I Tried To Troll Hackers On My Public Minecraft Realm

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hello an archaic stakeout and I personally hope the controversial opinion that you should never cheat on any more sled game especially if you're not playing with of people who also aren't cheating this is because you're basically just robbing the fun from people who are trying to play the game normally and I don't think it's a cool move I think it's actually a bit of a jerk move to take someone else's fun and surprisingly enough this is actually an issue in Minecraft as well again it wouldn't you wouldn't figure that this is a competitive game or anything like that but a lot of people you know take any community server or realm it's open to the public and they'll buy a hacked client not just using the free ones a lot of people buy hack clients they spend money just to try and ruin up yours funds and sometimes it's in a really subtle way just going in creative gang some diamonds every now and then but sometimes they make the most ridiculously hacked weapons they've ruin a server and I want to get in the minds of these people I wanna see why they do this so we've set up a brand new world today it's gonna be called the hundred percent survival ground we've reset it to factory default and anytime anyone uses creative I'm gonna be watching them from a no account and I'm gonna trance at will they do a little bit like Chris Hansen but it is something that I think is indefensible once you really drill down to it so let's try today to go a little bit Chris Hansen on some minecraft hackers slash creepers slash people who go into creative when you're playing Survival so funnily enough maybe people know or maybe you know like this is just the one time we've had a server go pretty okay but I've been down here for four hours now just kind of watching things and for the most part with very few exceptions no one has really done anything at least in the creative slash cheating side of things there's all the weird stuff going on like there's a guy who's just been running around another don't keep this entire time for some reason question mark and there's also a guy in chap who's like I am kill other people you can have yourself back if you join you can have your stuff back but join I will kill you unless join do you want to join run and it's like okay that's like it's awkward a little bit cringy and a little bit painful we'll wait until we get some reports and go do some video stuff because it seems as though things are going okay right now so whatever you sign up for a brand new Xbox account Xbox just gives you a default name you can always change it later or we can stick with coronary Moss free 90 and this profile pitch and you know this is this is good enough for me apparently so now we just have to join the surveys in this again we don't care about the rest of this and then give ourselves a piece so we can follow around the hackers and have more powers than them and here we are now inside the Minecraft realm again I look like a normal person I'm curious if people will behave like you know nicely to a random stranger because I've never honestly seen my own realm for a third-person perspective so let's try and join their house and see if they let me in or if they're not nice or you know it's also so if there's any creative stuff going on we want to make sure there's none of that creative nonsense here and yeah that's a hop inside as you can see we got a lovely base here hi friends that let's say hi just just the word hi sure the lamb in fact a real person and see if we make some friends so at least so far the service seems relatively friendly and pleasant everyone's been nice there's no creative stuff going on and that's what we want on the server but again that the problem with having any open server anyone can join this public on the discord is eventually this always son who joins who wants to burn everyone else's fun they think you know having my own fun that sounds like fun maybe but will be more fun is if I tried to distract people like they they see a multiplayer game as a single-player game and even as a single-player game that like you know it's way easy just to cheat to win this one and that's what always confuses me about these sort of people but yeah we're gonna be diving in and asking questions as soon as we find someone because I guarantee you within the hour there'll be someone like that hook joint at least you know if they don't then happy happy days I now have an infinite amount of invisibility and infinite amount of night vision and I'm gonna fly around not to do anything just to kind of observe people again this is basically the closest thing we have suspect ATAR on bedrock there's no dedicated mode so it's gonna be my way to properly monitor people and to deliver the justice that might be needed because again so on is supposedly flying I think it might be that guy oh no that's just he was just on the ground I can see but someone was flying let's find out who they are and let's make sure they get justice see what I mean right here we've got someone who's flying and right now they're not doing it to maliciously it's just like oh I needed to chop down a tree so I started flying real fast to do that but it's still a bit like okay so you gonna do this and it's clear that they're up you know their goal is to like eventually start flying people people use whatever hacks they can despite it's said clearly a hundred percent survival only the surfer was named that but the person's like you know the rule doesn't apply to me I don't need to be the sort of person who follows rules or does anything like that and it looks like they're gonna do some bad things now okay so before we get rid of them I feel like it's worth doing just a little bit of like counter trolling to make this guy fill but worse themself as soon as you buy himself I'm gonna make him suspicious by just maybe removing his furnace like the other guys back Stern just remove that and they go and then go I just wanna see his reaction to saw stuff he seems just really confused right now like he's trying to attack someone he doesn't know exactly where they're coming from but he doesn't trust anyone and now we've always saw I think he saw me [Laughter] looking directly at me so mate I think he knows what's going on here which means now comes the question of like we gotta ask him why he does what he does to place a sign to do that because again there's no way from to know who I am if it's just the sight that don't destroy the sign I'm transit you see like there's literally not even a respect like you know this is just how you play Minecraft you fly around right so we're trying to get this guy to realize this message right here but and there's another guy just just throwing the sign I need to look the other guys I'm a little bit too so we need to know what are you doing man I hacked for the power of kit do you see like you confront people bouncing the like oh no yeah it's probably good idea it's exactly like you know the the predators on Chris Hansen where it's like oh yeah you didn't you don't you can't even justify this to yourself really let alone to anyone else you just feel like you know the route the rules that should apply to everyone should apply to you and this is like the my oldest version of it but you know to just like be so blasé about it like yes of course like hack and no assuming that there's nothing but I can do about it he's just fine of that that's not how this one works so let me do some justice right now okay I've got him to stop flying if he ignores that or tries to justify any further then what I'm gonna do is I can actually kick him directly from my switch which is set up with my Opie account so we should be able to real easily I guess you are one too only or Oh does he assume I'm take out already I'll take care so I'm a hacker or my cat but I mean like I'm that's not what I asked they said to stop flying we'll see what he does I'll stop flying but if there's an issue you bet he'll save the day I'd I'd see Ashley that's the closest thing I've ever seen to a justification for this one I'll see I'll see what he does I'm gonna pull him for a bit and I'm gonna ban him if anything goes on her okay so there's a guy called the forty-fourth gamer who is hacking and killing people look again he's just flying around and I really want to know why or what eased it although we've got two hackers we could end up with a hacker fight it seems see do you see how I'm saying this is there are only ten people allowed in a world this guy he sees me and he's trying to hit me as boss he can there's ten people down the wall but this guy is trying to do it it's just absurd to me so now I need to quickly try and encourage this guy to stop hacking I'm gonna bring him over here real quick oh yeah let's put down a sign let's teleporting to it that's the best they do okay so we're gonna oh no he left the realm as I was trying to I was trying to convince him like you know what went wrong with his ways but he just left the moment I did that to him however we still have the issue of orange justice who claims to be justice oh he sees me he knows I'm here somehow but we still have the issue of this guy so we gonna try and work out why he did it to we we've got two hackers we need to say hello to so we're gonna sit this guy down and then the easiest way possible just get to a top of mountain and give him some signs and try a mask in ways doing what he's doing why are you hacking man just tell me why you did it cuz I can't use the chat right now about giving away my identity so I'll just try to get him I'll get miss lane maybe that's it he kills other hackers not me see I don't know I don't know if I buy the whole like I only hack to kill hackers because we we've seen that said twice now well he kind of said he was doing it for a good cause and I'm not sure how to properly react to that one but what I will do is I'll try anyway okay we're gonna try and convince him that doesn't make it okay it's gonna give a little sign like this over here friend really of course there's not okay to to download hacks just in case any hackers come on ah he's gonna just say well them that's nice of them but you know again it's hard to hate these guys these are the people who like you know we're looking for there's gonna be more people like the guy flying around just to try and kill people I wanna I wanna try and you know sit them down for a bit of justice so we'll keep him waiting for the guys like that to show up so I left the realm for literally a couple of days and somehow in that time what was a really nice piece books live community where I literally could find hackers despite trying my very hardest tons of this and I can't help but feel you know maybe I'm the naive one but I can't help but feel but maybe all of this including the bedrock including the floating chunks maybe just maybe so unhanged here I mean maybe I'm the crazy yeah I mean it really could be anything like destroying bedrock it happens all the time in legit survival but you can see my point the like all it takes is just a flurry of hack hackers one day coming in from another the like again they ruined a lot of people's fun but yeah we're gonna try out right now and we're try and see if we can maybe just maybe you know find some hackers and do some job oh I think I think I might have just done something so even this person is a hacker or they're trying to fix the hacking I'm gonna assume by the fact that they're placing dirt by hand that may be actually trying to fix again it's it's literally trying to fix one of the hardest things to fix but they're doing it if nothing else that's kind of nice I guess there's literally a command block here I mean like come on come on but oh it says kill read I really want to know it happens when you press it now I shouldn't have pressed it oh it it's a command to kill one person ok so we found someone with full diamond enchants Dharma I'm sure it's not legitimately enchanted a totem of undying which again I have to imagine is not legitimate and a porkchop so little bit suspicious of this but no reason to be suspicious yet we can see what's in there venturi and what their armor actually is because they technically could have gone that term legit but again I'm suspicious so for now we'll keep an eye on this person I guess Oh No somehow I care so I mean I've ended up surrounded by this at spawn which is not where you want to be usually yes so I managed to get myself in an infinite death loop somehow I mean I'm literally the the admin of the server but there's there's no way past this it seems I'm just trapped eternally in here well that's that I can I need to wait till the server clears and then we can start dealing some hacker justice or maybe the hackers of somehow done more justice to me but there's no way to be to fix this without resetting their own with a little but I mean the fact that they've managed to do that to an Opie with flying around whatever okay then we should flower or get a next time aha I finally found someone so admittedly I had to get off that account because it's trapped in a giant cobweb ooh but this is a person very clearly flying in a hundred percent survival they immediately the moment exploited me like I'll know that they don't even care that the whole thing is like oh yeah this is okay I mean it's just because it's meant to be a hundred percent survival doesn't mean that I can't do this but you know it does mean you can't do that and you know I'm gonna do i'ma give them a good old talking to I felt like he put his stuff man in the chest just so he could avoid the inevitable thing that's gonna happen here it ain't burns it for everyone man I'm gonna be nice BAM it's a hack it's the only way I can survive you know this is this has gone really messy right like people have now started hacking to protect against hackers but then it's like you know how can you tell who the good hackers are you know you don't need a good guy of hacks to protect them and get bad guy facts because now we're using hacks and we're all hacking each other and I dunno I feel a little bit bad for this guy but I also feel like you're not let's at least that example right yeah I mean he literally has a shocker box right here where he has 61 enchanted golden apples so I just feel like it's definitely not legitimate I'm sorry rocks Saturn 8 2 4 6 I'm need you to take a seat right over here when I make him a nice little chair this is why do you think hacking is ever good mr. rock Saturn 8 2 4 6 it's not really sorry this is the exact same like kind of justification of like you know now that you asked me I guess it's not a good thing to be doing he says I'd love to play normally and I just say what's up he will play normally why do you feel exempt why do you feel like you get to be a special hacker he's been in a death loop there's no other way hacking was the only way out and once he installed the hacks he just figured why not keep using them forever but you know even even though you know he might be a good guy hacker he did take a seat he did cooperate with me I feel like we do at least have to kick him we have to prove an example and I'm sorry mr. rock Saturn but you're the first person I found like this so I mean my game like literally froze up while trying to search him this is why you need a second device where she banned people so there's just something about this realm that she's tricky to really grasp because I can never find anything too serious on the hacking front like I found a guy flying and that was about it but then every time I come in here there's something wilder than there was before in terms of how much things have been destroyed well I just look at this like some and there's literally a piece of vert you know does that cost on bedrock duh it's just cobblestone but like dad eats okay I mean like I I don't even know what to think about this entire world so somehow this this was meant to be the world where I fix things I save things and somehow it just hasn't worked out that way look at this this is a lovely look you see they've made down here under the ground I'm hoping it doesn't get found but yet in spite that okay we're gonna keep searching around in spite of that stuff is getting destroyed someone is hacking somewhere I'm assuming this guy's hacking yeah okay so this person either hacked or kill someone who hacked as like so what what is though here we go we will actually have who ate my cookie and yeah I mean they have a enchanted helmet enchanted boots they flew over to me that was the biggest one I mean now he's eating a shotgun Apple what else why are you cheating hopefully I get some home response so he's literally not responding to me he's staring near me I'm gonna ask him again why are you cheating please please tell me mister who ate my cookie yes why are you cheating yes is the answer okay what we worked it out guys we've solved this mystery why though because lo okay guys we we have officially found the best justification for hacking you know that it hurts everyone when you do I don't know I'm bad okay and okay he's giving me a lot of Internet falls like he's giving me the hat stuff which is nice of him but like you know I'm gonna pee on the room if I wanted to get stuff I could but the point is that I don't the point is I don't give myself stacks of counter force and Dom looks he does not understand my objection to his hacking in the slightest I says you know when you do it hurts everyone I say why are you doing it and he says yes he says here's some diamond blocks now I'm gonna walk away I'm going to ban you I'm going to actually tell him I I just want to see his reaction like I don't think he understands how humans are meant to react to questions and accusations of bad behavior and we'll see we'll see if like he just responds yes our sad face he's got emotions and everything oh you can actually just immediately trim with an arrow and that's just as good and now this guy he has hacked stuff so he doesn't deserve it so it's gonna shoot him too and that's gonna be my solution so oh he didn't actually don't Lee there we go two people dead two hackers down and now we're gonna go out and we're gonna ban them they just have so much hack stuff like why do you even want this many n dragon eggs like there is no use for this besides to show off that you're hacking at that very moment there's no useful like any of this it's like he's going for 200k that's this is just too crazy thing so I'm going around again to try and you know catch some people in the act it really hasn't been successful so far I'll be entirely honest on that one because the interesting thing now is that we have people who definitely have hat gear he's eaten enchanted golden apples while fighting like a curse of skeletons for some reason he hasn't electro he has a crazy enchanted sword I tried me one dying in one hand for some reason but at the same time as all of this stuff you know he could have just killed a hacker he could have just found on the ground a hacker could have given it to him it's not really clear so we're gonna try and catch someone in the act of hacking again like maybe we just did we had a guy who I think has actually tried to make a house here I mean it's not very compelling house it's not a very good house but I'm not gonna say he's hacking just yet because this all seems legit so far okay so I'm gonna assume that so far we have real people playing real survival but there's just been enough hackers now that now everyone's a hacker by default so I think this is actually the biggest fail we've had for an experiment so far I'm gonna keep going a little bit more but I think trying to catch people in the act of hacking gets impossible once one hacker gets through once the round becomes probably ruined once there is just a big mess that people are dealing with like right here once once hackers have gone on there once packed stuff is available it's impossible to differentiate hackers from non hackers we're all hackers now is what I'm saying in other words like it's so abundantly clear that some you know hacking crime has gone on here that someone has you know been using the fill command somehow like how do you even have to get fill you know the fill command someone has managed to do that in spite of everything else you'd expect which is pretty well pretty crazy but there's nothing we can really do about that it turns out the you know you can spot the hacking is happening really easily but unless you're onner all times to even catch the hackers you can only ever catch what is hacked stuff it's fun it's hard to find the actual hackers themselves most of the time so this time when I jump on the server pre-post I have crazily been like oh my god so I cants here which makes me think that maybe just maybe there's a hacking related incident then maybe I can solve because again there's just more and more hacking every time I go on the server it seems fine and every time I leave for just a few minutes it's just like these show up like there's just import holes there and this guy just has prolonged stuff and he's good firing an arrow at me that can teleport me how is that a possible thing how did he just teleport me using an arrow I don't know that makes no sense but it's it's the thing he can apparently do every single person on this server Mark's survival only is doing some amount of absurd hacking and it just or not it's already hacking but like benefiting from hacking or hacking or doing something theirselves and I just don't know it's like you know corruption in insert country here everything's just so corrupted like the only way to you know like you know beta is to join it in somewhere it seems and the very least based on this and yeah I did not say about this there's literally a guy duplication wannabe if you don't know that's how you can duplicate you use Pistons and like it looks super weird but you can do it I'm going to quickly do basically this this this this realm has proven to me that no matter how much you truly believe in a hundred percent survival even if you want to enforce things behind the shadow you need to have a lot of like on the ground forces all the time even even a few minutes and lapsing even like literally I went out for now I went to get some hot wings it was a was a nice thing and in the time I get back it's like it got worse somehow like there's some nice things but clearly creatively made things like this isn't something you make in survival using my own blocks you naturally got it's just like aa or a duplicated / creative / some combination but you see did you see my point here that this is just all an absurd thing where they can even find hours of me they can evade death they can it is it is impossible to win if you allow the hacking to start the first place literally everyone has to be kidding machines by the way anyway my point here is not really much of anything it's more just you know what no matter how hard no matter how hard you believe in yourself around that you believe is a hundred cents apply but we'll never truly work I think you need to have some form of evil like secret police force some proper enforcement if you have it open to everyone this will happen even if you go succeed me try to hack it man people unless you're doing it non-stop literally hundreds all the time having some 4 4 P they're like I mean like look at the moment let it's literally a dude flying around lighting villages of player this can't even be fun he just likes destruction apparently and yet this is why we can't have nice worlds I totally agree but I'm gonna be trying one idea because you know of all of the experiments they pretty much off valve right this is another failed realm experiment however the one that came closest to succeeding in my mind at least was the one where we ran it like a communist dictatorship I feel like that went quite well so the logical conclusion is try it the most similar thing we can which is gonna be a democracy we're gonna run a Minecraft around like a democratic skull it's gonna be voting there's gonna be stuff like that and we're gonna model it often the most successful democracy which is of course North Korea so yeah if you want to see that Minecraft realm it's gonna be coming up somewhat soon on the channel because you know this one was a failure the last one was half of a failure and I feel like the trend is always downwards sorry to try and make things better if you want a lot about that make sure you follow me EDX click on Twitter I'll tweet I when it happens you don't need to tweet me a lot of people tweet me like and email me and diss call me all day it's like look I'll tell you what it's happening you'll know via the twits up that's the best way to find out if you send me an email then it's just gonna be like oh yeah well check the Twitter that's how you know things so so at Twitter a BX look at if you're on with these things and yeah for now I hope you'll enjoy this video because I'll see you in what's totally gonna be the next successful one in the future thank you very touching and I'll see you all there good bye [Music]
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 637,676
Rating: 4.8068438 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, realm, public, hacker, justice, hackers, caught, server, minecraft Server
Id: mG5mq1s8MKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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