I visited the only Raspberry Pi store in the world

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so my dad uses Raspberry Pi Force at tower sites for remote access dad has it been easy to get Raspberry Pi 4S lately no and that's why I flew over 4 000 miles to the UK to visit the official Raspberry Pi store I want to see if there actually are Raspberry Pi 4S in stock anywhere coming into the Raspberry Pi store we have a little family room area that has there's a cute little bear under there that my daughter would love long as it looks like there's a grow hat mini and an outdoor rain things this is it looks like the store is set up in a few different areas there's that there's also a little welcome inside that's nice first of all I apologize for some of the audio in this video I had to use my backup mic because I plugged my main microphone into the output of my recorder and not the input oops but walking around the store this first area is a welcoming living room type set with a bunch of hidden gems like these Enviro hats that are actually connected back to another pie running home assistant then as you walk in the store was actually just remodeled a couple weeks ago and the centerpiece is a new Pi display with practically every product Raspberry Pi has ever made after you pass by a bunch of Pies set up at just the right height for kids to hack on them and behind that there's a maker wall with some live demos like pico bricks where you can modify the code and play around with them in that area also it demos some other things like this argon Neo case and the pi mouse pads they even sell an Ender 3s1 a 3D printer I actually just bought for my new office back home it's it's a nice printer the centerpiece of the store is definitely this pie display though and just a few square feet they have tons of pie kits and they also sell every accessory from the pi cameras to build hats and everything else there are demos of the pi 400 and Pi 4 desktop kit and well that's pretty and all but this wall this is where the action is at least for me I'm calling it The Maker wall because it has everything from more raspberry pies to Pico build kits Vero boards soldering accessories storage cables adapters and even an oscilloscope and of course all the pie bling too starting with that cute little Babbage bear I did pick up one of those for my Daughter by the way and finally when you go to checkout you can spend an hour looking at all the different Pi prototypes they have on display from the original pi and zero prototypes to Alternative case designs that are straight out of the 80s one thing that's to me the most impressive in the store is this wall there's some raspberry pies over here but there's so many little maker parts and wires and breadboards and Scopes and things it's cool but it's like I have a Micro Center too and they have that but you know what is the experience here in the UK um so we used to have a store called maplin which probably would have been as close as you could get to a Micro Center over here but sadly that closed down a good number of years ago some of my managers who used to work in maplin they came across to Raspberry Pi when we were opening up this first store a lot of the stuff here is more or less the only place that you can actually find that so we have a whole bunch of resistors we've got an awesome stroke up there breadboards just a whole bunch of like maker products and everything where this is probably the only place that isn't online that you can actually find them in the UK and you can walk in yeah and off the shelf and uh yeah and we don't have everything of course but we have enough that for a lot of people it covers all their bases look there's actually raspberry pies it's not a myth they are here so if you need a Raspberry Pi you can get a kit the desktop kit there's a pi 400 there's a bunch of those so this is looks like there are some and over here I think I can get one for my dad there's let's see Pi four eight gig and four gig and two gig so any of these so I think if I get my data four gig so they do exist and I know you're gonna ask they actually do sometimes sell single Raspberry Pi units outside of the kits and things like that but they've had to do a lot of things to prevent scalping there actually was an underground scalping ring that was going on that was like coming in and buying up all the stock from the Raspberry Pi store every day so yeah scalpers ruin everything there's another pie oh this one has home assistant let's not see here oh that's actually connected huh that's kind of cool so the buttons actually do things it's nice and it all works too this is the end of the day to be clear and everything is still working so that might be a good a good sign of the worth of the products that they put on display is that they actually work at the end of the day at a retail store where the public can walk in and Hammer it camera module threes Global shutter camera that I just covered but that was uh a weird time for me so I didn't I didn't do a full video on that yet high quality camera Sunset build hat puey plus hat all the different parts that you could need to do a Raspberry Pi Project and from what I've heard this setup here is going to be integrated into some Micro Center so I think somebody already has one set up so St Louis apparently is not cool enough to get one of these but maybe someday this is the wall that I'm most interested in this this is a fun wall it has pretty much everything that you could need to build your own little maker space everything from uh there's ESD mats and trays and and containers and all the bit sets that you'd ever need from iFixit multimeter oscilloscope all the prototyping parts and things soldering gear the jumper cables and stuff and then you have a bunch of cool pie projects there's a reel of whoops well the retail people are going to kill me for doing that I saw how good they were about keeping this all clean throughout the day I'll fix that for them there we go that's a cool little kit it's like the galactic Unicorn it's a teeny tiny oh I didn't even see this there's larger award for for your big projects you know what Microcenter doesn't have one that big high zero look they're in stock you can buy one buy zero W zero W H with headers power supplies keyboards and stuff a bunch of cases I did see a few other things they have USB drives they have I don't know what is this they have some game pads and things they actually have ssds and there's some merch Pi cables and then over here remember this I think this is kind of new some of these stickers at least there's a bunch of stickers that you can get resistance is fuel another area that I like is all these books they don't have my ansible for devops book though but then back here is really cool part of the store some of the pie history so it looks like pretty much all the different Pi models including a lot of prototypes this right here was the first Raspberry Pi prototype board and then you got other boards that are interesting it says that one is uh an LCD board there's some compute models here I guess they never released a bling case but if they did that would be it some other case designs this one really reminds me of like the 19 late 90s of computing so if they ever wanted to do a you know 10 or 20 years that'll be retro and checkout we're now I'm going to need to check this out and bring it back home to my dad which is this for today yep bye thanks it comes to 90 pounder title all right let's pop that through feedback there you go and would you like your receipts uh yes please I'll print out that box in just a few minutes thanks very much goodbye beautiful hotel room [Applause] all right so 4 000 miles back from the UK to St Louis and Dad here you go hey you found one well sort of I Got That Pie from the pie store but I also visited the Sony Factory in Wales where they make raspberry pies and I have good news Evan Upton Raspberry Pi's CEO told me they expect pies to be back in stock soon check out the whole interview right up here The Pie Factory video is taking a long time to finish but it's gonna be worth it so make sure you're subscribed and until next time I'm Jeff geerling
Channel: Jeff Geerling
Views: 105,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, sbc, computer, linux, store, cambridge, grand arcade, shopping, mall, shop, maplin, uk, united kingdom, travel, vlog, jeff, geerling, engineering, joe, gift, shortage, how to, buy, travelog, hotel, british, factory, sony, wales, 767, boeing, airplane, farringdon, elizabeth line, train, underground, maker, micro center, radio shack, parts, veroboard, accessories, retail, demo, storefront, babbage bear, teddy bear, enviro, pico, kits, computing, education, learning
Id: MEqkZIdzkG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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