I was WRONG about the iPad Mini 6

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foreign [Music] why would you buy a new iPad when you already have one well this one's much much different it's much smaller much more portable and just stop that makes absolutely zero sense it does make sense why I bought this when I get to my desk I'll explain it to you and it'll make total sense fine I'll try to hear you out on why you had to buy this iPad the pro you're holding that 12.9 inch has a totally different use than this thing now and they both work in totally different ways now and that's what I'm going to explain this is ridiculous I'm making a coffee all right I'm gonna go I'm gonna go get this set ready thank you I've always never understood who this product was for or who needs this but I gotta say after having it for some time I think I finally realized what it's best used for and how I use it in my everyday life now so why did I buy this thing when I already have a 12.9 inch iPad Pro well the reason is is because I wanted something a little bit more portable I wanted something I could throw in my bag throw in my backpack I wanted something I could just take out with me and be able to hold in one hand and that's ultimately the reason why I bought this iPad mini but I also was in Portland and with my new crossbody bag the black Ember compact which I did a full review on with my updated everyday carry I'm able to fit this in there and for me that was something that was big for me and something I wanted and I wanted to be able to have a device that wasn't my phone with me at all hours of the day to use is a productivity tool and that's where the iPad Mini comes into place I purchased this thing in Portland my hotel happened to be near an Apple store and when I was in there with no sales tax it was pretty enticing to buy this thing but I'm going to touch on three things about this iPad portability productivity and one use Wonder this thing's small compared to every other sized iPad this thing is extremely small and what's nice about it is the one hand use the fact that I can write like this on it and be able to write with one hand the fact that I can type with two just like this the fact that it's this small and I can throw it literally in some of my pockets or just in my crossbody and be able to walk around with it and have it with me everywhere I go makes it nice and it's not really so much an inconvenience having an iPad have a bigger size that you want for more portable reasons so that's kind of the first use case for portability something I call is the lab test my dad has an iPad mini and he kind of told me there was this thing he noticed with it with his iPad mini and he has two iPads as well as when you're using it on your lap you don't really notice you're using it and I started to realize that when I was using it at the hotel in Portland when I first had it for like that first weekend and it didn't really seem like I had something extra with me in hours at a time and that was nice next up is productivity and the fact that I can have the apple pencil with this thing I have a folio smart case with this thing and this cool dark cherry color but the fact that I can use this thing with notion which is something I've really revamped and made ultimately like my hub for all things productivity notion on here is extremely nice being able to have my to-do list on here and have it at a glance at all hours of the day to have shortcuts on here to my notion to my calendars to real ideas to whatever it may be having that right here is very very nice writing I'm able to jump into this free form app and be able just to write and if it's storyboarding I'll be able to do that in here I find journaling a lot more fun in here being able to kind of do it with one hand with each thing and have it more on the go and it gives you a feel like you're writing in a notepad and this thing's really perfect for like really filmmaking I've been able to shoot videos with this so far and this be my script and just have it like this and have it right under me or whatever and it's just more of a portable way of doing it now I talked about earlier how my iPad Pro 12.9 inch still has a use and it's being used as the second screen for my computer and at DaVinci Resolve they give you a nice two screen option and with the size of this 12.9 inch with my 16 inch MacBook Pro it makes for the perfect companions for a side screen at DaVinci Resolve and that's really what I'm using it for as this has one use which I'll get into the one use Wonder in a little bit my iPad Pro 12.9 inch has one use now and I feel like I have two iPads but I'm using them in two completely opposite ends of the spectrum and then one use wonder I always said with the iPad Mini since the first one came out I never really knew a use for it I always said it was never for me but as I've been using it and been able to use it in my everyday life and being able to throw it in my crossbody or my backpack when I leave for the morning and use it throughout the day at work and when I get home and use it as like a to-do list it keeps me off my phone in terms of checking notion it keeps me off my phone when it comes to storyboarding and all those things it just keeps me away from my phone a lot more than I thought it would which has been really nice it also makes pre-production fun I find a lot of fun being able to write and being able just to storyboard ideas my entire drive home from Portland I was able to storyboard ideas just writing ideas down on here which has been extremely nice and it brings out a creativity ultimately there's a creativity I'm able to have with this thing that I haven't been able to see with my other iPad now I've been able to go through phases I went through a phase where I was really into drawing and sketching and the iPad Pro is absolutely perfect for that it's absolutely perfect for a secondary screen for my MacBook it's absolutely perfect for face timing it's perfect for really a lot of things even if it's writing emails but when I hit the road and I'm on the oh this thing is unbelievable it's a lot easier to travel with traveling with a 16-inch MacBook and something a lot smaller like this but is we love things there's also things we dislike and there's some things I really dislike about this iPad mini and it's things I don't think that are going to change over time the first is 60 hertz this thing isn't 120 hertz all my devices are 120 hertz and I hate to say it but I really notice the 60 hertz I don't notice this jelly effect that everyone talks about but I do notice the 60 hertz and it's something that I just don't think Apple will come out with in the future that I actually really enjoy with all my other devices so please one day 120 hertz the Nexus Touch ID I like touch ID but face ID is so much more natural and I just wish the iPads had both but I understand it's more technology it's more Hardware more software that you have to put into these and if the price this is at it's not really worth putting in here so I can live with Touch ID as we hit summer and it's starting to get sunny outside here in Seattle I want this thing to get a bit brighter right now the iPad Mini hits 500 nits of brightness and it's bright but when it's sunny out here in Seattle and it's starting to get Sunny we're starting to hit those months of suniness and I wish it got brighter because I'm going to be at coffee shops a lot more I'm gonna be out and about a lot more and I'm going to be able to wanna really see what this screen has to offer and kind of the content I'm doing so I do wish this thing got a little bit brighter when it comes to the knits of brightness so like one day maybe an iPad Mini Pro maybe who knows but overall I had a goal with this thing and the goal was to figure out how I was going to use it in my everyday life and I found a way I found a way that I'm able to use it as my personal assistant with my to-do's projects all that stuff inside notion if you guys want a full video on notion and kind of how I've updated notion over the months and how it's become really my hub for everything leave a comment down below because I want to make that video but I want to make sure you guys want to see something like that so I can put in the time in kind of producing and putting that thing together so let me know in the comments back to what I was saying being able to use notion in this thing being able to write and write so easily and have it feel like you're writing on a pad of paper has been extremely nice and for me ditching my paper journal and going to this has been real refreshing for me because I'm able to take my time with and I'm able to have fun with it so with that who is this for it's for a niche group of people and you don't really know know how you're going to use it until you start using it in your everyday life when I first purchased this I didn't know how I was going to use it but after a little bit of time I realized how it fit into my life I recommend this to anyone that wants kind of a personal assistant that isn't their phone make sure you hit that like button hit that subscribe button comment down below if you want a video on notion and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign
Channel: Joseph Lipsen
Views: 187,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eKb-am5YJN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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