I Went Magnet Fishing And Found Something Worth BIG Money - JACKPOT!!!

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oh what is that oh that looks weird oh it looks like a box looks like a box or something no what's going on today guys today we're back out here we're gonna be doing some more magnet fishing but before we go ahead and get started doing that you guys got to check out this view today i brought the 2600 pound double-sided magnet with us guys and we're actually in like a park here there's tons of bridges in this area there's like one right here there's another one over here to hit that just tons of bridges in this area if you guys would like to pick up some merch or you guys want to pick up a magnet the links will be down in the description guys all right guys so we are going to get right down to it i'm going to go to the first bridge here we're going to throw on this gopro and we're going to see what we can find all right guys we got our 2600 pound double-sided magnet here this bridge looks super old here i have a pretty good feeling about this one look at there's a baseball field right here so there's kids running around and a lot of people here i'm sure there's stuff getting tossed or dropped in the water so let's start tossing this thing and see if we can come up with here today guys oh well i think i got something oh oh i did have something i can kind of see it i can kind of see it these sunglasses kind of let me see under the water a little bit but it's kind of deep so not really i definitely just had something on there look at yeah look at all that this is like literally my first throw i'm like already on something oh do i have it i think i got it i think i got it it looks like it yep dude what is this what is this no way no way this is one of those little construction signs or whatever you got holy cow dude oh my gosh okay wow wow dude nice first find of the day you can't get any better than this baby dude that's so sick what does it say looks like there's a piece of plastic on the other side yep this winter's public ice rink is located at interesting somebody did not like the idea of the public ice rink being switched so they tossed this puppy in the water dude what a first find holy cow magnet fishing magnet fishing i got a big old magnet anything metal usually it's a lot of junk but you never know my first throw i pulled this thing out of there yeah you never know i found bikes and scooters and all kinds of crazy stuff one time i found a baggie that had a gun clip and bullets in there really oh yeah yeah right somebody trying to get rid of it thanks have a good one yeah i was interested oh oh i think there's something else in that same spot yep wait a second no it came off no look at that big cloud of mud that's how you know there's something down there come on where'd it go something down there for sure yeah no it's not on there but where'd it go fell off right below me oh i think i got it nice and easy nice and very nice and easy it's gonna come off dude what is that it's like got wheels and it's like a roller what in the world yeah i think i got it again hold on hold on i think we got it yep i got it i just don't know if i can hold it that well yep oh here it comes i got it i got it for sure what is this one dude what is this dude look at this it's got wheels on it what is this you guys what in the world is this look at this that's kind of crazy is this like something from like off of one of those trucks or something that's like you know i mean this holds like pallets of product or something so you can wheel it around easier holy cow dude look at this dude no way this could be like cleaned up and used yet look at that i'm gonna fall and break my neck dude that's pretty cool all right baby look at that oh i don't even think there was anything on there dude nice look at that it's a sweet little fishing lure lures got a little spinner on there dude that's like totally usable too yo hook it right here dude nice cash money oh look at that i didn't even realize that little one was on there look at that one of these little uh these little connector pieces or whatever the heck you call that thing there cash money baby oh something blue on there i see some color baby what is this it's a bud light cap anybody ready to drink all right oh i see something colorful baby some color what is this no way is that the that's the back half of a fishing lure look at that well if it was like a rattler or something it looks like it but dude i've actually never seen the inside of a fishing lure like that that's kind of cool it must have been a rattler huh either a big massive fish bit this off or uh maybe somebody got mad i don't know what happened here holy cow that sucker is snapped right off that's pretty cool though definitely not usable definitely not fixable but still pretty cool oh something on there yup dude check it out another fishing lure oh my goodness you guys i can like fill a whole tackle box after today look at that that's all you gotta do is i mean just clean it up it's a little rusty and she's good to go slap around some line and you're ready to catch some fish dude cash money i love finding fishing lures like this because if you go fishing you know fishing lures cost money and sometimes they can be pretty expensive guys dude score oh something colorful hanging off of there what is that what is this one you guys oh it's like the top of a bottle holy cow just got busted right off that's crazy yeah that would definitely uh suck to step on if you go swimming in here if you jump in here and dive in here you imagine like landing on that like right on your foot oh my gosh that would hurt you guys check this out i was on my way to a new spot here and look at this i just took a quick peek in the water look at did i get it did i get it i did too yep look at this you guys i could see that sucker just sitting in the water look at this dude this is a nice lure too look at that i love it i could catch fishing lures all day all right guys we're gonna switch it up just a little bit here i'm gonna head to a new spot and we are gonna continue magnet fishing so let's get right down to it guys let's just start tossing this thing and see what we can come up with here oh we stuck something for sure 100 baby what is this first find at the new bridge spot here what is this you guys look at that what even is that that is a pretty funky looking tube used to be connected to something you guys it's a friendly it's a little friendly say hello to my little friendly we're sending you back dude well he's probably not too happy i just took his home there sorry guys oh we grabbed something yep sucked her right up out of the mud here baby oh that is very funky looking here what is this you guys um what is this some kind of rag stuck on there or something i thought it was a bag at first i just think it's a little piece of a rag and then but what is this here guys i don't know what that one is that looks kind of weird like i don't know maybe it got all bent up it used to be straight or something i'm not sure huh that's a funky piece there's something on there oh what is that oh that looks weird oh it looks like a box looks like a box or something no dude i had it right there oh i got it no way i got it again okay nice and easy this time i don't want to lose it nice and easy oh i got it dude i got it what is this a box it's a box what does it say channel master what is that you guys feels like there's like something in there i don't know how to get that open though huh how the heck do you open that sucker that's kind of funky guys a strange black box that says channel master on it that one's pretty funky oh what's going on here looks like we got a couple things on here what is this what do we even got going on here holy cow you guys look at this first piece here looks like a gigantic hinge that's all rusted up here yeah for sure it's like a big door hinge or something it's fine number two what is this one here this one looks like it was shiny at one point uh maybe something off of a bike i'm gonna guess that's what that's my guess and then what else we got in here anything else yeah just a just a little nut all right baby three for one we'll take it all right guys what do we got here we got us a little bud light cat that's making me thirsty just thinking about it and then we found this here this is our little clam friend's house and then we stole it from them so i don't know what this is here obviously some piping or something came off of some some kind of piping and then we found this thing at the first place oh man that would so suck to land on that like if you were swimming or something could you imagine the damage that would do and then we found this i guarantee you this is off of a bike i i'm almost positive look it's like shiny yeah that's definitely came off a bike no doubt and we found this here what was this like our door hinge or something yeah for sure you can always tell what things are a little bit better once they start drying up but this definitely used to be some kind of hinge maybe for a door i don't really know and then we found this thing guys channel master i still didn't google this and i didn't look it up yet but what is this like some kind of electrical box or i mean it seems it sounds like there's something in there i have no idea what that is and what else we got here dude yes that's right all these fishing lures we found so many fishing lures today it's crazy okay we found this one we found this one and where's another one i thought we found another one yep look at this dude check that out three fishing lures this is free money i love catching fishing lures like this is easily i mean four or five bucks this is a couple dollars this is a couple dollars we almost got ten dollars in fishing lures just right here score and last but not least guys what in the world is this thing i have no idea maybe it used to be some kind of belt used to go on there or something i have no clue guys some pretty funky stuff today and of course at the first spot we also found that that big road sign or that construction sign and we also found that like plastic roller with the wheels on it whatever that was and we actually found this fishing lure two guys i forgot about this one this one's like snapped in half i don't know if a fish bit it right in half or what there but it looks like it's got a little a little rattler ball inside there so that is gonna wrap it up for this spot here today guys we are absolutely coming back here though because we didn't even hit the other side yet so i'm gonna pack everything up guys and i'm gonna get out of here for today if you enjoyed this video please make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned and i will catch you on the next one
Channel: undefined
Views: 238,007
Rating: 4.7528048 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, the fisher, magnet, magnets, fishing magnet, magnet fishing videos, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, treasure hunting, metal detecting, strong magnet, magnetic fishing, river fishing, fishing, magnet fishing jackpot, the biggest magnet fishing jackpot ever, jackpot, i hit the jackpot, jackpot hit, jackpot finds, big, big money, magnet fishing money, jackpot money, money, money found, jackpot magnet fishing
Id: kIX7aw3IIbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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