I Want To See Your Boss! - I'm the Boss. Then Call The Owner! - I'm The Owner - r/IDontWorkHereLady

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welcome to r slash i don't work here lady where we share stories about folks that are mistaken for employees by irate customers thank you so much for subscribing likes and supporting in the comments and today's first story is clean your own table a fairly mild i don't work here i'm in the mall dressed in cut off jean shorts and a tank top nothing at all like the uniform the cleaners wear i have a thing about germs so i carry wipes in my bag so i'm washing down the table while my wife gets our supper and this woman puts her bags down at the next table looks at me and sniffs and says wipe this one off next i blink at her and being canadian i say i don't work here but you can have one of my wipes she just sniffs at me gives me a disgusted look mutters b picks up her bags and walks away wtf the second story is you're not my customer i'm not paid to serve you many moons ago i worked in a call center for a card protection company customers would take out essentially an insurance policy with us and in return for monthly fee we would securely hold their car details for them and contact banks on their behalf to cancel the cards if they were lost or stolen more useful if you're the type who has multiple credit debit or store cards from different places and don't want the hassle of contacting all of them individually if you lose your wallet one call to us and after we've confirmed security with you we can do the rest for you i had only been working there a few months when the peak of the ppi scandal started to surface our company did not nor had we ever offered payment protection insurance with any of our products however our biggest rival company had just been very publicly exposed as miss selling ppi to most of its customers i remember being briefed the morning the news broke and warned that we'd probably get a lot of calls from worried customers wanting to know if they were entitled to anything back from us as frontline customer service we were told to confirm security and see if there was anything else we could help them with before handing them over to customer relations to deal with explaining that we weren't paying out because we hadn't messed up in the first place this post isn't about the customers who got that far though this is a shout out to the customers who started and ended as my problem with no means to pass them on to anyone further me good morning thank you for calling company my name is yalcy phoenix how can i help you today caller i've got a letter me internally congratulations did you just call to tell me that okay is the letter from us caller yeah me right and what does this letter say caller oh i don't know i just saw it was from you lot and so i rang you me internally of course you did why would you bother to read the letter before calling okay well i need you to tell me what you need help with before i can help you so you're best off reading the letter first at this point my manager is hovering and tapping her watch indicating to keep calls as short as possible because we had such a high volume following the ppi exposure in that morning's papers caller oh where did i put it now fumbling around in the background me why don't you go and find the letter you can read it over and give us a call back when you're ready and we can go through everything then caller not listening manager tap tap tap what did she expect me to do hang up in the middle of a call just as i was starting to get some information okay probably exactly that and i'm not so sure this particular caller would have noticed anyway they were off in their own world by this point carrying me all around their house on a cordless phone i didn't fancy being responsible for them calling back later in a fit of rage because their first agent had hung up on them either though so i took the mark down i knew was coming me hello are you there caller yes yes i'm here just a minute i know i had it here somewhere me already lost the will to live don't worry if you can't find it i can bring it up here on the system if you don't have it on hand how silly of me to assume that you might have the letter in your hand when you called me about it caller oh can you do that great uh what does it say then me i'll just need to confirm security with you first so i know who i'm talking to you don't happen to have your membership number handy do you i know it's a long shot given the letter situation but you'd be surprised caller my what what do you need my bank account number for me that's not even nearly what i said but okay no no your company policy number don't worry if not i can find your account by other means but i'll just need to ask you a few extra security questions could you tell me your first name please i'll search it in our system and then i'll be able to confirm some other details with you caller very proudly i'm title for name surname a full address and postcode i was born on full date of birth to mother and father's names in town county me frantically writing notes startled by how informative that all was i searched by surname nothing date of birth no one matching the name or address address nothing me uh i can't seem to find an account for you on our system are you sure it was company that you're with caller the card insurance yes me well yes that is what we do but there are several companies that offer similar protection are you sure it's company that sent you a letter caller oh here it is i knew i had it around here somewhere me miming tying an imaginary noose around my neck at this point oh you found the letter now that's brill you should see a nine digit membership number caller says here you owe me money me um well if you could just tell me the membership number in the top right of the letter i can bring up your account and we can sort that out for you caller no you have to send me a check or something it says here me pulling harder on my imaginary news well in order to do that i need to access your account please tell me the membership number on the letter it's nine numbers long and it's in the top right just under our address caller one two three four abc me of course are you sure that letter is from us at company that sounds like a policy number format used by rival company what does the letterhead say caller yes it's right here rival company me uh caller uh me we are not rival company you've called company we can't help you if you don't have an account with us and we didn't send you any letter they did they're the people you need to call caller well you're all the same these big banks aren't you can't you just send me my check me we aren't a bank we ensure personal belongings and cancel lost in stolen cards by contacting the bank on your behalf if you have a policy with us as i say you do not have a policy with us at company so you will need to contact rival company to discuss anything mentioned in the letter they sent you caller so you do the same thing then me as i mentioned earlier yes there are several companies who offer card protection we're only one of them and we don't have access to any other company's databases caller so you're not sending my check me gently face desking so the caller can't hear my thuds we at company have never offered you a check you will need to contact the people who promised that to you in order to get it we have no information whatsoever i cannot help you today caller but i gave you my policy number why won't you send me my money me that policy is not with us you've called the wrong company we are company your policy is with rival company caller how do you know it's theirs if you don't work for them me because you just told me the letter was addressed from rival company caller oh that's right well then why did i call this number me face desking intensifies i don't know all i can tell you is that you don't have a policy with us caller there's a phone number here on the letter me and is that the number you called today praying for a penny to tumble caller reads out rival company's phone number me no no it's not that's not our number that would be the number that can help you today caller oh perhaps i should give this number here a try and see what they say me thud thud thud perhaps caller i'll ring you back later if they give me the same excuses i want my money me we won't be any more equipped to help you then but i wish you luck with calling rival company without thinking i wrap up the call in the usual autopilot way by asking if there was anything else i could help them with today before the sentence was fully out of my mouth i knew what was coming caller yes could i speak with your supervisor please he needs to know what terrible customer service you give by this point my female manager has been listening into the call by my side for a little while waiting to be summoned for the inevitable escalation manager hello i'm yasi phoenix's boss how can i help you caller no you're not i want to speak to someone higher up manager i can assure you i am now what is the issue i can help with caller oh great another one manager excuse me caller look your girl owes me money and refuses to send me my check and she's trying to send me around the houses ringing all the numbers in the world before i can just get what's owed to me manager okay firstly you'll see phoenix is a frontline customer service call agent not my girl secondly neither she nor company owes you any money as has now been explained to you multiple times my colleague has in fact gone over and above her line of duty by even telling you who you need to contact as you are not a customer of ours caller no you don't understand manager no you do not understand we are customer service you are not our customer we're not here to serve you if you wish to take out a policy with company i can transfer you to our sales department otherwise we have nothing else to discuss caller i don't want another stupid manager goodbye then have a lovely day click i could have kissed her in that moment instead she sent me on break to refresh my brain from the stupid and i used it to buy her a big share box of maltesers as a thank you the third story is i don't work here i own here after years of being an employee i finally opened my own little business in key west it was a kiosk ride on duval street and i sat outside in a director's chair and enjoyed the laid-back vibe and the parade of tourists most tourists were nice many coming off cruise ships i sold a variety of ceramic and paper mache birds and fish and other trinkets it's amazing the crap people will buy just because they're on vacation anyway there's me lk lead karen and pok pack of cairns involved the pok and lk approached my kiosk and started looking at my display lk innocently asked how much a certain cockatoo on a wire cost i got up and replied they're all marked with the price this one is 22 she smeared and said this isn't worth half of that it was obvious she wasn't interested she just wanted an excuse to bad mouth my product and show off to her pack in a dead voice i said if you don't like it there's the sidewalk lk how rude i want to speak to the manager full care and outrage me calmly i am the manager okay then i want to speak to the owner this is when my years of having to put up with rude customers bs for fear of consequences kicked in i'd worked in retail restaurants and as a flight attendant and had years of pinup abuse heaped upon me i snapped me yelling i am the owner and the sales guy manager and owner all agree you need to get your fat a on the sidewalk and out of my face before the three of us do something we'll all regret the lk and horrified pok hastily made their exit the guy who ran the store next door and had watched the exchange looked at me in shock as i'm usually so easygoing and polite as what had just happened began to sink in i began to howl with laughter until i couldn't breathe the look on their faces as they ran off was priceless it was so freeing to be able to tell them off without worrying about answering to anyone the store was fun but was a lot of work and i shut it down and re-entered the workforce as an employee good times and the last story is fired from target about 25 years ago i had just gotten off of my shift with a law enforcement agency i had not bothered to fully change out of my uniform and i still had my tan tactical pants on and a brand new henley type shirt that i pulled over my department polo shirt and at the time i decided to stop at the local target in order to do some last minute christmas shopping because i'm also six foot six inches i also typically get people asking me to get something off of higher shelves at one point i had a karen following me asking me to get things off of higher shelves for etc and then she started asking me about pricing and i had no idea why not even thinking about my tan pants and red shirt so i asked her to please leave me alone so i could do my shopping in peace little did i know that she would go and find a manager and complain about the really tall employee ignoring her needs well peacefully shopping i was approached by karen and the manager with the manager telling me that i was supposed to be providing customer service especially during the holiday season and that rudeness would not be tolerated in her store and that i should clock out and not come back to work and that i would not be getting my employee discount with my purchase that evening i had nothing simply nothing to say because i've never been fired from target before i took the last of my shopping to the checkout lane where the manager and the cairn followed me it was at that time while i was checking out that i opened my wallet with my badge and credentials in it and then had the presence of mind to say something to the manager something along the lines of do you even know who works for you the karen harped off and the manager's soul seemed to depart her body best part was the cashier and security guy cracking up i hope you enjoyed these stories thank you for watching to the end
Channel: Slash Start
Views: 51,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, i don't work here lady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, /start, r/, #idontworkherelady, idwhl, i do work here, idoworkherelady, Employee, r/IDontWorkHereLady owner, Owner of this Place, I'm The Owner, I Know The Owner, owner, I am the owner, i'm the boss, boss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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