I was wrong about the Steam Deck - 3 weeks later

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- Okay, so I wasn't like technically wrong about anything that I said in the original Steam Deck video. If you haven't seen that, I recommend giving that a watch. I stand by pretty much everything that I said there. What I was wrong about was my opinion of this thing, or what I thought my opinion would be. But I think rightfully so at the time, I paid $500 for an unfinished piece of tech that I basically just became a beta tester for. That video was about two weeks ago. And since then there's been about three over there updates that have addressed some of the concerns that I have. I think there's actually a fourth one that I haven't done yet. It's only been two weeks. For example, one of the concerns they addressed was now the resolution seems to be fine on the home screen when I dock it. Before it used to look all weird. I'm sure there's other little changes that I've been missing, but clearly they're working on this more than I was expecting them to, which is good. The biggest change between now and that past video was how the Steam Deck has become integrated in my gaming, I wanna say workflow, but it's not work. My gaming workflow, my gaming flow. I was not expecting this thing to fill the void in my life that it did. You see, my initial argument was that there just wasn't a lot of games that I'd wanna play on here. Sure, people are going to be excited to play their Elden Ring on here, but I'm not playing Eldon Ring. Sure. People are excited to play Forza, but I already have that on my Xbox. I play War Zone and Valorant on PC, but none of those are on Steam. So I was a little disappointed and underwhelmed by this PC powerhouse. All of the indie games that I was expecting to play, I already have them on the Switch, or so I thought. You see, this is where I went wrong. It turns out I've been missing out on a whole slew of indie games, just because they're not available on the Switch. This is one of my little, picadillos, one of my little bugga boos, like a little quirk. It turns out if a game isn't available in a portable form factor, or I don't have the option to have it there. I just don't play it at all. So if it's not on the Switch, I just don't wanna play it. So the Steam Deck fills that void. It opened me up to a bunch of games I've been sitting on just because I wouldn't be able to play them in a portable form factor. Which is even more dumb, when you find out that I play most of my Switch games docked anyway. So there's really no reason for that. This is like I said, it's one of my little, it's peccadillo. One of my little peccadilloes. (lively music) - [Narrator] This video is sponsored by Roman. - [Woman] Oh my. (knocks) (toy squeaks) (upbeat music) - 52% Of men can't do what they wanna do when they wanna do it. This game is for babies and this game is hard. Do you get it? It's a penis. These are penis jokes. Roman is a digital health clinic for men with U.S. licensed medical professionals. First Roman will set you up with a medical evaluation from a real doctor or a nurse practitioner. Then Roman could provide you effective FDA approved treatment for ED. (knocks) (toy squeaks) (button clicks) (squishy sound) Start your online visit, and if you get prescribed, you can get a whole $15 off of your first month of treatment. So go on over to getroman.com/wulfden and stop being so soft. (knocks) (toy squeaks) (leafs rustling) (ping sound) I just plugged this into where I normally in my MacBook and I guess I'm getting the full 4k out of it. The audio is even coming out of my USB interface. I don't know what to do about all this though. So I was actually expecting to do a follow up video just on the comment section of the last Steam Deck video. The Steam Deck discourse online has been particularly vitriolic. There have been Steam Deck fans since before the Steam Deck even came out. So nobody even had their hands on this thing. And they were like keyboard warriors fighting for this thing. But I was actually surprised that the comment section was actually pretty tame aside from like a few people who told me that I'm wrong because Fortnite is compatible with the Steam Deck. If you download the Heroic Game Launcher, which is about just as compatible as putting Windows on the (Windows error tone) thing. So like, what's the difference? Also, I still underestimated how people are just cool with Valve's wildly frustrating pre-order system. Anyway, there were two games in particular that kind of opened my eyes to how I would use the Steam Deck in the future. One of those games was 30XX. 30XX is a rogue-like Mega Man X type game. There are two different characters. You can play as a Mega Man X type character or Mega Man Zero type character. And you just basically fight through a Mega Man X game made up of procedurally generated chunks, complete with mini bosses and boss bosses. There's upgrades along the way, all randomly picked. Every time I've played it so far, I've had wildly different builds. It controls fantastically. It's the perfect shake up to the Mega Man formula, which we haven't seen since like Mega Man Zero, at least not in like a cool way. This was my game of the show at PAX East in 2020. To this day, I still have no idea who gave me that plaque to give out. It was by far the most fun I had at the show, but that was in 2020. That game was supposed to come out on the Switch. Just like its predecessor did 20XX, but just like 20XX, it's been taken a dog's ear. 30XX has been in alpha for what seems like forever and only on Steam. And I've just been sitting here, like twiddling my thumbs. Well really I've just been sitting here and ignoring it because of my weird peccadilloes. What's even stupider is that I ended up playing 30XX, mostly docked and streaming from my computer. I could've just played it on my PC, I was already on it. I think it's just the option that I like having. While I was streaming, people really wanted to see me play TUNIC. TUNIC is like a isometric link to the past, that's really hard, but I didn't wanna play TUNIC because I could just play it on Game Pass. Except my weird little piccolos kept me from playing it on Game Pass 'cause it's not a portable form factor. Self-appointed stream sponsor trevLsteinberg just gave me $30 to buy the frigging thing on here. Only he can do that. You can't do that, please don't do that. TrevL thank you for the 3000. Is that $30? Does that mean I have to buy TUNIC? - TrevL it's on Game Pass. It's a waste of $30. But the game is fantastic. It makes a little bit of sense why I've been putting it off because the game is such a perfect fit for that portable form factor. Unfortunately, Game Pass isn't really good in a portable form factor, at least right now. Streaming games via Game Pass is great, but it's kind of just a last resort kind of thing. Like maybe the boys are playing Halo one night and I'm not able to get on my PC. Okay. Having it natively play in this way, even if the Steam Deck is a bit massive, is a fantastic option to have in my toolkit. Indie games also typically launch betas or demos on PC before they make their way over to other platforms like the Nintendo Switch. At PAX this year, I got to play a game called Cursed to Golf, which is gonna be releasing on Switch in the summer. Normally I just sit on my hands and wait for it to drop on the Switch, but it has a demo on Steam right now, the same demo that I just played at PAX. And it's pretty long too. I still haven't gotten to the end of it. I have a whole sit down play through with the developer in my last video that you might have missed because it came out on a Friday and it's a bit different and didn't get a lot of views, but it's a fun video. You should go check it out, but you should also just try this game out. If you have a computer that can handle simple indie game physics, it's not power intensive at all. And that's just one example of a pre-release demo that I wouldn't have gotten to play if I didn't have a Steam Deck. I would just be waiting around, sitting on my hands for it to drop eventually. And then you have a game like 30XX, which might actually just never come to the Switch. I would've just completely missed playing that, but I should also mention that games are also often cheaper on Steam than they are on other platforms, especially the eShop. We often to talk about that Switch tax, how games are more expensive on Switch than they might be on other platforms, particularly mobile game ports. You'll often see a game that's like $2 on your iPhone and it'll get ported over to the Switch and suddenly be like $10 for some reason. For whatever reason, games seem to be cheaper on Steam than they are on other digital platforms. And I'm not sure why that is. It's not like they take less of a cut from developers. I'm pretty sure that cut is 30% across the board on all digital storefronts. Maybe they just go on sale more frequently and it's easier for developers to put their games on sale? Regardless of the reason, sales happen constantly. There's also the Humble Bundle, which just throws heaps of games at you for a name your own price. I feel like I'm always getting Steam codes for games that I could never be bothered to play because they're on PC, but now I can be bothered to play them because they're in a more convenient form factor. And a lot of these games that I'm gonna wanna play on here, they're not graphically intensive. So even a game like Cursed to Golf, which isn't officially compatible with the Steam Deck, it runs just fine because there's not a lot going on here. I was just asked what platform I'd like my code for Trek to Yomi to be on. And for the first time ever, I said PC, partly because it's already gonna be on Game Pass when it launches, and I could just play it on Game Pass if I wanted to. But if you're asking me for a free code? Sure, I'll get it on Steam Deck. Why the hell not, I love that option to be able to play wherever the hell I want. And in the future, maybe I just won't play games on Steam Deck at all. Maybe I'll play them on Steam Steam on my computer. Like I said before, I pretty much only ever play my Switch in docked mode. I like having my games on my Switch because I like having the option of being able to play that game portably if I want to. But Steam does a pretty good job with cloud saves. That's something Nintendo could learn a thing or two from. So I don't even have to dock this thing. I could just be playing on my PC, quit the game and then just pick it up where I left off on my Steam Deck if I want that option. I also just learned TUNIC is on Mac and it's got cloud save. So I can just pick up where I left off on my Steam Deck on my Mac. Okay, I take it back, maybe it needs a little work on the whole M1 MacBook. So yeah, I was wrong about how I would use this thing. I still have my concerns about the weird little glitches and general unpolishness of the Steam Deck experience. But like I said before, they're updating it much quicker than I was expecting and addressing some of those concerns. And I'm kind of at the point now where the convenience of having these games with me and the freedom to play them however I want, vastly outweighs the technical hurdles that I have to jump over sometimes. Okay. If I have to plug in a keyboard to sign into a game like one time, I think I can get over it. I don't like putting a score on things, but if my last review of the Steam Deck was a seven out of 10, my new updated score would be a whopping... (drum roll) What do you guys think about the Steam Deck? Does this give you a little more hope for whenever your pre-order's coming in or does this make you want one a little more? Maybe you're gonna put in that pre-order for what, 2025, when you'll eventually get one? Leave it in the comments below, out me on Twitter and any, and all of this other social media garbage. Like I mention multiple times I stream over on twitch.tv/wulfden. I'm streaming tonight, go over there, hang out. We can chat a little bit about this thing. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I might playing Nintendo Switch Sports. I love that game, but of course the most important thing that you can do, if you wanna help support this channel is just hit that subscribe button if you want to see more of my face here on YouTube. You can't just rely on the algorithm to show you new videos when they come out and share this video with a friend. A friend who maybe is a little concerned about their Steam Deck pre-order, or somebody who maybe plays a lot of indie games or games like this and they could benefit from a device like this. Like I thought I wouldn't. Thank you guys very much. Have yourself a good week.
Channel: WULFF DEN
Views: 447,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wulff Den, WulffDen, Wolf Den, WolfDen, Bob Wulff, steam deck, steam, steam deck review, steam deck setup, steam deck linux, steam deck gameplay, steam deck impressions, steam deck as an emulator, retro games on steam deck, portable emulator, handheld emulator, steam deck weeks later, steam indie games, pc indie games, tunic pc, tunic steam deck, 30xx, steam deck games, steam deck cloud gaming, steam cloud save
Id: 2UCm2uaLdUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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