I Was DEAD WRONG About Pizza Tower...

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foreign quick announcement before the video starts I now have a Discord server you can join that'll be linked down in the description below and it's the best place to learn about my upcoming videos participate in polls and all the other good YouTube stuff enjoy hello everyone all right you know what I'll admit it I was dead wrong about pizza Tower when I first saw the game I took one look at it and almost immediately brush it off as just another junkrat platformer trying to make a name on Steam very little about the game was actually appealing to me but then my friends ended up telling me how good it was and how it would be a game literally made for me and then the reviews started Rolling In by the Dozen about how good this game was and eventually curiosity got the better of me I started doing way more research than usual and every time I saw gameplay of the game or just thought about buying it there was always just I don't know something that put me off about it but eventually I gave in tried the game and holy how is this one of the best Platformers I've played in years from the very start of the game it had me completely hooked so let's talk about what the this game is no seriously does anybody know all joking aside Pizza Tower is basically everything you've heard about it and much much more it's the best of the Wario Land series beautifully smashed together with the best of the Sonic series and this creates what is quite possibly the single most insane drug trip anyone's ever been on forget everything you know about Platformers because Peter Tower just throws it all out the window so to start off the game just kinda doesn't have a story well okay it does but it actually takes the opposite route from a lot of other games that have released recently it doesn't have this super expansive narrative and a gut-wrenching story it wants to tell no not at all this game sets three very simple things in front of you you run a pizza shop Ascension Pizza is going to fire a giant laser beam at your pizza shop and destroy it go kill him that's it there's nothing more to it and while yes okay I do enjoy vast expansive stories I mean most of my favorite games of all time are almost entirely story driven the lack of a story here actually works kind of perfectly it allows the game to not have to slow down in pretty much any capacity it can go just completely Hog Wild from the very first level and that's pretty much exactly what it does so the actual Pizza Tower itself houses five main floors with each floor having anywhere from three to five levels included as well as a boss at the end in order to access the next floor you need to steal the keys from the bosses and in order to access the boss fight you need to collect toppings from every single level now this is where one of my biggest worries initially came in from my understanding before I played the game the toppings seem to not only be required but also a bit out of the way and considering I saw a few reviews saying they had to replay levels more than twice to make progress yeah I was initially pretty skeptical during my playthrough however not only were the top end surprisingly easy to find with me only missing a maximum of a single one on any given level but also I think I maybe only had to play a single level out of the entire set more than once and even then I didn't actually have to do that because my dumb ass missed an entire level on a completely different floor but even on the off chance you do have to replay a level the fact that everything stages are completely satisfying Rush of dopamine no matter how many times you play it I'm pretty sure complaining isn't even an option here because the game encourages replayability the toppings are super easy to find and the levels are crazy oh were you expecting me to add an ending to that sentence no no that was the ending of the sentence every level in Pizza Tower even the starting tutorial ones are absolutely Balls to the walls crazy with some of the simplest Concepts being taken to degrees I didn't even think were possible and then the even more insane levels being arguably the most satisfying thing I've experienced in a platformer since well since I had in time honestly and ironically for completely different reasons the most insane thing is that every level takes the disgustingly simple concept of running jumping and slamming your head into everything that moves and twisted into insane levels that by the halfway point I could barely tell what was happening anymore even in the slower levels like the golfing one it's still borderline impossible to tell what's happening at times and now this is where the Sonic part of the game comes in to those of you who say Sonic should stop being a platformer I raise you literally every level in this game somehow even when you're running a disgustingly fast speeds it's weirdly almost like the faster you go and the less you can process the better you are at playing the game I'm serious when Pepino's running at mach 10 or whatever he's going it's shockingly easy to just keep up that momentum and Blaze through a decent portion of the stage obviously not every area is suited for it but that's where the rest of Pepino's moveset comes in basically everything he can do is all about conserving momentum the obvious one being how fast he can run but he also has the ability to climb basically any wall with even the smallest of running starts he has his role that lets you slip and slide through small gaps while also conserving said insane speeds and even being able to convert that speed into massive super jumps and then dash out of it to get right back into the swing of things there's actually very few scenarios in this game where you won't be running at top speed and this is before we actually even do anything with it papino can convert his speed into basically anything he needs to break whatever's in his way with enough speed you can smash through solid steel block once you have enough speed there is quite literally nothing stopping you and this is before we get to the insanely wacky quote-unquote power-ups the game gives you too these are luckily pretty few and far between as they pretty much entirely change how the game plays but they're actually also a lot of fun and the fact that they are you so sparingly honestly makes them older more special when you do get to use them what I do find funny about them though is that they are kind of all used for the same thing sure the Knight power-up can slide down slopes the cheese one can stick to walls and I'm pretty sure there's another one with a reference to Ashante transformation in here okay being serious for a moment these power-ups actually make the slower and more tame parts of each levels a lot of fun even something as simple as surfing on a trash can lid or an actual human corpse is somehow one of the most satisfying things this game throws at you you know when you can actually see what's being thrown at you and can we just talk about how much love was thrown into this game even with something like Pepino's animations let's compare him to someone like Sonic who also runs at these insanely fast speeds when the devs allow him to do the one thing he's good at his animations are honestly pretty boring there's no love or energy put into them Pepino on the other hand also has a pretty simple Max Speed animation that is until you hit a speed boost and this starts happening this absolute mesh of pixels that is pepino running on all fours is actually one of the funniest things I've seen in years it's so brilliant how well each animation flows between one another it's almost like you're watching an old new grounds animation in the best possible way the art style contributes so much to this game and again this is another thing that initially put me off but the more I played it the more I was just beginning to enjoy everything about it another thing I love is the little details that the game adds in during the first few worlds you'll see Pepino's friend Gustavo being chased by a giant rat named brick and then in the third world they actually make up and become friends and from here on out they can appear as PODS of a level where Pepino finally gets to take a break while while Gustavo and brick take over and what's even better is that this isn't just a reskin of Pepino no Gustavo and brick have their own small tweaks to make playing as them a hell of a lot of fun unlike Pepino they could double jump technically wall climb ground pound without building up speed and they even have different interactions with the stage elements like the balloon rats and honestly it's so nice seeing stuff like this in games again this feels like one of the rare games where everything is a perfectly complete package just like Hi-Fi Rush mods and we haven't even gotten to the more crazy parts of the game yet so when you complete a level you don't actually complete it rather you knock over a pillar named John pillar and Trigger every Pizza Tower amateur's worst nightmare Pizza time so Pizza time is the thing that immediately hugged me with this game after completing the level ones you have to basically trigger a ticking time bomb that causes pizza face the guy who was planning to destroy your restaurant with that laser earlier to eventually wake up and kill you the timers are thankfully pretty lenient but you don't have time to think about that as far as the game and more importantly the music is concerned you just destroyed a vital load-bearing pillar of this Tower and now you have to book it back to the start as fast as humanly possible the absolute unparalleled Adrenaline Rush when that music kicks in as the screen starts shaking and the timer begins ticking down where every second counts it's easily in the best part of the game and it happens in every single level and what's even more amazing is that if you're feeling particularly ballsy you can run right past the exit door and be the one insane person to do the entire level again I do think it's hilarious that this is the only way to get S and the coveted P ranks for levels basically having to play Borderline perfect for both but I'll be damned if those second laps aren't twice as stressful the first time I decided to do a second lap was when I stumbled onto the war but back to the pillar completely by accident and I think my stress levels reached a new Peak at that point it was such a rush managing to beat the stage not only once Under Pressure but then again under even more pressure under a completely accidental circumstance Peter time is by far the best part of any level basically having to do the entire thing backwards including any puzzles you ran into on the way there which by the way makes the golf level easily my least favorite one because having to stop and swing a golf ball with annoying ass physics while also panicking and trying to run out of the level as fast as possible Honestly made the level a little worse for me but the rest are all insane adrenaline filled two minute bursts of utter joy and the song that plays during every Pizza time is absolute perfection the other part of the game that I honestly think is borderline perfect are the bosses traditionally Platformers tend to have pretty lackluster bosses and outside of a hat in time I I really don't think that's a genuinely good platformer that I've played that's had consistently good bosses across the board while Pizza Tower wipes that slide clean off because all of these bosses are amazing aside from the trial and error of realizing the grab was also in a tag I never struggled with any of these but I still had a blast the bosses are really the most simple part of the game at least early on I really like how the bosses progress too the pepper being the first one is the simplest barely having anything interesting about them aside from just being a fun first boss fight I do find the last hit really funny though seeing this tiny little pepper run away from Pepino in other fear is honestly a great touch and then there's the outlaw who will use one of the two gun mechanics that the game throws at you well alright it's more like a peashooter but still this fight is probably easier than the first one but it's honestly still really enjoyable and as for the last three yeah nice try no matter how late I am to this the game is still relatively new so I'm not gonna spoil them just know that the last two specifically was some of the most high all-time boss fights I have ever had the pleasure of facing there are a few other things I wanted to talk about but most of if not all of it are just Major Spoilers for the last five minutes of the game so what I will say instead is that not only are the last two bosses some of the best experiences I've had in a while the final level immediately after that somehow tops it by a landslide honestly this just goes to show how you should never judge a book by its cover had I not taken a leap and just tried the game I probably wouldn't have found one of my new favorite Platformers if you'd like to try our pizza tower for yourself then I'll leave a link for you down in the description once again I'd like to thank you for sticking out to the end of the video If you enjoyed this one then be sure to subscribe if you haven't already because I'm really close to 3 000 subscribers also be sure to comment what you want to see next and check the description to follow me on my other social medias including the new Discord server and until next time stay safe everyone peace foreign [Music]
Channel: AstralKat
Views: 209,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pizza Tower, Pizza time, Pizza, A hat in time, indie games, game of the year, AstralKat, Spiderman
Id: 9EWVqupRwik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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