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what's up guys welcome back to the raiding climb this time I'm doing it live so welcome if you are lucky enough to be watching it right now and if not it's okay it'll be posted on YouTube as a regular video all right so let's play E5 we're fighting for the center white is attacking our Pawn I'm gonna simply defend the pawn and develop a piece at the same time and we see a rui Lopez so there's a couple of ways we can do this what I'm going to do is play something a little bit different this is called the kozio defense and it's kind of a logical move in that it defends the Knight it's a little bit weird because it blocks this bishop right away so you can't you know develop this guy immediately but the point here is that usually the Knight actually just jumps around to G6 and it's kind of an interesting way to defend this Pawn on E5 because yeah a lot of times this does get captured and then if we didn't have this guy over here we would be losing a pawn right but in this case we can simply take back and we're we're fine and I like the fact that white captured here right away because it immediately opens up my Bishop there's no chance of me walking into a pin on my knight and so personally I don't think that that's you know if I'm playing this as white I don't think I would give up my Bishop in that situation but um so let's see we have two Bishops to develop so I'm gonna think through now which one do I want to develop first so Bishop G4 is an option Bishop C5 Bishop D6 Bishop B7 really any bishop move here for this guy could be playable I'm also thinking about this Knight and if let's just say my opponent castles maybe I want to try to like do something on the king side so which one would make sense the thing about Bishop to G4 is that white man play H3 and then if I'm gonna go back G4 is going to happen guess what I just lost my Bishop it's trapped I can't go back so if I'm gonna play Bishop G4 after H3 I have to either be willing to go back and say okay I probably wasted a move there or traded for the Knight which I don't really think I want to do so with that in mind I think I can rule out that move now we do have Bishop E6 um Bishop D7 probably not going to play because it blocks my queen kind of cramps my position a little bit so Bishop to E6 or maybe just this guy and I think I will go ahead and get ready to Castle King side so I think with all that being said I'm gonna play this bishop and I'm just going to keep it simple and go to Bishop C5 I don't exactly know which one is the best Square for it but this one seems very logical and so I will do that okay so our opponent castles let's go ahead and Castle as well get the king out of the center and next we'll probably start thinking about this guy again all right A3 you know I want to ask myself why did my opponent play that I don't really see a whole lot happening there yeah they could play B4 if they want I'm probably just gonna go back if I really want to I could play a move like A5 to stop that or I could just finish my development so just kind of thinking through that a little bit Bishop G4 I like the idea that I could play Knight to H4 and just pile up here the only issue is again this H3 move and if I go back G4 do I have any way to like follow up there is what I'm looking at you know because white would be really opening up their King don't think it's really worth giving up a piece so I'm probably not going to do that if I play Bishop E6 I am going to ask myself the question what happens on Knight to G5 because I don't really want to give up my Bishop for that night I'd probably have to just go back and then maybe Queen H5 happens and it just kind of seems like White's getting a lot of free moves to attack my king side so because of that that's why I'm kind of hesitating here before playing this so there's a couple of ways we could do this we could play like H6 just to kind of stop that get ready to play Bishop E6 um or we could find a different move to play so what other moves do we have is what I'm kind of thinking through here so all right with that in mind maybe I will just play A5 because I'm kind of not sure what I want to do with the bishop situation yet and so A5 does seem like okay it gives my Bishop a place to go back to kind of stops what white maybe was trying to do and I just kind of want to see like what is white going to do okay they do go hunting for my Bishop so I'm I think I'm probably just gonna go back probably here I could also go back here the issue with this move is it's kind of just hitting this Pawn they don't like quite as much but yeah we'll just go ahead and Retreat to A7 I don't think there's any reason to overthink it that decision just save the bishop hmm um all right so B4 interesting move there and I'm actually wondering you know whenever you see pieces lined up you want to ask yourself if there's a tactic available so that's what I'm thinking through right now for example if I take and take I could sacrifice here and play B5 and if the Knight moves I'm going to win this rook in the corner it looks like I would get my piece back and maybe win a pawn in the process also the idea of takes takes and maybe going Bishop to D4 trying to sort of attack this way now on Bishop D4 I don't know what would white do C3 Maybe fortnite takes looks like it's good enough so yeah maybe I could take here really the best that I have in this position I don't know definitely tempting though trade here check B5 the idea is I'm gonna win my Pawn back although maybe not because C3 actually defends it's just a big trade and really that's not a trade that I probably want to make so maybe I don't do that right now other thing that I'm looking at is I could play a move like B5 and if the Knight goes back I play A4 and just kind of expand on the queen side I don't want to overthink it so I am going to start to kind of dial in on a decision here and um oh you know what maybe I just play B5 first but there is Knight to C5 um yeah Knight to C5 because then my Rook might actually get into trouble so it's an interesting position I'll go ahead and play B5 I didn't quite find a way to make the tactic work so I'm gonna just have to make a move here and probably You could argue I spent too much time they had two minutes that's a long time to think through that um ideally you know when you're not commentating on the game you would want to think through quickly see if it works if not move on and don't beat yourself up if you can't find it right like just make a decision and go on with the game okay so now I wonder though takes takes check here and we can snag The Rook but now it looks much more simple and it does look like I can win some material so I'm just verifying and I don't see a way or white to stop that you can see whenever you have pieces lined up even if there's like one two three pieces in between like in this case it's very easy to make a couple of Trades and all of a sudden you've opened up a rook right and that's what we're seeing here if White recaptures we have Bishop takes F2 check I think that's why white is pausing now maybe they're realizing what's about to happen but if they don't take it I mean then I just got a free Pawn so either way you look at it I'm pretty happy with that okay they do take and so here we go I don't see any dangers after that my Rook looks fine over there so I'm giving up a bishop uh but I'm gonna be getting a rook in a pawn very good trade oh I'll take that I also have a pin here which is very nice and so feeling pretty good about the position so at this point Bishop G4 now looks like a move that I will definitely play next and of course I'm happy to trade now that I'm ahead some material I guess even F5 could be an idea one thing I like to do when I'm down on time and my opponent is thinking I like to kind of think of ideas so that I'm not just totally starting from scratch when it's my move like I said Bishop G4 F5 see if I can find a couple other ideas maybe jump the Knight into here going to D2 so it gets out of the pin well it gets out of one pin it's still pinned there okay but I am thinking about F5 you know there's there's no longer a pin here I could still go there but maybe F5 the point is I want to open up this Rook I think I like the look of that normally you have to be careful of the diagonal but in this case it looks fine so let's see yeah let's go ahead and play F5 trying to activate as many pieces as we can here okay so what do we want to do bishop or Rook thinking is just the bishop it does need to get developed let's go ahead and do that rook's kind of already on a good Square here lining up here all right so I'm not super concerned with that yes the bishop maybe can move but a trade would be fine uh what happens if we play E4 here looks like I'm just losing a pawn probably don't want to do that Knight to H4 potentially offering a trade might lose this Pawn there is a check Queen would block all right so maybe I don't want to do that Bishop G4 looks like it's going to force some trades that maybe seems like the best Let's Play Bishop G4 so I kind of you know I checked a couple of different options didn't see anything that I loved about you know Knight H4 and I think this is a simple way to trade some pieces keeping an eye on the time uh two and a half minutes is still plenty right now but you know when I hit that two minute Mark that's kind of where I'm like right now we gotta gotta speed it up a little bit all right so you know I'm looking what does that threaten don't see anything immediate you know everything seems to be kind of covered this okay I have to watch out for this diagonal but right now Queen can't go there and so I think what I'm gonna do is go ahead and simplify the position a little bit go get some of these trades happening foreign like I said the reason that I'm happy to trade is because I'm ahead to have the Rook for the bishop which is a good good trade all right so this Square looks very nice so does this one lots of moves here we have one two three four moves jumping out at me question is how does white defend this Pawn if I go there into G5 we Chase it away F4 we would just trade some more stuff very difficult threat to deal with so with that in mind I am going to play Knight to H4 and attack it normally in this position I'd probably play a move like Knight F4 but just the immediate threat looks very difficult for white to deal with so I think I am going to do that and keep in mind this bishop is also being attacked over here so if a move like Queen E3 happens there might be some some kind of a tactic like this it looks like there is where I could snag the bishop at the end of it so I am below that two minute Mark so I am going to try to play a little bit faster but I'm getting the sense that the game's about to be over so it's a balance you you want to play quickly and not lose on time you also want to play accurately because game might be over here in just a second right all right so that doesn't really deal with the threat so I think we just take this I mean yeah there's a there's a counter thread here but not concerned with that just checking to make sure there's no crazy tactics but looks okay and now we have two Rooks for the knight in the bishop and White's King is exposed so I'm looking for how can I activate my queen here potentially get it White's King so maybe Queen to F6 looks pretty good just to defend that way kind of just scanning for you know threats to my king that I have to watch out for but the queen can't really like I said get on any of these diagonals or files or ranks I should say and the Knights you know yes it can attack my queen but I'm gonna have time to move and so maybe we just go here the nice thing about this move which is kind of important is it transfers the queen to a white uh diagonal and so it'll move like Queen H3 now becomes possible Queen H3 Queen G4 so here is a situation where I'm just gonna go back I was actually debating trading everything off and I am going to keep an eye on that time and that's kind of a default move that I have here I could force this trade snag the bishop at the end um I'm just not sure if it's quite enough material to do that the Knight still is kind of tricky so maybe I won't do that just yet I'm thinking about H5 H4 I'm thinking about actually bringing this Rook back around this way it could be an idea although I don't mind it over here it's kind of annoying that Bishop so we'll see what white is going to do all right so I'm going to come in now I think this looks pretty good we have the thread on the bishop we also have checkmate and not easy for a white just I guess they have Knight G5 that I'm looking at it it's Knight to G5 as a move hmm okay so they didn't deal with the Checkmate so there we go and I know you know it looks like oh 40 seconds I'm about to lose on time but you have to also realize if there's about to be a Checkmate you have to play carefully you have to play you know accurately so let's very quickly look at the game review here see how we did 94 okay so not too bad we did have a miss and turn this off yeah I remember what I said here about giving up that Bishop voluntarily just kind of made my life easy right so I was pretty happy to see that then we just developed and yeah we did we did miss a tactic here so I'm going to turn on the analysis what was the move so basically the engine just says just develop piece and just kind of leave that alone was what it wanted to see okay all right yeah I guess right here if white plays Knight to C5 it's a much better position for white let's just say I took this and the game goes on but you know it's it's relatively equal all right so 12.95 let's play one more game and then we should be at 1300. so here we go new game and maybe I should read some chat here any openings that were requested I don't see too many so I'm gonna stick with the the kind of normal stuff here we are going to see a Carol con so I have a trap that I teach in my course and I'm going to try to go for it now so we're going to see if we if we see this this is pretty common and now what I'm going to do is play the move Bishop C4 this is a a weird Gambit and the point is black has to be careful with some tricks along this diagonal and so we're going to pair this move with F3 so we're essentially losing a pawn here but what we're doing is opening up the f file and you're going to see why that's important okay and this was the Trap this is the exact trap and our opponent Falls right into it so it looks like a pin but it's not um because we have a clever move so if you guys want to take a take a minute what's the best move here for white there's actually two good moves if you can find it and then I will play one of them yep and everybody is saying it so there's two moves you could play 95 you can play Bishop takes F7 they both have the same idea now this one is cool if black goes for it because we'll get the quick check mate but it doesn't actually Force the game to end immediately because Bishop to E6 this is Black's only way to kind of stay in the game only move here um if they play anything else the game's basically over but they can prolong it now it's still not good for black because when we recapture they have to take back with their pocket they go for the queen um oh there you go um that's checkmate so that was an eight move win and you know the other thing they could go back here you simply take it with the queen and when they capture we also get checkmate um and like some people mentioned instead of Knight to E5 you could also Play Bishop takes F7 then you jump in and then you take this guy over here and at the end of everything you win a pawn as well as Black's King is exposed so nice little trap there happens a ton super common and I think the reason is in most of the caracon lines Bishop G4 is a common move and unless you're playing this weird Gambit that I played it's totally fine right but in this case it doesn't work so anyway um black could have played like I said Bishop B6 and the game would have went on it's still very unpleasant for black because you can't develop your Bishop because the Pawn's in the way you have to play like G6 and try to survive like that but anyway that puts us over 1300 1303 can you play the Vienna sometime um all right yes I will try to play the Vienna if we can let's play one last game and ah we're white so let's see if we can play the Vienna so we'll go ahead play Knight to C3 now I have to I assume you mean maybe the Vienna Gambit or do you just mean the Vienna now we'll just play the regular Vienna let's see what happens I think it's Bishop C4 right is this the Vienna I don't actually know this so I'm kind of just and we play a four right here actually wait a second this is uh I think this move is a mistake and I think it has to do with Queen to G4 yeah I think I've done a video on this actually Queen to G4 and basically basically it's not easy for black to deal with this threat it's what it comes down to yeah this is this is actually I think we're about to see another trap here guys so it looks like black is okay they defend they threaten Checkmate except it's not Checkmate which is kind of the important thing and we can sidestep and be fine so I think what we do here is play Knight to D5 and we attack the queen and we also go for a fork and it looks scary but once we sidestep we're totally fine and that's why this is a super common trap so yeah I'm just verifying but this is the same position that I'm thinking of but yeah I'm like 99 sure it is so here we go jump in with the Knight and let's sidestep with the King and it's important that this bishop is here guarding the square we would just Checkmate it right so that's that's important okay into f8 interesting move so there's another thing that happens here and I think what we're going to do is play Knight to H3 um to attack the queen and a lot of times what happens is the queen has to go here and you can actually trap it so that's one thing that I'm thinking about there is this discovered attack here so we have to kind of keep an eye on that but I think we can safely throw in Knight to H3 and you know in these types of positions where both kings are exposed where it's very tactical very dangerous some of the best moves that you can play are these moves that you can do with Tempo because every move counts in these positions this is not like a slow you know positional game where you can just kind of take your time and maneuver your pieces around you have to be very very accurate so a move like Knight to H3 uh seems like it's very powerful so let's go ahead and play that and my opponent is sending me lots of sleepy emojis because I'm playing so slowly each five this actually might be one of the good moves in this position um I think it is it's it's like a it's a hard move to find but it's actually decently because if I take we just kind of get a big trade so I'm trying to think what am I supposed to play against I don't actually is it Queen G5 maybe it's Queen G5 now Queen G5 is probably a good move right because when we get out of the discovered attack Queen still has to move somewhere so I think that's what we play I'm trying to remember as much as I am think because this is a this is a line that I've studied before I'm not remembering at all I think it might be Queen G5 though so let's see yeah I think that's okay to play so let's play Queen G5 and I guess our opponent has studied this before maybe because H5 kind of caught me off guard honestly that tells me that either my opponent has studied this a little bit or I don't know the age of maybe got a little lucky or something but oh my opponent's reporting me for cheating right now they're telling me right now reported hey I guess they didn't check if it was a speed run account told them I'm live so maybe they're gonna go find the stream now does that put me at a disadvantage all right well I guess black has to move the queen or counter attack or something I'm expecting maybe Queen D4 I don't know what other moves they have F6 maybe is a move but I don't know if it's a good move I have a bad feeling about F6 a bad feeling about F6 said I won the last 20 games with 90 plus accuracy I reported you will be blocked soon okay my account's getting banned guys I don't know if our opponent's gonna play anymore I'm not sure I think he's just checking all my past games right now so all right so we do see Queen D4 and I believe we have to play D3 here uh because we need to defend our Bishop could be seven so the queen gets attacked yeah I think that's a pretty good move to so probably what I'm going to do is just trade this off and then think about bringing the Rook over here to start trying to attack this way what else could I play yeah I think that makes sense so let's take it here and jump The Rook over to F1 and use that open file to attack the King gear a couple of things we have to keep an eye on is this bishop here it can swing out to G4 it could be a very annoying move for us at some point I'm going to keep an eye on that but right now I'm threatening um this yeah maybe okay F6 is played so what happens if we take it is my question takes takes with a check we've got the Rook hanging that looks like a very nice tactic if I'm not mistaken let's just verify basically after the trade if the King goes here we just take the Rook right yeah that looks pretty good to me so and the King can't go this way to defend because the bishop so I think we just take this and there we go with the fork the King has to go over here and I'm just debating if I want to throw in this move first um I don't think so I think we can just take the rook and then the knight's gonna have to block we get the Knight as well that looks pretty good all right so let's go ahead and take with the queen just so that we can keep the pressure up with checks I don't want to give black any time to do anything not that they really can because we do have this covered with the Knight I think we're fine but uh it's kind of good practice to just not give them any options so Bishop G5 would bring the bishop into the game Black's King does have this move what would we follow it up with I think this is checkmate oh the king can go here that's almost Checkmate but the night then we take it okay at least we're winning all the pieces so let's play Bishop G5 I'm trying to look if there's like a force made in a couple moves but I'm just not quite seeing it so I think we have to just go with this and then the knight's gonna block and we simply take it so I'm what I'm doing is like scanning for all the different forcing moves so here here here um those are the main ones that are coming to my mind I don't actually have to play all of those ones I could play a slow move like C3 even because of this all of these are covered actually but this one's pretty you know straightforward we go check the nine has to block we take it goes here still don't see a checkmate but I guess it's good enough all right so we'll go with Queen f8 197 only move and stick with the queen and now actually might be the time when I want to throw in C3 to force the queen to go back we could go check in goes over but if I play check then I can't play C3 because I would lose this Pawn also go check here but then it allows this to play the Queen back right away that's an idea as well I don't know I think we'll just play C3 that seems like the simplest thing takes the queen out of there um and even if we have to trade we're up so many pieces that would be an easy an easy end game to win so and the other thing about this move is it stops a queen from capturing this so I don't have to worry about that anymore kind of gives my king a nice place to go to if I want I can just tuck it over here not that I really need to but it is an option probably these are the only two moves here for black actually I guess you could play Queen C5 as well yeah I guess any of those would be fine so I'm looking for checkmate uh if there there's one that pops up but I'm also just thinking like hey if I have to trade you know I have two extra pieces so rating is totally fine I'm just letting my opponent know they're gonna get their points back because not everybody knows that I would be annoyed too if I didn't realize that like I got my points back I mean even if you get your points back it could be annoying so I get it I get it so we will go after the game and check this opening because it was it was one of the better lines for black like if you're gonna you know allow Queen G4 I think they actually played it decently um with this H5 idea most people don't find that move I still think it's good for white but it's kind of tricky and I couldn't remember the exact line so I'll be interested to see you know if I played correctly or or what happened there very complicated position but you know what it comes down to is that we just have a lot of threats and it's hard for black to deal with everything and even though they get a little check on our King it's you know not much besides that I guess our opponent is just uh AFK or something but yeah the um I think what black is supposed to do here is actually play Knight to F6 first and then you play Bishop C5 and you avoid the Wing G4 idea but if they play Bishop C5 right away you can do this and it only works when you have Knight C3 Bishop C4 you can't obviously have your knight on F3 or the queen can't go there so I think some players as black get confused okay we did get a resignation so yeah let's go ahead and take a look at the game and see how did we play that correctly or what happened there I'm actually curious because I don't Know Myself 90 so pretty good we did make a mistake so let's see what was the mistake where did that mistake happen all right so apparently this is a book line okay I didn't realize that yeah H5 is the best move okay so our opponent did know that and I guess this is actually playable um eval bar is saying it's slightly better for white though I mean G5 best move okay E3 best move okay so I guess we played ah that was the kind of the big mistake there okay let's see what is the engine saying so it's a second move it's not a bad move but it wanted us to just retreat Queen digit which I did think about um yeah just just Retreat and then after the Night comes out probably is it just gonna be like C3 or something Rook to F1 and then maybe C3 yeah okay so this is kind of the setup even though we're down upon our position is it's easier to attack black skin than it is for Black to attack our King um yeah that's kind of the idea the other point I'll mention briefly is there are a lot of other moves that black could play here as well uh here as well besides King f8 and they're just not very good so like they could try to deal with this a different way maybe they I don't know do something like this but then we go Knight H3 we attack the queen we have the Rook coming over and notice how many pieces we have that are kind of attacking the king also this this is a pretty serious threat as well some lines you can take that and so yeah anyway just keep in mind if you do play the Vienna and you see Bishop C5 just keep this queen G4 idea in in the back of your mind have a bunch of videos where we talk about more details here but anyway thank you guys and I will see you next time um appreciate the Super Chat hope that hope that helped you guys and um yeah take it easy
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 95,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Id: gp7zNk1RUpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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