I Was Down to $0.30 cents Then got This Bonus....

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[Music] crazy Chon in my life everybody welcome to another day and another h100 Doos we are at the Durango today my friends I got 375 in my lifetime oh my God no way no way no way I thought no way but yes way but that was just no way no way it almost seemed like it was happening now it makes me want to up my B which I think was all part of the plan oh I should have up my B I made I'm doing it I'm doing it you can't stop me everybody [Music] oh come on baby oh my God you know all right 11199 is where I'm at everybody how oh my God that was $50 that was $50 how are you my friends it's a new day a new $100 inos let's get this train rolling train rolling let's get the show on the road I don't know what I'm saying everybody what's the expression I'm looking for let's get this party rolling oh words are hard let's get this show on the road I know that one let's get the show on the road excellente you know all right good talk everybody to begin the video I almost had a first spin bonus that was kind of exciting and then now I'm going to get like a triple pop and it'll be oh Lord $50 all right all right everybody chill yourselves out it's a new day a new h100 rinos I am prepared for magnificent I am prepared to be magnificent today while my friends Watch Me Oh $23 I like $23 you know oh I like a lot of things money is one of them but I lost all my money and now I have to two cent are you doing it are you doing it no oh sometimes you got to take chances sometimes I don't know the rest of the song everybody I started writing it when I didn't have the rest of the lyrics you know it started off pretty good though oh my God I heard a cow there's a cow in the casino oh Lord a cow in the Chone over here you know so what that's what happens sometimes you got cows in the casino everybody oh Lord I apologize for the shakiness my friends I apologize I almost fell out of my chair no do you think I could get a bonus by at some point oh Lord hey damn I thought that was the bonus I was asking for just then and there there and then you know what I'm saying people come on Blue guys I got to do this and it's nickel Tam are you prepared for nickel hold on to your hats 750 Daniel is here he is he is you know he is prepared he is excited he is masterful he is he is congratulatory I don't know what I'm saying anymore everybody it's been too long without a bonus you know I start to lose my mind the more jerking face the more oh Lord another bonus over here instant win time oh my gosh I'm a little jealous everybody I'm going to I'm going to try oh Lord look at this piggy piggy man all right great Tunes everybody I'm going to do one more [Music] 100 I think somebody $11 oh thank you my power up has arrived everybody thank you somebody win the grand I heard on a dollar bro that's all I heard everybody oh somebody won the grand I think and they might have won $5 and been that excited you know nobody really knows all I know everybody is my money has vanished yet again and it makes me terribly sad for myself damn I couldn't even get the cows going everybody I'm moving on this has devastated me fresh game fresh Hunter let's go everybody as I was getting up my drinking drink arrived for starter and then the lady pie that was sitting here got up and I said Daniel that lady P was winning a lot of money on this chair you need to give it a shot and I said Daniel you got it bro here I am everybody I'm on the machine next to where I was can I start playing please Max vet now I don't know what's about to happen but if I have the kind of luck that that lady pie had I'd be fantastic I'd be F oh Lord you see what I'm saying and then bonus too okay oh oh this is a hot machine I think everybody let's find I think I think a vulture Ed somebody's hot machine let's see what happens oh my God oh my God am I doing it right now no you know maybe I'm a vulture today everybody Vegas slow roller is a vulture oh Lord you know terrifying we'll find out if I'm a vulture everybody if I if I win money then I vulture the latest machine maybe we'll see what happens she was getting bonuses having a good time I got murdered on my machine e oh murdered straight up guys I wish I could show you this man's shirt cuz it's the greatest shirt I've ever seen it's the greatest shirt I've ever seen it's a gorilla ride in a surfboard and it's the great I can't can I do it without getting anybody in the shot cuz it's the back of the shirt I could there's so many peoples H there it is look look look look look look look nobody's in the shot look look look gorilla gorilla oh my God I showed it to you everybody I should have gone the two cents I was too busy showing you the most incredible shirt I've ever seen in the casino everybody oh $150 you know guys that was the coolest shirt I've ever seen it was a gorilla riding the surfboard in my laugh Oh Oh I thought I was vulturing it you know no I thought I was the vulture coming to take the money all right fantastic music everybody the gentleman with the amazing shirt has gone I'm glad I happen to get like a little a little glimpse of it for you you know that's going to be my next mer item oh Lord we got to go to Nick I think that lady ruined my life she's probably on my machine getting bonuses right now 750 everybody here we go here we go come on oh my goodness everybody you know that lady was probably like oh he thinks he's going to vulture my machine I'll show him I think that's what happened everybody Daniel Daniel was not the vulture he got vultured oh my God I can't believe this is you know this is a reversal as it's known in the business oh oh all right $42 left come on holy crap I got I got played everybody I got played oh Lord you know she's probably getting bonus after bonus on my machine now so oh Lord what is happening come on blue and green jerky face yes D Pop I did it every don't multiply us but we're happy I got 30 cents left I was down to 30 cents and I got it a bonus come on oh Lord major instant win let's go oh I would love the major you know that way I could be a real vulture oh oh Lord I got I'm I'm I'm H I'm doing it I'm doing it let's go Grand oh Lord I accidentally stopped it but I satisfied myself so that's okay here we go come on Good Luck nice to meet you come on everybody [Music] instant win my life I'm up to 107 yes yes celebration I need two more to get the grand people oh my God I instant win myself again this is fantastic oh look the major again maybe I am the vulture after all come on L me one please please Jee potatoes potatoes okay I collect again hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button all right let me take a sip everybody Cheers Cheers maybe I am the vulture after [Music] all here's what's about calm down I was down to 30 cents and I got a Bonus all right everybody you know what's going to happen next I was down to 30 cents don't scare me bro all right everybody you know oh one more one more at where am I at Nicholls 375 we're getting up with $300 cash after vulturing that lady pass machine everybody I shall return with a fresh game and a fresh Hunter baby let's go do this let's watch the movie watch the movie everybody watch the movie oh look at this now he's got money and happiness and a panda Empire oh and they're all here how you guys doing how you doing pandas guys I left the chickens and we just watched the Panda movie cuz I'm ready for the pandas 750 Don't Panic yourselves here we go here we go it's happening oh it's happening baby I'm ready baby oh that could have been fun times it felt like it was coming to me oh Lord I accidentally stopped that cuz of the rage running through my body cuz of those chickens I'm still mad about that oh Lord 6 to1 okay Daniel everybody D oh Lord goldfish that's my memory right there four more two more oh fajin ski vinski at the airport you know it's all right three more come on man don't mess with me right now I'm in a delicate State you know you know I'm in a delicate position in my la oh three more two jerky face oh unbelievable jerky oh Lord everybody my final spin has ruined me so now I'm putting in more money but two cents four more oh Lord 750 hi nice to meet you we made friends everybody she going to come said hi I think she was shy and scared I probably blame some of you in the comments you know how come they bother him during his bonus who cares everybody they say hello for 30 seconds you know it's fine you can handle it all right good talk here we go everybody 4 to 780 you know all I know is Daniel needs a bonus or something right now that seemed like it was something was about to happen and then changed its mind do slot machines change their mind everybody you know I feel like they might after that spin oh Lord my money come on three more okay okay Daniel's concerned for his safety I'm concerned for my safety Nicholls $6 what was I betting before seven three more $10 sometimes you got to take chances in life everybody you know especially oh bonus oh oh this guy's face that was scary $88 what a that's a sign from the universe I'm about to be too rich I did it you see what I'm saying I told you guys I was a genius I told you I was prepared for this moment here we go oh Lord come on bro make it go higher and you give me an extra spin jerking face and you kiss everything how amazing was this moment all right everybody let's go here we go you ready come on oh can I get it can I get it come oh oh yeah a chesticle I got a chesticle everybody uh-oh come on now come on now yes come on come on yes come on give me the guy that send you up a level uh-oh come on bro uhoh oh Lord everybody my terror is sitting in right now please L me something anything at all please anything at all I was I was denied a chesticle it's okay sometimes in life you get denied a chesticle it's okay $100 all right I'll take it I'll take it I got no complaints I got no complaints you know except some some complaints but mostly no complaints here we go oh no come on bro oh double green that would have been a good time for a poage everyone you know he'd he he'd grow the reels twice in our lab this is the international symbol for twice six of them and bonus bonus three more how dare you let's go to dams $12 prepare yourselves prepare yourselves I'm about to become magnificent in front of your eyes you're going to you're going to be like holy crap Daniel really did it that would have been fun to times that would have been fun times people uh-oh 147 come on oh six of them what the hell kind of situation was this I apologize for the glare everybody but you know it is what it is sometimes in life you got to deal with the glare oh Lord now I got to go to do 50 cents not dollars $10 you're right you're right $15 that's where I should be everybody oh oh drums in my life oh why didn't that bonus man don't you think that should have been the time uh-oh everyone I'm down to $24.99 with nothing to show for myself except sadness last one you know what happened hello hello hello oh my god did you oh my God I'm still struggling hello what's going on here everybody there we go my God $10 I can't should I go 20 no I'll go 10 I'll go 10 I'll go 10 everybody don't push your luck oh I'm betting five I'm on 50 cents look at what happened everybody Daniel's not paying attention $10 here we go oh Lord come on Daniel oh that could have been fun oh my goodness everybody what am I going to do with myself I got $50 left and sadness in my heart three more I don't think this is going to work out for me everybody I think I think it started strong but then they got the panda got a phone call from the chickens from the chones and said D leave don't give Daniel money I don't know what I just said everybody and I'm going to move on now hey bro your teeth upset me I'll be right right back everybody with a fresh game fresh Hunter let's go everybody I left the damn Panda you know I left the damn Panda everybody and I have come to chili chili fire I am ready to fire my chili chili you know what I'm saying I'm ready to chili chil myself fire myself chilly chil fire myself what am I saying I think Daniel slowly lost his mind today everybody you know first the chickens and then the panda and then now this fella with his red nose and he's got chickens in his game too everybody they're turkus technically you know should I go to two cents I feel like I feel the need to go to two cents and bump it to $6 oh Lord that would have been a great time to look smart is anybody else concerned or is it just me one more Haya fagin oh oh everyone come on I'm at the for come on dude no double miners oh everybody that was a duble minor and and it almost happened I don't know why oh Lord I don't know why it didn't happen that made me sadness you know that made me sadness oh I bet that lady is still winning on my chones I'm just saying I could sense it I could sense it from here that lady is still sitting there winning on my chones $6 my P you know what I'm going to$ 750 I Chang my mind oh at some point today I have a request to look smart and win money I hope it happens oh Lord come on everyone Daniel's down to 65 come on oh also everybody Daniel's shoulder hurts he doesn't know why he may have injured himself you know playing college football even though he never played college football oh Lord oh everybody 297 oh you saw that right one more yes yes yes all right everybody relax what are you yelling for calm down our first amazing bonus is here watch me do this come on two more potatoes random poage oh Lord two more baby two more two more come on now tricker face guys guys re-trigger one more one more one more for Daniel Haya I'm concerned two more oh oh oh Lord I may have ruined my own life right now you seeing what's happening people two more spins are you serious come on one more what the f and a just happened I madean $23 oh oh a what just happened everybody well you didn't give me another bonus back to back to make up for that last crappy bonus that you gave me jerking face everybody Daniel you could if you can't tell Daniel got really upset just now he got really upset just now he's making another executive nobody knows why do I have dams or is it Nicholls only oh there is dams that's why I made the executive people $9 I've up it Oh I thought I thought it was here oh everybody I don't know why my life has been so terrible today it's like the chickens don't love me and the pandas don't love me you know what I'm saying great song you know I feel like I write Classics every day everybody everybody I need I need to take a moment you know with you guys right now we need to take a moment together cuz I'm about to do something and I want you here with me while I do it oh you know here we go are you ready to do it with me everybody I feel like we're in too deep to just call it quits and I'm going to go 100 at 12 and 100 at 15 to go to the maximum levels from my lab $12 all right here we go let's see if $12 works out everybody if not $15 I'm down to 50 I'm down to 50 40 now why is it going so slow so so fast you know what I'm saying oh Lord nothing oh my gosh what a what a grand mistake I've just made but now I I got to do the last one we made it this far here we go 15 oh two more bro one more bro I'm upset oh my gosh are you seeing what it's doing to me I'm very concerned for myself oh Lord oh there we go that's something $60 $60 come on my people how you doing my people let's see what happens in my life two more one more yeah buddy and the last spin bonus on the last spin oh I'm excited about this here we go one more oh it's right there how come man oh two more bro holy crap everybody I need help please one more one more land it land it how dare you pop it how dare you two more oh come on oh hey man I need help here please everybody don't let this be another dud come on man everybody oh no no I made $26 a man everyone oh I'll do one more at $9 before I go cry in the bathroom I shall return everybody on a fresh game with a fresh but what the hell is happening today I'll be right back everybody everybody I left Chile CH the fire and I have come to the kitty cat Kingdom oh Lord $8 let's not waste time let's get Daniel Rich you know oh Lord I apologize for my shakiness I am now settled in my life you know I bet you that did that pop no all right I keep seeing a giant1 doino ball everywhere everybody oh Lord look at this is Daniel's luck about to turn around to millions of dollars finally oh that's $220 look look he's playing with the coins he's playing with the coins kitty cat playing with the coins everybody all right calm down 220 oh Lord that was phenomenal everybody you know I make great cat noises the hell just happened $40 meow I don't think anybody can meow as good as me everybody let's have a meow contest meow it's pretty good pretty good there's oh look at this look at this another cat running by triple pop triple pop neighbor single pop congratulations here we go everybody 25899 oh you know fantastic music everybody everyone Daniel's about to switch to the next denominate oh my gosh everyone here it is we're going to two $8 same bet let's go oh lord it's doing all kinds of stuff but not giving me the bonuses you know pretty good music everybody I hope my luck turns around you know I need it I need it and I need and I require it that's the word I'm looking for I require it everybody [Music] I'm very sad because I'm not winning more yet I thought I'd be winning more by now jerky face oh oh oh come on baby give me [Music] more fantastic meowing fantastic meow oh Lord look at this another cat oh my God triple pop triple pop triple pop double pop single pop congratulations here we go oh Lord last spin everybody I got to go to [Music] nichels are you effing kidding me you both double follow ballot and then didn't pop it's okay everybody calm down what is this nichels $4 $8 people same bet see if we could do something now [Music] you know my God I am amazing I think I got it no just kidding just kidding I didn't get it everybody you know just I thought just checking if you're paying attention just checking if you're paying attention everybody oh Lord I really didn't think I got it though that made me sad that made me sad I was like Daniel you did it and then the slot machine didn't do anything it just sat there like a log like a lump on a logow $40 * 2 that's $80 [Music] meow you know if you have a cat everybody bring them to the TV so we can have a conversation meow you know what did they say back tell tell me tell me did they answer me do they do they think I'm one of their people now all right calm down everybody I think I've become Delirious I've lost so much money today you you know I think my mind is gone and I've become Delirious when my cat noise is it's okay you're allowed to get Delirious once once in a while you know those are the rules the rules state every once in a while you're out to allowed to get especially when you're losing a ton of money that's that's the most particular time you're allowed to get delirious is all right final frontier is here everybody oh look at me have issues sticking it in there we go there we go dams dams dams $8 that's a $100 I could have had but I didn't have it I forgot about my cat Cole all right we got this people ooh that's a nice noise [Music] did I get it did I get it I didn't get it everybody I oh my God are you effing kidding me I got a triple drop but not a triple pop oh thank you for the $5 exactly what I needed today everybody Daniel's bitter and Delirious you know that's a bad combination to be bitter and Delirious oh Lord everybody get it oh I was hoping you'd get it guys I got $40 left before we say goodbye for our life times everyone 28.99 I'm over this everyone oh it's over babies the final frontier of Our Lives everybody what a day what a day what a day huh that's all I got to say and that rhyme that didn't mean for it too I love you all I appreciate you all thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time everybody
Channel: VegasLowRoller
Views: 102,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nOAg2-EZ9OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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