I used Ubuntu exclusively for 2 weeks!

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so if you've been paying attention to the content that i have been uploading as of recent you may notice a big chunk of my videos have very strong ubuntu vibes how do you go about pronouncing it ubuntu and that is because for that chunk of time i was using ubuntu for two weeks a little more than two weeks actually but basically two weeks now the primary reason that i actually switched to ubuntu on my main primary computer all my videos were recorded on it i did all my editing everything through ubuntu specifically it was a 21.0 for the hippo one with that a cursed wallpaper the reason i did it is because i talk about linux distributions a lot and ubuntu is by far one of the most popular linux distributions and i haven't used it on a full-time basis since like i've talked about this in the past i think it was like version 8.10 i hope this actually works in this virtual machine [Music] oh my god that's awesome or something like that is the last time i used it on a full-time basis and being that i talk about linux all the time i figured i should have a little bit of day-to-day experience in what is probably the most popular linux distribution and probably the only linux distro that most people think about when you refer to linux it's probably not an uncommon situation where somebody might have heard of ubuntu and have never even heard of linux it's actually more common than you would think essentially why i decide to use it is i like to know what i'm talking about when i do videos like this so first before i get into my actual review of ubuntu um i'm going to talk about some things i'm not going to try to associate with the well my review of it and that is their parent organization chronicle and some of the decisions they make and why a lot of people don't like ubuntu there is really a lot of reasons uh back a while ago they don't do this anymore but they used to incorporate like amazon searches through affiliate links and uh search results on your actual desktop that was no good you have to opt out of uh sending them data about your hardware usage things like that they just make decisions that are like obviously things that the free and open source community are not going to agree with which is silly because that's what their main user base is and they just make backwards decisions that completely go against things this isn't really that backward of a decision but a thing they're doing recently is they're going to start shipping firefox as a snap package that's another thing a lot of people get super bothered about is snaps how they work you can't have like other snap repos there's a lot of different things with that if you're more interested in why people don't like ubuntu i'd recommend you check out the video by the linux experiment he goes over some of the things i just covered and much more in more detail so after this video i recommend you check that one out ooh and uh tell them i sent you in the comments that would be pretty cool so with that like i said i'm going to be separating the chronicle garbage separate with ubuntu when it comes to my actual experience using it and when i first installed it admittedly i was uh i had a couple beverages so i wasn't really paying attention to version numbers and i went ahead and installed i think it was groovy gorilla onto my desktop and it was out of date so i was really uh at first confused and because the software center wasn't working none of the updates were working and that's because it was one of those short term releases and i figured that out pretty quick now it was actually really easy to upgrade it was just a simple command upgrade from that groovy gorilla to the latest version which i believe is 21.04 actually upgrading versions between the ubuntu systems is a very easy fluid process and it worked great now actually using ubuntu on a daily basis was absolutely no issue it took some initial tweaking and customizing unfortunately it doesn't ship with something like gnome tweaks extensions anything like that i had to go ahead and get the flat pack version of extensions and then you have snap packages so then you're combining all these different software containment systems and it does get a little bit messy using ubuntu but it is very doable and during my time using it i actually had no significant issues at all everything was incredibly stable everything worked i did need to actually customize it obviously and get rid of that ugly dock off to the side and theme it i have a separate video where i kind of went over the theming process it is something that is very easy to do so even if you don't like the look of ubuntu out of the gate you can make it look really good you could turn it into whatever you want ultimately and that is one of the reasons why a lot of linux distributions flavor themselves after ubuntu is because ultimately it's a really good really stable base some of my absolute favorite projects are ubuntu based projects and and that goes from like zorn os uh we have fernos which is uh kde we've got linux mint which is the whole cinnamon project you got a lot of great stuff that comes out of the ubuntu project their update cycle is very predictable and expected they're usually constantly on a cycle where they update they have the lts versions they have the short-term versions which is kind of where i got screwed up with that uh groovy gorilla pulling it off of my old hard drive and using that ubuntu overall is very stable and i really had no problems using it now there are some things that didn't work out too well and one of them was like trying to get davinci resolve to work with my amd card was an absolute no go the getting software there's a lot of stuff in the just normal ubuntu repositories there is a ton of things in there but it just doesn't match the aur that i'm used to because i could pull a lot of things amd pro drivers a whole bunch of things that you wouldn't see in those ubuntu repositories so that that's very nice and for me i'm used to linux i'm used to changing things around i'm used to installing different desktop environments i'm familiar with the software enough that little tiny quirks and things uh were not really a big deal to me but if you're somebody who's new to linux there's a lot of things that are gonna kind of get in your way and a lot of that involves them locking down different customization tools there just isn't those things readily available to new users to go ahead and experiment and play around with it is nice they include a dock because something like fedora where it has just vanilla gnome isn't as friendly to a new user where if you have that dock on the side that's at least something that's familiar people are going to know they could drag all their icons and applications to it you can move it around if you dig around in the settings a little bit so it's good they include that but really if you're somebody who's new to linux there are so many better options and just like some of those that i just listed a second ago the fahrens the zorin os linux things like that are a much better option in my opinion when it comes to just general usability and like even the welcome screen if you look at something like those distributions i just mentioned that they give you some things to actually work with when it comes to getting into your system for the very first time but ubuntu i think it allows you to log into a couple different online accounts you have next cloud microsoft google things like that and then it says hey this is where you get your applications and that is basically it when it comes to the welcome little dialogue i wish more linux distributions including these big ones like ubuntu would give you a much better welcome introduction to their distributions now with that said i just uploaded a video checking out the beta version the next upcoming version of ubuntu which is 21.10 and i'm uploading this video now so i could actually talk about that a little bit and kind of see how ubuntu is progressing and it doesn't really look like they're doing any of the things that i thought they should um they've managed at least this is the beta version so this can change by the time they actually come out with this or they could change by the next lts which is what i'm hoping they're gonna do uh they've managed to make gnome worse the default color scheming that they're using with gnome 40 is absolutely ugly it looks like they didn't spend too much time or effort in actually trying to make that better like if they would have just stuck with stock gnome 40 and put their little bar on the side that would have been perfect but like even the little workspace previews are just the gray boxes but then if you open up the applications they have it there so it's just kind of seems like a mess to me i i just really hope it gets better over time but like i said overall using ubuntu it wasn't that bad it's just i'm used to working in systems that are in ubuntu base so it was really easy to change things around how i want add additional repositories get software overall it's a good system especially if you don't mind uh digging around a little bit to actually customize it to look decent and work with your workflow and when it comes to like the parent organization chronicle they have a lot of good projects i believe they run docker the actual ubuntu server is absolutely phenomenal it's really the only server operating system that i'll probably ever use unless if something crazy happens and they completely change something that is absolutely phenomenal and i will continue using that personally i don't have a problem with snaps i understand why they're doing it and why they're implementing it the way they are and when it comes to doing things like the firefox snap package thing i even understand that it's their distribution they make snap packages and it was actually mozilla's idea to do that so to me that's not a big deal if you don't like snaps uninstall it install firefox to the repos problem solved i know a lot of people say don't recommend ubuntu or like don't recommend ubuntu to new linux users but so part of me wants to say that it's still one of the better things to recommend because instead of just out of the box coming with everything that you need and completely catering you and babying you through the linux experience just looking at the thing makes you want to kind of change it so it starts the uh the rabbit hole of things like linux customization linux racing and all that i could be completely crazy if we're talking about somebody a non-techie and not very much of a geek and not interested in doing anything like that then that's when you'd want to use like your elementary your zorn things like that but overall i do think that ubuntu is still recommendable to the right person just not everybody and that is why i love linux there's so many options there's so many different things to choose from you can really find what works best for you i would like to give a big thank you to my youtube members and patreon supporters mitchell valentino phil matt kyle and teemo anthony thank you so much see a little graphic right there i actually updated it it took me a bit because people left people joined thank you to those of you who joined you guys are all awesome thank you for supporting the channel if you are interested in supporting the channel you hit the join button down below or click the link in the description to go over to patreon um that's about it that's about it
Channel: TechHut
Views: 25,490
Rating: 4.8332047 out of 5
Keywords: linux, ubuntu, disto review
Id: iofhuCGbhOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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