I TROLLED Unspeakable in 1v1 Bedwars! - Minecraft Challenge

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welcome to a one verse one bed Wars you have been waiting for your entire life 1vs1 it's I have no ender pearl I have known the pearl I have no end up where all the viewers have been requesting this since the day we met we're gonna have 10 minutes of a bed protection and then okay EVP will be enabled on the bed but PDP nathan is still allowed right at this moment in time dude I should have practiced before this video I should have practiced speed bridging and just sweat it all over you that'd have been great wait what what what is this map where's the forge I don't know a forge on here Nathan are you you might be one of the board's time in forge on this thing you've got it no the diamond okay bro I haven't played okay I've never played this map I did oh my gosh it's gonna cost me some me I am so excited hey by the way guys if you want see more minecraft collabs with me mate that makes you guys leave a like down below okay Nathan how many likes to continue really do more collaborations likes how many like how many likes how many likes forty five forty five thousand twenty five thousand likes like likes your live in the same thing I mean like you know a lick and alike I've played one game of bed wars in like the last year and that was against kepi who plays it a lot and let me tell you something Nathan I got trashed I got I got trashed it was arrested because I am a big big that's okay I love Big Buddha have all I have in my inventory is a wall for the painter okay can you let me know in the eight minutes okay okay I need to get my stuff to get it's easy to forget Nathaniel okay whenever I'm mad at you I'm it's gonna refer to you as a Nathaniel hey mr. Nathaniel if you could please take kindly away from his emerald generators mr. Aaron travel Oh brah bout to be the principal to your school if you know what I'm saying dude no no no don't even don't even know what you're trying to do we'll go with monstrosity is move you can't run away from my god I almost killed myself oh my gosh I want my bed oh my god is great spirit right now no I can't I cannot believe it I'm so mad I was so close to getting all the diamonds and emeralds you collected so close are you chasing me are you chasing okay I'm gonna chase me I'm not gonna try to chase you I'm just stuff are easier I am so I'm so mad right now I was literally so close to getting you I could I can totally smell the emeralds you just collected okay in roots tis my diamonds you missed him all but Oh brother brother brother brother but hey won't you come back at me again baby huh come back at me ah no I'm good I'm a pass you want to catch these hands I'm about to put apple sauce on him nananananana I'm good I don't really know what I'm doing Preston that's okay it's I feel like I have a little bit of an unfair advantage because I've played one game of bed worse we used to believe it or not made the denier old now but we used to be gods we used to be yeah we used to be bad Wars guy we used to play backwards all the time we would we've assisted I would play everyday like some horns and hours every day and now look at us first time I've played in like look at us guys we're just watch now it just make blogs all day now we just fill our house with sand yeah I'm prank and balls balls and sand and now we prank he's like you that dude wait a second did you realize wait you just went to blue base i sigh oh I saw you go to blue Beach from more gold trying to be snotty more gold no you're allowed nude ah but I'm not my babe just crashed okay you can reconnect you can reconnect just okay you have five minutes to reconnect Nathan I am literally gonna move my gun I'm not moving ladies and gentlemen if you have not already make sure you hit that red subscribe button and make it great to see more videos with Nathan to myself I do a Nathan enjoyed oh wait why is my guide faith Tom tonight I did you die with all your stole my gosh I dive with all my stuff you gotta be kidding me okay how about this and I gotta beat you Nathan I will bring you a peace offering doing a piece on which I don't want not on top I'm offering a free beats offering in the office now your self no you don't anything I gotta see this big respect to you because you didn't throw off your diamonds and emeralds into the void I hate what people do that you don't talking about you know when you're getting chased out of life i dude it's it's it's it's darude it is what I'm about I don't even think I'm gonna protect I mean you could dude you could go big on the protection of your base to be honest so anything like if you upgrade okay I'm gonna give you a little tips I would use your diamonds upgrade your mining efficiency and then get a diamond pickaxe you can shred through sitting in like five seconds like it's really really easy so you're giving me tips yeah are you turning down my debt like I don't like your advice you know Nathan I'm actually not gonna I have 10 emeralds and 10 diamonds I'm running away from good for you buddy I don't even want you take how many how many minutes do we have beep I can't I can't check my timer hey Google hey Google hey ok let's send my Google respond okay we have currently two wall dude three minutes three minutes or immediately look yeah okay I did not realize that we were getting that close to the heat of the moment okay dude I feel like a little clutch this battle he will not tell November mmmm-mmm I have some old nom nom ease I have some nom noms I got some big big big big big nom noms right now if you're out you won't think I David if there's anything you can tell you my Matt what's up Simon alright it's at 2 minutes and 12 seconds two minutes to 12 seconds I'm gonna I'm literally just adding some he thinks about so much stuff I so much know you've gotta take this stuff that I got now wait wait I need I need one more any one more damage what do you need oh my gosh oh my gosh okay literally I was trying to get to a diamond forge that no one's been to yet I was about to get like 15 diamond oh you sneaky little rat dude I'm loki's Oh Nathan I actually hopeless just jumped off it dude it's kinda tempting sometimes yeah sometimes you just you look at that blue sky down below yeah and you're just like bro sir let me observe you Preston stylist is 50% off the entire store for July 4th in this code you get a free sticker it is this week and only don't check it out good news oh you know like we haven't had a lot of like blistering fights and you know a bunch of nantes we don't we don't really need PvP action maybe we've been playing the farm fill game we've been going back to Facebook and just yeah it's a farm bill who is i'm my bed protection Oh less than a minute remaining is what my phone just told me Nathaniel less than one minute oh oh you get a great little you get a great-looking bedd over there Haven yeah I'll be quiet be quiet why do you talk to me yeah you got a great-looking bedd you know I'm gonna go over here huh I'm gonna go over here if you shoot near the bow and arrow or fireball I will lose a lot of items right now and you're gonna do it I cross the room know where you are across the bridge to terabithia oh wait a second can I just buy some of these can I buy some awesome at some of them yes what do I spend all my what is this why am i eating a Golden Apple I'm a Nate inventory right now there is some new items I've never seen that are now out yeah what is the bridge a that's what I just saw oh you know what the bridge a guy eating a Golden Apple right now I don't know but Nathan literally it's da bro here that mean it's time to play minecraft no Nathan I'm really tempted just to keep you at bay right here and not let you leave your Island just keep farming your diamonds I saw you that bow and arrow by the way like don't think you can fool me you think you can fool ace you can fool me hiding behind that tree love move I am I'm gonna make I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it oh my gosh I cry what are you doing you leaving yep goodbye you gotta oh yeah are you really trying to do this you trying to flex are not really not really he won't it what you want to do what I'm scared my I don't even have bed protect me I don't know if I recommend doing that you're doing right now oh Emeril generators a bath grader bro that's a big that's big big pause right now do you have a do you have I what I want D I have an enderpearl on your bus no I have an I've know we're all up to ender I wish I had an enderpearl ride Belle if I had an interpreter life would be completed I'd have a complete life of life nish that's complete but I have no ender pearl I have no ender pearl I have no end of world I promise you Nathan I use the Nimbus potion I literally walk through you I see over there at the Emerald generators grabbing I'm just grabbing some necessities you being cheeky over there you're not gorgeous your artistry shop yes I am hey I'm grocery shopping when you get a little necessities where you going you know in a sense I may or may not let you build back up I'm gonna let you build up I'm gonna let you watch me I'm too fast I'm too fast like lightning lightning McQueen the funny thing is I know what you're buying you're going back to buy diamond armor so don't even try to figure like I don't know be quiet genius plan anymore Preston I gotta figure out some stuff right now so bad I literally just walked through you with an invis poaches because I thought you knew what I was doing that's how it went around the corner I went around the corner to drink the potion and I was like surely he's gonna realize it oh dear life's like a box of chocolates there's lots of carbs in a mate I could literally make this game last until the injured dragon sports so don't make the same I could enough of you caring enough I they give it a new Dragon spawn Nathan your vet is gonna be the first one to Gio bro what you mean oh dude I I got the best I got the best bed protection in history yeah I've got I'm gonna just got him stockpiling him rolls right now I've got 25 I don't know what I want to do with him I'm just kind of like I feel like when I'm playing right now is I'm playing money wars I'm playing a tycoon game on roblox I'm just just enjoying the fruits of my non-existent labor ah I see I feel like I should have upgraded my Forge Oh Nathan would you go nah don't worry about it Nathan yo I'm back to your bed buggy whip oh this isn't good I have lost eyes on the Nathaniel I am I'm checking the area Nathan I don't like when you make these sales come on come on come on come on go go go are you okay I literally have no idea where you are Nathan and I don't like it did you get into Miss potion I think you're trying to play mind games with me guys I they needed playing mind games I'm good I could literally see you building a bridge to see me I are dude I see you empathy is about to be the end for you bro I'd just take you out I gotta do it I got to do it I'm gonna buy I'm gonna buy one of these now I've got protection for I'm sweaty mmm what I'm gonna buy over here I'm gonna buy it oh I've got something that I I'm very excited to use against you I don't believe you I believe you Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Oh let's go let's go let's go let's go where'd you go to my base now is that what you're trying to do not going to your base I think you're trying I mean even I think you're trying to go to my base it's not gonna work where'd you go where'd you go hold on you were there and then you were not oh I see you Nathan Nathan I'm literally watching you I know I know what what's up what are you doing bro and underneath it I'm taking a risk I'm taking made what is that oh my god why would you have a second one I would have a rematch for money or mine coins that bat your lips do it alright let's do it hundred thousand lights rematch baby let's go thank you for watching stay beautiful we'll see you next time here
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,035,464
Rating: 4.9426942 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: BPW7XNOhb90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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