I Was Healed by a Witch Doctor in the Philippines! 🇵🇭

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got some Dragon speaking and we  are heading to somala Islands the police is here oh stop throwing in my mouth  was self-surgent all right what's your name   Rico good luck to our future husband welcome to the island of Mindanao now the  UK government advises against all travel   to this island because of the threat  from Rebel groups who are known to do   the occasional kidnapping of foreigners and  also the occasional uh bomb threat however   my friend Ben messaged me and said let's check  out Mindanao what's the worst that could happen   I think we should go so I said yes and here we  are going on a road trip with our bikes around   the island of Mindanao starting in Davao  and heading off into the countryside are   you ready mate let's go to midnight  so far so good let's get on with it   it's the ferry summer Ferry okay okay thank  you we're pretty lost we're looking for a ferry   terminal because we're actually trying to go to  an island just off the uh the city of Davao but   we can't find it oh there seems to be a port up  ahead so we must be close and what's the car okay my booty um how much 60 pesos  how's my Tagalog it's good okay we do indeed have the  tickets to Davao how exciting   how exciting me we're going on holiday  where are we going how do you know that   costs about a one pound less than that I  think yeah let me see you jump okay ready go   oh wow oh my God hello oh my God I want to go in  that house that looks on stilt it's for kids to do   anything you can do it my stomach is not strong  enough is it is it uh it's okay to go in yeah oh they want money okay one second I come back  I come back tell him I'm coming back go jump I think they'll do anything you say you want  they apparently you throw money and then they   go and die for it really this sounds like  really wrong yeah it doesn't sound like I'm   throwing money at them so I throw the money  he cuts them oh they catch it okay over here oh there we go it's floating down oh he's got it  he's got it wow I don't know how much I did though 10 peso you're from Davao oh really you're going there okay nice is  that the healer healer in samal the witch there is oh there is this Cobra oh yeah yeah yeah motorcycle I will  guide you oh yeah okay thank you   what's your name Christian Christian  Christian nice to meet you Christian what's that I suppose that's supposed to attend  checkpoint oh okay nice I suppose you're a police   no no no Army oh nice Sergeant Christian   so you've been fighting the rebels yes yes  terrorists you've been fighting terrorists   wow and devour is now safe yes sir Ben I've  got good news Christian's taking us to uh he's taking us to uh album  which is like a local healer oh sure sure we're actually still  by reports so there was the houses   there's still houses down here so  I'm gonna have a look hello hello I'm just looking around what's I'm yes  yes I'm I'm looking for the seat the   seat that's it this way yeah okay nice you  guys oh we have a tour guide two tour guides where are you from here yeah what's  what's the name of this space oh nice nice nice we're we're going  around finding out if uh Mindanao is safe   or dangerous it's it's safe or dangerous which  one it's safe okay good good it seems very safe   so it's interesting the houses here I'm assuming  are kind of like uh nobody officially owns these   houses some of them not all of them some  of them are the tour guides ah Mr tall guys so shy and they have electricity some of  them have a Wi-Fi some of them have hello   how are you kamusta I'm fine good my booty  all right I'm looking for the sea hello   do you know how I can get to the Sea anyone  okay tour guides where are you going come on they're following me but  they don't want to be with me   The Story of My Life everyone hello are you  playing you're playing badminton can I play   okay who's playing with me me  versus you let's go where's the ball   you don't have one oh no who's is this your dog  can I say hello oh yes hello what's his name is real so shy is this one friendly hey boy he  looks like half friendly half   not wow these houses are very unique  we've got like a little gym up there   they've got a gym this way to the to the Sea the  sea is this one no oh here he is I'm lost mate I'm lost they've got a gym up there  yeah yeah oh you made some friends   let's go to the gym all right we've got  a um oh maternity Clinic my name is Harry nice to meet you we're going to give  everyone a handshake yep yep yep   which way to the scene can you take  me to the sea yeah which way hello whoa so the kindest boy oh my God   all right I'm just gonna keep heading that  way because I know no can I go this way all right I'll follow you guys  it's an interesting little walkway come here [Music] I don't think they've seen many  foreigners in this area hello good oh you got some treats mate  all right here we go combuster here we go and the fishermen have  their boats right outside we've even   got chickens probably fighting chickens I  should be careful vending machines hello   I'm coming don't worry we've got the plants here we go wow that's a little bit  polluted but we'll brush past it and look at this they go all  the way around some of these   uh I don't really have swimming clothes on maybe thank you you guys are so kind there we go wow what's the name oh the name of this boat are you the official tour guide for  this area oh really this is your house   oh the Philippine flag hello so these are fishermen they catch fish yes  yes nice The Unofficial tour guide for this   area is still he's in training but if you want  to do a tour guide with my friend what's your   name what's your name dodo oh that's an  amazing name I love that name all right   everything seems to be very cool what's in here  what's in there fisherman huts your English is   very good let's go in the fisherman Hut  Ben eath this is the islands hello wow   everyone's literally everyone's waving the whole  village has come out this is a little mini town hello where'd you get the ice cream okay [Music] good luck to our future husband hello on a boat  is this your house yes oh it's very nice very nice   it's very cool on stilts wow what'd you do when  there's a storm uh you're safe from the storm okay   good good nice to meet you we're gonna try and  get on a boat it's possible okay my name is Harry   Harry Potter that's me every country I go  to every country all right what's your name   Rico let's go hi Rico oh it's crazy all right hello well we were we were definitely the first  foreigners in that area and we've made friends bye-bye bye guys bye they're like our little army yeah oh we have the captain hello captain can I come in   oh thank you I'm now the Cove co-captain  you're the captain Oh yes please all right Full Speed Ahead it was captain  jaguard speaking and we are heading to samal   Islands tonight wow first time driving  a ship oh all the movies hello this is good job guys thank you oh look tonight hello people oh Mindanao thank you for  riding me on the Somali Express enjoy   your trip to samao the lovely Island  be safe and Long Live Philippines that's good and thank you to  the captain what's your name is the best captain in the world Mindanao  okay thank you nice to meet you [Music] you're going to Samoa it's nice very  nice okay I'm looking forward to it it's safe   is it safe okay good good it  looks beautiful all the palm trees yeah yeah it's pretty nice this'll do I  reckon tomorrow's gonna be nice you know   healing get a bit of nature be careful there  really yeah the hotel he said be careful now   don't trust everyone oh really but yeah as  friendly as those people out there then we're   gonna have a good time all right and just as I  was boarding the boats my friend Christian who   I just made told me that the Albany Euros  the sound the healers that we're going to   meet the traditional doctors they're going to  use snake blood apparently that's all he says   something about snake blood and then I got on  the boat and didn't see him so we'll go and   find him and find out where we're going but he's  taking us to this mysterious lady on the island   what's the worst that could happen  all right land away we made it look at this it's good to be  back on the island as well   it's beautiful here look at these palm trees  you can't really get this anywhere else in   the world it's just sheer Beauty oh it's  Michael Jordan oh whoa let's play some ball Ben's just filling up petrol whilst he fills up  the petrol will shoot a few Hoops where's where's   your where's your ah let's go let's see Michael  Jordan whoa whoa oh oh here he is oh it's it's   uh damn I don't know any basketball players  hello there we go shoot okay let me have a go okay you film [Music]   I am not keeping that in wow oh my God  okay well I've never played basketball   so that's my excuse I think this guy  is better than me nice to meet you oh guns yeah sure T-shirt oh t-shirts nice nice okay  no she's taking it home from from Davao okay   nice I have a vacation for doing this oh  really your wife is here oh okay you're   going back to see your wife oh it's gonna be a  nice greeting I'm excited to meet your family you've got a pretty cool bike as well all  right we're following Christian through this   seems to be like a little mini Town we've got  school kids we got little convenience stores   hello and um yeah like lots of  tourists little restaurants and   shops I think a lot of a lot  of domestic tourists come here have a nice very nice you have goats oh amazing hello hello how are you  nice to meet you yeah oh you speak English amazing house it's very nice very nice thank you wow  oh wow it's loud in here oh can I can I go in   thank you take all the karaoke playing and then  it's just like a kitchen bathroom and then the   bedroom and yeah it's just like a little mini  home have you used the albelario before you've   used it yes okay it's like a traditional healer  yeah okay traditional not like the modern of   the old okay sure it's safe yes okay this is your  son no that's my online oh nice nice to meet you what is your name you don't know that's a nice name  um my name is I don't know also yeah   he's a troublemaker he's been going  to the gym whoa you've got muscles I have I'm looking for a wife   yeah yeah I'm looking for a Christian  Filipino wife yeah yeah I have more there   here is a more more single okay good that's what  we like to hear Benjamin's not single next time sorry Vanishing Island punishing yeah that's um these stories okay yo that's for me thank you nice  to meet you guys yeah have a good day hopefully I   am hopefully I'm Healed by the albelario or  maybe not maybe I'm gonna be cast a spell on coconuts wow looks like the uh the coconut Cellar is  just getting his fresh batch for the day you just got these coconuts wow do you need some  help oh wow it's very heavy all right thanks that's super heavy yes everybody I would like one  coconut this one uh yeah sure how much is it 30   30. okay yeah just one how many uh just one Ben  you want a coconut okay oh the police is here oh you give the free coconut to the policeman yeah are you Americans here I'm from England  era evening officer how's how's your day   good how are you good Samuel is good very  safe because of you any any trouble today   hopefully not so there's not much crime in  somehow there is okay all right I'm not sure   if that's yes or no I will hear in San Jose you  are safe here in summer oh thank you everyone   here is very nice [Music] uh we just come  for the day we're staying in Davao yeah yeah   is a Mindanao safe yes sir absolutely yeah okay  good good to hear what was your name I'm sergeant   massage nice to meet you Harry  nice to meet you have a good day   I just need a absolutely  idiot right where's my coconut here we go what's your name Brian  Brian huh it's a American name   how about you what's your  name uh Harry AKO see Harry slice the whole thing off every every  time I watch a coconut seller they   do have a different way of making it  this is the best way I've seen so far cleansing for the stomach oh yeah do you catch   them the Coconuts are from the  island from samal yeah thank you where do I put it in there oh really it goes  in oh it's quite I've never seen this before   there we go wow straight in the hole that's the most unique way I've  ever seen a coconut to be made   there's no holes in it at all you just gotta  poke your little straw in there and we're done   that's pretty cool Brian thank you Brian sorry  that's all I have sure okay nice to meet you   all right we've gone deep into the middle of the  islands I don't know where we are to be honest but   it's a little bit worrying not sure where  we're going also this is actually the island   I think where two Canadian tourists  were killed in 2019 so they've stopped we're here we're nearly here okay I have no clue I don't know what's that where are you okay whereabouts inside  all right okay sure show one up this is it mate is she the  is she the lady that does it   is she the I ibrah am I don't know how  to say it so it's very popular if she's   had 50 customers today she's very popular  he's very popular seriously he's very good   he's always famous what kind of what kind of  problems do you have when you go to see the   the man do you have like a headache or or like an  illness or just she likes and you can read your   future yes yes you're you're going on your hands  oh we can read my hands oh wow oh now we're   talking what what about I saw somebody do this the  surgery does he do the surgery no no yeah doctor um the bite of snake the dog that kind of okay  hello how are you kamusta nice to meet you Benjamin nice to meet you hmm we will uh it's nice to meet you  and we were wondering if you do any   Services the healing is it possible  it's possible okay thank you   so my issue is I have bad knee  really bad knee very painful yeah he is old he's old um [Music]   you can do this you have snake poisonous [Music] I don't know what the Cobras have to  do with the healing oh I'm coming over here   wow okay foreign did you think you'd be doing  this in the Philippines um no what are you going to get done Harry   I'm just trying to think of an injury  uh maybe my uh what do you reckon ass that's always in pain thank you Danny Harry do  you want to have a go yeah I'd love to uh what   is your injury I've got what about a headache  it's a headache can you fix a headache [Music] all right so you want to get your head rubbed yeah  because Ben's just annoying me honestly it's just   a pain in the ass so I'm gonna get it but it's  okay yeah yeah he's the Filipino parakeets more   I'm okay not this one it's okay I have stuff and make it very bad  it's good good it's okay it's okay I'm trusting you yes it's on  Hill million people drinks that   like I'm a Korean drink oh it's just like  alcohol very strong alcohol small very small too many people drink that many people  yes like um Korean cheers [Music]   can I have a look inside yeah sure tastes like  trolls oh my God so there's a snake in there   what else is in there it's not a snake in here  there's a human in there oh my God like lots of   those people that got kidnapped leaves and plants  in there well okay amazing well how do you feel okay now we're gonna fix the headaches too oh yeah actually I didn't eat much you're right  he's telling me he's telling my future my past so it just feels like a uh a massage yeah he's like rubbing this like it  feels quite hot on my forehead   Tiger Balm yeah it sound it feels like that no haven't you been eating  because it's too hot too hot I'm very malnourished it needs more snake  alive oh and then he's got the uh doing the   nest yeah it's like um yeah Tiger Balm yeah  it feels really hot it's okay okay thank you   always offering you more snakes blood oh  yeah oh we got another customer oh baby rats are you okay I'm gonna be careful of those  rats mate there we go thank you so much Pam okay Indonesia is it going to Jesus Christ  there we go all right that's about 14 pounds   okay thank you Danny nice to meet you  be careful of those snakes be careful well I feel like uh miraculously amazing  my headache's gone oh my god of course of   course yeah sure all right me and Ben are  leaving the guys now they were really kind   to uh show us the way so thank you so  much Christian nice to meet you brother   see you thank you for taking us around  really good guys all right see you brother   bye-bye brother there's nothing like renting  a bike and experiencing the island life of the   Philippines and just getting lost that's exactly  what we're doing today from what I've gathered   Sabella island is really not dangerous at all and  I don't think Davao is I think it's just certain   areas of Mindanao that are dangerous slash  used to be dangerous Farmers Resto and Grill   sounds lovely all right let's check it out   hello kamusta salamats [Music] nice pork  barbecue let's get in there very good oh man that's so good yeah seeing up the camera or uh tastes like  tastes a bit like chicken let me try   really this is going to be a real  reaction not a fake reaction like me it's fantastic it's really good there we go  we got a approval from both of us not that   we're food critics but we are giving uh what's the  island samal island samal island gets our approval   and we are now opening it for tourism right we  finished the meal you can see we loved it and   for some reason in the Philippines they  love to give you the coffee with just   water and then you're gonna make the coffee  yourself so I think they should be paying   us and if I want to have a moan I'm gonna  have a moan yes this always happens they   give you a cup of hot water and then they  go yeah make it yourself and I'm like I   can't open this bloody thing look they have  designed it to be very hard to make but it   size oh it's hot on a hot sticky day we're  having a hot coffee great thank you bye-bye and here we are back at Davao this is the hotel  we're staying at the crevice and I'm gonna finish   the video we had a pretty awesome day showing  you guys that Mindanao or samel in particular   it's not a very dangerous place so I'm hopefully  changing your attitude about this place and we're   going to be exploring more of Mindanao in the next  few days with Ben so thank you for organizing this   Ben no problem and prove that it's not that  dangerous could get dangerous but it will be   it will be friendly flyland it's gonna be a good  trip can't wait all right thank you for watching
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 177,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: philippines, philippines travel, mindanao, is mindanao safe for foreigners, mindanao is dangerous, samal island, danny cobra, witch doctor, psychic surgery, philippines travel vlog, philippines travel video
Id: ODmOOm47Jyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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