I Unlocked SUPER CAT and I LOVE Him! (Battle Cats)

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what do you think we're gonna get gorilla probably i think i think a good next unit would be a gorilla here but we will see and also if we do get a gorilla that'll probably also be pretty easy what the heck hey guys welcome back to battle cats so first of all i finally understand the deal with all of these stars it's just a representation of difficulty but uh the reason that i was so confused is because some of these stages had different stars filled in and i was like why why are there different stars does it mean different things it just means that there are multiple difficulties in a set of stages like neo-darkness heaven has uh two stages i would assume because there are two stars um highlighted so that means that these new stages go all the way from well one star for red citadel but uh alien and black start at two star go all the way up to nine and there's ten total stages so um that's what we're gonna focus on today guys we will do some more um uncanny legends in the future but i wanna check out these while they're on so it's basically like a mini heavenly tower except all the stages are the same type of enemy and you know which one i want to do you know it i i said i'm pretty sure in the last episode of battle cats i told you guys i just i find black units pretty darn easy to beat so we're gonna do black citadel so there are ten total stages for this one guys and uh the first one gives you a guaranteed chance to pick up a rich cat i would imagine we're just gonna get like small rewards maybe some cat fruit perhaps maybe there'll be some like purple cat fruit or something don't really know just go ahead and start i just gotta grab a quick anti-black loadout i got lots to choose from here well we already got bomber cat in this one so just go ahead and leave him in there i'll do the two meat shields i'll keep can-can in and let's just go ahead and get rid of you and you and you and sort by black let's get the dark laser in here because dark lasers a lot of fun with that uh wave attack i've got some talents on this one got bomber cat already you know i'm gonna have pizza cat guys pizza cat is my fave i'll put cyberpunk in too cyberpunk's good with everything but cyberpunk's just a nice unit to have um so we got pizzagate in there who else i do have trueform nurse cat that might not be a bad idea i guess i'll put her in there for now and if i change my mind i'll take her out again oh seashore kai now that would be nice i'd probably choose kai over nurse to be honest kai is just nice because she's so resistant to black so that should be fun um i don't do i need something that's all around good if all these stages are just black units or should i just get everything that's anti-black i'm gonna put pikalan in because pika lands lots of fun and i'm just wondering if i might change something do i have any units that well you know what i do have i have yukimura right maybe we should use yukimura yukimura not quite at level 30 but uh deals massive damage to black enemies and he's basically um you know pretty similar to awaken bahamut he's a rusher and it might be nice to have a rusher in here okay so i think this uh should be a pretty decent loadout here i mean we should have no problem beating floor one right floor one should be a piece of cake patiently waiting for something to emerge hello really you're going to be like that i'm going to send out you gamora you done it now all right um i guess i guess this stage is over i guess we've got that taken care of boop well guys that was a really hard stage that was a really intense two star stage so the first one had one enemy this one has two enemies are they just gonna keep bringing out a new enemy every time and we're gonna get to the 10th stage there's gonna be ten that'd be fun let's go floor number two baby whew should i be a little nicer this time no i shouldn't i'll i'll be a little tiny bit nicer and i'll put out dark laser instead of yukimura you know it's a it's a bit intense for the first cat i'm pretty sure dark laser can oh man i didn't realize how long the distance is there geez pretty sure dark laser can handle themselves quite well uh against the doges as you can see just a one-hit kill level up because why not i'm not doing anything else right now just trying to have a little fun with this man come on let me have a little fun what do you think we're gonna get gorilla probably i think i think a good next unit would be a gorilla here but we will see and also if we do get a gorilla that'll probably also be pretty easy what the heck you of all things the weird slug i remember that guy i love the look on his face man it's so awkward okay that was that was a little drawn out because of how slow dark laser is but i got my 100 000 xp let's just move right on to the next stage two units in this one guys you guys you're being too boring okay it's just it's too much for me i am so impatient okay i need constant stimulation look at that wow it's a choco doge a choco waldoge what even is that man i don't remember ever seen that before do you can someone tell me what the hell that's from anyway now we have a sniper give me something good here man you're not gonna give me like nearly as good as the stuff you give for uh you know completing uh heavenly tower floors but that's okay just one enemy in this one whoa and the the energy is actually ramping up here okay oh god it's just this guy i think well we have a slightly smaller distance between them this time so let's just go ahead and get this guy out here this guy this gal whatever it is what do you guys think is this darth vader coconut head cat a boy or a girl for some reason it just makes me think it's a woman who knows i don't think it really matters all that much okay it just go just go away i'm i'm coming out here just excuse me excuse me whoopsie pitiful man just absolutely pitiful with 250k xp that's not too bad i'll i'll take that that sounds good uh another two enemies in this one same price as floor four what are they gonna give me hmm i'm gonna put out a can can this time guys there's to be something in my loadout that can uh you know actually end up dead from one of these right i mean a bomber cat wouldn't have a very good time i guess boop hey it's the big gorilla okay i remember this guy he's from some sort of like love something love um like set of stages some sort of event he's in love you can tell because he has a little rose in his in his shirt that's obviously what being in love is all about here you go boop okay he's alive folks he didn't die he seems really angry though what's your deal man what's your deal who pooped in your corn flakes bro all right good old can can with those savage hits two cat tickets okay you know i'm starting to think that maybe the rewards won't be so bad another 120 here a whopping three enemies in this stage i'll wait for you guys this time okay i feel like i should bring a speed up to these things because i'm gonna like fall asleep waiting for something to happen here really okay i got just the thing for you doge why are these stages so long why is there so much distance here oh man i gotta put the rusher out what else do you expect me to do finally we have a regular old black gorilla guys it took a while oh it's the long dog the sushi dog wow i kind of love this guy i remember when i made a video and i still remember my thumbnail i think the video is called that's a long dog or something like that okay oh you actually killed good for you gfy gfy means two things it means good for you and it also means something a little meaner but perhaps appropriate as well seriously gfy dudes you're actually making me work for this one i can't believe it i can't believe you killed my yukimura can't believe i had to put out more than two units to get through this one maybe probably could have just done it with two dark lasers but yeah okay those cane cans man i just love them you know i love them 400k xp juicy well at least get a rare ticket by completing this thing if not something better what's better than a rare ticket though i don't know 160 energy three enemies in this one i need more energy that's okay let's go oh what is this who who are you you're disgusting all right i'm gonna i'm gonna do actual strat here guys check it out here we go oh whoa i didn't mean oh whoa okay i'm in obviously oh man that dog is killing my uh my bombers before they get a chance to actually mom but luckily pizza is pretty pretty strong guys pizza is a tanky boy so we don't really need to worry we don't really need to worry about that i still find it really weird that you know weightlifter cat became a dude became a pizza eating dude look how they massacred my girl i don't actually mean that though i love i love me some pizza cat guys perhaps it would be good for me to have a little bit of range here oh thank you bomber cat for making that possible so we could actually stop that guy's attack before he got it off and he's dead okay we got a can can here maybe two i think it's just one so we're good all right what do we get now come on come on a cat jobs really a cat jobs hey look this stage got five how many the last one have three okay this one's got five wow okay i actually think that floor 10 is probably going to be a little challenging i mean i uh i haven't actually completed i think it was a uh a 9 out of 12. um that i was just looking at what's it called blue impact i haven't beat that that one's a 9 out of 12 and i think 9 out of 12 is the hardest one of these stages as well but because it's black i feel like it'll be okay so what i've been saying this entire time is that i don't care you want to give me a black stage go ahead i'm going to laugh at you i'm going to spit in your face and then kick you in the balls we got kangaroos now folks you know things are heating up when you got a kangaroos oh and an elephant okay now things are really heating up i was thinking maybe we would need long range for uh for some of this stuff but i think better than long range is just resistant and since we have sea shore kai and she's resistant to uh to black i think she'll probably just do enough damage to get through this stuff just walk up and shoot him in the face right yeah all right can't forget that i do have cyberpunk guys and cyberpunk is long distance there goes the uh elephant bring our rusher in here i suppose yeah that that gorilla is really not that strong is he i expected more out of you gorilla you're so big it's kind of laughable 750k xp okay we're getting some xp here oh no continues that's how you know it's gonna be difficult guys when you're not allowed to continue this stage this one's gotta give me like a couple of tickets or a million it's gotta be at least a million xp but then again if we just got 750 you're probably not gonna get a million xp for this one it's gotta be either a ticket or a bunch of xp right that's a choco doge okay i'm just gonna go ahead and rush it i think this is a boosted choco doge guys i don't think it's a regular choco doge because look at that i love this little back and forth we just had it was so great i'm really not threatened by you i'm just gonna let it happen i'm just gonna let oh no not a seahorse okay still not threatened but seahorse is not fun because they got that weird range wow okay so that that was interesting go ahead and put that out maybe another uh wave attack as well we should be able to free oh crap but her okay cyberpunk it is slow down guys what are you doing maybe we should have gotten out a little further on this one i don't know i'm assuming oh wait uh a lot of stuff just happened then including a software update that i'm not actually going to do leave me alone a lot just happened including the death of um the seahorse and the choco doge so great and there goes the dog a treasure raider a treasure raider i know they're a little bit expensive but come on how much is a treasure radar it's freaking 45 cat food geez you know how much you know how much 750 000 xp costs like 750 cat food or something 700 and something cat food okay translation not that great this one's called top floor kind of freaky kind of freaky to see that what before i go before i get in there i'm gonna change the slow beam okay i'm gonna go to a regular one i know guys i like i really ought to actually upgrade these things i really ought to just grind more in this game i'm not really into grinding all that much in video games anyway clearly it's a joke about me being a skateboarder and grinding rails because that's that's a thing that i do i like the view up here guys very nice very nice i love that we can keep the doge at bay with this it's a really really nice little strat all right we got this guy i thought i was knocking him back before it was really weird but it's not i'm not knocking him back i am uh he just has like a wind-up attack okay so gotta get that doge out of here so that we can actually freeze that guy i'd like to get pikalan out here next because he'll be able to stop you know a bunch of stuff and i want to make sure i got my bombers out here too and the wave attacks would be nice because then there's something in the front the things in the back will also get hit by those beautiful waves i'm actually a huge fan of those waves okay they're really satisfying when you get a whole bunch of dark lasers out here okay how you feeling huh how you feeling you want a kink in and knock knock it's just a bore you think i'm going to lose sleep over a boar i don't think so especially since i have seashore kai here as well this is nothing man this is a joke compared to how hard heavenly tower is this guy's called razorback right whatever whatever i don't even think i need to put anything else out i'm not gonna put anything else out guys we are doing like a permafreeze on all these guys right now well i almost fell asleep watching that happen you guys want a quick rusher over here i'll get them in okay i'll give you a can can too just in case you guys take a billion trillion gajillion years well the can camp made it onto the screen so that's great ken can you're a little late it's not your fault it's a rare ticket that's what i thought we'd get for it and some cat food that i had to spend to even get through this thing but i also got a leadership i really like the leadership with the cat food thing because that means that you get 30 cat food and you get something worth 30 cat food okay now i feel like i got to do something harder man i just did it look see that it was 9 out of 12 at the end here and it was nothing blue impact is a 9 out of 12. let's just do puffer planet i got i got all the treasures or at least like almost all of them i i think there might be a couple of goals that i don't have i can handle starred aliens i know what i gotta do here i'm just gonna do it i even have an alien loadout right right here alien that's what the hell is going on my alien loadout what's wrong with me get out of here i had an anti-alien loadout i don't anymore clearly here we go gotta have cadalite because there's uh a teleport in this one seafarer to freeze the uh aliens and i also have uh cyberpunk in here because cyberpunk is generally pretty good i think other than that i'm probably just gonna go for my girl mega aphrodite let's see if we can do that i don't know have i tried this one for a video or not i don't remember but puffer planet let's go time to face the puffer fish huh interesting i'm just gonna level up it'll be okay right here have a catalyte i just noticed that every single cat in my loadout is a true form except for mega aphrodite because she doesn't have a true form sad here he comes these are rolling look at this guy go is he not actually that strong i feel like the other things are going to be stronger because like this guy is just chilling right he just froze them we have our catalytes to stop this guy from doing anything we have uh can can to do a lot of damage we just freeze this guy and kill him oh he's got a strong attack though eh and we definitely need to deal with these guys stop it he's like crazy easy to knock back isn't he it's kind of funny let's just try and keep things moving along let's try and get aphrodite out here to do some massive damage to these aliens let's go come on okay he's still alive it's actually not looking very good here because i didn't do enough stalling at the beginning oh and what a jerk what a jerk okay i don't think this would be that bad if we just try again we'll find out what the uh the hp is on this boss he's quite beautiful though isn't he it's very high quality for a battle cat for a battle cat unit of course that's what i meant not a cat clearly it's a planet it's a puffer planet 51 okay all right i don't want this guy i actually would rather have pikalan here i love pikalan pikalan is just so so great such a good little freezy boy also i'm gonna put on a rich cat that's not a rich cat what's wrong with me i'm putting on a rich cat okay okay how about aphrodite now and then i'm just gonna let the shielding happen because this guy like he gets knocked back super easy like he has to be uh helped out by these guys in the front or else like it's just gonna go really badly so let's just hope oh boy man that they cleared so much distance there that is not good oh boy she survived but wow all right we should have i guess had a little more going on there perhaps stop it you're strong you don't like want to knock this guy back you knock him back and he just starts rolling again okay um aphrodite just got teleported that was weird can you friggin do something aphrodite she's just like rolling right in i guess she wasn't close enough to attack yet but it really seemed like she was uh we got pikalan coming he's just really slow so hopefully he's fast enough to get here before all the bad stuff happens okay come on oh we killed the guy he's dead simple as that i was gonna say come on we gotta get you i'm gonna get you killed before the puffer comes back but it looks like the puffer is dead and it looks like we won't have too much trouble with the alien ant eater here all right we did it that was actually pretty easy common celeb that's me mighty cat what is a mighty cat let's find out what a mighty cat is okay so wow just really blasted those uh those levels today guys 10 10 floors in the citadel nothing puffer planet whatever mighty cat what is it it would have to be an anti-alien considering i just beat an alien stage mighty cat wow it's a little superhero heroic caped cat who's sore through the air while worrying about being fired from his part-time job weakened traitless nullifies wave attacks wait a minute that sounds good what we can traitless nullify wave attacks how does that work wave shield the gate wave attacks protects you okay so it works the same as kotatsu or octopus cat or whatever um so it's nice to have a wave blocker honestly i don't know if this guy will come in handy you can never tell if they're actually going to be any good or not unless you try them out in the right circumstance super cat wow super cat group macho thanks to his nervous eating habit practices singing in the park when no one's around because that's what cats do right we can traitless nullifies wave attacks don't tell me there's a stage for this guy to become a true form i gotta check okay so there is there is no stage after that guys there is no stage after blue impact that's okay with me we do have bottom of the swamp though i'm not gonna try this one again today i think i might have done a little bit with it before you get teacher bearcat for i don't know what teacher bearcat is but this guy right here he's a strong dude cappy jr this little monster always looks at peace munching cucumbers in the pond oh that's what he's eating a cucumber i don't even know until the moment he snaps and blasts you with a wild surge attack surge attacks man look at that all right where's my super cat i know i have a lot of news here i i could clearly get you know a few cat food this way but i don't really wanna okay i just wanna find my super cat i'm in the super rares where i'm in the wrong place no wonder i can't find them introducing mighty cat oh he actually flies i didn't think he was actually gonna fly it does say source through the air but i just didn't think it was gonna happen wow that's actually kind of dope already got bigger he thick i will now bully korea so i can test out and see how fast this guy actually flies also he's pretty expensive he costs 720 cents if you're using him in stories of legends so hmm oh he's fast beautiful look at that he and he he weakened it i kind of really like this guy this guy's kinda awesome wow okay all right great well thank thank you puffer fish thank you puffer planet thing what are you called puff sleaze comet thank you puffslee's comment an aspiring idol that appears once every 100 years long mistaken for an asteroid his entourage of loyal fans form a shining tale that can be seen from light years away pretty awesome not gonna lie well thank you puffslee's comment for giving me super cat thank you for watching this video and i will see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 358,972
Rating: 4.9357734 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, battle cats, let's play battle cats, battle cats part, battle cats stories of legend, battle cats rare cat, battle cats pufferfish, battle cats heavenly tower, battle cats citadels
Id: IoQZZ5L4hCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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