"I was born on a child farm" Creepypasta

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[Music] there is no free will those are the first words I ever read I woke up to them every day for many years they were written on a sign the sign was hung above the opposite row of bunks in the sleeping barn I have no memories from before the farm I assumed I was born there none of the children knew why we were here or where we came from nobody even knew how long we had been at the farm some children aged some didn't I can't remember much but that's what happens when you are not given too much to remember I remember always being deliriously hungry we would be fed three small meals a day but before everyone head master Ryland Zenon would make us watch him sprinkle a few drops of clear liquid from a label this brown bottle on the food then he would serve behind a steel door and slide out each meal through a window so he never knew if your meal was poisoned most of us danced around the edges of their food nobody was eager to dive in not when we had seen a dozen kids turned blue and died in front of us after picking the wrong meal several of us rarely ate the food I never ate from my plate I would scavenge what little scraps there were in the garbage I ate four crows they're just this disgusting as saying implies and I would go full Renfield and eat flies and dandelions cockroaches clovers pill bugs anything living and someone edible I would keep the spiders I had a special place for those the twenty boys and 30 yard girls worked the fields that provided all the food to the farm a crumbling would compound fenced by tall barbed wire and surrounding woods past that the wilderness even though there wasn't spotlights or guards the farm was much more inescapable than a prison every few weeks headmaster xenon would take the near 100 of us to the edge of his farm where he would blow a strange brass whistle bloodshot German shepherds sprang from the underbrush as if they had been waiting for his call Mel's foaming as they gnashed their teeth on the rusted barbed wire threatening to break in and choose alive as the headmaster calmly smiled and spoke with a voice that sounded like gunshots fired from far away their old guard dogs gone rabid I have learned through one of you how to train them so they only obey me if you run they will kill you or make you wish you stayed here with me the farm never had answers very few people came the rare delivery trucks a prison bus a black tinted window Thunderbird that made a powerful turbine roar as if rocket engines were installed under the hood and the only dealt for the headmaster the only person to leave for the driver of the Thunderbird there's a rumor that we were not real kids at all that headmaster Zenon was a demon who crafted us all from blood and ash we never dared speak to the headmaster and asking a question was ludicrous as a question would mean the touch from his hard cruel hand a hand that made the surrounding air a pincushion of pain that would sting your skin even if his hand grazed yours but above the poisonings back-breaking labor and cleaning scavenging for food and never knowing a single day what was going on we feared the night's worst of all being exhausted from working the fields a day wasn't enough to overcome the fear to sleep when it was the darkest and the air had fallen still we would hear the Headmaster's creaking footsteps just appear in the center of the drafty barn without any kind of warning sometimes we would hear him walk on the roof up the walls on the ceiling I can still hear his breathing if I close my eyes that's sick pigs wheezing agonized breath a sucked air in and out and a guitar exhaust the breathing in the footsteps would circle in circle until he heard someone cry that's when the taken would give one last cry before they were gone along with a headmaster the missing child would return to their beds in the morning barring new marks the glancing finger left a nasty red and purple smear on one side sometimes a black fingertip darted their bodies we would never say anything about these marks to anyone we were always afraid the headmaster would here and give us matching marks the boot sometimes he would touch you with his entire palm leaving a wrinkled imprint as raw and painful as a hot iron brand I had a few marks as well but I consider myself lucky that I only had a few marks as far as I could tell I was one of four boys and five girls who cleaned the Headmaster's home the farmhouse I cleaned the bathrooms and emptied out the cisterns by slop bucket and rope I cleaned the bathrooms and eventually I found a few loose ceiling boards above the toilet when I was scrubbing for mildew standing on the windowsill they were right above his toilet I began thinking this was my life for what felt like many years I swore I could have named 25 separate times the frost came but we had no way to keep track of time not even by our ages I swore sometimes we would see a kid go from looking 13:14 back to looking half that time made no sense of the farm and I knew that I wasn't going to get out by waiting when I woke one morning to find the searing red-hot handprint of headmaster Reynolds in on a my upper arm a hazy starvation induced plan emerged from the fog of my brain I went to the special place by the cisterns where I'd kept every black widow spider I'd come across I kept them behind a false brick on the side of the farmhouse where I once collected eight of them and discovered that black widows were cannibalistic when grouped together only the strongest survived I kept hosting tournaments until 108 black widow spiders were reduced to 26 of the most toxic twitchy and by crazy widows you never want to meet I was bitten only twice and came very close to an agonizing death both times I knew one buy wouldn't duel monster like xenon in I was set I was ready to enact the last stage of my plan when everything changed on a cold day in early December when a helicopter as black as the Thunderbird made a couple of low circles over the farm ran on Zenon when insane he poisoned half the meals the day after the helicopter came and after breakfast he took us all outside to form a queue outside the chicken slaughterhouse when he began leading us in one by one if you joined me and ran judging from the screams he caught most of the runners but he didn't catch me I spent many nights fantasizing about this moment when I wasn't listening to his footsteps or sick breathing I put the black widows inside an old compartmentalised chocolate box scavenged out of a woodpile perfect for keeping each one locked away I went up through the floorboards and hid in the space in the bathroom the headmaster may not sleep through this paranoia but everyone's got to go eventually even monsters though cisterns didn't mess themselves it was dark by the time he arrived with his candle the sound of him pulling down his trousers and his simultaneous grunt masked the sound of me moving the planks above him aside and Poland the lid of the box of 26 nightmares showering the headmaster with ravenous crazed gladiators my beauties began biting the headmaster as soon as they landed the terror of the child farm the demon named ran and xenon lied curled around his Tyler eyes swelling shut a mouth locked in a disgusted surprised a rageous gurgle of horror as spasms wracked his whole body before his eyes swelled completely shot he saw my small seven year old face peering down the hole in the darkness the missing child the headmaster baganz a cackle I knew this could happen there is no free will it's fine I've lived ten thousand years already I lived you're happy summers wonderful marriages fruitful successes your life was beautiful beyond compare that's why I he's fast a few spiders scuttling around his face but I could tell he was fading fast you and I are ghosts now these were his last intelligible words before the Headmaster's breathing stopped I hid for four hours before carefully making my way down to the window the safest place in the room the spiders were done and gone the chopper returned with a convoy of armed men right before sunrise I was the only survivor of the farm the captain of the operation was a man named Clinton Moxley chief field investigator for the Hermetic office he adopted me I took his last name he was the only one who named me Howard I told my father what little I knew he corrected me and a few things the Headmaster's name wasn't Zenon it was a man named Clark P gains an anomalous individual the office he worked tracked the headmaster down here my father was the one in the Thunderbird elder Moxley had told me about the time the office had captured the headmaster for study within one of their field labs the subject grabbed Frank by an Wits wrists one of the team's eldest members they saw Frank's 79 rod face twist and contort until the wrinkles disappeared and the flesh had lifted up on his face in a few seconds of agony Frank was a middle-aged man again my father said that he personally stopped the other agents from interacting as they were gathering film evidence from the unique phenomena associated with the Clark P Gaines Frank was known to be a formidable fighter but was helpless to the touch of gains every time gained his hand would land on Frank's bare flesh Frank would scream turning more pubescent every second Clarke only let go when Frank was a child again squirming in old man's shoes he chooses victims who have good lives my father would explain as he would took me in his existence is the greatest evidence that time is a physical dimension something that exists and has always existed he lives your years in just a few seconds Frank was left with a nine bad years out of 79 you would think being young again is great remember that he was left with a mind of a nine year old without care or family or friends you know that pain well Howard the office didn't have the resources the careful Frank we believed Clarke Gaines is responsible for over a hundred thousand homeless children across the world Frank was just one of them another human with a used-up timeline I asked the only father I knew why he adopted me he brought me to the master bathrooms jewel mirrors and told me to take off my shirt because I owe you you're an old man once Howard you were my mentor and my partner within the office you went to the farm by yourself to try shut it down I had hoped that you would remember anything about your past but I see the headmaster got to you too I looked behind me using the set of mirrors to see my own back for the first time and seeing it covered in handprints that was many years ago true to Headmaster's words I had been a ghost among the living since then it's been hard even sleeping especially now for the past few nights I've heard both the Headmaster's footsteps and rasping breath next my old man bed my father never said they found the Headmaster's body I know he wants me in his farm back he wants me back he wants all his children back you [Music]
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 1,215,163
Rating: 4.9020338 out of 5
Keywords: creepy pasta, top creepypasta, creepypasta, horror list, paranormal, horror, narration, scary, creepsmcpasta, jumpscare, scary true story, scariest video ever, horror movies, horrifying, disturbing
Id: ejcQwVtuGXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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