I Unlocked EVERY Achievement in Brawlhalla!

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I have been playing broa for more than 7 years I think let me let me double check that I started playing 2015 so I don't know do your mats BR but even though I been playing for that many years I hadn't unlocked out the achievements I have 52 out of 57 achievements unlocked what you're seeing on your screen right now is othero achievements that you can possibly unlock and what you're seeing right now is the ones that I haven't unlocked so these five achievements I'm going to be unlocking today so these are not actually all the achievements that I have left to unlock in bralla there's actually one secret achievement that no one has unlocked yet Ed show them the achievement show them right here like this one what it say it says subscribe to pilki pH Down Below so guys will you be so kind to click on that subscription button down below to help me unlock this achievement and as you can see the achievement has been unlocked so thank you guys so much for your effort catch 15 bouncy bombs in a row in catch bombs training without frame stepping what what's frame stepping without frame stepping all right what what is frame stepping I need to understand what frame oh I think I just have to not move okay I CAU one so far two no no I caught one so far now two I'm going to catch them all in a row by the way watch this watch this all in a row I'm not even going to get by a bomb I'm just going to stay here I'm not even going to move all right we're almost there guys we have like 10 left I think guys honestly I don't know if I need to cat them in a row or not but I don't think it has to be in a row I think I need to C like three more and uh we're going to pass this I swear I caught so many bombs already bro come on how many more do I have to catch let me get this achievement let me I'm never going to be even playing this training mode with bombs ever again just let me get the achievement all right guys I realized I'm doing something wrong because I caught like 30 bombs and nothing happened catch 15 bounce bombs in a row in catch bom but I did that I think I figured out a play I'm going with morx 1 2 3 4 5 6 oh my goodness these bombs are so seven okay stop throwing them at me like that Holy they're so fast nine 10 we need a number somewhere 12 wait is it 12 I don't even know anymore 13 I think it's the last one I really I hope oh wait I got it I got it I got it let's go let me c now hit opponents with the same spye ball four times in a matchmaking game Let's go ahead and do that right right now how have I not done that before matchmaking game is experimental matchmaking game all right he's I think he's just going to let me get the achievement I don't know what he's doing so I'm just going to I'm just going to you know what I'm going to get the achievement real quick nope do you see what just happened the spike bow is gone now I have to wait for it again you know what I'm leaving this guy's pissing me off you know what I'm just going to go in strike out for safety oh my God we got monkey bro what am I playing against all right let me get this spike ball real quick Now give me the spike ball where you iy playing like a professional hold up I just need a spike ball I don't need I don't want to play against you just I want a spike ball real quick okay perfect perfect spike ball oh my good no no no no no no okay perfect okay bro what are you doing I didn't even touch this guy man please just go get the weapon no no no no my spike ball how did he pick that up I will kill this guy in game oh my goodness bro stop playing the game for 2 seconds we get it you're playing against poosi pH no one cares stop give me a spike ball bro please man just give me a spike ball he left yes I'm so happy I'm so happy I'm just going to hit the spike ball on the boat okay there we go I got a spike ball no no no no no no no okay one two three four wait what wait oh yeah nice it it baited me that delay you guys see that now buy a gold for item from the store bro why they what is this skin all whatever let me just go and buy uh a what what was I going to buy look at my I have so much Glory let me buy lowkey Sky for actually first scissor gold for yep scissor gold for that was the one all right give me the achievement just like that such an easy achievement that was not even not even close I'm I'm so good at this game what am I what am I what am I waffling about what is wrong with me uh we have to reach wave 26 in hor mode all right let's see what is wave 26 we're on Wave 1 now I kill them okay yeah thank you thank you thank you all right nice nice we're doing good so far I think oh J is actually so good for this yeah yeah yeah I can just pum [ __ ] right and just win no this easy I'm going I can't even do this alone okay that's a lie I probably can't why am I playing this why am I doing what am I doing let me use the bomb can I hit him with the bomb oh now they're coming from under what is this what happens if they hit the the gates does something happened oh what is that what is that there's a boss yes Z de him I don't know okay he died he died he died nice why is he yellow why is he yellow wave s we need wave 26 imagine if I don't do this first try I'm going to lose my mind what is happening no no it exploded no no no no no no what is that what is that no no no what is that what is that what is that are you serious no bro you need to defend the gates man what are you doing my teammate what is that what is that what is that what okay no no no SP six bro you dumb use your signatures use your signatures man oh my goodness bro I can't I have to C this guy in hard mode oh my God I just koed like 60 of them I'm just going to catch them Midway no no no no no no okay we have 13 it's over it's over we lost can we get heals any heals bro defend it man oh my goodness oh my goodness it's so Doom it's so Doom look at his gate is Lally broken man where are they going where are they going they're coming this way right six more guys this doable this doable this is actually doable I can't I can't the B B I think he doesn't go inside so it's fine okay boss is dead I think we lost though five five more five more five more come on please okay get him get him get him okay nice no wait wait wait I think we lost if someone goes inside we lose I think that's what it is right what is going on what is happening what is that Circle oh my God such a waste I wasted so much time why I waste my time with this we're ready four people in this lob to pass wave 26 we're ready come on come on let's go let's go let's go we got it yeah oh my God it's going to be so much easier it's going to be so much easier we're going to pass it oh my goodness that boss got destroyed oh my God yeah yeah we got it we got it we been oh no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no we don't got it we don't got it no we wav in wave in oh there's a boss there's a boss SC the boss SC the B SC the boss SC the boss what is happening these red guys BR no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no too many of them went in too many of them went in bro why are they coming from everywhere what's going on okay I think we I think we lost again oh my goodness this hard game mod [Music] man what five more waves please we have to pass them please five more no no oh my God n no no no no no no no this Doom this Doom this do no no no no no no no oh my God and now we have golden boobby who is apparently a professional of this game mode so let's see what we can do can we get the achievement guys wave 22 we have three waves left we have never been this far this guy is carrying me so hard what is happening what is happening what is is happening he's killing them somehow I don't know how he knows where they're going to be but like he's killing them we're so close wave 23 two waves left kill this kill this red guy all right nice nice nice almost there almost there one wave left we have to pass this wave and we're done what I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm dumb I'm so bad this is the last wave we have to pass this wave the last wave come on give me the achievement yes yes hit opponents without six of a legend signature attack in 10 different matchmaking games 10 games no no no no no no no I'm goang Tesa and morx all right editor do your Wonder right now show them me hitting all those six [Music] signatures we're playing against t f rout don't Google that people are going to Google it cuz I said don't Google it but trust me you shouldn't go that why is it get better than everyone at the game okay let me just hit the last one okay boom then I go on spear okay boom one okay one and uh I have to hit DEC now right all right boom everything is hit all right now I'm just going to end the game real quick all right we're playing against a red Raptor player I do not like facing red Raptor bro can you stop just let me hit these sigang is actually so easy to hit signatures on please just okay that hit somehow H oh that that counts right I don't know I hope it counts okay boom boom and now last Sig and then I just have to win the game oh he's going to walk in come on walk in I know you want NOP nope bro come on walk into oh okay okay my my boom I didn't do anything nice oh he's not moving yes I'm so happy no no no no I don't care about your towns bro I just need to hit these six signatures please bro I do not care I really don't care please just come over here let me bro bro please just up I just have to hit these signatures do you understand so you know it's like very important I hit them oh I think he gave up guys I think he I'm so sorry bro I'm so sorry I feel so bad now where you going and then he's dead nice I don't know why I dropped but it dropped what is this map literally what is this map how am I supposed to know what this map is but whatever anyways we're playing against a Jala let's just hit our six signatures and get out of here one two three give me on countless four five five signature and I died okay one signature hit two wait yeah that's two three give me all this weapon give me battle boosts okay boom okay one left all right let me just hit the final one don't give me let me just hit the final one of course he do just there perfectly all boom I hit everything nice all right guys you know you know the Drew hit six into get out of here you I'm not fing for your towns I know you watch my condent or whatever but oh my God I just ped this guy so hard I hit him with every sck I used boom I'm just spamming this guy probably like oh that's not pilki I watch and enjoy he's just spamming where are the cool combos bro just jump just jump thank you I hit him with the final s right one attack and he dies same goes for me one I can't believe how this gu is playing like I really can't believe how this guy is playing I really cannot believe it I cannot believe it I'm losing my mind how who allowed you to play the game like that BN this guy from the game for B this guy give me off I forgot what hit what didn't hit I'm going on TES get out here boom all right two how am I supposed to hit this thing how am I supposed to hit this thing okay I hit it nice four five that hit bro what is dze all right boom we hit everything right now I'm just going to destroy this guy oh my goodness I need to go on Tesa honestly it's so much easier to hit him on Tesa why am I onang why is he destroying okay I'm going with this going to [ __ ] thisan character give me all he left the game I'm so happy I'm so happy I am so happy this is going to be so easy now yes he left I'm just going to hit the signatures out of them too can you jump them bot just jump please just jump please thank you don't Z okay let's just hit this first that doesn't kill and then we hit the final one H boom that's six right there H one two please your gold let me hit it I can't deal with gold players he dodged in okay give me gaunlet all two more s if I die before I hit the two s I'm losing it all one two he got destroyed this is it another six signatures game you know it one okay two three Now give me counts and again what I don't know if that counts so I'm just going to do it again all right boom one I just out of here at this point I don't even know I hit him it counts okay that should count get me off this C I'm going on t one jump no jump how am I going to hit the DC how am I going to hit the DC like that that was actually so easy to hit it's crazy just jump just jump just jump thank you thank you now give me a better boot boom and last thing is and sick thank you I hit it okay I'm so happy okay I hit one I hit two he's going to jump I hit oh actually he actually jumped out of it somehow actually no one cares about your combos no one gives a no one gives anything about your combos please just let me hit my sigs okay I need to hit two more guys I need to hit two more sigs and that's not going to happen obviously because we he's going to bomb me oh my goodness I don't know if that count as a hit but I am going to count it as a hit okay I think I hit all five yep like that yep all boom boom side sck misses nice boom boom boom please jump or something please please let me get out please oh my God please please why okay three more left I'm red Health if I die I'm losing it what two left two left one left oh my goodness okay I hit all of them I hit all of them please give me the achievement please I don't want to play anymore please please just give me the achievement no okay I guess I haven't passed it yet oh my God this guy's making me lose my mind one okay didn't hit jump jump okay DC give me all this character give me off come don't break anything don't break anything it's okay I'm losing I'm I can't I can't I can't I can't deal with this anymore I can't I can't don't want to do achievement Ser again I don't want to do these achievements ever again I bro these players these players man these players what is he even doing what is he doing bro please oh my god oh no no no get me out of this game I'm not playing vers this guy I have lost my mind I don't remember when the last time was that I was genuinely dis tilted bro I really don't remember six signatures he left the game I'm so happy he left the game he left the game okay okay one two jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump them B jump jump jump jump jump jump thank you thank you first try wow okay don't throw that ever again at me okay one signature left I hit five one signature left this count I don't even know anymore what psycho who made this achievement I'm going to fire that guy from BMG I'm going to go BMG find myself a job I'm going to become the head director of BMG and then B that guy who made the achievements literally so it literally Starts Here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I played 17 games how have I not unlock the achievement this achievement is bugged so guys we have officially unlock every brala achievement besides this one because I it's bugged I can't unlock this one I don't know why I just can't if you guys know how to unlock this please let me know Down Below in the comments because I really want to unlock this achievement I swear I did what it says right here but I still don't have it I don't know why and if you enjoy today's video please click on that subscription button down below because today I lost my mind you saw me lose my mind a lot of times so that will help me a lot if you subscribe right now and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye everyone
Channel: PavelskiBH
Views: 178,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pavelski, pavelskibh, pavel, brawlhalla, pavelski gameplay, pavelski brawlhalla, brawlhalla pavelski, Pavelski, in brawlhalla, brawlhalla gameplay, Brawlhalla, brawlhalla pro player, brawlhalla ranked, brawl, brawlhalla pro, pro player, pro brawlhalla, brawlhalla combos, achievement, brawlhalla achievement, brawlhalla achievements, achievements brawlhalla, pavelski achievement, pavelski achievements, unlocked, every, every achievement, achievements, unlock
Id: YzMDGyF9ers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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