I Visited a Viewer! The Collection: Mr.Gold | Trogly's Unboxing Guitars Vlog #176

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welcome back trites to your daily dose guitar information the trogly's guitar show we're here today with Mr Gold he's going to share our collection because I bought some guitars from him and took a road trip so what's in our first one here Mr Gold so this is a Gibson Les Paul Custom 2008 in red looks a little bit brighter than uh wine red but I'm not sure what kind of red to call it can't remember the dealer that I got it from but it was off of Reverb and it was probably my first Reverb purchase that I ever made and I think I bought it about uh six years ago now is this like one of your favorite players or is it mainly bought for the color bought for the color and uh my daughter made me promise that I hold on to it for her if she ever would like it so it's not one that I'm necessarily attached to it is beautiful but she asked me to keep it I'm going to hold on to it other than that I might have sold it a year or two ago but it is it is pretty now guitar number two I think I recognized this case how have you been liking this one I I love this one and I think it is one that you'll recognize it's a favorite of mine the uh Vegas standard the mini triny in the Semite tier drop tobacco Sunburst like if you really get on it technically yes it is still a rim burst but that thing's just gorgeous I love this model especially in this finish the Vega series that that's kind of one of those interesting ones where they blent a whole whole bunch of different models together you can check out the full review and demo here if you want to learn all the history but they're just interesting guitars check them out now Mr Gold this one says we shouldn't touch it is it okay it's okay I trust you I have I have a feeling like you'll you'll recognize this model and uh this is a 1978 Gibson L ball custom silver burst here we go first official year of this color outside of prototypes what's your story on this one another early purchase of mine from Reverb maybe about 5 years ago late night something came up from lovey's guitars gave it a close look and I just I went for it and I haven't looked back since really happy with it nice early model little you know little wear and tear but that's to be expected but overall the Finish is intact yeah this one is looking incredibly clean for the year so we've got like some light Impressions on the neck and then a little bit of a paint wear rub here but usually it's way worse than that on these things things I mean especially first year that's nice so our next one here we've got a signature silk screen I think I know about this one but can you tell us a little bit about it yeah it's the uh Dave gr signature uh es335 or DG 335 what Drew you to want to get one of these I just love Dave girl this is one where he's you know my Guitar Hero one of them him and Mike Campbell I would say probably you know was always holding out for the pelum blue but it's just prices were way too high on that one I just wanted one and I believe you and I had actually done a trade to make this one happen I love it happy to have it I remember when I first got this one I was like you I wanted the pel and blue but the gold ended up looking so good in person I guess with your name being Mr Gold it works doesn't hurt our next one's looking like an SG yeah so this is a Gary Clark Jr SG I think 2018 in red for no other reason then I think Gary Clark's awesome how do you feel about these P90s pickups they take some getting used to you know I just I'm more of a player that I tinker around at home so I don't need it to be spot on they're not my favorite but I just love the look of it and I like the feel of it but you know for somebody who just kind of noodles around at home the sound doesn't need to be perfect for me but they're not my favorite ones I wasn't a big fan of the P90s pickups either that said I'm still okay with it I really hope that his Flying V still comes out one day but now this one might look familiar again but it's a different color the yellow finish became kind of Infamous because it had a bunch of finish checking so these became instant collector's items if you could find one that did not have the Finish checking so how long did it take you to find one that didn't have the Finish checking it actually didn't take long at all so when uh Gary Clark announced that he was coming out with this run I contacted Wildwood out in Colorado AO and put in a pre-order for it they sent it and I was just one of the lucky ones I believe it was in the middle of winter that I got it for whatever reason mine didn't have finished checking I just got lucky fantastic you definitely got lucky now we got some sort of a semih hollow from Gibson Memphis is this the only Memphis one in your collection this is the only Memphis one in my collection yeah my uh my father took a tour of the Gibson Memphis Factory years back got really excited although he's not a player wanted to start playing so he found I think on eBay the es335 here in uh what he calls be Street blue and it's got a great top to it it's not my favorite player I don't love the neck but my dad gave it to me and I keep it as a for sentimental reasons and it's got a great look to it I 100% agree this is a nice one one of my favorites so far it's one of those cool ones with the Memphis decal on the back too as far as the neck profile is it because it's more of a d shape is that why you're not digging it yeah I like when they're a little bit more rounded rounded yeah so for the viewers that means you've got like a little bit of a slope over here but then the back of the neck becomes really rather flat so it's good for certain Styles but some guys like it when it's a little bit more Fuller and fits into to your hand so that guitar probably had the longest my dad gave it to me and that inspired me to start taking lessons I'd say that was probably about seven or eight years ago so guitar collecting is kind of a newer thing for you then yeah I've been doing it now for about 6 seven years I would almost not even call my dad giving me that guitar the beginning of collecting it was the beginning of me wanting to take lessons and then after about a year of taking lessons I I got the collecting bug looks like we got another SG signature who's this model this is Derek Trucks model for no other reason I think it looks awesome so did you buy this one brand new I did not no I discovered it a little bit later and I bought it I believe from Thunder Road I want to say it was about $1500 at the time at the Sweetwater blowout they were as cheap as 1,100 bucks which was the best time to buy I remember I had that was like one of the first brand new guitars I had bought four of them out of today this is like a 2,000 to 2500 plus guitar I've always loved these because of their fake vibrola plate because those things they just don't stay in tune the best for me and uh to have it it's cosmetically really cool but you still have the Stop Bar tail piece so it sounds like you you still got a good deal even on the used Market yeah I think it was probably just the state of the market at that time I've been watching a little bit I don't think I necessarily got lucky I just was looking in the right year and got a good deal it came from Thunder Road so they knew what they were doing pricing it and know but it's in pretty good shape pretty clean as far as I could tell so now it looks like we're looking at a Lizzy hail model so is this white or the black one this is white awesome this is what happens when you go on to Guitar Center and get lucky once in a while so you found yourself a good deal good deal it's it's got The Binding cracks along the fretboard and other than that I think it's in Fairly good shape the nice thing about buying a used guitar from Guitar Center though is if it doesn't work out there's four of them near me that I could return it to pretty easily but this this one I kept that works out great see I have to drive an hour to get to a Guitar Center so do you have any of the other lizes in your collection I don't you have a a particularly nice fretboard on this example like it's got a lot of nice wood grain to it yeah I really like the fretboard on it I you know the black one was tempting but I did watch your review of that and the fretboard tooling marks and the rich light was a little bit of a turnoff for me the red one that recently came out was just not for me this one kind of checked all the boxes I would like to see a reissue of these I think they're pop enough they're just so cool with their matching headstock and all white blingin similar to you the black ones just had terrible quality control which was unfortunate but it was a very cheap way to get an explore custom back when these were relatively affordable this doesn't look like a Gibson case what's going on here yeah this is something different pretty different it's a by a company called mule out in Michigan by a guitar maker named Matt is it solid body or is it semih Hollow well you'll see oh resonator but not it's a resonator with a wood body it's called the the mule Mavis it's something different it takes some getting used to but it's it's fun it's got its own sound I think a lot of people use these guitars for slide it's got that steel kind of sound to it but with the with the wood it's definitely a unique sound and you can have a lot of fun with do a lot of different things I think you you hear in a lot of uh a lot of country music some rock I'm not a great slide guitarist but I strive to learn how and I just I love supporting Boutique guitar makers and I think what they're creating is really artwork so I was happy to have this one just for it its look and its feel so just picking this up out of the case what what I found kind of interesting is a the neck profile it's I would call it a soft vshape it really fills your hand without like becoming too too pointy so I mean even in the camera you guys can see here how it just like slopes up and becomes really large and then gets a little bit softer but it just gets rid of all the shoulder and then you've got this like natural neck binding type thing it looks like it's just a wooden material that's pretty cool and then I like how the body it it reminds me of like an es25 arch top or something cuz it does have a uh erased [Music] back so what can you tell us about this one Mr Gold so this one's a little bit different too this was given to me by my friend Ross and it was made by a guy named Jeff out in Western Massachusetts something like an SG but it's also its own kind of guitar and it sounds awesome I love that the body is so small but yet still kind of exotic kind of reminds me of like some BC Rich guitars but now that I turn it around it it's cool it's got the multi-pieces within the body and then it kind of reminds me of an l5s except for it doesn't have the wedge shape to it it's got a very cool vintage looking top and our headstock is looking like this very cool now guitar number two what can you tell me about this this guitar is from a company called WID Sky when I say company it really is one guy named patch who's out in Hawaii I found his guitars because again I'm a huge Gary clerk Jr fan he played one of his guitars and I just love them you'll see a few of these it's nice little heel design right here it's there but not completely in your way and it's a rather thin bodied kind of Les Paul style instrument but then you've got a lot of like vintage archtop great look great sound it it does have a big vop I was just about to make mention of it it almost looks like somebody just slapped that on there that's funny that'll definitely protect it guitar number three he got a pretty interesting is a Ashwood wood grain back yep so this is made by Asher guitars Bill Asher out in California oo that's got a nice top nice Kaa top to it that uh I saw the top on Instagram once and he had didn't have a neck on it yet so I asked him about the top and he put it together for me makes great guitars it's that Telly style I had him do the um the inlay on the headstock custom for me named after my wife Rose she can't have you sell the guitar if it's named after her so not only do you have like a really nice top on this thing but you got the cool rope binding around it too yeah that I I can see why you fell in love with that that's cool but this next one when you first kind of showed me at the side profile I thought it was like one of those Rarities telecasters but what what actually is this so this is a Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt by Ron Thorne Karina Telly with a P90 in the neck and it sounds awesome and Ron Thorne I think you've talked about him in the past too makes great guitars I'm I love this guitar a lot yeah so that's Karina neck Karina body and then he's got the the tortoise shell binding around it just to make it a little bit more fancy and then you've got the the P90 in the neck position that's pretty interesting how do you like those tones I love those tones I think it's a great combination to have them have them both on Ron Thorne is obsessed with finding the right piece of wood I'm not really on Instagram anymore but when I was I'd love to watch his videos and have him pick out the wood that he's going to use for guitars because he picks out great pieces I agree he did great on this one that's a lot of movement for Karina so this one's looking a little bit familiar to something else that we saw Yep this is another WID sky this is probably his most popular model the name of it escaping me right now but it's uh that's very much like the one G Clark Jr had that was the first one that I got of his with the um the P90 style pickups F holes and it it just sounds awesome yeah I like the kind of rustic look of the finishing on the hardware and then you've got this kind of rust sticky looking satin finish on it but yeah it's still got some figuring within it it's nice black binding multiply with a little bit of cream mixed in then the wood on the back has some good chatoyant movement and again can't forget these giant volutes and I'm noticing he has like actual multi layers of the wood on the back so that's probably how he helps create these big things to protect them that's cool our next one's got a big v-shaped neck to it so what can you tell us about this custom shop so this is a Fender Custom shop the uh 70th Anniversary one that came out so that would be uh 2021 they had three different versions of this I believe uh Fender USA then Fender Custom Shop team built and then the Masterbuilt one so this is a custom shop team built one and it's great look great sound the neck is ridiculously comfortable I think I ended up reviewing the uh USA version so you guys can check that out on my channel if you're interested but here's the real deal now we've got another wide sky so all the same headstock and Volute Shenanigans going on here but I like this one it's 335 in style what made you want to pick this one up besides looking awesome so patch was trying something new a different model I think he calls it the tawa but yeah it's kind of like between a 339 and a 335 Body Beautiful look beautiful top and uh it sounds great his other guitars sound awesome too they're they are a little small this one's just a touch bigger it's got a good feel to it but I'm I was just happy to support him trying a new model out so I bought one yeah I I love the back on this the color this is a little bit more traditional 335 like sometimes you can find them that still have this style of tailpiece so it's more familiar to me and I think that's why I'm really gravitating towards this I'd love to see the mod collection do a finish like this cuz these are kind of thin satin finishes and it just gives it a really rustic look and Vibe so now we're getting into the nitty-gritty of it is this a custom shop this is not a custom shop this is a custom color Strat from 1962 Fiesta red almost all original new Frets new nut and uh part of the reason why I'm selling guitars to you today that you'll see another time is to make this purchase yeah so I've never actually seen like the fiesta red color in person for some reason I just think we're having a party and it' be like a more vibrant red but it's almost like a pink color that's kind of cool yeah it is it's it definitely doesn't strike you as Fiesta I mean it might have looked different in 1962 for all we know but now it definitely is more of a pink look like somebody had a coil lead that kind of impressed your finish here that's always kind of cool to see I've actually wondered what that was I I couldn't really place what those marks were that sounds right now our next one here is absolutely gorgeous if you like the darker red Hue noticeably heavier than your other one that we just had yeah so this is the candy apple red strap from 1964 you can see a lot more where the Finish is hanging on still though nice dark fretboard this one probably says more of a party than the fiesta red one does it looks like it's been to a few more parties but it's it sounds great plays awesome looking pretty cool you got a little bit of flame figuring in the neck not too much but enough to be excited about oh I like the headstock there that's got even more figuring to it where did you get this one from I got that one from well strung guitars in Long Island very nice they've got some great stuff and our last one tonight looks a little bit more traditional as compared to those crazy custom colors but I I really like this yeah this is a 1955 Strat in the two-tone burst got this one from retro fret guitars in Brooklyn it's a great look it's more for its historic meaning it's uh not the greatest playing guitar but it's in great shape one of the earlier models and it does sound good but not as good as the early 60s strats do I wonder if you're a a setup away on this one from being better cuz taking that out of the case I noticed it's got kind of a a musty smell to it I I notice sometimes those guitars maybe they've absorbed some moisture or something and maybe that's why it like kind of deadened its resonancy I could see like your Frets could probably use polished up take this in get it a professional setup and a Polish job I'd do it if we had the time but unfortunately that's all we can share for today but who knows maybe we'll visit Mr Gold another time all right thank you gold for sharing your collection with us thank you for making the trip it was great having you all right trits if you're confused about what's going on here Mr Gold is one of my oldest customers that I remember back when I first started buying and selling guitars I've sold him some Choice pieces a few of them I've wanted back however he found a very rare model guitar on his local Craigslist that forced me to take a road trip out to the east coast so we figured what a better time to make that deal happen when I can just pick the guitars up when I'm getting that other guitar so we will see those in a future unboxing episode and I hope you enjoyed taking a look at Mr Gold's collection ction don't forget to like comment and subscribe and we'll see you tomorrow on the next one take care if you enjoyed tonight's episode consider subscribing I post videos like this every day and you might even enjoy this next one
Channel: The Trogly's Guitar Show
Views: 50,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the trogly's guitar show, trogly, trogley, gibson, gibson les paul, fender, unboxing guitars, vintage Fender Guitars, guitar unboxing, unboxing guitar, trogly unboxing, troglys unboxing, troglys vlogly, the troglys guitar show, unboxing gibson, guitar youtube channel, unboxing gibson guitar, trogly guitar show unboxing, unboxing new guitars, troglys guitars unboxing, fender unboxing, unboxing electric guitar, les paul, fender guitar unboxing, gibson the collection
Id: 9Dl-_-FuPNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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