I was fired for being late to a meeting because I had previously helped an old woman

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why did you leave the office early without informing me we still need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting I apologize I had to rush home next time please call me and inform me before leaving you've done this multiple times and it's becoming frustrating you're not a newcomer anymore I expect better from you I'm sorry you're right I'll make an effort to arrive early tomorrow to ensure everything is ready before leaving I left a schedule for you on your desk there's no way you'll be ready by tomorrow this client is extremely important and you must be well prepared it's your responsibility to review all the materials and be prepared to address any questions they might have I understand and agree however there wasn't much left to do I trust the rest of the team to handle anything else that needs to be done before I return tomorrow why didn't you inform me about your departure yesterday we could have done something to compensate for it was a last minute decision if I had known I would have informed you besides I had already coordinated with everyone while in advance before leaving additionally I'm not the only one who has done this before well you should give me advance notice when you have to leave like this I should have at least one day's notice you don't require the same from anyone else Danny was allowed to leave at noon without notifying you why should I inform you a day in advance why are you responding to me like this this is why I dislike working with women like you it feels like you just started working here yesterday you seem incapable of doing anything right I don't understand the issue almost everyone else including people who have been here longer than me leave early with short notice and it has never been an issue why am I being singled out it's because I don't trust you I don't trust any woman like you sometimes work requires doing things you may not want to do but women never seem to understand that they take excessively long coffee breaks and hardly work at all they do is chat gossip and waste my time you should be more careful about your choice of words when speaking to people are you lecturing me you constantly make mistakes yet you have the audacity to tell me what to do you're displaying extreme sexism I'm certain that individuals of all genders can be nonchalant about their jobs however there are plenty of hard-working women as well you shouldn't assume that all women are lazy or incompetent I'm not being sexist I'm simply stating the truth practically all the women in the office spend more time goofing off at Starbucks than at their desks I'm just being honest even if that were true which I seriously doubt and not one of them please don't lump me in with everyone else as if I believe that I'm sure you're just as guilty as the others you're just better at concealing it can I trust that you'll be ready tomorrow I need to know if you can handle this meeting I'll be there at 11AM as planned I'm meeting Mr Tuttle at his office then we're going out for lunch Mr Tuttle from Tuttle Manufacturing that's correct and This concerns the contract renewal indeed it does I don't understand why they chose you for the task someone like me who has been with the company longer and possesses Better Business knowledge should be going instead I hope you won't mess it up don't worry I won't I'm not convinced are all the reports and numbers prepared for him yes I completed my portion this morning Tracy was finalizing it when I left for the day furthermore I'll arrive early tomorrow morning to ensure everything is in order before meeting Mr Tuttle have you included the specific breakdowns Mr Tuttle prefers and did the legal department review the contract yes I modeled everything based on the previous proposal and made necessary updates the final draft of the contract was reviewed by the legal team on Monday are you certain there's nothing you've overlooked I'm positive I double checked with everyone on the team and others who have worked with Mr Tuttle before do you plan to take him for lunch we're going to the diner on 18th Street is favorite I also got him a gift certificate to show our appreciation for his ongoing business that shabby old place you should take him to a steakhouse Mr Tuttle doesn't strike me as someone who would prefer a steakhouse besides he genuinely enjoys this Diner it's where he's comfortable conducting business unlike a formal Steakhouse I'd rather engage in business in a setting where both parties feel at ease your personal preferences don't matter Mr Tuttle is an important client and we should impress upon him our company's success taking him to that greasy spoon won't impress him at all it just makes us appear poor Mr Tuttle doesn't prioritize such matters when someone attempted to take him out for an upscale lunch he insisted on going elsewhere it was an awkward situation for everyone involved and trying to make him feel comfortable and spare us the awkwardness I've seen him at this Diner multiple times having business lunches he'll be pleased with this choice you women just don't understand in the world of men these things matter you're just taking the easy way out this has nothing to do with me if you're concerned that my female inclinations are affecting my decision you should know that Nick was the one who suggested the diner I was about to make a reservation elsewhere but he changed my mind whatever he's probably under your influence anyway women like you are simply difficult to deal with I bet he told you what you wanted to hear to shut you up inform me immediately after the meeting concludes I need to know how it went fine I will where on Earth are you Mr Tuttle called the office asking where you were and you haven't been answering your phone I knew I had a good reason not to trust you you're skipping out on a meeting just like the rest of your female friends I apologize for all the trouble I've already spoken with Mr Tuttle he had something come up Suddenly anyway and needed to reschedule trouble this is way past trouble this is a disaster we could lose the contract if this doesn't get fixed you need to apologize to Mr Tuttle immediately and make sure nothing else goes wrong I told you I already spoke with Mr Tuttle we rescheduled for tomorrow he was very understanding you blew him off no again he was the one who needed to reschedule then why were you late I had an emergency I had to take care of as soon as possible I would say I can't believe you did this but it's hard not to believe so where are you now are you hiding are you too ashamed to show your face I'm headed back to the office for your information but I also feel I should say that you have no right to know where I am at every waking moment I do when you're missing important meetings and putting this company's business and reputation on the line I want to know what's more important than you being here right now and fixing things with Mr Tuttle what were you doing while you were slacking off and missing the meeting I wasn't slacking off it really was an actual emergency like I believe that you were just trying to get out of it you knew you screwed up so you wanted an out I'm not lying to you it really was an emergency I promise I don't believe you if it was so bad what was it fine it shouldn't matter but I'll tell you if you insist I was on the subway heading to meet Mr Tuttle and there was an older woman sitting next to me okay and why should I care about some old bag please just let me finish fine she got off at my stop but the moment she got off the train she collapsed she was going into diabetic shock and I tried to help her to make sure she would be okay until the ambulance arrived that's why you were late to help some random old woman you should have just left her there I wasn't about to let that poor woman die her getting help is more important than me making some meeting you should have just minded your own business someone else would have helped her if you didn't I don't think they would have no one else seemed to notice her fall over if I wasn't there she could have very easily been trampled or worse and I doubt she would have made it if I hadn't noticed her and called the paramedics when I did they were only just able to stabilize her when they got on the scene or a waste of time it's just like a female to put a cider work to help some random person on the street what an awful thing to say I believe the old woman was pretending for attention right you should have ignored her she was definitely not pretending it's not easy to fake diabetic shock how do you know that I used to work for a medical supply company and gained knowledge about health care I worked closely with nurses in local clinics so I learned about conditions like diabetes moreover my father has diabetes I always carry supplies in case of emergencies like this if I hadn't helped her she might have died despite your opinion I know I did the right thing whatever it doesn't change the fact that you should have prioritized this meeting don't you have any empathy I wouldn't let that poor woman die just to avoid being late to a meeting well next time you're running late and there's a puppy on the train tracks for something don't bother showing up at all consider this your final warning your duty is to be here and do your job I stand by my actions today I apologize for rescheduling the meeting without much notice to Mr Tuttle but he understood when I explained the situation in fact if you speak to him you'll find he agrees with what I did are you going to keep making excuses you should quit before you do something irresponsible again and get fired just go back to your nursing job I'm sure you'd be better off with all those female colleagues rather than causing problems for me I'm content where I am I believe I do good work and am a valuable employee even though my actions may have posed a risk to the company I won't apologize for prioritizing someone's life over my job you know what that's it you're fired what I said you're fired don't bother coming in tomorrow Are you seriously firing me just because of this someone in need not neglected my work being a Good Samaritan shouldn't be a reason for termination it's not just that you can't arrive on time for meetings if I can't trust you to be punctual I can't trust you to do your job you should never have to reschedule an important client meeting for any reason if you won't prioritize the company I don't need you here I can't believe you're firing me over this what about Mr Tuttle we'll find someone else to handle it I definitely can't rely on you for such an important client like Mr Tuttle do you really think someone else can take over at this point it's a complex contract and no one else is as knowledgeable about it as I am I'm not sure Mr Tuttle will be happy with a last minute replacement he doesn't know it will be challenging to rebuild the Rapport I have with Mr Tuttle we'll figure it out I'll find someone responsible to handle it I'm confident I can find someone who can do it in half the time you did fine I think you're making a big mistake but if you want to fire me go ahead I wish you luck I suppose I won't need it I'll come to collect my final paycheck next week are you giving in that easily if you were a man I'd expect you to put up a fight oh this isn't over don't worry about that I won't tolerate being fired for such an absurd reason but if you want to fire me and leave your most important client hanging be my guest it's your funeral you really have an attitude don't you I'm sure Mr Tuttle will be glad you're gone you never truly cared about getting his business don't bother coming in for your final paycheck we'll send it to you by mail just clear out your desk and leave as soon as possible is this Miss Tammy Kump speaking oh good it's Robert Tuttle oh Mr Tuttle this is unexpected I apologize for reaching out via text messages on your personal phone however I am currently unable to speak over the phone when I tried your work number it appeared to be disconnected yes I apologize for that I'm also sorry for having to reschedule so suddenly today if anyone should be apologizing it's me nonetheless I feel the need to thank you once again for helping my mother without your assistance I'm not sure she would have made it I'm sorry your mother I'm not quite understanding you idiot a woman who had a diabetic attack on the subway today correct yes that's correct although I didn't do much I ensured she got in the ambulance and helped her until they arrived well the woman you yelled tapped in to be my mother what really I had no idea She was recently diagnosed with diabetes and has forgotten to take her medication more than once you truly saved her life today I'm sincerely grateful for your help oh no I'm just relieved she's okay but how did you figure out it was me you gave my mother your business card before she got in the ambulance didn't you oh I suppose I did I wanted to make sure she was all right and keep track of her progress it was a critical moment and I was concerned about her well-being I appreciate that you took the time to do so most people wouldn't go the extra mile to check on someone they helped let alone provide assistance in the first place by giving her your car I was able to put the pieces together and if it hadn't been you I still wanted to thank the person who went out of their way to assist my mother especially if it put their job at risk and I genuinely want to express my gratitude for that I also apologize for having to reschedule our meeting I hope you understand the reasons behind it oh absolutely your mother's well-being takes priority I wouldn't want you to miss being with her just to meet me if anything I should be the one apologizing I should have contacted you earlier by the time I reached out you must have already been rushing to the hospital I believe she was calling you when she was being placed in the ambulance please don't worry about it you were occupied with her and ensuring she received the necessary help I can't blame you for being a little late and contacting me ultimately it wouldn't have made much of a difference as you can imagine thank you for your understanding I'm just grateful that she's doing well she's indeed in fact she's receiving more targeted assistance for her diabetes Now by the time she's discharged from the hospital she'll be better than ever I believe that's wonderful to hear by the way while I have your attention I wanted to confirm our meeting once again if you're still available tomorrow I can step away for lunch well about that I was actually let go yesterday what I can't believe it why would they fire you my boss was upset because I was late for our meeting today and there were other factors involved as well it seems he lacked confidence in my abilities and decided to terminate my employment your boss is that Fred Roberts yes that's him I've known Fred for quite some time and he does have a rather volatile temper I suppose he does also a highly accomplished businessman so it's hard for me to question his judgment nevertheless I don't want to waste any more of your time I can provide you with the contact information for the person who has taken over your account I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused there's really no need for you to apologize if anyone inconvenienced me it was Fred you've been immensely helpful to me the main reason I was renewing the contract was because you were managing the account it will be challenging to transition to someone else after you did you discuss this with Fred before he fired you I did my best but he didn't seem willing to hear me out yet you proceed to determining you sadly yes this is outrageously unfair rest assured I'll have a word with Fred we'll straighten out this mess you shouldn't trouble yourself over this Mr Tuttle no it's important given my lengthy association with Fred I should be able to persuade him to reconsider his decision your concern is appreciated Mr Tuttle however a non-inclined to continue my association with him our working relationship has been far from smooth I'd rather seek new opportunities that's regrettable indeed your value to the company is undeniable it's disappointing that Fred fails to see that and doesn't appreciate your worth I truly value your words Mr Tuttle they help alleviate the disappointment of this incident I must admit I'd rather collaborate with you than anyone else it seems the circumstances don't favor that true not in the current scenario but I'm not one to accept defeat easily there might be an alternate solution weren't you previously employed with a medical supplier indeed I was it's been a while though my primary role was to ensure nurses and nursing assistants received the necessary tools for their roles interesting a medical supplier catering specifically to nursing seems quite niche I believe this is a sector that needs more Focus it's true not many were targeting nurses specifically what if you join my team really our company is branching into Medical Supply Manufacturing and while we have competent sales people interacting with doctors we lack someone with expertise in the nursing field we need to Target that market effectively I also believe nurses deserve as much support as possible our expansion plans include servicing nursing homes and palliative care facilities in such environments nurses are the primary caregivers and require substantial support your experience and knowledge would be invaluable that sounds quite promising I believe your collaboration can help make this Vision a reality you're an invaluable asset your empathy and meticulous nature are unmatched I'm willing to offer double what Fred was paying you are you certain about this completely certain and let's face it it would certainly be better than tolerating Fred's volatile temperament I must admit that's true to be honest the prospect of collaborating with you is quite appealing I had been hoping for such an opportunity I even considered applying to your company but I hesitated to switch jobs without a prompt that's no longer a concern now that Fred has released you you're free to explore other opportunities I'll be glad to have you on board my only concern is that my immediate hiring after being fired by Fred might raise eyebrows that shouldn't be an issue I'll handle any repercussions from Fred after all we are one of his major clients I doubt he'll react harshly if you join us besides he's the one who failed to recognize your worth on a different note my mother mentioned receiving a gift voucher from you by mistake Ah that's where it went it must have got mixed up with my business cards it was meant for you as a token of appreciation for being such a loyal client it's a diner gift certificate I must have given it to her by mistake amidst all the confusion that's very kind of you you didn't have to do that I should return it no please keep it it was meant for you so it doesn't matter how it reached you consider it a token of gratitude for standing by me in these tough times well I can't decline it now thank you truly we'll be in touch regarding your role at Tuttle Manufacturing considering Fred will likely provide severance there's no need to rush take your time and join us when you're ready oh thank you I have a few matters to sort out but I'll keep you informed I don't plan on being out of work for long that's perfectly fine we'll be in touch soon Tammy yes until then thank you again Mr Tuttle I'm excited about this new opportunity to work with you so am I also please convey my best to your mother I will hello Fred do you have a moment to speak oh Mr Tuttle I wanted to apologize for what happened with Tammy the other day she's no longer with the company we'll be assigning someone else to handle your account from now on actually that's the reason I wanted to speak with you did she explain why she missed our meeting yes she mentioned having to assist someone on the subway it was an elderly woman she couldn't leave unattended and do you believe she should have disregarded the old woman's needs well she should have prioritized your business she didn't grasp the importance of putting clients first is that more important than helping people in need helping people is indeed important but one shouldn't let work or clients suffer because of it she should have prioritized you and your business over assisting an unknown elderly woman what if the woman she helped was my mother I suppose that would change the situation well the woman she helped was my ailing mother if Tammy hadn't helped her it's likely she wouldn't be alive today I don't know what to say I wasn't aware that she was helping your mother that changes everything it doesn't even if it wasn't my mother Tammy did the right thing by helping someone in need firing her for helping someone in need regardless of who it was was unjustified how can I trust someone who prioritizes personal success over the lives of others I had other reasons for letting her go not just that she was an entirely incompetent employee and she neglected her work like the other employees under me I had no choice but to terminate her is that so if she was truly incompetent why did you assign her to my account it seems irresponsible to assign your worst worker to your biggest client and why does her gender matter does her gender affect the quality of her work I highly doubt it does I mean I expected you to treat me and your employees with respect I'm not sure I can continue working with someone who lacks even basic respect for their staff I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply anything like that we've had a good relationship for many years but I'm unsure about continuing business with a company run by someone like you I cannot justify it I'll be discussing our relationship with the owner please wait a moment what will you tell the owner I'm not sure yet we'll see after our conversation however there might be an opportunity for you to rectify this yes of course I'll do whatever is necessary I'll re-hire Tammy and assign her to your account again I'll ensure you receive everything you need promptly it's a little too late for that I'm afraid Tammy has agreed to work for me instead unlike you I recognize her worth and value as an employee why did you hire her I'm not sure how she can be of any use to you I'm planning to expand into the medical supply business Tammy possesses the relevant skills to help me market our new products in underserved areas so I hired her while I had the chance can you really trust her to handle that she can barely handle her current job and trusting something so important to a woman like her seems unwise I'd rather have someone like you're a Euro attentive and responsibly a Euro than Someone Like You besides I'll be speaking with the owner now I'll keep it brief so you won't have to wait long please reconsider I believe I've made up my mind and I don't see it changing I won't stand by while you mistreat the women you work with after all these years I expected you to respect your employees and treat them equally it's clear that you don't and I don't anticipate that changing I'll change I promise please don't do this to me I'm sorry truly I'm not sure I'm the one who should be apologizing to perhaps Tammy should receive the apology instead I'll message her right away Tammy I need to have a conversation with you what's the matter now I took care of everything yesterday and you assured me my final paycheck would be sent to me is this about the severance agreement because you cannot alter it s clearly stated in my contract please consider returning to work for us I implore you why should I I just spoke with Mr Tuttle he informed me about how you assisted his mother at the subway station yesterday yes I only recently discovered her true identity myself he reached out to me last night after realizing that it was me who helped her I apologize if I had known I wouldn't have fired you please come back to work I don't think I will I have already secured another job with Mr Tuttle correct how do you know he informed me well you should be pleased with me I followed your advice just as you suggested I am returning to my previous field and that is precisely what I am doing but you have no knowledge about starting a new business it's impossible for you what makes you think that I have extensive experience in building businesses and no matter what I Won't Go Back there is nothing you can say or do to convince me I have no intentions of working with you again please reconsider if I don't rehire you you'll lose your job yes Mr Tuttle mentioned he would discuss the matter with the owner I'm unsure if there's anything I can do to prevent him from doing so at least give it a try even if I do intervene I doubt it would help after what you said about his mother then I'll apologize for that as well I'm not certain it will make a difference you can try but I highly doubt he will listen at this point your only hope now is for the owner to show some mercy though I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you isn't there anything you can do to assist me I'm not sure I would want to help even if I could Someone Like You doesn't deserve to be in your position someone who goes around giving orders to employees with unrealistic expectations not to mention the amount of misogyny you display it's a miracle you've managed to stay this long can't you do something at least I can't and I won't if you don't do something I'll take legal action against you good luck with that if anyone should be suing anyone it should be me suing you actually that's an interesting idea maybe I will after all I will be earning more than enough to cover my legal expenses anyway I'll see you in court Mr Man as expected Fred was promptly dismissed once Mr Tuttle disclosed everything to the owner once his misconduct and discrimination were exposed it didn't take long for several employees to come forward and speak out against him however his termination was just the beginning of his troubles with his inappropriate behavior towards me and numerous other female employees he found himself in significant trouble within a month he faced a multitude of lawsuits many of which also implicated the company although my personal gain was limited to the satisfaction I joined the wave of lawsuits with the text messages I was able to present to the judge along with the circumstances surrounding my dismissal I want a wrongful termination suit resulting in a substantial settlement it didn't take long for the company to face financial difficulties due to Mr tuttle's empathy for the victims of Fred's actions and his long-standing relationship with the owner he purchased the company using funds from his new medical supply venture through reorganization cautious hiring and rehiring he successfully revived the company and restored its functionality as for me I am delighted with my new position working directly under Mr Tuttle it feels rewarding to work in a supportive environment and contribute to the well-being of the sick and elderly as for Fred I haven't heard much about his situation following the legal turmoil however what I do know is that it was a lengthy expensive and arduous process it's highly unlikely that he will ever find employment in this industry again and I have serious doubts that he will ever hold a position of authority given what he subjected his female employees to I suppose that's the consequence of underestimating the power of women
Channel: Story Texts
Views: 2,667
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Keywords: apple texts story, revenge story, funny texts, storytime, my story, family story, text stories, txt stories, apple text, caught cheater, people caught cheating
Id: HvFZLfbwcJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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