I WASTED My 20s on Purpose

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I wasted my 20s and I do not regret a second of it he's lying I feel that way despite having all the same pressures that you did you're going to be great someday you're smart you're athletic I can't wait to see what you're going to be you'll be a great dad someday maybe you'll make the 30 under 30 list you know what we call those in my neck of the woods expectations one of the greatest lessons I ever learned in life in my how to be a professional journey is that most conflicts come from the same thing whether it's friends family girlfriends even watching entertainment you all have the same issue you have mismatched expectations and a failure to meet them see you expected to get a hot goth girlfriend like the rest of us but you didn't realize that they went extinct back in 2012 thanks Obama don't interrupt see I expected to be rich on a beach somewhere at 25 but then I you've accomplished some things but but I'm now almost 30 and don't really have all of that in fact my life looks largely the same as it did a decade ago I personally look different I've met new people I've lost people and in the back of my mind I've been more of a spectator of my own life than actively engaged in it a lot of the challenges I've been met with in life I've had in the back of my mind well wait until I'm who who I'm supposed to be mindset and when I'm that person and when I'm finally living the life I'm supposed to be then I'll be better suited to handle it then I I had a thought that this so far is my life it is exactly who I am I am the guy who lets the world come to him a man who spends his time thinking but not doing I did do things uh do things that actually seem substantial I went to law school I graduated I passed the bar exam but most of the memories I had while in law school were even just waiting to do things that I like people saw me as ambitious that I was doing things but really I just sat there like a potato cass Ro at a family reunion I was appreciated maybe even expected to be there but nobody actually plans to eat it or eat me so really what's the point of you even being there really well in my casserole contemplation I realized that being a spectator isn't so bad this channel is largely dedicated to figuring out how to be the best professional you can be and what kind of professional you want to be and throughout my 20s that I mostly drifted through I actually did learn a lot about that I essentially got a a PhD and what it takes to motivate me what do I truly find interesting what actually brings me joy why do I get hurt uh and I hear you why is this useful wouldn't you get those things anyway no because I think the Grinders the people out there going 24/7 uh who who wake up at 4:00 a.m. and and leave their hometowns and don't even see their friends ever again they don't really even understand why they're grinding in the first place and those those things are cool and you useful if you enjoy it and if it brings you something of value but there's a a really cool verse of wisdom that talks about for where your treasure is your heart will be also the eye is the lamp of the body if your eyes are good your whole body will be full of light and what I think this essentially means is what you are paying attention to is the thing you'll care most most about if you care about good things for your heart it'll be good for you personally as a whole and so stuff like that makes me think did you not grind because you're lazy or are you focused on things that matter more to you right now are you truly in love with the grind and the pain of things or do you love your family do you love your friends are you spending time appreciating great art and wonderful things that people pour their hearts and souls into see I wasted my 20s because I wasn't as productive as I could have been but I was also learning about why why do I want to exist in the first place let alone why do I want to grind for things that matter instead of just grinding for Pride's sake it took my first decade as an adult to figure out that I wanted to be a doctor and now I'm going to start Medical School this year had I grinded started a business had a family taken huge responsibilities would I have known that this was my passion maybe not because I did have a great decade of fun and excitement and I have energy I haven't burned out I have maturity I'm not careless I had a decade to trial run adult life life and now I know what I want my whole life to look like I'm not telling you to be hedonistic and only live for simple short-term passion but I am telling you that you should become confident in the things that you love and enjoy and figure out ways to make them important to other people and to share that Joy with other people you should find your god-given passion no matter what it is and don't let other people Define what your years should look like play your video game stay up late binge watch a series on Netflix spend time with yourself afterwards talking about why these things are so fun and why they matter and figure out what those things say about you and and what it means that you're spending this time developing your own passion I think you need to be both you need to be someone who works hard for the things you care about but also loves hard for the things you care about and I think my 20s have been about learning to love and appreciate and put others first in ways that I've wanted to be put first every game you've played movie you've watched book you you've read or Daydream you have dreamt has encouraged your soul to become a little more you and I would rather have me figured out and the things I love figured out the reason why I'm fighting in the first place established rather than waste this precious time of self-actualization to grind it away and then be left with things that you don't really care about there's a reason why lots of people are are going into law and medicine and retiring in their 40s and 50s and feel burned out and like they don't have anything fun left in their life because they never figured out what they liked in the first place I feel more passionate to pursue the things that matter to me because I know what it's like to be passionate and to to control that flame and let it burn but not burn out you know who I think is actually wasting their time it's people who who build a life that they don't want who build a reality that they don't care about and end up are left with this gross thing they they spent all of their hard earn time and their wonderful youth just to be left with a thing that is productive safely experiment with things take risks do things that you'd be afraid to do because this is exactly the time to figure out what you're made of remember that every year you spend is informing who you will be later it'll it's creating the future you you'll be more interesting you'll be more varied you'll have something deeper than just your job to describe who you are so go out there and waste your 20s because I think you have them to spend if you ask me I think the people who are wasting their time are the people who don't even know who they are so good luck don't let anyone take or steal your dreams protect them at all costs and have a great um Thursday I think it is like comment subscribe see you
Channel: Jonathan Ball, J.D.
Views: 11,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 06gPFqd5zSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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