I was hospitalized for a week. Here are 3 lessons I learned from it

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hey everyone so as you might have seen in the video title I was sick for a bit and I was hospitalized for one week and I decided to make a video body for two reasons one is that I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on with my life just in case you were curious about why you know I haven't been uploading any videos recently and the second reason is that I felt like I learned a lot through this experience and I just wanted to share some of those lessons with you today okay so let me just quickly explain what happened exactly so about two weeks ago I had what I thought was just a cold you know I was just sneezing and coughing and stuff but then a few days later I started having these really bad vision problems I had this really bad double vision everywhere everything looked doubled you know that's why I have this eyepatch thing right now and then everything started looking blurry and I wouldn't be shaky and basically my eyes my eyes were fixed in a you know certain position and that's what I have right now - and then you know they didn't know what was going on at the beginning so I when I went to the hospital they I started doing some tests and it took them a few days to figure out what it was exactly but then they found that I have this rare condition called Miller feature so after they knew what it was I started getting treatment and after one week or so I was able to get out of hospital and come back home here and you know I'm gonna try to get back into my regular routines as much as possible so I can make videos again and you know start doing more coding again but unfortunately might take me a while to get back into that because apparently it takes most people with this condition at least two to three months to recover completely visual wise so I might be like a little bit you know slower than usual until my visions back to normal alright so that's my personal update but let me now quickly talk about some of the things I learned through this whole experience just in case you might find them useful too I'm just gonna share you know just three of them even though there were other ways since I learned to the first one of those is about not caring about small things you know I feel like I have this natural tendency to be sort of neurotic and you know worry about a lot of things one example is when I'm having a conversation or when I'm missing you someone I might say something and I might worry a lot about what the other person thinks or if I might you know offend them and stuff like that but then when I was at the hospital when I was going through a lot of distress I just couldn't care about those things because you know I was worrying about like am I gonna eat today and oh my god I be able to like have my vision back and am I gonna vomit or not today and stuff like that so when I thought about like those other things they just seemed so small and not that important and I feel like I brought some of that perspective back even now so when I think about like those small problems now I just think as long as I'm healthy as long as I have my vision still I'm happy with that and I realized that I don't have to worry about those you know small things anymore the second thing I learned is actually about a software development so when I started having this condition about two weeks ago my eye so it was like even worse than it is now you know like I said earlier a lot of double vision everything looks shaky and blurry and looking at anything was really hard and like even reading on the screen I couldn't do it properly so I started using this feature called voiceover on iphone let me just quickly show you what it's like first so once you turn on voiceover it starts reading everything on the screen that you touch so for example on the home screen you can basically touch the screen to you know try to find the app that you want to launch Google Maps Safari so gonna per page two and five a job done Forrest double tap to open and then once you find it you know in this case forest one of my favorite apps you can just do this to launch what's that forest double tap to open forest many BTN new and then in the app itself to you know I can just touch the screen to try to find the button and that I wanna click just like that so it's a good feature for anyone who's visually impaired or blind but it turned out not all apps support voiceover equally for example for messaging I personally found that you know I messages and Facebook Messenger are pretty pretty easy to use with voiceover and they support voiceover you know better than some of the other messaging apps for example slack or Instagram so I would say you know if you're ever in a position to develop an app or maybe a website I think it would be really great if you could take a moment to think about people like me and other people who have vision problems or other disability issues that make it harder for them to use your app and you know if you could think about like how to make your app as accessible as possible to as many people as possible I think there'll be a good thing all right the third and final lesson that I learned through this experience that I wanted to share today is about how important it is to have strong relationships I mean it's like a cliche but I really think it's true you know when I was at the hospital like I mentioned earlier I was going through a lot of emotional and physical distress and honestly I was having hard times like I cried a little bit and basically like it was really tough for me and what helped me get through was the fact that I had my girlfriend around you know she was visiting me a lot and helping me with like food and and the fact that I had friends come over sometimes and visit me in person or call me or message me to encourage me and you know that was like really helpful and you know who you are if you're one of those people I already thanked them but I want to thank them again here all right so that's all I wanted to talk about in this video thank y'all so always for watching my videos and by the way thank you for letting me hit 1 million subscribers this is like super exciting to me I thought I was gonna hit it you know at some point but I didn't think I was gonna hit you know this landmark so soon so I'm super psyched about that thank you it's like the population of Vancouver I guess my next goal is gonna be 1 million followers on Instagram and 10 million here on YouTube yeah I don't know if I can get there but I'll try my best anybody thank you so much and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: CS Dojo
Views: 155,359
Rating: 4.9384289 out of 5
Keywords: cs dojo, yk sugi
Id: 7GMCujlzVKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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