I Was Shocked To Find What Was Hiding Inside

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so welcome back to the shop friends I have a very exciting video for you today that you're not going to want to miss because if you don't watch this video you'll never find out what is inside this little blue box [Music] [Applause] [Music] so friends you're in for a treat today this is something I never thought that I would see it never thought that I would see in person I mean I of course seen them on the websites and for sale but there was just always a little bit out of my reach and I am so thrilled to actually knew what it was so quickly before we open this up so this this was sent this tool set was sent from my friend Ken who as you remember he sends he's a very generous man he sends things all the time any sense really obscure tools trying to stump me and he puts the answer in an envelope here but I did take a peek at this and I actually knew what this one was so without further ado are you ready to see look at that we focus there get a focus on there how many of you know what that is that is the very very rare and hard-to-find what was it the Stanley Stanley I forget to number 62 63 I wrote it down here stamp 96 the stanley 96 you thought that number one plane that I had was small let me bring that out here for you that we restored there there last year you know that was that's a pretty small plane right there right but how about this one that's has taking small to a whole new level so how many of you guys actually know what this is let me let me bring you a little bit closer here and all right here we go what better backdrop could we have than the original Stanley yellow box car Stanley yellow color look at that isn't that beautiful so this is a stanley number 6 96 chisel plane this is very very old I did a little research on this before the video and from what I what I gathered this was produced it was originally introduced to Stanley in 1888 and was produced up to 1922 and that's when it went out of production now the earlier ones will have I think that memory serves had a patent number on it and the later ones did not so not so oh there it is it is this is what is one of the old ones so when I when I looked at this in my office where the light wasn't very good I was assuming this was on the tail end the 1900s or so but beings this has the patent number on it if I could be wrong but I believe this must be one of the very first ones the original ones built in the 1800s can you believe that that's something else to have something like this that was that's still functional in such a wonderful condition look at the nickel on it that's one thing that makes the stand the old Stanley tools so beautiful and so interesting to me is that that that nickel finish I prefer that nickel finish over chrome any day it has a richness to it that is just it's just exquisite just beautiful no rust on it no marks damage from screws on there it's a little bit of the nickel you can see coming off there on the tip but this is quite something isn't it is absolutely beautiful but it doesn't end with this because this is only half of the of the combo here this wood is to be complete you would have to have one more piece and believe it or not we've got it and it looks to me from the pictures that I could tell it might even be the original one and this is the quarter inch chisel or gouge look at that that is old look at the facets right there and you know look it has that appearance of being handmade who knows brass ferrule and a hard wood handle with still has the original varnish on it isn't that not gorgeous or what how about that to have the original set together you wonder makes you just wonder how how it how it came how did it get here how many hands have it has it passed through it and how fortunate it was to have people that recognized its its value intrinsic value and and looked after it and took care of it many many many people isn't that something so before I can show you what it's for we need to sharpen it because this is this is in bad shape and I think this might just be the perfect job for the Russian knife sharpener the nature of the task if this chisel needs to do or this combination this chisel plane is is very critical and the angle from what I've read is is very important now this is going to be we're going to sharpen this at a very different angle than we would a traditional chisel that's going to be between you know twenty-five and thirty degrees this needs to be fifteen degrees you'll find out here why in a minute so let's put this up put the jig together here and then Lola will see if we can't get that angle perfect on there so this is certainly a little unorthodox but I'm not set up to to file or to sharpen the chisel at fifteen degrees all my jigs and everything are for more than traditional 13 or 3225 so this may or may not work but I think that it will so even though it's held at an angle we should be able to to get that because I want to get that exact 15 degrees and and I don't know if another way to do it quickly and easily so this is what I come up with so let's set our set our angles and then see we can put a nice edge on this the angle cube it's the best absolutely the best thing ever okay so we'll put that on there and so that will zero out the base right here and so will calibrate zero that out now we could dial in our 15 I've got the coarse stone installed there and so we'll sit right there right there where the stone is going to cross the the chisel and where what we're looking for is of course our 15 degrees according to the what I read so we'll dial that down that's a really shallow oops what's the locker with a really shallow depth there so well there's a gross adjustment and then there's a fine adjustment so I'll run the gross one down till I'm close then I can lock that off then we can use our fine little almost there now would be a good time to click the thumbs up while you're waiting for me to set this up here I really appreciate that helps the channel that's it lock it down I think we're ready I'm curious to find out what the angle is now you know what it what it came with we'll see here so I've got the coarse stone on here a little bit cramped here with a tripod in the way but I guess it's it's easier to have a tripod in my way in this little shop and have 1 million of you all in here that that would be very crowded so I've got the 15 degrees established there actually it was pretty pretty close I didn't have to take too much off of there but that is just that's just read I guess rida terminal now we'll take it over to the Diamond stones and we'll finish this off by hand now that we've got this establishment and I can I what what I don't mind sharpening these by hand but I I kind of needed to get a baseline there first that we could work off of when you're sharpening these chisels like this always the first thing you want to do is after you've established that angle is to flatten that back that's the most important you only have to do that once and you know it's flat when it's it when it has a nice polished like that on it and it's even all the way across so I just went coarse fine and superfine on there so on the coarse one so now that we've got the angle determined I can kind of we can kind of tip it up there and feel it and start the polish nothing finishes off metal like leather this is just some rawhide some polishing compound on there a very super super fine abrasive compound and then we can just go backwards angles not important just more than your 15 I press as hard as I can there you should be able to see that that polish on there see how it's a mirror like it's a mirror like finish on the on the tip of that from that that leather strop isn't that beautiful that is really sure that's a quarter inch chisel here's the back side you can see flat now we're ready to assemble everything here so I haven't done this before so we're learning together I've just keine going off of what seems to be reasonable so this is this is going to be this this is going to be a guide we don't want to damage our edge we put all that time into it this is going to be a guide for our chisel and it's going to turn it into just like a little mini a mini plane right there for a very specific task now we'll probably have to go back and readjust this a time or two to get it right I can feel its grab but I might have it a little bit deep there let me back it up a little just a tiny tiny bit if we put it on the wood we build a feel yeah okay let's start with that and I'll let's say I'll show you what it's for so what this little stanley 96 is for is for a technique that i've never done before but it's called blind nailing or blind putting it a blind nail so what I have here is I've got a piece of CVG fir at red so let's say for example that you had a squeaky tread on some stairs that was maybe very old or super high-end work that you you just you didn't what you couldn't get to it you didn't want to put drive a nail through the top of it and ruin it ruin the aesthetic so from what I understand there was a it was a technique that master carpenters would use called blind nailing and and we're gonna try that right now I'll show you the process and so you if the depth was set right and I don't know if it is but we'll try but you would take this little this little tool here and you would push it putting weight down and you would plane up a little piece of wood just like that you see that there and very very carefully you would pull the tool out and now this gives you kind of a little recess in there and what you would do is you would drive a tiny nail or a screw I guess whatever you could get into here into this area and the secure something or you know maybe they used this I don't know maybe they used to in fine cabinetry where they needed to top nail something and they wanted to hide everything they would drive the nail down there and then countersink it and then very carefully using a fish glue a glue something to do with maybe it's made out of obviously made out of fish and they would use fish glue because it was super tacky and as soon as it made contact it would go it would hot you would roll that back down there and you would hide that now we can try it with a little bit of superglue you know just for effect I don't have it I don't have a tiny little nail right here but I think you get that the idea but I think the idea was just we'll just try it here if we put a dollop of not gonna work totally the wrong type of glue here but this is just for demonstration oh I got way too much on there so this would be very finicky fussy work so you would probably take that take that fish glue and and put that whole area and also I think another thing with fish glue is it was easy to clean up this would not at all be the right thing to use it's just a it's just a test right there and then you could take you could take something maybe your finger or square and you could after that nail was installed you could roll that down there like that see that's why the tacky glue would be so important where the the superglue wouldn't work but so you get the idea right how that how that would work how you would blame nail with that pretty cool pretty cool now the question would comes up from cart you know if you are a master carpenter back in the day do you need to have this guide or would you would you not have the ability as a master carpenter to freehand a the same thing which we'll try here like that and and do your blind nail as well you can kind of see yeah and actually you know the one that I did freehand how much see how much thicker it is it's still thin enough where it will Bend but it's a little bit more substantial it would probably be more durable I would I probably didn't have that set deep enough I already do it again I'd said it's a tiny tiny bit deeper but isn't that isn't that cool what a technique clever what those those old carpenters came up with that was that you know what really there's the difference between a master carpenter in a in an apprentice or new carpenter was the master carpenter knows how to hide mistakes it's the truth did this day you know the better the older we get the better we are at hiding things you know we start to get a little overweight and and we can hide it with clothing or we have some physical defects that bother us we can hide it with cosmetics you know it seems like that's what we're really good at is hiding things isn't it but I thought that was that's that's pretty cool I could see where that would definitely be a technique and if done with care done right no one would ever know that it was there the stanley 96 chisel gauge that is in that neat that is really that's very very special that that has just brings me tremendous joy thank you so much Ken for your generosity and for sending this to me I don't know where you found it where you got it but it will be it will be treasured it will absolutely be treasured that is it's a really special to me so thanks for watching don't forget to click the thumbs up if you enjoyed these videos and I guess that's it we'll see you guys on the next one so many of you have have written in the comments that you really enjoy the the end sequences or my take on different things or topics or anything that suits my fancy to speak about and I was I was thinking on that like what do I want to talk about this this afternoon and then I was editing the video and I was thinking how I was referring to cosmetics and then cosmos you know cosmos stands for chaos and cosmetics comes from that it is making order out of chaos if if you like me and sometimes you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror you indeed look at at at chaos and a cosmetic is just the process of bringing chaos into order and I've sellout that reminded me you know of of cosmetics tell you a quick story we stood 10 this church and they were very conservative and they were very much against wearing jewelry and cosmetics and and I don't have a problem with that because I prefer I think women look more beautiful not made-up or painted how overly overly made-up I think that the natural look is is much nicer and that's what attracts me to mrs. w so much and so this church would liver like minded in that and and I remember a woman came in that was off the street had no background in in Christianity I don't know she'd ever been to a church before within she was wearing a fair amount of makeup and a couple of the older women the old the old Saints that have been there forever started making an issue of this and and and and literally making her uncomfortable and I'll tell you what there's something there's a few things in life that I have zero patience for and that's one of them a self righteous person is to me is it I can't take it I have physically confronted physically in public confronted people who have made have done this to new people coming into a church I think that is one of the most grievous sins one of the worst things that someone could commit is by judging others by your standard you know the thing that gets my goat on that is that we're all at different levels you know I imagine the the journey to God as a ladder some people are on the bottom rung and some people may and be in the middle and some on the top and if you do find yourself on the top rung don't judge someone on the bottom rung by your standards that is that's a horrible thing to do that person on the bottom rung is on the ladder just like you are and just because you're on a rung above them doesn't mean that you're any better you're all on a path you're all on a journey you're all trying to get to the same place remember that remember that if you you know when you're looking at people and this is just as I'm not preaching to you guys this is just as much for me as it is for you as a reminder they'll only see other people that may not meet our so-called Christian standards you keep your mouth shut you worry about your own things you worry about your own relationship and you be kind and you offer help and if God lays it upon their heart to raise them up to your level then that's his business and that's their business and it's none none of yours so man I didn't know that this was gonna turn into Iran thanks for watching and we'll see you guys the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 123,458
Rating: 4.8509674 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, I can't believe someone sent this to me., I Was Shocked To Find What Was Hiding Inside
Id: 7N_BgDirKPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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