I Tried To Survive An Entire Game Of Hell Let Loose Again..

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the year was 1944 after the success of operation Cobra the Allies established multiple footholds in Normandy one of those footholds was in the town of Mortin that's where me and my division were located on the 7th of August we were informed that the German Counterattack compost of heavy tanks and infantry was on its way and we were tasked with defending the town at all cost I was given the order to head straight to Southern roadblock and fortif fight the best way I can the commander assured me that the rest of the friendly forces would delay the enemy's advance for as long as they could with this in mind I got in my Supply truck and Rush towards our Point as I arrived to our objective I realized that I did not have much to work with there was one house on the west side of the point but bearing north east and south as far as the eye can see there was just Open Fields and bushes a lot of bushes now clearly the layout of the battlefield was not in my advantage but I came up with a plan that would give us better chances at defending the point a forward defensive bunker I would have to build a bunker here overlooking the whole northeast side of the point a few barricades around it and some barbed wire making it impossible for enemy infantry to rush the bunker getting all of those stuff built by myself was impossible luckily there was someone that wanted to help I'll give you how build the W all right you know what I'm thinking after explaining the plan to zurri it was finally time for the building phase to commence let's get on with it I think the commander is going to do some Supply runs so that will help us speed things up a little bit getting closer and closer I'm going to make another run for the supplies hey Commander hey Commander can I get that truck and drive you to the point you're going refill this one thanks a lot man for I'm building a bunker overlooking the whole open field in front of the point and some bwire yeah we'll do sir I'm coming back with supplies the commander was kind enough to give me his Supply Truck Yeah I S as well drop the supplies off and I'll take the truck back and rearm it you got it boss all right got speed man so far things were looking good we had brought enough supplies to finish the bunker zenui and the commander were bringing even more for the barricades and the barbed wire I just needed my team to delay the enemy long enough so I could finish the defenses everything was going well too well nice the bunker is all done okay now we need the barb wire oh I guess supplies are here nice to see you again thank you what the hell there's another truck oh my God you guys are great man so many supplies thanks a lot is the defense holding up boys uh yeah it's doing okay could could be better there's a tank right in front of us I'll be honest I did not like the confidence in that man's voice and I decided that we had enough supplies on the point and told zenui to come back and help me with the building I don't know why but I had this feeling in my gut that something was not right uh don't drop the supplies Let's uh leave them in the truck because I don't know where we should uh build the further defenses place the explosive box down because I'll Place some mines so I can uh Comm is bragging that you guys are the only ones building down on S so well done I hope I get the M down there oh where are all the engineers we've only got one badass building down there and I need the rest down there oh z d is is doing God's work with the supplies I'm doing my part I'm doing my part exactly all right so what do you think another wall here diagonal across to this uh bar like two or three walls I'll place the blueprints down and see if you like them yeah yeah how do you want them next to each other or spaced out I'll space them out a little bit all right oh what the hell is going on [ __ ] man that's not good not yeah Commander we need more time man the enemy captured our second point that meant that the point we were fortifying was next we the risk of getting shot I had to finish the defenses fast wait I hear shots yeah build build wall next this one I'm getting one in the middle so we can run between them what the hell happened to the defense guys thanks thanks [ __ ] I'm not ready for thans so I'm going to go for some mines down on the roads guys guys keep keep upgrading them keep upgrading the walls come on fast we need to move this we need to move fast because they're coming keep upgrading the walls get those hammers out I'm going to go for a cheeky mine you guys keep on building all right what the hell is going on over there oh my god do we have people on the point oh God damn I have to get back I have to get back back to that house the enemy was already here and I was afraid I needed to find shelter fast and the first place I could think of was that house that I saw when I arrived at our Point [ __ ] oh my god oh who build this bad BL man I think he left a gap oh my God man what the hell happened after a close call I managed to get safe saely back to the house little did I know things were just hitting up oh my [ __ ] we have enemies buring 280 280 somebody shot a rocket from over there guys God damn it man they caught us by surprise I did not expect this [ __ ] [ __ ] where are they boys what do you see oh [ __ ] watch out medic K three guys to the South enemies on my ping oh something blew up yeah they're over there Bing 210 this was just a small attack a half track filled with enemies managed to get behind us luckily one of our men managed to place a satchel on it and take it out even though my hands were shaking zenui wanted to do more work on the defenses so I got back out there all right where do you on the bar in front of the walls yeah just in between the gaps all right you got it boss just keep me covered all right I don't want to die today I'm out of mg and dum just running away pinging [ __ ] [ __ ] that sound like a tank to our e yep it's a tank all right this is looking good I like this I like this oh [ __ ] over here over here watch out we have enemies Northwest guys Northwest behind do oh my [ __ ] over there over there 300 300 oh man oh man I'm making around for it I'm making a up for it God damn it [ __ ] oh that's there's a bad guy oh oh my God oh my God what the hell is going on over here I really hope this house doesn't get special otherwise we all Dead tank there's a tank there's a tank pushing there's a tank pushing from Northeast oh my God man yeah light them up light them up bombing run bombing run get inside get inside sh get inside boys there's the bombing run stay inside oh my oh my God man that bombing run gave us the little break if we were to push the enemy back it was now or never all right we're good I need to place more mines I need more mines one there one over here that's good you know what oh my God we're losing guys everywhere I'm going to also place this one for a little bit of extra boom yeah what do you see Lor where are the man at this point it seemed like we had stopped the fierce German Advance dead in its tracks but none of us were ready for what was about to come I got him I got him they're inside the bushes better 30 does anybody have more ammo God damn it man they might they might try to flank us because they' stop [ __ ] oh my God that was the second time I cheated death there were 15 minutes left until the Germans would have to retreat I had to hold on Yep they're flanking West West guys but there's 15 more minutes left come on I saw one bing 290 290 guys 290 I need more ammo oh yeah come on give it to me oh oh I should not be out here I should not be out here the tank is going to shoot again run wait mine's outside the door boys how the hell are we taking that tank out oh my God go tank is turning tank is turning the Tank's going to shoot take cover 12 more minutes 12 more minutes guys we got this the tank is pounding us hard oh come on in come on in I basically save you there man you're one lucky bastard I'm telling you what the hell was he doing oh my God boys they're over here 240 240 watch the entrance in the set the house oh D once again I could not do it so close yet so far but I promise you guys this one of those days I Will Survive a whole game of Hell let loose
Channel: Warfrags FPS
Views: 53,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell Let Loose, Hell Let Loose funny, Warfrags, Warfrags Hell Let Loose, compilation, how to play Hell Let Loose, hell let loose gameplay, hell let loose console, hell let loose ps5, hell let loose ps5 gameplay, hell let loose game, hell let loose, hell let loose americans, hell let loose montage, hell let loose guide, hell let loose english, hell let loose review, hell let loose highlights, world war 2, hell let loose patch, update 14, hell let loose best moments, hll, sniper
Id: 2O0b5KCdYIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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