I tried speedrunning to Rank 1 Brawlhalla in under 12 hours

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last season i decided kind of on a whim to go for rank 1 us west for a video but in the process i accidentally overshot the elo range and messed up the recording so to make it up to you all i'm going to try again this season and see how far we can get apologies in advance if the gameplay is a bit slower than usual and stuff like that i i don't know i've been playing a lot of slap city recently i haven't really been putting too much time into brawlhalla because i'm in preparation for nick allstar brawl which came out yesterday great game by the way definitely gonna make videos on it having a ton of fun with that uh i did have one world game against maggie though so hopefully i should be back into the groove of things pretty soon here or pretty quickly here rather got that edge guard right there playing a lot of zoll today in remembrance that shrek was not the last announced character in smash unfortunately i guess sora is cool too i never played kingdom hearts but let's just do a gameplay commentary because we are shooting for rank one don't want to get too off topic here got this early stock lead here yeah three-piece combo kind of hurting that's already like what like 40 damage or something like that so i don't want to take too many of those i am zoldo so honestly every hit i get is worth a lot that barely missed me by hair honestly i thought that might hit with my spacing all right they went for it again so i'm just going to do a dodge downwards that i can get a punish with the cannon cannon is definitely my weaker weapon of the two but because it's kind of you know it's canon you can cheese out a lot of kills there are a lot of hits that people might not be expecting oh i try to gc side light again because i okay case in point there and slap city maybe i can upbeat that yeah my my movement is not quite as precise but yeah no no excuse i got to get back into the groove of things one way or another so trial by fire and uh i forgot what i was saying anyway yeah i tried a gc sidelight that one but then i miss inputted ooh that was a good dodge all right with axe here i'm going to be looking primarily for cider and for a night to ko a bit rushing or i'm rushing a bit but still able to clean that one out and i'm gonna pick up the cannon here again cannon although it is my weaker one like i mentioned you can get some early damage and and kind of push people in the corner put them in weird spots where they might not be used to and get some yeah like big strings like that with the axe for example maybe i can get that but it'll still be in individual hits as opposed to one interaction like the canon now if i'm a better canon player i side here there because it'll be a true combo but i guess weapon throws work too now this is the struggle with being a us west because the latter is quite small i was only able to get three elo from that game and rank one i think is about 24 68 so uh quite a ways to go but i'm willing to make the track all right we got a tarot now there's honestly not much that's scarier than queuing into a terrorist and ranked so i'm just going to hope that i don't take too many unnecessary hits there that's a dodge in i gotta scope that one out for next time and then a dodge up there as well very very poor gc on my part also poor sarah was just trying to get right back into the action hopefully i can get a read on their movement or the things that they like to do pretty soon that was an all or nothing ser and then i saved them in the process what am i doing nick all stars brawl i get an air dash there and i make it back okay that's that's what i was thinking all right well there's nothing much scarier than going down to an early lead in a terrorist and rank so let's clean things up here yeah that spot dash i should have weighed that one out gone for an enlight or something all right there's the dodge in i'm so lucky they missed oh my god all right i'm gonna go deep here they're gonna recovery i missed because i'm a bad gamer oh god this is a terrible start to this video okay okay okay got the cleanup stock i'm going to keep the axe here because they're going to pick up hammer that's a match up that i tend to like while i'm kind of short on breath here maybe i'm a bit nervous i don't know all right we're going to go up recovery and i miscalculated they picked up the axe anyway okay that's fine axe ditto just got to get some early aerials here maybe that was some good tricky movement poor dodge on my part i am rushing quite a bit but yep looks like they're going to fish for this kill i just gotta avoid sare i gotta avoid enlight and i gotta avoid down sig primarily okay this is a really bad spot to be if i down air there i knew they're gonna go below me with hammer so if i just down there if i had the cognizance the wherewithal to do that i would be in a much better spot but all right that's the dodge in again i didn't punish it but again this matchup is one that i like you can kind of float above land those dares get below them and those end lights that's the dodge out weapon toss not quite all right i lost my weapon here so i'm just going to be guarding this lip they're probably going to stare to come back or something like that dodge in okay keep them in this corner with unarmed you really can't edge guard hammer in that scenario straight up because the recovery will just beat what you're trying to do so covering this lip of the stage is pretty good canon's kind of a similar deal but if i jump down maybe i can get one of those down airs or if i suck then i get hit but i did touch the wall so i should be fine yep should be okay and clean that one up okay not the worst scenario in the world not great but uh still doable still winnable i am quite a few hits away from or only a few hits away from death here and i got quite a few to come back but i believe in myself i can do it wake up attack they wake up attack again looks like they like to do that a lot i'm going to hop to this platform here don't want to run out of jumps caught that dodge they didn't they didn't fast fall there i thought they might fast fall okay get this down light maybe peek in the side air they're looking for the axe looks like that is their primary weapon of choice here land with that cider any recovery oh my goodness okay that was quite the stressful game nine elo all right i'll take it i will take it i don't know if i mentioned this but to give you an idea of where my head's been out in the uh the brawlhalla sphere the brawlhalla space this is the last day of the ranked season and i'm doing this probably not the best time in there bit of a procrastinator i didn't even know it was the last day until someone posted in my discord last night saying oh i only have one more day to to get diamond and i was like oh okay wait maybe i should make this video nick all-stars is fun okay i like spongebob he's a lot of fun cat dog is also pretty broken you know all that stuff anyway back to the game here against this spear i really want to avoid the big combo starters like that one big string starters and then on the ground here they can't really kill me too easily so with axe i do have a bit of an advantage because i can get that end light out i missed the downer they missed the down air all right it's it's it's fine we're in the clear i'm gonna juggle this one up delay the weapon spawns gonna pick up this axe once more since it seemed pretty effective uh in neutral against this player right here are they gonna go for the weapon they went for an extra hop in the dodge there that was pretty good if i did catch that dodge it would have been dangerous but i didn't catch it because you know it faked me out all right early recovery no earlier recovery i missed my cider by just a hair if i fast forward that one it would have been better but with kaya i'm not too worried about getting knocked out super early here so i'm just going to go high and i can look out for those uh those grounded killing options like the down light as well as the signatures uh and after that i'm not too worried they might go high here i'm gonna go for an nc wrong way but still the right idea they didn't downer second time i'm gonna catch an early high recovery and ground okay that ground pound was a bit antsy i will admit they got antsy on their ground pound though so it's okay we're kind of mirroring each other mirror match there's the down air went for the side zig all right now i'm gonna pick up the cannon because it is uh i only have a little bit of health left and i haven't used it yet so it might mix them up i might be able to cheese out some early damage if they're not expecting things i'm going to go for dodge in no dodge in there all right that was a spot dodge got that one there oh okay not a dodge in there either all right my reads were totally wrong somehow i didn't get hit by that down sig i'm thinking my lucky stars about that one gonna toss that up go for a high recovery again with spear they're gonna primarily want to kill me in the air or with the signature on the ground i have that side sick i saw that one coming so i'm just gonna wait that one out and my side air i started up just a bit too slow i knew that down light was coming so i was thinking i'm gonna cider beat it out i did not but i still have a good amount of a lead here so let's see catch a landing no they went the other way that's a okay gonna go here i don't know why every ranked video i just started saying a-okay it's like my filler word because i'm just trying to try to focus oh i was trying to downsig there like uh like this but did not do not pan out probably shouldn't do it again that wasn't just a demonstration don't try it at home all right here i'm just gonna go wide because now they have to work i [Music] don't want to talk about it it's fine i it was so guaranteed too and i still missed uh okay i'm gonna do that again where i bait them out and then okay second time's the charm this dare aside i am slowly getting back into the swing of things hopefully i mean we'll see how this game goes well they just hopped over my down light with that uh that down light that was kind of interesting pretty sick pretty sick nasty it's like the emperor's new groove you know i gotta get the groove back i don't i don't remember that movie cronk wrong lever that's that that's that movie right that film that piece of media cinema that was a pretty lucky weapon toss i will admit that's also the advantage of canon it's weapon toss is insane i'm gonna pick it up again because it seemed like i was uh doing well with it i mean it's not like i did much but i did well so you know gotta take the date whatever data you can get you know what i'm saying i'm gonna go for an instant air there there was not the right idea if they ground pounded i'd probably get hit but that's okay i'm missing true combos everything i just said about the new groove i take it back ground pound there is the option or down air or something maybe a weapon tossed down all right they didn't fall down felt like ground pound that almost ko that's the power of zoll i suppose did i just save them okay we're good we're good my gameplay is unmessed i am so sorry i i hope it's enjoyable at the very least i'm not enjoying it no i am enjoying it i'm lying i wouldn't i wouldn't be playing if i wasn't enjoying it oh okay they didn't insta jump that was a good move oh axe ground pound is uh quite the move what what um i'm not enjoying myself i thought i had another jump i'd be able to downlight into down air okay maybe i did have another jump but i wasn't paying attention who knows who at this point really who knows this is where i start to uh start to slip away start to crumble mentally so let's uh let's not have that happen we're gonna do a side light or a down sig and i still fell into it god this is this is not this is it okay okay close the curtains we're we're good it's over next maybe i'm being too self-critical maybe i should be nicer to myself i don't know either way i'm waiting in queue like four times the length of these games which is like i'm so glad i decided not to do this on stream because that would not make for the best yeah i could just cut it out here and stream i would have to fill that time by talking to chat which you know they've been bullying me recently so i don't know if i'd want to subject myself to that i back dash there instead of forward dash by accident i couldn't get an attack out all right here with this platform this changes things up a little bit because they act juggling they can land on the platform but i can also land on the platform which is really nice that nsaid was a bit risky risque all right they fell there i wasn't able to get the punish but this i wasn't able to get the punish and it was intentional so i could catch the dodge so i could land this and then uh land this one in the next interaction all right gonna interrupt that one come high here they might go wide so i'm going to fake wide and then yep come back in so that they think that i'm going to try and go out to the end of the platform when in reality i'm still got my eyes i don't know trained on that little corner there missing strings missing combos but at the very least i can make decisions so okay too self-critical go up go high another recovery so i don't get caught out by the bow they don't have the range to hit me there unless they dc but i don't think they had a dodge okay thinking my lucky star is there i'm gonna go up weapon plus again this weapon test seems very effective off stage i'm going to keep using it i thought i'd pick up the axe there and say but still would have covered a similar area now just catch their landing down light okay we're fine they're going to go first i um i got red that's what that was and uh there's nothing i could have done that situation i think uh that one either so it's a matter of uh understanding when you're in control of the situation when you're not and uh making the most of it pretty much the cute times really are killing me here i feel like i'm gonna finish this video by the time the heat death of the universe happens but maybe i'm just an impatient kiddo maybe it's actually not that long and my perception of time has been skewed all right that's a dodgy i'm gonna scope that one out for next time did not scope it out for next time they didn't dodge in there maybe it's off a scenario like this no no dodge there it also makes sense i'm not close to them so a lot of baiting out dodges you want to make them think that you're gonna go for the punish like that for example although i didn't mean to actually attack there kind of fat finger that one but yeah you want to make them think that you're going to attack them and then and then and then you don't that way okay well that was i thought that would be better timing but then you can uh bait something out bait out an option here all right let's uh not get too fatigued let's just get some down lights catch an end light catch a landing that'll get a knockout and there we go axe and light is just such a good move the active hitboxes the priority the ko power it's a 10 out of 10. all right now let's uh unarmed against axe is not the greatest position i'm just gonna do a quick juggle move here i can be houdini and maybe go off stage catch with side air got a bit of a roll back that's okay i was a bit slow that's all that means i read that one but i maybe should have down aired i'm so lucky that in ground pound i probably was dead because i didn't have jumps now on the lance here their main ko options is going to be like cider and then signatures so i just got to watch out for those not get caught by a cider side light isn't too much of a worry because it can't kill me more damage more damage is good that's not going to knock out but it's fine they're going to jump up maybe dodge up oh they didn't dodge up they dodged through that's fine maybe they go for a ground pound yep high risk ground pound on the lance but either way there's still one hit away from being knocked out so i'm not too worried here maybe if i gcn light that still hits yeah like look at all that damage build up it just means that getting the knockout like i can land a down light and still ko a cider will definitely ko and uh even though i'm not getting the knockout i'm not getting like nervous or anything i'm not stressing out because i know that i'm just setting myself up for the next hit really and that's what a lot of axe plays about is you can't really get that true combo to ko but you can get some other stuff to build up damage so that a single hit can do it and that's a yeah it's a good thing to keep in mind maybe a dodge that move is insane all right we're at 24 41 so far still quite a ways to go but i can see it i can see the end i feel like at the start of all these games i have to re-acclimate my brain re-climatize to playing against humans because the bots in the free-for-all queue let me tell you they do things a little differently all right they don't press buttons they don't dodge all right let's let's get this uh let's get this done here last time on this map against terrorists it didn't go the best so let's try and make up for that see if a warm-up helps out all that is quite a risky move and it paid off because i did not punish it uh yeah i shouldn't ground pound there there they got more priority maybe going for the weapon there is the best idea maybe i should chase but picking up the axe i feel like is pretty good in the scenario in this red scenario all right they dodged into the wall i don't want to get recovered there may be a high side air nope all right i'm going to try and end light them as they come back to the stage here because they might just hover around with those narrows and i don't really have a move unless i space it properly that can contest it but if i do that then i'll give them the space to come back to stage which i don't want to do i'm going to keep playing the cannon here it seemed pretty effective in the first dock so let's just continue that uh that damage train if possible that's a dodge up very good dodge against canon so you can't get one of those extreme extended strings although you still can get if you read it properly yep that's another dodge up all right next time i think i'll do a gc side light to catch that that's the third ensig and the zeroth that i've punished all right they're gonna come up to stage now and my spacing is not good that's okay all right not going to punch that one either that one is just because i didn't have the brain i guess in the other ones i still technically didn't have the brain shouldn't have jumped there if i knew they were going for that but still okay i had to think about my spacing for a second you saw the gears turning all right they're gonna try and drop down the stage and uh headed down saying almost identical again but yeah that's that's the primary terrorist kill move let's see if they're down or they didn't down air but toss in a couple weapons there obstacle course a bit difficult to avoid and i luckily get another kill there where maybe i shouldn't have uh shouldn't have gotten that too quickly but i'm gonna look uh okay i was gonna say i'm gonna look out for down light here and then i instantly got hit by it should have been looking more carefully clearly all right early damage no my punishes this game have not been the greatest uh on the n6 and stuff but hopefully i can still read the movement i read the movement and yeah i said i was going to gc side light i dc downloaded whoops all right they're going to push to the corner they seem to overextend a lot with attack so i can maybe catch some of those uh oh i don't want to be unarmed against the hammer here cider all right that's an air not the greatest jump cider on my part i thought they were going to jump in so just a poor read but some early damage some catching dodges and stuff although i haven't been able to punish moves i've at the very least been able to punish some certain dodges jesus and uh and get some chaos that way so all right bit of a trap there they avoided it and uh oh and i missed it's fine it was intentional gotta get the damage damage is more important damage 100 more important all right never mind my uh my punishes are more important i really don't want to have to split this into two separate videos but at this current rate i'm gonna have to play 11 straight more games just to get uh in the range so that might end up happening but we'll see we'll see how it goes you know mathematics not my strongest suit up against this orion once again i didn't really play the canon too much last game so i'll see if i can do that this one doing that for the damage i don't think i can ko because i didn't have my dodge for the downline into nc or at least i didn't think i did maybe i did all right gonna land aside here though i thought they might go to the right or drift to the right so i did that side air luckily i didn't get punished here i'm gonna do a dash back oh too slow on the trigger i was gonna do a dash back and then cider to catch them trying to stare back to the stage luckily they misspaced their recovery just a little bit and i was able to do it yeah let's play some cannon cannon to lance is not a great matchup for me i pretty much only dare so maybe i should uh maybe i should play that in this game to learn it a little more yeah they're going to go for that one because they went for that last game i duh oh they saved me okay okay that weapon toss was insane it trapped me i was i was done it was it was over but i appreciate the help there okay they're gonna land maybe with a ground pound a downer yeah that stair was quite rushed i will say down light are they gonna down like right away maybe side air ah i thought i got my dodge in out in time but i did not unfortunately and now i'm gonna pick up an axe here as it falls down good weapon spawn for me thank you rng i appreciate it all right they're pushing themselves to the corner there i'm going to hold this one because i thought they may uh might track their movement because spear doesn't have the fastest upward hitting moves so if i can get that out and they try and contest it i'll be able to punish all right i'm going to dodge in there not my greatest dodge in but the reason why i did that is so that if they tried to down light me off stage i would have been able to dodge in and get an end light out all four spacing once again on that side air but you can see the idea at the very least i'm trying to space just outside it so i can punish and gonna pick up this cannon although it kind of doomed me in the last stock and i would have died super early off stage i think it's still good to practice a matchup that you're not too good in all right let's see here i'm gonna catch an early dodge there maybe i should have narrowed probably yeah this is what i mean like i kind of just jump above them and dare like i'm not sure what else to do i gotta lab it out more not even lab it out more i just need more practice is what it is but i'm not too good at avoiding all the moves and that's that gc satellite that i was trying to talk about in the tarot scheme little weapon toss there wow that's gonna take the stock nice all right we'll do one last game here and then pick it up in the next session trust me i i mean i've got to do it today so it's going to be just i'm going to take maybe a 15 minute break because i've only got less than 12 hours left to get this rank one if i want to so i'm just going to play up against this cassie on miami dome this is a pretty good map for axe because you can get those platform extensions and cover it with nair and stuff this music all right nice it was a bit much for me i don't know if i've experienced the dome uh soundscape yet in this uh in this session maybe i have i i can't remember but all right gonna pick up the canon uh canon dare is super good against guns because it has that 45 degree angle kind of similar to how it's good against lance and then that end light is really good for getting in close uh punishing and hit stacked and all that so got faked out there with movement didn't get the dare that i wanted but that downsig is just so good it can cover so much space even uncharged uh it's a pretty good option now i'm gonna pick up the uh the axe like i mentioned earlier accent to hammer is a matchup that i feel pretty comfortable in uh not gonna get that punish there that covers a bunch of dodges didn't get the right ones that time but that's okay i didn't get punished for it and that weapon toss okay that was a bit risky for me to pick that one back up but all right let's see are they gonna ground pound down light on the ledge maybe side sig okay one for a side light and i uh i didn't quite punish it but at the very least i didn't die and honestly that's still a win in my book but if i don't die even if i don't get the punish that's okay all right they went for a side stick there looks like uh my side light there poor spacing i thought i'd be able to catch that movement but what's not nsig barely missing as well i'm gonna go for this downside once again cover a bunch of space there they fell under it that was good movement but i'm able to catch them as they used a bunch of options to avoid me now i'm going to pick up the cannon because i think they're going to get guns i'm not mistaken let's see dodge in yep and they got the guns once more so guns are going to be looking on cassidy for that side sig for a down light as well let's see if i can get a string yeah they can jump out of that one also if they have dollars they can jump uh dodge out of it so gotta be careful about that my strength oh my goodness okay that was a bullet of a toss which i guess makes sense and the logically wise um all right weapon toss again they've recovered earlier than i thought let's see they might rush this kill because it seems like they've been going for a lot of signatures down there and i'm able to catch that with the cannon all right well this push to rank one so far 2001 yeah that's quite the difference it's uh yeah it's because of those queues all right that was a pretty fun session we climbed quite a bit i'm going to take like a 15 minute break i'll see in the next one and hopefully we'll be able to get rank one pretty soon you
Channel: eggsoup
Views: 257,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eggsoup, egg soup, brawlhalla, guide, gameplay, combos, tips, ranked, characters, legends, mordex, diamond, stream, highlights, xull, cannon, axe, rank 1, us west, west, elo, 2000, 3000
Id: u4GdrIf3kHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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