I was told the neighbour next door would more than likely attack me

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well boys and girls we're heading to a job this morning should be fun I don't even know if I'll get any footage because it's a house that's just been finished renovated and ready for [Music] sale but the people's told me the next door neighbors a bit of a nut job and it's more than likely they're going to come out and attack me during the job it be fun not physically attacked supposedly verbally she's very f m and likes to attack anybody that's doing anything next door or something like that anyway that's the gist of it so you'll know if I put this video up that I actually got piece to video it but we'll see hopefully she's not uh I can handle verbal just not physical all right let's find out we're on sight she's a dirty one supposedly that neighbor over there is the bad one she's dirty about to actually break out the ladder because we got some crazy angles up there she's very dirty the whole house the other side's very dirty but I'm not going to I'm not going to do any filing over on crazy lady side the man's asked me not to but she'll clean up nice up there might put the ladder up I can head it from down here but seems I've got the ladder it be easier if I just put it up there and go up right let's get the washing you already see I've just splashed it [Music] I went down the whole [Music] deck that way shouldn't get any staining on I think I going to hard to basically stop roing this by Boy let's get a bit more on here pump 12 Vols fraking itself [Applause] again fix that a lot of Fallout in this house but you ain't going to be coming off [Music] all right we going to get to rinsing this [Applause] [Applause] try not to get overspray over on old crazy lady I'll get the corners from the bottom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah let that sit for a couple of minutes she's coming off she's coming off I'll get up here from the ground because I don't want to get overspray over [Applause] there all right I'm going to rinse this I'll see if I can do it with use here [Applause] remind me to rinse that down there if you can he about this little house is coming up like brand new oh a't that little one all the awkward sports right going to get off this ladder just letting this little bit dwell but my God I tell you what this house is coming up so nice it's one of them very satisfying jobs the homeowner is gone I shouldn't really film down this Ro but where the fun in that I'm going to might even cover my ass of something she decides to come over and give me but you can see she's the dirty side [Music] too I'm actually on her property when I'm washing this bit but once we've rinsed this we will go into the bush and find out see if we come out alive right let me rinse this and then we'll go down that's the last section I got to do all right right then fellas and girls gents let's get down here and see what's going to happen hopefully nothing on she's bad here but I got no room to I'm going to do what I can do with it let's get on the front a little bit here [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you already see that starting to come off but these troughs are nasty [Music] is frast fast they're going to need a bit of dwell time these buggers go up full of it let's get to a fend very satisfying cleaning the house like this [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this might end up needing a couple of gos out it cuz we are in the shade all right you see she's coming off let this dwell for a minute and we'll be [Laughter] back right let's get the rinse in this bad boy empty the lines of the last bit of chlorine in there get anyway near that last piece of I'm not going in that lady's backyard [Music] I considering this house has not been washed in a 100 years mean you're never going to get them troughs a magul compared to what they was or else you got up there and done a gut a brightener and I'm not getting P it up [Music] we do run run run we do run run so far I've been not even seing the lady the house actually needs wash I wonder if I should talk to her [Music] better a lik in boys better lik in oh what do you reckon to that she's come up like brand new all right let me finish rinsing this and we'll have a walk around here we go spotless compared to what this house was like she's like brand new boys she's like brand new that's just a couple of holes in the trough look at that and it was a bit of an anticlimax because like I didn't get shouted out not once which is good would have made for a nice video through beautiful have I got stinking headache today you looky spotless brand new right I think it's tackle time maybe I'll uh once I get some tackles I'll show you what they look like if you stay tuned baby maybe baby stay tuned for some Tacko time lunchtime boys three tacos got two chicken one pole pork some fries not bad I tell you what they did they stung me $21 for it good thing all right meeting this lunch so I'll will catch you all later
Channel: From green to clean
Views: 35,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Very dirty, Soft wash, Pressure washing, From green to clean, Chlorine, House wash
Id: sv00I7ZVPEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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