I Tried YouTube Automation With AI For 30 Days (Quilbot, Pictory)

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I posted two videos every single day for a month and this is what happened so the rules were simple number one I had to use AI to do the work for me which included using grammarly Pick 3 quill bot and vid IQ number two I had to choose a new Niche number three I had to post two videos every single day for 30 days which includes one long form video and one short spoiler alert I broke rule number three so off I was wondering what my new Niche should be and then it hit me I'm introverted so my channel should be about introverts so I created my logo on canva which didn't take too long and then I created my channel name introvertzela for the record it sounded cool at the time as far as topics go I just searched introvert and YouTube and then found a bunch of content related to introverts so I'm like yeah sure I'll model that I will mention the one thing I didn't find was one channel dedicated to talking about introverts so I thought I hit the jackpot with this idea and as you see I even created a spreadsheet with all the data of videos I should make I know it only goes up to 23 but that's because I got lazy and stopped writing in there so I separated the video into three stages stage one videos one through ten stage 2 videos 11 through 20 stage 3 videos 21-30 sort of remember that and with each stage I made different changes stage one I'm not the proudest about this but for the first 10 or so videos I did everything the lazy way I relied solely on quoba to go ahead and paraphrase my scripts and just use that I barely changed anything which is why when I paraphrased it even though the scripts were a thousand words they end up being paraphrased to like 500 and because of that I didn't see much traction the only thing I did add was a custom outro and for thumbnails I try to keep everything simple and I had three rules number one always include a person number two include three to four right words number three always include a dark background I thought they looked pretty decent but my views say otherwise and the most views I got during stage one was four views so with each long form video I've made I also made one short form video now after I posted my second short it got me the most views on that channel which is 454 which is a lot more than my previous record of four stage two this is where I switched gears and I realized that copying and pasting scripts even though I was using quilbot to paraphrase wasn't the best idea for growth so instead of pasting the YouTube script straight to quill bot I did some edits I went ahead and added some punctuation I changed some words and I mixed things up a bit and then I went ahead and put it on Quail bot and as far as thumbnails go I change that too before I had a theme but then I just changed it to kind of random I mean you could see this bushy-haired guy with the word Dot and a random introverted elephant I didn't know what I was thinking but by the end of it I did stumble upon a design that I wanted to continue and that was including celebrities and as far as results go they were disappointing yet again although this time I did manage to get 1800 views on one short so progress and that also means don't sleep on shorts stage three at this point I was pretty much done with the content not because I didn't see results but because I didn't really like talking about it but I still managed to change things up a bit and also do things better so instead of using YouTube videos to go ahead and get the scripts I actually looked at articles and I thought it was much easier to go ahead and do that just because I can sift through different articles pick and choose different things and then go ahead and use coolbot to help me paraphrase and of course in between I did do minor edits to go ahead and make it as unique as possible as far as thumbnails goes I went full force with the celebrity approach I thought it looked kind of cool and if somebody's known in a thumbnail I thought it'd be easier to click on it but then I shortly realized these kind of look clickbaity because I'm not even talking about the celebrity so then towards the end of stage three I switched to gears yet again I'll talk about that later as far as my thumbnail designs I thought they were pretty good and then my last two thumbnails I thought that was going to be perfect for later on and something else I changed at this point was to take out outros completely and the reason being is I just wanted to test it out and as far as results go as you can see not a lot I mean the most views I got during this time was 202 views which was on one of my Elon Musk shorts but the big thing is overall what did I learn the first thing is to make sure I like the niche because just because I'm an introvert doesn't mean I like talking and writing about it and because of that my production value wasn't the best and I know I could have done much better second thing I learned is that things don't have to be perfect you don't have to perfect things at least not in the beginning and the reason I say this is because analysis by paralysis is real and it stopped me from doing so many things in the past and if you truly want to start something if you truly want to start a faceless YouTube automation Channel then don't let trying to make your first video Perfect be the reason that you don't start and mistakes are going to happen and the first video is probably gonna suck but as long as you learn from those mistakes and focus on improving then that's all that really matters for example I knew starting introvert Zillow wouldn't be perfect I knew it wouldn't be the best production value and even so I still managed to get some results so what would I do differently for starters I would choose a different Niche and I would go ahead and make sure to do better research at first I thought because I didn't see channels talking about this specifically I thought it might be an untapped Niche but I shortly realized that maybe it wasn't such a good idea I know I saw somebody with that did traction on that introverted topic but it was never a niche Channel I would also do my own voiceovers and I understand Pick 3 offers the AI voiceover which isn't bad but the thing is I think there's a much more human connection when you hear somebody's voice in a video versus just hearing a robot especially when you're talking about something like introversion and personality because I was thinking you know if I want to hear something like about that I'd want to hear somebody on the other end rather than just a random AI generated voice and I'd also put more work on the Pick 3 at first the goal was to go ahead and use AI as much as possible which meant not switching up things too much and having it do all the work but if I wanted to do a much better job then I would have actually sifted through each individual scene like I did in one of my other videos I posted and actually make sure it aligns like if the voiceover was talking about somebody happy and it shows a random picture of like an umbrella that just doesn't align so I would have went ahead and actually changed them or even download additional images now I did do that with some of the shorts like if I was talking about Elon Musk or Marilyn Monroe but the thing is I didn't do that with all the videos questions so you might be wondering how long did it actually take me to make these videos so for the first stage it took me roughly five hours and that includes finding the videos doing the scripts and then actually using Pick 3 and rendering the videos and then after that I stopped keeping track so how much did it actually cost as far as software goes I already had the majority of it the only new software I had to get was grammarly and it wasn't for this challenge but it was more so because I wanted to go ahead and have my scriptwriter on my actual faceless channels use it and so in total 75 dollars a month which includes 13 on canva ten dollars on quill bot 12 on grammarly and forty dollars on Victory can you do this for free yeah you don't have to get any of the software I'm using or pay for anything really the only reason I have those is because it just makes things a little bit easier and a little bit quicker if you want to make thumbnails there's a free version of canva if you need help paraphrasing things there's a free version of coolbot but if you do have some money to spend I would recommend at least getting some sort of video editing software that helps compile all the stock footage and the reason I'm saying this is not so you can go ahead and get Pick 3 but it's because it actually makes editing so much easier all I had to do was go ahead and put in a script just give it a few seconds to a few minutes and it'll generate all the scenes for you and instead of you having to go ahead download all the scenes and then go ahead and put in your own video editor Pick 3 does it for you and so the real word that you'd have to do would be actually change the scenes up make sure they line up and then I'd also recommend doing your own voiceovers just because having a human touch just feels so much more natural and nicer quality better content rather than a robot voice so yeah that's about it and hopefully you guys found some value out of this and hopefully it shed some light on the ins and outs of it I do want to mention you guys can definitely do a much better job than I did on this 30 day challenge here I didn't put my full effort or full work into it and I still got some result but yeah anyway if you guys want to check out my other videos I also do have 90 days of YouTube automation over here and then shortly I'm also going to have my 30 days short challenge where I only post shorts for a month and be on the lookout for that and yeah until next time bye by the way I have a clicker so I'm gonna shut off the video
Channel: Chris Barros
Views: 185,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube automation channels, youtube automation method, youtube automation for beginners, youtube cash cow, make money on youtube, cash cow youtube channel, youtube automation results, cash cow channel, automation youtube, automation on youtube, youtube cashflow channels, Chris the guy, youtube automation, monetize youtube channel, youtube automation channel, automation channel, youtube journey, pictory, quilbot, vidiq, ai video generator, ai video maker, ai video creator
Id: _G_T5jHDdpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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