I voiced over Alan Becker's The King - Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Ep 30

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today I'll be boys team for Alan Becker's animations also if you hit the like button it'll turn blue enjoy the video yay thank you Dad you're welcome a stick I'm having so much fun you're going down boom boom I got you hey Dad I'm back oh hey son I got the corn dogs great job here Dad thank you son I have an idea let's fight with corn dogs you think you can beat me well bam yeah I got you dude hey that hurts sorry son come on let's go wow it's so beautiful I'm happy we came yeah same let's see that concert wow you guys are amazing this is awesome wow a crown yeah look at me oh use your drink yeah we're just checking out the festival it's pretty cool whoa what is this yeah come here I want to play this it looks fun look at him go and there's crafting You Can Mine Fish and Farm oh and scary monsters that's it I want to play hey son sign me up right now I wanna hop in okay but what is this build mine survive try now okay come on please it looks like a blast yes sign is up hey guys my son wants to play okay you just need to fill this out it's a waiver all right then he can play right yep everything's done just go this way thanks my son's excited I can't wait to play Minecraft it looks so fun well I hope you enjoy it I'm ready let me know how it goes I'll be watching you play okay can we start one second hey yeah you can go in well Dad I'll see you after sounds good have fun buddy okay time to enter Minecraft I think I just walk inside almost there the door closed I think I'm ready coding the last few things hit the lever three two one seems to be starting here I go entering Minecraft everything seems to be going well oh he's there my son uh hey son how's it going what do I do in here there's a tree over there so how do I break this maybe I can mine it oh it worked now how do I craft uh oh sticks I'll put this here and a pickaxe I can get cobblestone this is actually fun I just need a few more ah what is that what is that a beeping sound come on my son is in the game we need to get the weather it's wing it's not working but what do you mean it's not working now I have an iron sword why is the Sun turning black oh is this normal it's disappearing I'm gonna die you know I need some waves they had helped son I'll get you out of here yeah I'm dying what do I do what do I do the weather won't go open the door my son's in there it's pulling me in ow open the door my son's dying in there to get him out someone please the liver is broken move aside let me try I can't get to you Dad that's always so strong [Music] my son's gone I'm sure he'll be okay maybe he's in a better place now sir we're sorry the machine broke you aren't sorry my son is dead because of you guys you killed him it's your fault uh I can't get them back this really sucks what can I do if my son never played Minecraft he would still be alive screw this game I hate it I need it to God it took away everything you suck I hate you so much just bring back my son my son was everything you took him away you suck what is this game about I'm I'm gonna destroy it I need to get this Minecraft block I need it gone I'm gonna learn everything creative mode my son died [Applause] because of the block it killed them so I need to destroy it and take back for what it took for me it deserves to be gone that's what I'll do black hole okay yeah next book I will create a Vortex so powerful which one would destroy Minecraft huh it would be netherite so this one is the best interesting what is this Command Block it's the most powerful one it's even better than netherite it's taking him a while oh there he is you got the command block I got the money [Music] all right with the right staff I can get some crazy Powers first attempts I hope it works if I put these together last few touches just like that and this stuff should be able to destroy Minecraft what the heck it's not working really okay it's time to find the problem Bam Boom why doesn't this work so many of these have failed it's done the final step and lastly the top I can now destroy Minecraft the game that took everything from me this staff better work it's happening and what one block not this I need something else maybe in a year Minecraft Mysteries has a Minecraft game Icon it's making sense I need this block but how can I get it maybe it says in the book location unknown what ah this sucks I'll ask you around oh yeah I know that person hey guys have you seen this block no idea beautiful Sun ah what's this no idea have you guys seen this anywhere no I don't know why has no one seen this block and where in the world could I find this huh that sound is that the block the Minecraft block it has to be it looks too similar [Music] but where would I find them hey everyone guys have you seen the block on the screen like this I have not what do you mean it's the same thing I need to find them I think right here yeah that looks fine maybe one right here this needs to work oh I've seen them hello who lets me in please I've seen them Hey sir how's it going what do you want I saw your Wyatt poster and I've seen them you have yeah I've talked to the okay let me show you something look over here boom [Music] okay well that's cool I guess also watch this I Can Fly Like a Bird I got to wait well sir would you think I'm impressed you're in yes oh thanks I appreciate it this is my home whoa what's all this stuff in here it's for the projects I'm working on oh that's cool what's this picture for it's like some kid on your shoulders that's mine don't touch that I'm sorry sir that's my fault just be more careful when walking around here I will I'm sorry I'll just follow you for now okay we're going to my basement it's down here everything should be set up for what this I've been working on a project and I need your help what's the project sir I'll show you in a second oh these are so annoying it's like random rocks down here anyways just keep following me all right sir welcome to my project whoa this is huge it's a pretty good size so we're gonna go to the nether all right okay are you ready I guess yeah I got my elytra all right well I'm gonna light the portal and now just follow me all right so I'm coming once we get to this island we're going inside so just follow me [Music] you pigs listen to us or you're dead like them I have gold if you want it wait uh you guys bow down now yeah that's right bow down right now good Piggies you get your gold so you guys like gold huh you want some more gold well you gotta work for it go find these stick men come on do you want gold or not ah here's my Throne hello sir I brought you a crown wow that looks amazing thank you kid we're gonna take over the world together I know we can do it Say Goodbye Minecraft good boy King what happened what were you guys doing he has my staff you betrayed me oh oh Rick give me that back get off of me please no stop holding me down I'm going to fix everything that's why shake this stuff it didn't work how do I use this stop holding me down I have a job to do it's important just let me go hey I can get it it's my staff back away otherwise I'll hurt you no I'm scampi yours can I help I got you you should have been dead you idiot you are such an evil man just die and you do that staff is mine and now I'm back oh my God here's my power do I need to show you guys it's impossible say goodbye your smell hey what are you doing get in the portal he's trying to kill you that's not okay you all die are you killing my students I heard you were so what are you gonna do about it he's flying towards him you won't do anything about it are you sure you can't I'm faster than you think you can't beat me hey how's it going stop that that's huge fight me downward you are not winning this battle you killed my minions I'll do it again just die speed isn't everything but you can't catch me just wait no brick die stop killing them boys get them there's so many screw you attack you can't beat me don't you guys know this already it's my stuff Herobrine you idiot he's in my staff oh my gosh minions attack I want from you yeah I can't I'm on a mission you donkey you think you're powerful you're not we got you now no way don't kill him what are you doing he's hurting my plan Dance YouTube Buddy see ya idiot this is insane it's a crazy fight you're dead stop I won't um no good boy you can't kill me I will you sure no please I got you Spiderman we got you you dumb spider you killed him stop what are you gonna do about it Spiderman [Music] there's unfinished business no thanks purple no problem I'm going to rule the world it's finally time I now have the power yay thank you what's that sound [Music] no come on red get up we need you this is crazy but we gotta fight yeah let's do this you're going down old man we're gonna save Minecraft I hope you're right you seems super powerful come on guys let's go I'm Spider-Man goodbye drop the stuff no no no no no oh my God that beam is too strong we'll never beat it you good stop right there we got you not for long help me you need to put the beam down you evil man hey what is your goal it's not right just bring it back to normal no oh that hurts we got to do something quick it's my fault that this all happened I'm going to stop him purple it's not safe it's my fault for making this mistake Minecraft will be gone forever and nothing can stop me maybe but I will try why is he still here destroying Minecraft it's still strong you're killing this game King I didn't realize what you're doing you're hurting everyone why are you doing this my son help no this is different the theme is too strong can't get you it's the same yeah thank you Dad this is not my son yeah yes uh what am I doing I can't feel my legs please help me I'm dying wait I gotta save him purple I'm coming guys hold on buddy what you can't die from the beam I need your purple come back the pool is too strong I will find a way I will get you out of there not right now go away don't worry kid I will save you [Music] don't die I'm disappearing [Music] oh my gosh they're gone we gotta do something what's your plan I don't know we need to get it back to normal [Music] let me try I got this oh man what can we do oh I know give that to me huh I'm Gonna Save Minecraft we still have a chance [Music] let's go guys We're Gonna Save The Nether wart we're gonna do this it's got a cool Blaster keep running the world is breaking I think we're gonna make it yeah oh no it's impossible hey guys we can help you let's go it's our only chance come on I got you oh guys catch me thank you keep going everyone we can't be late big jump ah thank you pig we're almost there this is gonna be close I Believe in Us I don't want to play music again no they're flying away we can't get them I'm sorry there's a giant hole no we lost them I want to eat in other words one day little big no guys we can't save anyone we gotta keep running we gotta save the world just a few blocks away grab the stuff green guess it's here take it I got it the world is saved [Music] ah I'm almost at my house again it's been a while since I've been here there's a lot that's happened recently my life is so confusing well I'm finally back home welcome home me it's emptier than I remember I don't know where everything went oh what's that drawing what is that it's drawing me on the wall and wait that's my son why is my son here we had such good times and then this block came around and killed them I tried to save him but it was too strong it was a hard time and I became evil and I tried destroying Minecraft the thing that killed my son I wanted Revenge on me huh was I really hurting everyone else I just wanted to break the game for my son's death what did I do these people didn't deserve this what am I what am I doing what's happening right now they're suffering just like I suffered my son's death break this what monster did I become it's all my fault is that you purple I'm sorry for everything I did to you I take it all back it's my fault and I deserve the blame I am sorry I apologize Son thank you Dad for everything [Music] what is even going on wow yay piggy is it back to normal my body feels like jello when will everything be fixed whoa purple please no oh ah thank you son I'm glad everyone's safe is everything back to normal now are you good King yup me and purple survived and now he's my dad well kind of but yeah I'm just happy that the pig's back I've made a big mistake this is all because of me I'm not worthy to be a king hey don't think that way you're a you're a king in our hearts yes you are amazing take this crown oh I love it I appreciate it well it's time to fix everything I'll bring back your family there you go living at peace once again and yellow keep the staff safe yes I love command blocks I'm back hey what up team we did it pour it in your back welcome I don't want to leave you out Welcome to our team it looks amazing to join our band this pig is the real King he never does I love pigs and you purple I love you guys too dead I love you too even after everything you know son I love you too we should go to the park yeah sure bye everyone goodbye purple I hope you have fun we'll see you later hey bro we got you nether words Nether Warts yeah I can take them that's a lot oh not anymore good piggy okay blue you're cooking dinner tonight I swear you better make a good meal tonight oh the blocks are here I'll return them I can't believe we got them back red do that one okay Orange [Music] anyone here maybe he's sleeping we were so close to losing everything we all went through so much and finally there it is we saved Minecraft time to make some fire food got in the watermelon Brian the meat and lastly nether Awards Cheers Cheers
Channel: Dippid
Views: 1,347,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Becker, Alan Becker animation, Alan Becker Minecraft, The King - Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts Ep 30
Id: mmR0XYZjk8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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