I Went In With No Expectations, But What I Found Was Absolutely Astounding!

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today's adventure is an exciting one my name is Jeff Johnson and I run the Trek planner my channel focuses on true discoveries made using Google Earth where I find intriguing locations and then venture out to explore them take this find for example it appears to be a door or window of an ancient cliff dwelling along a rock face I've encountered similar structures before and sometimes they have turned out to be ancient ruins this particular find has straight edges which made me fairly confident it might also be an ancient ruin although I've been herong before I always enjoy hiking in the desert of the southwestern United States so regardless of the outcome this is going to be a fun Trek and I'm glad you're here with me I have a very fun Trek for us plan today might be a whole lot of nothing but uh I'm here and uh as I mapped out my route it looked pretty flat all the way there except for this last part maybe this is nothing maybe this is something but the point is we're outside enjoying this beautiful scenery and hopefully we'll get to see something really fun too at the end now begins my descent down to the riverbed area trying to minimize my impact here by going around bushes and Cactus and things and going through this the trails that the cows were using oh I see like these big piles of rocks right here of larger Stones than what I see right here is this anything looks like it's something huh like there's literally no other piles nearby there's like big rocks like this but yeah what do you guys think think grave marker just pile of rocks probably pile of rocks huh okay so I need to find a way down to the river and then hike back up to my left here so that's the next item on the agenda I just arrived here at the edge of this thing my GPS coordinate says it's right below me how can I how can I get on that so oh it's just right underneath there yeah I can't see it that looks very uh not fun to hike through I'm willing to do it you know oh oh just tons of uh Ducks just flew away over there I'm looking at the ground not at the camera so if the camera is all weird it's because I'm looking at the ground trying to be careful my step here oh this way down uh no still haven't found a way down but I think I found one about 200 yards in front of me right here maybe I'm just going to check it out first okay you know safety's first or second Fun's first just kidding so I'd go down there maybe this way yeah if I could somehow get to that tree oh it's just too steep trying to get back up there it's not really a clear way down actually looking at this tree yeah I don't know so uh yeah I'm going to fly my drone over there um since I can't really get down at any of these spots I just look how you know steep these are okay going to get the Drone out [Music] I was trying to find the window or doorway but just couldn't see it and as I got closer I became convinced I was in the wrong area however when I compared Google Earth to my Drone footage I realized that I was actually in the right place but where was the window maybe it was just a shadow or something I really don't know but instead of a window or door there are these amazing Petri [Music] cphs what are these doing here and what do they mean these are important questions to ask when encountering any kind of rock art because we don't know the context and intentions of what the original Petroglyph makers were trying to convey but I believe that whoever carved the petroglyphs intended for them to be seen by people traveling along the nearby River [Music] we will be seeing some extremely old petroglyphs in various Styles we will see anthropomorphs which are human-like depictions zoomorphs which are depictions of animals and a wide variety of other shapes and Designs going forward you will see my Raw videos of my drone exploration as it happened as I continued flying my drone I kept discovering more rock art in fact there is so much rock art here that it spans close to over 100 yards in length of multiple Petroglyph panels [Music] we're currently experiencing a surge in rockard vandalism it's disheartening to see numerous news stories about people defacing and desecrating these ancient Treasures but why is this happening while I won't be speaking throughout the entire video I invite you to ponder the following questions as you watch the next Drone footage how can we protect rock art and how can we raise awareness of its significance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the best things about these panels is that there is no vandalism rockard vandalism is a significant problem as uneducated and disrespectful individuals often carve their own names or carve over Priceless rock art destroying it [Music] [Music] forever the rockar was truly amazing if that were the only thing we saw our Trek would have already been immensely rewarding however to my surprise there was more to discover while drone flying along the cliffs I stumbled upon another fascinating ancient artifact what caught my eye were what seemed to be handcarved steps commonly known as Moi steps these ancient steps were likely crafted to assist people in navigating The Cliffs along the river the reason why I love these is that they offer a glimpse into the past and the challenges people face in this terrain they conquer these Cliffs by carving right into the Sandstone to gain access above and below wasn't that amazing we saw rock art we saw the river we saw the Moy steps wow and that's crazy too cuz I was over there standing right above them and I was thinking like this is probably a good spot um to go down but it just looked crazy going through all those bushes and I needed a rope and but those moky steps they're right there uh wow that was a that was a complete shock and and the rock art there are hundreds of them I mean I could see something from here but to see with the Drone is just wow see it up close I would I would have to get out the Drone anyway to see this and the people who who made these knew that the river you know rose up and down because they're pretty high up there so these are some of my observations did you notice that the rock art that there are quite a few squiggly lines on multiple panels and I think that has to do with the river I'm not sure but that's just my idea um maybe as people are coming down this River uh they would look up you know people look up on these walls and see the petroglyphs and they could learn things and maybe it's like a good luck type of a thing uh or telling people where to stop or what to do yeah I don't know that's just kind of what I'm thinking um what else uh there's anthropomorphic figures which are those humanlike figures uh and that the those uh big horn sheep with that huge long tail that's like zigzagging uh and then the other one kind of below it that uh zigzags into another animal so I'm not really sure what's going on there uh but that's really interesting another observation I had is that it looks like there's multiple Styles here looks like there's some very very old Styles and there's kind of more modern modern ones you know the last thousand years or 850 years or so uh that was just so incredible um because I know there's a a couple other panels around that are similar where they have multiple cultures uh carving on these rock walls and honestly I was expecting not much I was expecting that this might have been like a window to a dwelling or something ended up being nothing right we didn't see anything did you I I didn't it was right where those petroglyphs were those ones kind of on the flatter surface the circles which we don't know what they could mean let me know what you think any other observations thank you so much for watching uh I might stay here a little bit longer and just kind of enjoy this so I'll see you in the next adventure
Channel: The Trek Planner
Views: 239,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nv9ki1_qaEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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