I wasn't sure this day would come!

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good morning friend welcome back to acre Homestead we are going to go out into the garden and do some harvesting but today's main objective is to process all of this garlic I want to manage all of it I harvest this about two weeks ago I want to clean it up I want to peel it all I believe and I want to turn it into something I want to get it ready so it's shelf stable I don't plan to keep any of this garlic to store to plant in the fall because this crop was not the best and I kind of want to start completely over this next year so this is perfectly good eating Garlic so I want to process it so that it is ready to use all fall winter and next spring until we Harvest hopefully a good crop for 2024. but before we do that I want to head down to the garden and do some harvesting before it gets too warm the first thing I need to harvest are the first set of green beans that I'm going to bring into the house I've been harvesting these I believe these are jade green beans off these plants for a couple days now but nothing has made it into the house I have just come out here harvested them as I water these green stalks and I've been eating them but I think I have enough today to harvest oop I just dropped it to bring them in the house I am officially slash unofficially doing a pantry challenge this week I don't want to do any grocery shopping I know that I have enough stuff in my house and coming out of my garden that I don't need to buy any groceries so I kind of want to go out into the garden and do some grocery shopping my mother-in-law for my birthday also gifted me some of these clips so I'm probably going to clip up some tomatoes so that they're not falling over I'm gonna Harvest a bunch of Basil off these plants too today but I don't want to harvest the basil until the very end of like the last thing I harvest because I don't want it sitting out because it's so tender a green bean can handle being you know picked and outside for a little bit basil doesn't do so well with that you know I think I snacked more on these bean plants than I thought I had I'm going to look over here on this one and yeah I think I got everything that is harvestable I apparently planted some pole bean varieties because these are Vining and they're doing fine I just keep taking the pole bean vine and kind of sticking it in the rest of it and letting it grow up so this is kind of a fun experiment to see if you can grow pole beans in amongst the Bush Bean varieties in a green stock in here you can see let's see where did it go I have a basil plant there's a basil plant here's a basil plant so we'll come Harvest this a little bit later my goal today is going to be to harvest anything and everything I can find which is quite a bit foreign I've got a big blushing tomato right here I'm going to let that one continue to ripen I clearly planted two different varieties of jalapenos because I believe this is a jalapeno plant and look how small this fruit is compared to these jalapenos so I want to harvest these jalapenos so that the plant will continue to put on more fruit it's early enough in the season it will put another flush or it should put another flush of peppers on some of these tomato Vines I want to clip up onto this trellis so I grabbed my clips we're gonna get these clipped up there we go I cannot believe all of the green tomatoes we are already seeing it is very encouraging and it looks like there's one to harvest right here I had no idea how much was out here already I have to say day I am loving these clips it is way easier and it seems more gentle on the plant than weaving them in and out of the trellis I like doing that too but I'm really liking the clips as well this here is my Dollar Tree cherry tomato and it's producing so many cherry tomatoes every day they're really little really sweet and I'm really happy with it it's fun beautiful little tomatoes but it does need to be just lost a green one that's okay there's plenty more where that came from it does need to be encouraged to go up though I think once I get them clipped the first few times then I can leave them in and out a lot easier I don't prune my cherry tomatoes at all I have learned that when I do that I really reduce the amount of fruit I get perfect I believe I've harvested all the peppers and tomatoes that are ready right now so let's go ahead and move on to the summer squash which I think we have quite a bit of it it looks like we've got a female flower there we could probably go ahead and pollinate and then what I really want to pollinate are these two baby boo pumpkins which are these little white pumpkins I'm growing to decorate the house with this fall hopefully as long as I get a few of them so these two flowers have opened flowers this is the only one I have and it's a little shriveled so let's see if there's any pollen in it it looks like there's a little bit so if you remember the male flowers don't have fruit on it the female flowers have fruit on it and then you just you don't Harvest for one day and look at this oh my goodness I had no idea this was in here okay the ants have not been as much of an issue lately and so I'm starting to see a lot more bee activity that little bee right there there's a bunch of them there's one right here too that one was just in this flower which is awesome that's what I want to see this is absolutely fantastic we have a bee in that male flower right there right here and then right here is a female flower that's open so ideally I would like my pollinators to have the job of pollinating my pumpkins you can see here there is a little female pumpkin fruit right there just to help it and make sure we do get that pollinated I am going to grab this flower and get it pollinated you can see that bee just left sure that flower's nice and open and then I'll leave this alone so the bees can continue to do their work the reason I am hand pollinating this year as opposed to years in the past that I haven't had to is because I kind of had an amp problem in quite a few of my beds and I've never had that problem before I did a bunch of research on ants and as long as they're not Leaf carving ants they don't harm the plant at all but what happens is if you have an ant problem ants will actually eat the pollen and so you'll get a bunch of ants in the flowers where the pollen is and if there's a bunch of ants in there the pollinators don't want to fly in there and do the pollinating for you if you know there's 15 20 30 ants in there but the ant problem seems to have died down just a little bit and I'm having a lot more pollinators which is fantastic so I'm not having to hand pollinate quite as much as I was but I really enjoy the hand pollinating process now that I've done it and I kind of know how to do it I just go out there and hand pollinate I still let the bees do a lot of it for me but I kind of like to do it too so we're working together and I'm glad that I'm starting to see a lot more bee activity and other pollinators in my garden bees are not the only pollinators there's different types of insects that will pollinate for you so now that I've you know spent some time hand pollinating I got a little distracted with that I enjoyed it I'm going to grab a bunch of herbs and I'm going to harvest these so that we can start the process of trying to get a Year's worth of herbs put up freeze-dried Frozen I'm gonna do a bunch of different herb preservation methods this year but I want to start this process so that I can work on building up a year's supply it doesn't take that many plants honestly to grow a Year's worth of herbs I think I have eight parsley plants and that probably is going to be enough parsley plants to get me a Year's worth of parsley I think next year I want to plant out one of my green stalks entirely with herbs and see if I can get a Year's worth of herbs out of one green stock and I don't think that's going to be a problem I think that's going to be a fun challenge I'm going to try next year here amongst these onions in this bed I have a bunch of basil and so I'm grabbing a bunch of Basil here I didn't think I was gonna get any cilantro so this cilantro here just makes my heart so happy I am so excited about it I was just coming to grab some basil in here and I noticed that we have our first cucumber so in a couple days that is going to be our first cucumber which is amazing I do want to get this basil here some over here too I just came into the grow room because I needed to grab another basket because we've already filled up the first basket the Harvest was more than I anticipated but I wanted to show you the broccoli the fall broccoli has sprouted the Golden Acre cabbage has sprouted we've got some good germination on that and it looks like our cauliflower has sprouted while I'm in here I might as well water them I do have the grow lights on them now now that something has germinated and I want to get the freeze dryer going so while I'm in here I'm also going to go ahead and start the freeze dryer Cooling because I think we got most harvested out there what we're going to harvest and then we're gonna go ahead and get some of it processed I currently have the grow lights set for 24 hours a day until everything germinates and then for about a week after everything germinates I usually leave them on for 24 hours a day and then I put them on a 12 hour cycle 12 hours on 12 hours off that's what I did this spring and that seemed to work pretty well so I'm going to go ahead and do that again I just want as soon as the seed germinates I want there to be light on it so if it germinates when it's nighttime I don't want the lights set to be turned off this is the basket I came in here for and it is full of goodies that I had used the other day to plant out in the garden and to start some new seeds so I'm just going to take a second and put everything away where it goes and then we can head out into the garden and collect the vegetables that I just laid on the beds so this is all the zucchini we got I was worried about not getting any zucchini because last year I got hardly any zucchini off my plants and this year I'm look at this it's a lot now these Golden Acre not Golden Acre golden Glory summer squash the yellow ones I'm probably never going to plant those again and I'll show you why when we get inside but I wanted to go ahead and collect them all and bring them inside so we can start processing them this is a fun time of year and I'm grateful that things are starting to produce I have cilantro over here and I did something smart not here but over here where I have cilantro as well I put this cilantro on the back side of this bed so it's getting more shade than the other cilantro in the other bed from the squash plants so I think this cilantro is going to do better longer term weed I'm gonna get that out of here I'm gonna Harvest these tender cilantro leaves oh I have to say the Harvest have been escalating quickly and I am okay with that let me show you all the goodies we got here some of it needs to be processed right now some of it can wait for me it'll stay okay for a while first I have a pocket full of Basil I'm gonna make pesto tonight for dinner so that's gonna stay inside I want to get this cilantro freeze-dried I want to get the parsley freeze-dried we have tons of peppers in here probably should have put the parsley and cilantro in a container so that it's not in this basket but that's okay tons and tons of peppers quite a few Tomatoes we're going to use some of these for dinner tonight along with the peppers and I mean friends I was worried about my zucchini not producing I think we're okay because there's there's one more there's one more right here so I'm gonna set these aside because these are going to be fine I've got some other stuff in here as well we've got more zucchini peppers and a couple tomatoes so I'm gonna process some of these these have already been washed so I can set those over there all right so let's wash the cilantro I'm going to use the salad spinner to wash the cilantro it just does a good job getting everything dry because I want to freeze dry this I want to make sure there's not a bunch of water just sitting on the leaves all right next time I'm going to bring this out and I'm going to harvest directly into this so I'm not picking a bunch of leaves out of the basket look at that I didn't think I was gonna get any cilantro Harvest so this is I think the the Third Harvest I've gotten I am happy with not a Year's worth but plenty to make maybe three but three things of salsa I can freeze dry this and use this all summer for salsa foreign I got the cilantro wash this is the parsley and Thyme I just put the thyme and the parsley in there together we have our cilantro let's go get these freezing in the freezer I have my dehydrator trays and I have some things that I've been pre-freezing the cilantro on this tray because I have the most of that so I have Frozen parsley here and basil I need this cilantro to freeze it'll probably only take 15-20 minutes to freeze because it's so tender and then we'll get these in the freeze dryer today yeah I think within 15 minutes while the freeze dryer is freezing our cooling these will be nice and Frozen ready to go into the dryer parsley I can just put on top of this parsley thyme I'll put down here with this pre-frozen time I have some calendula flowers I might go grab a couple more of those while I'm at it I'm going to wash all this basil that I'm going to make the pesto with for dinner tonight and I'll probably have enough basil in here to make two servings worth of pesto we'll just see and if I have enough to make two then I will freeze the rest but I'll get this washed so that when I want to make dinner tonight it will be ready for me I just realized I don't have any parmesan cheese to make best pesto tonight and I know you could make one with out make a dairy-free version but I like my pesto with Parmesan cheese not going to the grocery store so I'm gonna go ahead and get this in the freezer I'm gonna freeze dry this up and next Harvest I'll make sure I have parmesan cheese in my house and we'll make some pesto for dinner and hopefully we'll have enough to make some so we can enjoy pesto throughout the winter now I'm trying to think what I'm going to do with the rest of this stuff should I freeze it should I freeze dry it should I try to eat it fresh there's so much stuff coming out of the garden every day that I could preserve all of this and still have enough for fresh eating I'm gonna make pizza tonight for dinner so what I know that I want to do is keep one pepper out for pizza and I want to keep some tomato out for pizza this Paul Robeson tomato I poked a little hole in it during Harvest so I think I'm gonna set aside these items for dinner tonight okay and then we'll probably have snow peas for our veggie we just eat snow peas like crazy around here so I'll get these put in a bag see I think what I'm gonna do is Freeze all these Peppers so that I can make some hot sauce come probably August or September when I have in a like a ridiculous amount of peppers and this is not enough to make enough hot sauce to make a batch of hot sauce to make it worth it so what I think I'm gonna do is get all these Peppers washed now get them washed with these we'll just get all of this Frozen I'll keep all the tomatoes out let's see what should we have for dinner tomorrow I'm trying to think what we're gonna have for dinner tomorrow and I'll leave that out too from freezing maybe we'll have maybe always love anything Tex-Mex of any sort I'll think about that while I wash these peppers these are already washed I don't need to wash them foreign now I don't plan to have these in the freezer for you know a year or so so I'm going to just throw them in here I will pull them out when I make hot sauce but I'm going to separate my peppers with like things with like things so these are all green jalapenos I'm gonna get these in one bag and then I'm going to take my Cayenne my red cayennes and my red ish jalapenos and I'm going to put those in one bag so I can make a red hot sauce with those I think I'll just dump all those out I'm still trying to think what I want to do with these I know that this pepper we need to eat for dinner tonight because I harvested a little bit ago and it's getting a little bit soft it's totally fine to eat but while I'm thinking about what I'm gonna do with this stuff I'm going to go ahead and just get this diced up for dinner tonight we're going to need more than that amount of peppers so I will get this diced up while I'm at it some dinner prep ready to go friend I just did a thing I just did I just ordered something that I have wanted to order for six ish months now maybe longer I just ordered an industrial vacuum sealer I can link it down below it is an investment last year I had purchased a vacuum sealer from Costco it lasted me one year and then it stopped working the one I just ordered has extremely good reviews it's stainless steel and it's going to be here in the next four days one of the reasons I'm sitting here again I can't figure out what I want to do with this is I've had the best luck when I freeze peppers if I vacuum seal them I can get them to last in the freezer for two plus years no problem and I want to vacuum seal these now these I'm not worried about not vacuum sealing because I am going to take these out of the freezer in the next two months maximum so I'm not worried about these but these peppers I want a vacuum seal so I was sitting here thinking do I just chop them up and put them in a freezer bag what should I do and no no I want to vacuum seal them so they're going to be stay fresh in the refrigerator until my new vacuum sealer comes I'm really excited about that so what I'm gonna do is get these guys in the freezer I'm going to put this towel let's see I'm gonna put this towel in here I'm going to throw my pre-washed peppers in here and then when I can either keep eating on them throughout the week and they're just prepped and ready to go or when my vacuum sealer comes I will dice those up vacuum seal them and that will be really exciting it is an investment but growing your own food and processing it is an investment as well and I want my efforts to last a long time and hopefully this vacuum sealer that I'm ordering will last a long time I returned the one that I bought at Costco because it just didn't do the trick and with how much food preservation I do I really want it to last so I've got these Tomatoes here I'm not going to do anything with these tomatoes except I'm going to put them here on the counter and this will remind me to eat them if I notice that they need to be eaten or something before I can get to them I'll just throw them in the freezer this is my big bag of snow peas that I keep adding to we keep eating them like crazy this is why I'm trying not to go to the grocery store because if I do then if I if this is forcing me to eat what we have here I'm actually going to take this towel this is a clean towel I have found produce last longer if I keep some sort of towel in there it helps kind of absorb any excess moisture I'm gonna put these back in the fridge I think all of this needs to go in the outside fridge I think I have enough to take it out there I have my two bags of peppers I'm gonna throw these right here and in the time it took us to do what we did inside the herbs are already Frozen so I want to get these in the freeze dryer right away foreign I went ahead and I sliced up two of these bell peppers for meal prep for some time this week I don't know what I'm going to use them with but I figured they're sliced I will use them now we processed everything and have it kind of set so that it'll be okay until I have time to kind of figure out what I'm gonna do with everything long term because I think I am going to slice those bell peppers for freezing because hopefully that is just the first kind of wave of bell peppers that we get and we're going to get a lot more and we'll just keep processing and see if we can grow a Year's worth already I have grown more bell peppers this year than I have ever grown ever and it's only July so that's pretty encouraging normally I'm not harvesting Peppers until August and then it's usually late August because the last Homestead didn't have very much sun and I think that all the sun those beds get have really helped even though my plants got a little stunted when I planted them out there so I do like to clean my baskets out so that I don't have stuff just sitting in them these baskets are from Goodwill I would look for baskets with handles every time I would go to Goodwill for a while and now I have three of them one of my baskets is a hand woven basket from the Amish which was a gift from my father-in-law one year and the rest of them are just I think I spent four dollars on them at Goodwill and I love them it's nice having to handle a handle basket sometimes I take my big Jay Morel size stainless steel bowls out in the garden and those work because they're massive and big but a handle is really convenient now I think what I'm gonna go outside and do is I'm going to start processing that garlic time to process the garlic I only have so much shade so I want to get out here and do as much as we can while we've got the shade in the corner here so I've got a bowl I'm going to put the papers in the bowl let's see let's see and then I've got this for the actual garlic if these were bigger what I would do is break this garlic and store a bunch of it fresh but they're just little so I just want to process them right away and use them so that they just don't go to waste so what I think I'm gonna do and what I could have done probably is done this in the garden bed when I harvested them but I didn't really think about it until later oh yeah it's working I want to try to keep as much of this dirt outside as possible so I'm not doing anything special I'm just taking the garlic head you can even call it that because it's so little I'm pulling off any of the dirty outside paper snipping that off and putting the head of garlic in my basket and I'm just going to keep doing this until I have all of them done my plan with my garlic is to completely start over I have mentioned before that the reason I believe my garlic is so small this year is because I did not amend the beds at all I had no idea what soil was in the previous owner's garden beds when I planted my garlic out in there I didn't fertilize them and I didn't water them so the last two months they grew they only had one day of water and so they're super itty bitty teeny tiny and I don't want to use this garlic as seed for my next growing season for 2024's growing season so I am going to be starting over and just ordering new garlic this year epic gardening and Emi Gardener both sell garlic seed and garlic seed is garlic that is certified that it doesn't have any disease in it garlic can be pretty prone to viruses and if you plant garlic that has a virus in the ground it can infect your garden beds so you can go to the grocery store buy garlic plant that and it will probably produce you garlic but it's not certified that it doesn't have disease so if that garlic you plant has disease you could be infecting your garden bed so that is why I plan to purchase new garlic for this next growing season and so if you're interested in pre-ordering because typically you have to pre-order it because the garlic is grown harvested typically in the summer they cure it and they make sure it's good from disease and then they usually sell it in August september-ish I can leave links for both epic gardening and Mi Gardener down below with some discount codes if you're interested in getting yourself some garlic seed to grow I love growing garlic I haven't had to buy garlic in three years because I have been growing it this is the whole Harvest right here this whole basket and well it's not a whole basket it's maybe 1 8 of the basket and then here are all the papers that I just need to clean up and now we're going to go ahead and get going on the elephant garlic my goal for 2024 is to have a better Harvest I had a lot Harvest a bowl but the heads were so small and the reason I'm going ahead and gonna process them all today is because they're so small they're going to be very tedious to peel and I know that if I just cure these and keep them in my pantry I'm not gonna want to peel them when I'm making dinner because they're gonna be so small and tedious so I figured you know what I might as well just take a few hours on this day because I have the time to go ahead and process them and just get them ready to use so that I don't let this go to waste I want to just take a few hours just get in the kitchen and process it and then it'll all be done and so that you know even though this is a small Harvest it's still totally edible and delicious it just it's going to take some work to get them peeled because those heads of garlic I don't know if you can tell but they are probably a quarter of what you would think a typical head of garlic would be and this elephant garlic even though it looks pretty big compared to the regular garlic in there it is it is very small compared to what it should be so here's what we ended up with I am I'm happy with it because that's more than we would have got if I didn't plant any at all now bees these should be four times the size but I'm going to peel them we're gonna do something with them this is about what I would expect my regular garlic to look like not my elephant garlic my elephant garlic should be five times four times the size this should be the size of one elephant garlic clove but that's okay it is what it is I'm gonna go ahead and get this all cleaned up some of them were moldy so I didn't even worry about those I will just go ahead and compost the reason I was talking about pre-ordering garlic is because garlic seed sells out very very quickly Farmers Harvest it there's only so much and once it's sold it's sold and it can be very difficult to find garlic seed in the fall in your big box stores or even local greenhouses typically they will sell them in the spring but garlic does a whole lot better if you plant it out in the fall you can plant it in the spring there's little tips and tricks you can do but it's not as easy there's more steps and it's just so much easier to plant it out in the fall because then it gets goes through the winter garlic likes cold temperatures in order to split to grow into heads and so this is the time to get it I planted my first garlic that I ever grew I bought some garlic seed from a big box store in the spring I planted it it grew and I basically grew one clove of garlic I don't even know if I ended up eating it because it was so small and silly and I've always had really good luck growing garlic in if I plant it in the fall now this next year I'm going to plant the garlic in the garden beds where I will amend the beds before I plant them I will fertilize them I will water them and hopefully we will have a big Harvest I'm gonna go bring this to the compost pile it feels good to get this checked off the list the patio is clean when I was out there I was thinking this garlic can hold for a little bit those zucchinis are not going to last as long as this garlic will last we will eat some of those zucchinis fresh but I think I'm going to go ahead and process some of them and get them shredded up and into the freezer but this way my goal is to process this garlic in the next day but I think what I want to tackle now is some of these zucchinis some of them are going to eat fresh like I said I think I'm gonna pull I really like these white ones I'm gonna pull these out and these I will keep out fresh we'll eat these these ones I'm going to go ahead and get processed and turn them into shredded zucchini for zucchini bread and things like that this coming winter the only freezer bags that I have in my house right now are one gallon size freezer bags but I want to put them in smaller bags than these I don't want to put my shredded zucchini just in these because I'm going to put two cup measures because that's for zucchini bread and that's a good portion if I'm going to add these shredded zucchini into curries meatloaf meatballs things like that so I've got these non- sandwich bags I'm going to use these I will put two cups in those and that way that way get them in the freezer I don't have to waste a whole one gallon Ziploc bag for a two cup measure now I am going to go through and remove on this big one this inner part of it the seeds are a little bit large I know I technically could eat that but I don't like when those seeds end up in my zucchini bread so what I'm gonna do is give those to the chickens it's a great way for the chickens to get something fresh out of the garden I don't consider it a waste at all you can see the seeds in there are a little bit big they will enjoy that and I feel like it is a win-win-win technically we can eat it I would rather them eat it and give us more nutrient dense this one's kind of weird I think I'm gonna give that one to the chickens too they'll enjoy that and I haven't loved these yeah these might end up going to the chickens too this is the golden Glory the skin is super tough and kind of rubbery I think those are one of the chickens too I'm not going to grow this variety again oh this one's a little bit more tender cut it open and see yeah the skin is so thick you see how thick that skin is and the seeds are pretty big and tough for it being so little I don't think I will ever grow that variety again I definitely am going to grow this white variety I really like this white variety here's another example of this golden Glory I don't know if it's just the growing conditions I have if it's some sort of silly hybrid or something but that skin is so thick and tough and then the inside part I don't know you can just see it's got to be at least that's a quarter of an inch to a half an inch I'm gonna let the chickens enjoy that beauty of having chickens is nothing goes to waste nothing goes to waste you just create more nutrient dense eggs and I am not shredding the zucchini by hand I am going to take the use of the food processor and we are going to use the food processor to do this I'm just going to go directly from the food processor measuring out two cups into our Ziploc bag one I like to use this in sweet and savory applications we can put it in zucchini pancakes zucchini waffles curries soups stews chilies the awesome thing about zucchinis it really has hardly any flavor so you could add it to a ton of stuff without really even knowing it's there thank you I think the rest of this is going to the chickens so I have maybe about a half a cup left in here I'm going to divide this between the three and I'm still going to call that two cups in each bag because when I open these I like to strain out any of the moisture and so it does kind of reduce the volume down a little bit foreign process so I'm still going to call those two cups even though right now they're probably two cups and a quarter or so I'm gonna clean this up and we're gonna go give these to the chickens and they are going to have a feast now I don't have to stress out about the zucchini going bad on me and we still have plenty for fresh eating plus all the stuff that's going to be coming out of the garden was that not a very productive morning I'm glad we were out able to get out there before it got too hot we got a ton of stuff harvested we got dinner prep or started to be prepped tonight we got all that garlic taken care of we have stuff preserved or being preserved we've got zucchini in the freezer we have the freeze dryer going with all the herbs we've got Peppers kind of ready for the next step whether that's in the freezer ready for when we're gonna make hot sauce and we got a bunch of veggies washed up so that throughout this week I can just pull those out and we can eat eat on them and I'm excited for my new vacuum sealer to come so that I can take care of those peppers I think that's going to be a big upgrade versus the one I had before because the one I had before just did not do a great job and so we'll see we'll see it has good reviews on Amazon so we'll figure it out together whether it is good or not but I will link the one down below if you're interested to see the one I just ordered today that will be here in a few days I'm glad to get the garlic taken care of or not taken care of but started on the process my goal is to have that not be something that's going to hang over my head for a long time I want to get it put into its final state and when I was out there cleaning it up I had a thought of how I want to preserve it a little bit different than I've ever done before so because I still have one quart of freeze-dried garlic which I don't have any on my counter here I have one cork downstairs a free dry garlic from last year I'm gonna freeze dry some more of it but I thought I would get a little creative and try preserving it in a new way and I'm going to do that tomorrow so thank you for being here right now what I'm going to do is start processing that garlic so that tomorrow I can turn it into what I want to turn it into and thank you for being here if you enjoyed this I can pop a couple of my other videos here you can go enjoy it between now my next upload if you're new please consider subscribing we have a lot of fun in the garden we have a lot of fun in the kitchen and doing things around the house so thanks for being here can't wait to see you next time thank you for being you and I hope you're having a great summer bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 216,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acre homestead, garden harvest, growing food, organic garden, gardening, homegrown food, zuccine bread, scratch recipe, made from home, grown at home, dream garden, Garden Tour, Backyard homestead, homesteading, backyard garden, organic gardening, homestead, garden, organic, dream home, dream home tour, tour, Preservation
Id: HhoMjn1lwJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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