon brand where everyone should feel welcome everyone should feel like they have a space where they can come in and exercise and we're coming at from different ends I think PL of Fitness comes at it from we're going to create the most welcoming environment and I say the environments that you're afraid of are probably as welcoming as it is here just outwardly it might seem a little bit different if you want to be part of the lbk community go ahead check out the YouTube shop check out the pin comment and go ahead and get some merch now personally when I do drop sets I'm always thinking I want the end of the second set to be the most difficult if you burn once you're not going to be able to get through so if I did a Max set of 15 and then dropped and did 15 more it'd be so much momentum everything would go out the window so I'm going to start 30 lb and I'm going to go down to 25 lb afterwards and see how that feels there oh that's good burn if I'm using 25 for my accessories don't be afraid to drop the weight usually it's going to be better we I really separate it into two things in my head I go compound movements where we're trying to move the weight accessory movements where we're trying to feel the muscle and when you're trying to feel the muscle you have to scale back that intensity quite a bit to able to feel what you're trying to feel all right now get tricep press Downs you can say this place doesn't cater to strong people but I don't know who on Earth is going down to the bottom of that staff it's impressive okay physics lesson for everyone this feels quite light at 60 lb that's really heavy at 50 when you're looking at a cable system let me see this cable it's got no points where the cable changes Direction and if we have a fulcrum down on the ground or an attachment like this for every say meter that this rope is moved that's only going to move half a meter because of this cable setup so inherently this is half as heavy as that just because of how the cables are oriented and it might even be less than that cuz we have a change of Direction here we have a change of Direction here and whenever you have that change of Direction You inherently take weight off I I learned it in uh in physics I uh I I don't remember the exact rationale but I believe it's that the distance you're moving it is cumulatively less the more changes of Direction you have but you can feel it very distinctly so when you're looking at a cable you want to look at the structure of the cable and the more of these you see then the lighter the weight will feel [Music] [Music] it's very [Music] good oh before we get to the rest of the workout this is my life I have quick little meeting but I think you guys might be interested in more to come on this in future weeks [Music] all right couple of sets of single arm tricep and we're good to go [Music] one more inside and we got all done that's that Planet Fitness it's not that bad it's not that scary in fact like my General critique would be that everyone is so separate like you are totally left to yourself and I love bringing people together Community side of things that's lift beon if you want to be a part of that check out the M shop but I hope you see that you can make small modifications to a normal program and get it done even with limited circumstances all of the programs that I sell they are a couple of quick swaps away from you being able to do it at a home gym link to those are in the description as well if you have nothing to say please comment a moose dropping turn on the notification Bell hit subscribe that stuff helps us tremendously and it's totally free to you so hopefully you pulled something from today's video as per usual LIF heav be kind and we will catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mitchell Hooper
Views: 519,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strongman, strongman competition, strongman training, strongman motivation, strongman simulator codes, strongman eating, strongman vs bodybuilder, strongman competion, strongman completion, strongman vs bodydbuilder, strongman competition 2024, deadlift technique for heavy weight, deadlift form, strength training, world’s strongest man, planet fitness lunk alarm
Id: YjfSzQxlPw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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