I Try a TITAN ONLY Challenge - Lethal Company Solo Run

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playing lethal company solo is not advised because of the increased difficulty that comes with it there's no one to coordinate attacks or escapes with and if you die then you lose all the scrap that you've collected so far the company has no mercy for solo employees but a select few opt to venture out on their own anyway the question then is this how well would a solo employee perform on Titan the most dangerous planet of them all after my not so impressive feat of solo running experimentation I felt qualified enough to answer that question myself and decided to embark on on a mission for the company where I was only allowed to land on Titan I did use the Mike's tweaks mod to make it possible to go to Titan on the first quota I also kept the ship loot mod for quality of life purposes but I changed nothing else as to keep the gameplay as close to the official release as possible as far as the actual challenge goes Titan is the most dangerous planet as far as enemies go but it is also the most lucrative by far Titan is also the easiest planet to navigate of the three premiums and arguably the easiest planet to navigate in the game because of how straightforward it is to get to both the main entrance and the fire exit because of that Titan is my favorite map for fast scrap collection but I've never gone to Titan on my own until today I'm excited to not only share with you my first ever solo experience on Titan but also this run dedicated to Titan only but I hope you find something valuable from this experience and I hope you enjoy the video way I'm going to start this run is I'm actually going to go to the company building first so that way I can buy my flashlights buy my equipment in a safe are area rather than on the moon itself o shovels are 15 or 50% off that's nice but I think I'm going [Music] to the question is what do I buy here when I did the solo experimentation run it was a very clear by or very clear to buy the pro flashlight and shovel combo because that should just beat everything in the game but I have you know what let's just let's just start off with that and see how it goes especially since shovels are half off flashl and two shovel two shovel why not even though yeah you know what I think I just get two flashlights I think there's going to be more value this way the reason why it's not as straightforward in my head is because the mobs in on Titan are a lot more dangerous and sometimes the shovel is not going to do much I might just have to cut my losses and try to get up if I lose the if I lose the shovel on the first round then that's not going to be very good let me make sure my mic's working okay now the reason yeah I I think I said it second ago I barely woke up the reason why I'm starting on the company planet is so that way I can retrieve my items safely and without using too much time on Titan there's only so much time in the day when you land on a planet and don't want to waste too much so if you ever you ever want to if you ever feel like waiting for the drop ship on the actual planet is inefficient you can always go the company Building without wasting a day and without wasting time on your given planet now if you play in a group they might not want to do this every time you buy something that's okay especially in a Solo run when you don't got anyone else going to the company planet is also how you can roll the weather on any given Planet I want to say Titan was foggy when we checked it earlier um and we'll see what it looks like now now that I have my flashlights and we're ready to go obviously in a Solo map run the only other planet you're allowed to go to is the company building you don't think that we should be allowed to do this and buy equipment off the planet feel free to let me know in the comments but for this first one I'm going to allow it at least for the first buy and actually it looks like PR rolling doesn't work anymore because all of these planets are still the same so we're still going to go to foggy Titan disregard what I said about the planet rerolling I remember seeing that in a video before and thought it was pretty interesting it it was a strategy on how to get Eclipse only run now that I know that that doesn't work I'm going to have to think about how I'm going to do that in the future yeah my original plan was to go in order for these uh solo map runs and then so start with experimentation go to Assurance etc etc but I decided to start with the book ends instead do experimentation and then straight to Titan the pumpkin spawns on the staircase you can just jump above it like that no need to go to the other staircase fact it might even be difficult to get to the other staircase without hopping that pumpkin I did I did debate whether or not I just buy an extension ladder on the first round and then so that way I can expedite this loot thing here but I don't think I need to do that for 130 quota see if I get anything if I get lucky get a key guess I'll pick that up we have something okay feels a little unlucky to not get anything yet in a lot more dangerous than experimentation but also so not looking as fruitful know everything on Titan is worth a lot more I did opt for the double flashlight cuz I do fully expect to die oh well okay well Titan giving me quota off rip on the other side for people who are start right enjoyers instead of start left maybe we keep going that way check the back rooms rarely ever anything in there but worth a shot old phone I wonder if I should secure the first quota the the very second that I get the chance to also what was that drop that wasn't proper dropping order go straight ahead now very tempting to just leave haven't even encountered my first mob yet there's a power level of 18 here though so it can get ugly real fast I'm not too careful um let's check the fire exit regain stamina first I've died too many times to instant stuff entering places so know getting that stamina up before you enter the facility not a terrible idea most of the time actually I I definitely shouldn't guarantee the first Coda just cuz first Cod is so easy to get that even if I die on the first few runs I should be able to make enough okay um if you want to turn off the robot just pick it up a bunch of times until you pick it up and it's not on like that if you do switch to it in your inventory though it will turn back on just keep that in mind I wonder if I just lob this one in in we go in one more time we have no reason to not go in one more time just yet but also do we wait for that reason let's go straight nice I think with this we secure everything yeah nice and easy make sure we don't get our neck snapped by a Bracken don't want no coil heads to show up either I just saw wars's latest video went up today that had some crazy coil head movement luckily it's a glitch and not intended otherwise would not be very cool that's let's also secure the painting all this done before one as well and organize that later um the other option and maybe reason why I'd want to sell and ensure that I meet first quoda right away let's take this noisy guy I should have taken him first round actually because this will this guy going off would be a run killer if I encounter dogs the phone will also set off dogs I think but I was going to say another reason for an early cell is so I can get the extension ladder earlier rather than later as long as no Giants spawn and no dogs on on the staircase it looks like I'm going to get away Scot free on this first day in Titan pretty good if this where an immersive lethal company run I would say this is an ideal day on the most dangerous planet available to me as a scavenger for the company I am missing one of the keys but I don't think keys will be that big of an issue for this kind of run we can just get out of here let's see how many items I left behind 14 that's actually not that bad seems like I got pretty lucky with the items spawns 590 off rip enough for the first two quotas and then some will I get as lucky as that in future deadlines didn't say call me player zero because I'm playing on land wonder if I should have been playing on online hopefully doesn't matter let's see what the weather's like just regular I guess it would have set on here if it was something else let's move that key to make it a little bit easier to grab cool and let's go back day two now I do think if I survive day two I sell and make sure that I hit quota because if I die on day three then that's just the end of the Run whereas if I die on day two I can still try to get 130 on day three and just get a second shot at getting 130 what getting 130 not be that difficult on Titan in the first room bunch of a labyrinth this way let's see if there's anything easier to explore well okay see like that would if I die if I died and this were day three I would have just made quota right then and there two items let's let's since we don't have the extension ladder we can at least drop them off like this I think you can drop them off on the far right or I mean far left if you're facing towards the ship and uh it'll drop all the way to the bottom but I've seen that Giants can sometimes be an issue when trying to recover those items I also don't really see how Giants wouldn't be an issue I drop them like this you know what let's just go for it I'm pretty sure it's like right here oh but also there's that ledge okay I cleared it um upstairs nice nothing there I just want to check the fire exit and then yeah I don't really want to do a run where I don't go too far into the map but at the same time kind of want to actually make it a little far and if I were to do this in real life like if I had to play for life I wouldn't go farther than I had to like if I if I really had this job I think I would go to Titan as much as I could and just reroll for better drops could a better iterations of the planet that has more loot at the entrance not requiring me to go inside very much at least when I'm exploring it solo I wouldn't even bother with most of these Labyrinth type points because sometimes you can just go oh okay sometimes you can just go on the map and there won't be anything you have to deal but there is a Bracken this time so I am just going to you know not do any of that let's drop the flashlight down here just in case Reen could be a run killer on solo if you're not paying attention and I'm just not going to risk that fortunately would it be more entertaining if I did maybe but I think a short run isn't all that entertaining either um when I let's see if the loot fell all the way down to the bottom I'm not entirely sure where the loot would have fallen maybe just on this platform right here okay well that's better than that's better than having to what's it called run all the way up so I think I'm just going to drop it there instead way better dropping spot might not even need the extension ladder at that point I don't even have the extension ladder drop like down anyway I think I get it to drop right here I'm just not going far enough on those drops okay I don't know if it was me or if I was hearing like extra footsteps I'm going to close that got $1,000 in loot already just take this one in is it going to suck selling uh at 77% yeah I think it would suck more if I died on day three no notes for my performance report did get a B though got half of the loot by myself 448 out of 1,73 so let's see how much the company's selling for or buying at 77% believe it's 30% day 1 77% Day 2 and then 100% after the third day let's sell up to 130 can sell the large axle large axle can be a little Annoying probably should grabbed a couple more items there actually I am going to take this opportunity to open the gifts I in previous runs I didn't open the boxes because I wanted to just gather a bunch of them and then open them all at once but I would die before that happens so let's just open it plastic fish a golden cup for 88 gold think well I don't I don't really know if saving the high value items for the 100% days is actually Nets us more money than not I'm going to get this mask out of the ship just not worry about that I'm going to get rid of this robot as well I don't think this hits 130 or yet but we'll see how much coaster I need after this dang I didn't realize that was open already almost got got that's I don't think that's going to be 130 just yet 127 that's kind of funny okay so we just sell the cheapest item that I have which I believe is going to be this hairbrush and that'll get us 130 oh wait I just realized that there was a flaw in my plan here the flaw being that the deadline's going to reset because my I'm going to get a new quota now even though I have one more day well I've never completed a quota early no yeah complete yeah okay this isn't the play I I just have to write it all the way out I'm sure sure of it now because it's a speedrun Strat to complete the quota in two days rather than three the first one because that's how you get more quotas fast so I kind of fudged that one a little bit that's okay you live and you learn do I want to buy buy more flashlights I think just having three flashlights at all times is goodbe three shovels or just two ladders or I just start buying other stuff I think I save up for a jetpack actually jetpack would be lit I don't know if it makes that much of a difference but it [Music] can oh I only bought one flashlight okay okay so no more selling early we're just going to write it out now on no I didn't really take time to Theory craft or strategize for this run kind of sending it I think we'll uh we'll learn things along the way I mean 948 in 2 days that like I can probably go pretty far doing getting like just that amount every time like I didn't even have to commit like crazy now let's say that I only allow myself to go to Titan for free on the first quota and then afterwards I have to pay the 700 every time that might incentivize me to go in and stay a lot longer because then now I have to not only meet Coda I also have to make an additional 700 just to even go back to Titan in the first place that can be something to consider I'll think about it depending on how much money I make per round cuz it would also be kind of whack to lose a Titan only run just because I can't afford to go there like what what do you do then do I just is a run over do I patch myself in some money just to be able to go do I go to a different planet and ruin the Titan only experience just to keep the Run going you have any ideas for what how to handle that let me know or going back to Titan over and over for free is cool too I saw an item at the end there an item right right there too let's get those on the way back another back rooms here that up who soda cans o and a room nice oh there's two items there's a key as well oh well that's what I was slightly worried about oh I could have died there the fall damage is different now in this version of the game unfortunately if I get snuck up on by a coil head I think I die I have to land on this little l Edge dude I was able to okay this is a problem I might have to let go of this loot I don't want to though okay that's why you go all the way left to clear that thing right there now I know live and learn as they say I'm might even just leave sooner now cuz of that mistake anything kills me go all the way left just clear that go St just in case grab the little freebies and we can check the fire exit real quick I don't know if I want to make this jump oh hello wait there's a turret right there not even going to bother to see if it's facing me going to I have I'm like very very damaged we're just going to we're just going to take this one home we're going to put a w up on the board no I need to Ego loot here well I guess we'll make one more trip you know what I'm not even going to bother with keys maybe I should though I don't foresee myself buying a lock picker anytime soon even though this is how I lost on my experimentation only run going back for something being kind of insignificant going do it anyway what if these Keys end up being significant oh well I already have a key as well but that back close the door just in case and send off yeah 30 more objects but you know what I only have like plenty more health and we are good for a little bit as long as I don't die some of the worst things that could happen on a solo run getting haunted um going to an eclipsed Moon that has Giants and dogs so they're just hiips entirely got another foggy Titan Titan's already foggy as it is so not really the most significant danger or weather condition for this planet in particular I don't know when I'm going to have to start playing more aggressive for loot I just know that it's not yet I do want to at least beat this quota because that'll mean that I made it farther than my experimentation only run which I'm not sure if I should reveal yet since people might not have watched that and if you haven't watched it and want to see my first ever attempt at um exclusive map only run go ahead and go watch that it's on my channel okay looks like there's going to be loot in this [Music] room nice I mean very experimentation esque type loot you know what loot is I hear a land mine in the middle Corridor sound cues are everything in this game and I almost didn't clear that cuz there's a land mine there we're going to go this way first okay dead end we do get a gift box make sure to double scan rooms that you've already pass just in case not walk onto land mine where is it must be up there oh well there it is I knew it sounded pretty close here we clear go all the way to the left no reason to not hook the wall there he I think I went every direction already here so we'll go this way now nothing oh okay I think I'm getting haunted unless that's just ambient noise but I'm going to just start booking it home now cuz if that was a real haunt I don't stand a chance so not losing all the loot that I currently have for that let's check if I take fall damage from this jump I don't that extra 5 lb weight off me here this wedding ring and we did sorry not the most riveting Tian gameplay for on that one but when it comes to the ghost girl we don't take risk if that was just an Ambient sound though let me know in the comments still watch are you still watching yeah 162 of 1,200 that's what gets me to see though that's a passing grade um feel like I'm getting trolled because in the solo runs I only get foggy weather like give me another weather condition for once now I am going to play this next round pretty conservatively just cuz if I die then that's just a round over but I am going to go on day three because there's no re reason to sell on day two not this early that'll just make things more difficult in the long run 755 probably the fastest I've ever left a ship most of the time I usually see like 80 something by the time I'm on the staircase but I do go a little slower when I'm playing with friends I do mostly play with friends in this game you want to see our group content you know I post that stuff as well okay I see a turret there not died to that no middle passage way okay my time here is not going to be for much longer another run killer the jester but luckily it could only do the funny well that's kind of unlucky I feel like uh fire exit were real close to fire exit was real close to the main entrance for that to happen that or the jester just has insane tracking but you know what it's telling me to leave and I do have enough it is only 922 but what else can I do other than risk losing to a Jester for no reason I'm going to secure this deadline unfortunately I I must beat my experimentation only run on on Titan you sometimes I feel like people worry about Titan being a difficult Planet but a lot of times too there's just so much loot in the front that you don't have to go that far in kind of nice I feel a similar way about March which has four entrances one main entrance and three fire exits like sometimes you don't have to you can just stay outside most of the time and just check the first few rooms on March from the exits and then dip from there instead of trying to risk a bunch of stuff 219 probably just sell a bunch how do I get there oh wait first gift we get two gifts again gift of Big W for 35 and a comedy mask um that's cool well not entirely I'm getting a little dizzy thinking about how to sell these things let's just sell the painting that's worth 99 547 we can sell these two things as well start with that and see how much more I need don't have to think about it to too hard then whatever that adds up to Will find the one item that makes sense 75 I need 44 anything that's 44 much is this phone worth okay so it's definitely going to be that one item in the back the soda can right 49 oh two unlucky bells in a row I'm pretty sure you don't need to ring the bell to SP but know part of the part of the dopamine Rush that you get making it back to the company Planet unscathed now the question is do I get the extension ladder now I don't think I do honestly I don't think I get anything I think I just start buying Cosmetics let's get o light never bought these before oh okay so it's opposite of this so I'm probably never going to use that unfortunately else can I buy get the record player oops where can I put this right here [Music] yes then I like get to the welcome M [Music] welcome I'm not going to put that over there because I'll never see it so yes that's much better and then I can still buy a jack [Music] Lantern yep oops very efficient use some money I must [Music] say [Music] oh how do I I cancel okay trying to move the pumpkin not the now I've messed it up [Music] entirely you know what we we're just going to have to live with the consequences I think at least this side looks [Music] aesthetic you know what the whole the whole bed can go away it's not like I sleep anyway in game and [Music] IRL okay let's not die to a mouth or eyeless dog let's just make a floating oh wait did it put it back oh it didn't put it back okay and now we have the same problem before you know what we just be satisfied with that like we get regular Titan starting the the third quota imagine knowing what a third quota looks like finally get for the first time sorry I was making sure I was recording it would be very sad if I wasn't but yeah 336 quota funny to see that because when I play with with friends we normally start at a 420 quota so our normal starting quota is still higher than what this quota is reason why I do that is because the game is significantly easier with more people and we usually have no problem getting close to like 700 or 1,000 on the first round and uh yeah feel like 130 just makes the game go a lot longer than it has to the reason why it's not any higher than that too is because feel like there's no reason to make the game much harder than that like it first round could still be chill 420 is like perfect medium for chill without having to Flat right off rip we can and the quota scale fast enough to where starts getting a bit more difficult fast enough my op at least oh I almost didn't pick that up that's good to have anti- coil head just would be very unlucky if I don't find it okay get out of here oh I probably should have kept the flashbang whatever retrieve the flashlight cuz I'm scared obviously wouldn't I be I in rare item in the monitor room okay my spider senses are tingling I knew there was another item but really it was more just fear believe it or not after 60 hours in this game still get that slight tingle of uh know horror related excitement even worse when I know how much loot and how what the stakes are maybe it's not from fear of death or horror but the horror of losing all the loot that I'd leave behind just from dying really makes me think about my mortality in this game and the helplessness that you have when encountering some of these monsters especially solo and that locked door is precisely why we carry Keys dang I could have made it all the way down that's I wonder if I take fall damage if I land on this lighting and then okay good to know um take stuff back wow I got really lucky with those two robots not triggering I take fall damage at 92 lbs this time I really should study how fall damage works now I saw that tonius put out a fall damage video earlier today I did watch it but I was also very much still sleep for the most part so didn't get to see or I didn't retain all of it shout out to tonius putting out that advanced lethal company content that people like me enjoy Colonius and warps one of the best that I've found so far you have anyone else that's your go-to lethal company expert let me know in the comments I will most likely check them out cuz I'm always nerding out on this game trying to find newest and latest text oh still keeping it a book whatever that means H okay that's facing the other way no that door is so well let's put this here don't want to go too far on oh that's creppy 121 I think we'll just call it um there can be some church shenanigans that happen at the fire exit and uh yeah play for life I haven't really encountered any enemies yet other than that one Bracken huh and maybe a ghost girl not even really confirmed on that one oh I I did see the jester too the problem isn't encountering one enemy it's encountering two and the potential for two enemies to be super dangerous on Titan is very [Music] likely all right we get a stormy Titan so bonus in her solo experimentation run she skipped Stormy Weather because lightning random lightning can just be a run Ender and considering how much loot I have in the ship I think I'm going to follow the advice of the experts and do the same I feel like I could recover from it if I didn't do that 336 shouldn't be that hard to get but we're trying to see how far we can take this thing plus I have so much metal at the front of the ship I don't think it's worth it no thanks I'll for sure go to Stormy Weather when I got groups cuz it's lightning is really funny I just don't think I would laugh very hard if I got stuck by lightning here I do respect the decision to not reset weather through cheese to just eat the day up like that if it's unfavorable me again that makes me kind of want to go now but I can't go now be if anything I had to have gone on that day because even if I died on day two I could at least try again on day three but see at the same time though I feel like this wasn't the worst decision reason being um if I if I di to the stormy weather on day two I would have had to try to meet quota on a stormy day three also so hindsight's telling me that I made a good [Music] decision I did just have two days of not collecting any new scrap but I also have like 1900 or so scrap in the ship I can I can not go to a planet for a few quotas and still meet my quota you know this is kind of like having paid time off the lethal lethal company equivalent of having PTO is there anything that I want to just start collecting like soda cans paintings I know this thing's worth a lot I know this is worth a lot as well let's just sell these three things and then see what happens [Music] 230 um 230 plus or the 136 or no 106 is what I need now 106 how do I get there what gets me there 40 plus robot this is close [Music] enough let's not die to the or company Merchant because this thing's loud as hell one tick fell or one click go three over but that's not that bad Co let's see what other stuff we can buy I forgot that I said I was going to save up for a jetpack but you know what that's the least of our worries we that's more endgame stuff for the early and mid game we should buy stuff like a shower yes I heard that showering is actually really good to combat ghost girls I don't know how entirely true that is but you know what put that there I remember seeing someone put their shower like right here oh got to rotate it I over rotated unfortunately then they just drop all their loot in here now give it a nice little rinse maybe I just rotate It Forward I just take a shower anytime I come back to the ship man never mind I'm just going to put this back here this is like the true gamer setup have the shower right next to your computer like are the Mr Beast set up even know I go to work I go to work and I go here after work I go back to work we can move this stuff back here let's just bring this over here I had them kind of separate because they were the ones from the gifts but we don't need to do that no more then we can buy I haven't bought a TV before so we'll we'll buy one of these uh can actually just put that in the shower no have something to watch while we're in there you not turn the TV on oh okay at videos If an entity has come in contact with a crew member please refrain from immediate self-defense instead ask the crew member the following is the entity being aggressive are you injured do you need assistance if the answer to all of these questions is yes You' begin your self-defense measures if the crew member is stressed strike a question like how was your day thank you for your cooperation and happy travels oh I did not okay yeah see that's what I just avoided the last few days not the laugh track hey this is a preview for an upcoming video may or may not I was supposed to do a insurance today didn't though can I buy anything else um oops G grenades or 80% off okay let's buy them that's um pretty good deal I think that'll be the one exception for things to buy actually I should I should buy a boom box just in case or slimes kind of a weird monster to make specific counter measures for but in most of my runs where there's a slime they tend to just kind of Camp the front door and if the Slime camps the front door then I just got to go you know there's not much you can do after that at least now if it well I guess if I see a slime I can just put a boom box somewhere before it even gets to the door and then the Slime will just go there instead of the front door and it'll stay there kind of like a $60 insurance policy could have been less too I think boom box is actually on sale for a little bit and I don't need multiple boom boxes I can just use one these stun grenades can be like anti-oil head measures but I think in a Solo run the moment I even see a coil head like it's going to be too late already like I I'd have to be carrying a stun grenade with me at all times just just in case and I don't know if that's entirely worth doing only weighs five but I think in in conjunction combination with Pro flashlight I'll be carrying 10 lbs just in the event that I even see a coil head the only thing is coil head spawn rate is decently high on Titan I want to stay around 10% I'll double check the Wei after this I don't have it off the top of my head I also don't have a second monitor to just pull it up right now so uh yeah it's also not that important the important part is whether or not I even see a coil head in the first place a regular Titan I bring these though maybe I bring a key I can start bringing a key just in case I get lock door kind of save me a trip also it's not like that bad if I lose the key also I could also just drop it with the rest of the loot I'll leave it here I could probably just leave stun grenades like that too hey we get a Titan Mansion update 45 did increase the and the spawning a mansion on Titan got our first one of the Run actually too don't know how I feel about it though feel like Mansions are actually harder than facilities it is a nice change of pace though hopefully the Run doesn't end because got sent to this though I feel a lot less safe here like very open actually have to go inside for stuff oh it's not like like I feel like I've already traveled more distance in this Mansion than I did the entirety of of previous abilities you got to do what you got to do the large a there go secure these I don't like running out of stamina when I know how much SP Ser is R I'm starting to realize that ditions are a lot less chill near by yourself it really gives that Lial space Vibe kind of feels like I'm playing a back rooms game okay there's one side that I haven't checked yet and you know what I'm not going to check it either don't have anti- Thumper measures please what if I hear the thumper okay I think okay yeah we're definitely going to be satisfied with this I think the bottles are worth more unfortunately so I do have to go back for them no and then before the braen can even mess her Bel okay so we got a Bracken and a thumper both of which aren't the most dangerous things on Titan ever the fact that it's a mansion map too like look how far I had to go just to get this little bit danger senses are tingling same time like I have a lot less time to um you know that that quota going up faster than it seems like I'm going have to spend a third of my current cash Tech to meet the current quoda that's something to consider also I did just make a decent amount right there though actually our trips I feel like I should take fall damage for that distance fact that I'm not I will take it one more trip retrieve the flashlight I left the key up there I have time to get the key it's not dangerous enough yet only 1234 till daytime I don't know when nighttime actually starts I remember when I first started playing I used 3:00 as kind of like my guideline for that but um I've had dogs spawn earlier than that I'm starting to think that nighttime starts around two not talking about Titan specifically that actually happened on Assurance or vow not not Assurance for V Assurance for offense okay well getting haunted too so it is definitely time to leave regardless racken Thumper and ghost girl that one I know for sure that I was getting haunted cuz I also got the music prompt and everything 261 we're up regular Titan again take it he doesn't weigh anything actually kind of cool wasting no time getting out of that ship and you know what Titan actually gives you some time to get proper positioning um since you can't just jump off anywhere or no real shortcuts to get in as far as I'm aware and of just have to wait for the ship to land really you probably could that face okay well we try fire exit I know turrets aren't like crazy difficult to deal with but again turs compounded with something else can be also not the CR craziest lucky ons and I will actually have to grab the key see if I can find oh jeez so it's going to be looks like it's going to be a turret type map don't have craziest track record with these there anything down here I don't think there was let's grab that key and see if I can find some luck there otherwise this one might be a bust this cuz it's so far also um I could bring a stun grenade back but I also haven't had the best luck with stung grenade grades you know what not yet I think I can just think I can afford to leave can I afford to leave 1500 I'll have 1300 left over can I make a th quota if I leave today it's just so far to I think we I think we roll for a better spawn I can't do this too often but I can do it right now now I play pretty risky when I play in group settings but I think when I'm doing something solo I am kind of risk averse generally especially when the stakes get higher like we're going to have no weather again we get a little lucky that's flashlight no reason to be nerfed off rip don't make that jump that's funny inefficient should have been on the second staircase by 7:56 a.m. now I'm here at 7:59 with no stamina not like I'm climbing this St face very efficiently anyway guess you'd want to hug the railing as close as you can see if I I get a little luckier here all you love to do that and there's rooms rather than corridors which is good too I think it's good anyway interesting we'll take it already doing better than last planet land mine gr spell ooh big [Music] room I don't have to go that far in I like seeing those rooms though cuz they are prone to loot for sure oh hello Jester says I'm not going to explore this place for much longer but I have a decent amount of loot to where doesn't really matter to me too much I will take a look in the fire exit first though painting and comedy math I think the jest is going to find me real soon though take one deeper look I'll take that that's a full inventory mostly full inventory anyway switching off the comedy mask because I think I I can still wield it it'll still put itself on me don't want that you know what I might want to buy a shovel I I will buy a shovel soon not most mostly to combat The Mask I haven't encountered one yet but they can come outside and that would be very devastating for me to not be able to just deal with that right away when they're pretty easy to kill we just take the time to to do that plus you can isolate them and kill them outside and stuff too there's no reason like if it if you encounter one early on or in the front there's no reason to just not kill them they have pretty poor hit boxes also I saw one or Nico trying to get killed by one on purpose last night and it's actually harder for him to get killed than it should have been honestly this was my only concern with the solo Titan run I don't know what people are looking for when they want to see this maybe like how One deals with more dangerous enemies when they're solo but I find that the answer is kind of boring you leave you just get as much loot as you can and as fast as you can early and leave because if you encounter most of these enemies oneon-one you're just done what still got EX 700 or so just on that run alone even though I basically skipped one day we're still gaining more or faster than the quota and as long as we're doing that we don't have to change to Too Much getting around 700 loot two days is pretty nuts okay we did get a gift box this time this one let's open it and see what we got another big bolt lucky or unlucky you tell me maybe I just collect big bolts that can be kind of fun item to collect I have six of them to start off the [Music] collection um 532 oh seven actually seven big bolts let's just grab three things or four things and see what that's supposed to 250 just about halfway there oh another big bolt actually I definitely sold some big bolts already so kind of nerfing the collection a little bit but I'm basically setting up for next time put these robots out of here maybe one of these large axles [Music] [Applause] too wait I think that hits CED nice off by five what crazy is I haven't died yet I died on day one on experimentation haven't died yet on Titan Ian confirmed safer oh a boom box is on sale buy goldfish let's buy the boom box [Music] um gun I'm never going to use that oh yeah I said I was going to buy a shovel buy two of them or three actually don't bu that's the max amount of boom boxes and shels I'll ever need at any given time just one for each day of the [Music] deadline I have to come back I don't need to stock up more than that I could always just buy new ones at each new deadline [Music] be three boom boxes oh well now it'll be three boom boxes for sure nice just for the rare slime run killer I need to see what other enemies are drawn to the sound though I could also just be drawing even more dangerous enemies to me with these boom boxes I don't have the Goldfish yet closer and go on top of the and like that's I'll bu a loud horn in case I want to draw dogs to the front on an eclipse but you know what I could also just buy stuff do that I seconds set cozy okay getting a little hungry now I just woke up and started playing out here balling 71 and I have enough for that question is will I be able to make more than 711 this run reserve my goal is make around like 2500 before I sell we'll see if I get that far though the real goal is just stay alive and keep going see if I can hit that nice 1,000 quota I think about what kind of person that this video would be for the kind of video where just watch one scavenger go to the same Planet over and over again not even going that far into the facility just kind of taking a peek in and seeing if it's worth going any further or not most of the time being no and um keeping the gameplay loop as simple as possible one of those people is for sure me oh wow our exit right here too CU I have long commutes to work and sometimes there aren't very long lethal Company videos to watch or listen to I can just kind of put my own videos there in the background listen to myself talk see what it sounds like see if there's any parts of my speech that I want to review try again if I'm talking into the mic close enough I know my mic cuts off a little bit if I trail out towards the end of my sentence but that's something that I should actively practice and not or consider when talking into a microphone so it doesn't happen as often wow okay so there's not that many places to go here not going to take that jump not so because going there is an issue it's main issue is making it back every jump that you is required to do you are required to do it twice eventually the only exception to that is if you have someone on teleporter Duty guess this doesn't really go that much farther huh the facility oh all right no we're good that spells trouble not the luckiest Titan spawn but not the unluckiest either because I was able to get some scrap out of it not the highest value scrap ever scrap is scrap I can get luck here on a future run now I kind of wish that I saved the gift boxes a little bit if I saved all the gift boxes I would have had like a nice little unboxing going on here but the two times I've done that so far just haven't been very lucky maybe the gift boxes are unlucky unlucky this over here put it with the other blue boxes I got about 240 is from that run we are on Pace just barely hitting the 7-Eleven quota 3 days that's just kind of how easy it is do the be uh to get that bare minimum oh I guess only 181 miscounted somehow or the ship loot tracker is off or something foggy Titan once more getting kind of Lucky dodging the eclipse ones I don't know if Titan's ever rainy I don't know if it's possible for Titan to be raining but it does rain during storms where would they even put the quick sand on this map couldn't even tell you I will say that poy Titan could probably be dangerous if you get haunted maybe might be hard to navigate back also Giants can still see you even though it's foggy their vision is just not impaired at all my runs have been fast enough though to where I haven't even seen an outdoor enemy yet kind of nice also wow actually something in here rare footage that's laser pointer kind of a fun item very cool I heard something as when I stepped out I don't know what it was we're going to go in and be we're not going to stick around either hello thank you very much we're picking that up just because it's easy enough to oh magic eight ball very good very good one let's go back in there quickly we'll take the time to grab this flashlight too or inventory slot management but I think it's okay in this case and I don't think I went right yet we're going to go this way oh I did go right it's great that I didn't go can just take a quick peek down this hallway but we're pretty set though I do say so myself only 106 another good thing to do when entering an exit is to not move right away in case you spawn on top of the land mine and look down and check real fast usually worth a quick look doors are worth opening generally I think we just book it pretty [Music] decent and we get some bolts for the [Music] collection can't be too upset I should be pretty close 7eleven now and all that's left is the flashlight I think I will go get it too there shouldn't be any monsters outside right now do feel like I'm leaving a little early though but it's a lot of long hallways we're not going to be too pressed about it 2305 said we're trying to get 2500 total in here only really need like 200 on the next planet but the last day on Titan looks like another regular Titan yep PR too lucky I know like it seems a little weird to leave so early when I didn't even encounter anything dangerous but the odds of encountering something dangerous deep we in the facility and living berries or countering something dangerous while I'm deep in the facility and then living afterwards is not very high I don't like the prospect of having to go very deep into the facility if I don't have to I've already collected scrap other back rooms here this is already pretty far in I don't like that I've gone this far in you know what I don't know why that door oh because I picked this [Applause] up get this noise machine out of here go this way now de end might be looking like a fire escape fire exit run or just don't walk on this line and we're good kind of interesting set of loot here kind of calling back to the experimentation days the robot being a little less common though also I don't think bottles are very common on experimentation either that's more of like an assurance and offense type thing entering backwards through the fire escape old phone that's nice land line where yep that's cool all right almost okay and there's actually a mask as well I definitely did not open that that is very much why we bought this if I cannot fight it that would be preferable I think I'm going to have to though H hello come on no it mov so fast last time I fought one it didn't move that fast maybe I should have just left maybe I should have just left I think that was day three also that was day three unfortunate I got greedy well only one thing left to do nice to go back let me get my Titan load out going to bring flashlight going to bring a shovel we're going to bring a sun grenade and we're going to bring a broom we're going in for the smoke not necessarily for the loot dang I really thought that killing masks would be a little bit easier but he really took those shovel hits real nicely um in my other video about encountering the mask for the first time I was able to kill the mask really easily that wasn't too worri hold on doing this wrong oh I I can't have that playing in my inventory kind of whack I actually teleported well no how did I do it no the mask was just at the ship and I was able to kill it just fine but not the case okay just like stuff question is what is it that I'm going to fight I could also just put the mask on too play the find the Val mini game oh okay I don't know if I'm going to fight that we can try it though barely I wonder if I can stun the Bracken and then kill it might need multiple stuns actually that's what we're going to try we're going to try it or if I can make the braen fart yeah let's let's make the Bracken fart how can I do it to where it's guaranteed for though on then that a snle I know you're following me I'm the only one here I just wish I brought the K box too is it not going to come after me to use the bathroom I hope it just comes and gets me okay whacking this with the shovel doesn't do that come on then's going to die is it really not going to come over here that that scared of the whoopy cushion that was a wh it has to come from well if it has to come from there I could also put the whoop because yeah let's do that there now up bracking did it lose me or something oh came is there a vent here oh what the well time to test this okay well let's make it fart again this grow dude I'm definitely getting my next snap [Music] though okay well can at least live to fight another fight The Nutcracker a coil head a Bracken I don't have to go down like that and try this again the longest I've stayed on the planet so far so much for risk aversion huh I just left the mask alone can't believe that much speed got in my way I had the most expensive item secured already if I can crack this nut okay maybe we go crack the nut in the fire eggs oh big room early hello okay how the okay well [Music] oh okay well he just meleed me how are you supposed to kill that I should watch a video maybe when it's rotating you have to swing when it's when it takes aim I don't know but that is the end of the Titan only run didn't do that was definitely better than the experimentation one could have gone at least a few quotas farther if I didn't risk that but it is what it is we're going to take this with me as you have not theit your performance has been going out with style see Welcome to our disciplinary process yes goodbye goldfish oh I don't even take the boom box with me that's black wellway thanks for watching we'll do more planets in the future subscribe to the channel for that peace
Channel: Sheff Austin
Views: 225,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w-Iw-VSr9IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 10sec (6130 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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