I Tried Past Life Regression

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like reincarnation is a concept with ancient roots dating back to the world's oldest belief systems primarily rooted in Eastern philosophy and Vedic scriptures but reincarnation is a belief spanning many different cultures throughout history including ancient Egypt and sub cultures of ancient Greece even Socrates discussed reincarnation on his deathbed reincarnation or experiencing multiple lives is the idea that the soul continues onward once the physical body dies and is reborn ooh body according to a 2017 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center about 33 percent of US adults believe in reincarnation I used to have barely any interest in past lives at all I sort of brush it off as something that was this woowoo concept that I couldn't possibly believe in until a friend recommended I check out a book called many lives many masters written by dr. Brian L Weiss a classically trained psychiatrist with degrees from Columbia University and Yale School of Medicine in the 1988 book dr. Weiss says he had no belief in reincarnation or anything spiritual until one of his patients spontaneously began experiencing a vivid past life regression during a hypnotherapy session past life regression is basically when somebody is able to remember experiences from a past life usually through the process of hypnosis so in this book dr. Weiss basically documents these cases of past life regressions that his patients were experiencing the book really fascinated me because certain stories and patterns that dr. Weiss is describing are a little too spooky compelling to dismiss so I'm like what the heck is going on here is this guy just lying is he fully dr. Brian Weiss is now in his 70s and has done hundreds of past life regressions throughout his career he was even on Oprah so after reading two more of dr. Brian wises books I was still skeptical but far too curious to not dive a little bit deeper I decided I needed to try out a past life regression for myself so I found a psychologist in the LA area who is certified in past life regression hypnosis and trained with dr. Brian Weiss himself my name is davina katulski and i'm a psychologist a life coach a spiritual counselor and I work with people in a variety of ways to help them connect with their authentic self so that they can clear any blocks that they have that keep them from being who they came here to be I've been a psychologist for over 20 years and I work with people with every kind of issue so depression anxiety substance abuse post-traumatic stress disorder self-esteem issues relationship problems marriage and family I work with everybody our consciousness goes beyond this body our consciousness is is much bigger than we realize and so through the process of hypnosis we're opening up deeper levels of consciousness including being able to connect with past live-ins and for some people life between lives time in the womb the conscious mind is like an iceberg we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg and the subconscious mind and there's much more going on that we don't on a regular basis have access to through the process of past life regression and hypnosis we go deeper and deeper and we can access these non-ordinary states of reality in a Western society where we're very much about we want to see the cause and effect you have to kind of take the lid off of that and be open to something more transcendent and you'll just step out of the logical mind you can't use regular Western science to approach this you have to step out of it which again is why it was so threatening to Brian Weiss to talk about this this is a radical thing that I'm doing even having this conversation with you as a clinical psychologist I'm nervous that I'm not going to be able to let go enough to actually have an experience normally for a video like this I'd want to bring a crew with me and happen to be really high-quality and get really beautiful shots of the whole process but I realize I can't do that for this video because if there are other people in the room moving around I know myself I'm not gonna be able to drop into the space I need to drop into to have an experience so I'm going alone I'm just gonna set up cameras and just press record and just go with it and see what happens in total my past life regression session with dr. Davina was about an hour so keep in mind that what you see here in this video is going to be a much shorter version of the full experience and invite you to take a good deep breath in through your nose and gently exhale through your mouth and with your eyes closed I want you to just imagine a full moon and now see yourself placing your hand and the snow and now imagine listening to the sound of train and now imagine a butterfly and just breathing easily and deeply send a wave of deep relaxation from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes just letting go going more more relaxed deeper and deeper relax now visualize yourself walking down a beautiful staircase down into the deepest recesses of your mind this is a place where there is no time and no space a place of connection and oneness a place of wisdom and you can remember everything walking down down down deeper deeper down during the process of hypnosis what happens is that the brain actually does change and you enter theta brain waves which are associated with deep relaxation and access to the subconscious for example we are somewhere in theta when we are in REM sleep the sleep cycle where we dream and it's often said that dreams are a window into the subconscious I felt like I was in somewhat of a dream state but I was fully awake and aware in front of you is a beautiful beautiful garden a magnificent garden filled with beautiful plants and flowers fountains benches and places to rest in this garden the deepest deepest levels of your mind can open up and you can remember everything to show you this let's go back to your childhood go back now to your childhood be there now what do you see what's happening okay I could remember my dad playing with me in my room and we were playing peekaboo and my mom was watching and I felt overwhelming love and gratitude it was almost as if I was in the room with them and I could feel their joy so much that I was hit with an intense wave of emotion what else are you aware of do you have a sense of what he's stressed about how do you know he's worried so I want you to do is to just allow yourself to receive all that joy your parents love of their happiness just take it all in and at any time in your life you want to return and you want to feel that joy again connect with that memory it's right there for you and then I want to invite you to just float above that scene just letting it go and now see if you can go back further in time and now see yourself coming to a bridge and on the other side of the bridge is a time before now a time when you were here before step onto the bridge and begin walking across cross over to the other side and be there now become aware what do you see see if you can look down at your feet can you see your feet and the sound your own boots what color are your boots oh that come to you try to stay open to it see if you can notice your hands can you see your hands okay so you've big male hands do you have a sense of how old you are there's sand to see if you can look around and notice any vegetation what is the vegetation of this place what is the sense of this place where you are on the sand is there anyone else around how do you feel where are you aware of your feelings where are you walking to verges and what did you lose little crazy he I just remember happy providing everything they're all girls my life yeah and daughters go ahead and take a deep breath okay so I'm breaking the fourth wall right now or whatever people call it and I guess I already break the fourth wall cuz I talk to you guys directly all the time in my videos but you get what I mean I'm interrupting the video that I'm editing to tell you something important so as I mentioned the full session was more than an hour so you're only getting a very small glimpse into what was actually going on and I'm trying to just give you the highlights but I feel like I want to talk to you directly about what I was experiencing cuz a lot more sort of went down here first of all I want to give a major props to dr. Davina because she is awesome like she made me feel super comfortable and the whole time she was asking me extremely open-ended questions nothing was leading nothing was suggested so she was really allowing me to have my own experience so everything you see here was coming from me but there's a lot I'm still trying to unpack from this experience even editing it now like I still have a lot of questions about it and there's more research that I want to get into that I found through diving even deeper down a rabbit hole about this topic but before we dive into that I basically want to recap what happened and just give you a summary of the rest of the session so basically I had this spontaneous memory of being this guy who basically left his family in the south to find riches in the West this was during the gold rush era from what I understand and I basically went to go find wealth and to provide for my family but I also just like had this urgency to get rich I remember feeling like an urgency like I needed to get rich and I just wanted it so badly and then of course I remember having this family that I left and I was just I ended up going crazy like the end of my life was me just being confused and crazy and lost and I never sort of got what I was looking for and it was really intense emotionally like I was feeling these emotions and I honestly don't know where these images or memories were coming from they were just showing up and it's not like it was super vivid but it was that dream state that I was talking about and I would just get these images coming in and then it was like this overwhelming feeling that I was having so it was a really strange sort of experience overall so then dr. Davina guided me back into that sacred garden place that we started out and basically there is where I met this spirit guy that was like this old lady like very figure but she was really beautiful and very happy and playful and feminine and my spirit guide basically helped me work through the lessons I was meant to learn during the past life regression and this actually got so intense and I'm so sad that the video ended up dying during this part but I'm gonna play a quick audio clip for you so you can get an idea of like what was going on yeah let's put it this way I was in a completely different state and it's like the messages and the lessons were just coming to me and I had this image of the spirit guide and we were conversing and she was very excited for me she was very excited for me to learn these lessons and none of it was bad none of it was negative all of it was learning and in something positive another thing that happened during the session is I ended up getting this same feeling I get when I do breath work where I get super tense and Pinkley everywhere and my body would felt like it was holding on to a ton of energy and then it just all released and it was just so trippy overall the whole thing and at the end dr. Davina basically guided me out and I still felt like kind of shook but not in a bad way just in a way that was like okay I definitely moved through something here and then we talked about the process and we talked about sort of the connection between that early childhood memory I had and in the past life memory because dr. Davina said that that's very typical that those memories that come up and the regression are connected and they very much work for me all I can say is that it was a very therapeutic process and I got a lot out of it and I gained a lot of insight into my life right now through this past life regression that I had okay so I want to get back into the video because there's actually some really interesting research I found that may give us some clue or some insight as to whether or not past life regression or past lives are actually real or not although the concept of reincarnation has been around for thousands of years the process of past life regression was not publicly known until the latter half of the 20th century in the 20s and 30s a famous psychic named Edgar Cayce claimed to channel people's past life information even within LSD research in the 50s and 60s participants would often report accessing prenatal and past life experiences in 1956 a book was published called the search for Bridey Murphy which became an international bestseller of the time this book was about a woman named Virginia Tye who started recounting detailed memories of a past life during a hypnosis session she spoke of detailed accounts of her life as an Irish woman named Bridey Murphy who lives nearly two centuries earlier she even sang Irish songs told Irish stories and danced the Irish jig at first the search for Bridey Murphy astonished the press and the public but since its publication subsequent investigations disproved the claims in the book and found that Virginia tie was simply experi insane fabrications of memories from her childhood through something called Krypton Eva Krypton eva is basically when someone believes they're having an original thought but it's actually just the resurgence of past memories which begs the question could Crypt amnesia be what's happening in all past life regressions a few times during my past life regression I was questioning whether or not my imagination was just making the whole thing up and I still wonder about that but what I cannot deny is that the emotions I experienced were extremely real it's hard to imagine making up legitimate emotion and feelings that people are having as they're going through the process of progression I've had people start coughing uncontrollably and it's because they are remembering being in a house fire when a house is being burned down people will have pains that they don't understand where their pains are coming from or what's causing it or illnesses and they'll go to their doctor and there will be absolutely no reason no medical reason that they're having these pains or issues and then they'll sit down we'll do a past life regression and they'll identify where the pain came from in a past life and the pain goes away because it's kind of like they can name it and dissolve it you know one woman was was sent by a physician and she was struggling with all kinds of indigestion things and pain in her side they were like we can't find anything we don't we have no idea what's going on and so she came in for a session and we did this this past life regression and she remembered being 13 years old and being in a Nazi concentration camp and she was being operated on around her ovaries without any anesthesia I mean and she was crying and she was in grief and once she had that memory she was able to release the pain and it went away and it blew my mind when people go back and they identify the origin of their fear it tends to shift it although mainstream science rejects the concept of past lives because of cases like Virginia ties there are researchers who have been studying past lives for decades dr. and Stephenson the founder of a research department at the University of Virginia that focuses on studying past lives began researching young children who report vivid memories of past lives some of these findings are really compelling especially the ones coming from children as young as two years old who are having these memories that are so vivid and match up exactly with actual historical evidence it's true that we now have thousands of anecdotal accounts of past life memories between the research of folks like dr. Weiss and dr. Stevenson but any actual science on this topic is pretty non-existent spiritual concepts are very challenging and controversial in western psychology I would love to see more research on this there are barely any scientific studies published about past life regression but I did find one it was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that found that hypnotically induced past life regressions seem to be mere fantasies made up by the participants based on suggestions given in the study this was one of the only scientific papers I could find on past life regression and it was pretty convincing to discount past life regression hypnosis because what they saw was that oftentimes the participants were just sort of making things up in the imagination based on suggested information the experience I had I feel like was entirely created from within my own subconscious whether or not it was an actual past life regression I'm still not sure to be honest I'm still really perplexed by the entire experience and I still have so many questions about it even if my imagination was making up the details of my alleged past life I still feel like the process was highly valuable because it actually helped me work through some of the blockages I feel like I'm facing in this lifetime even though I'm still questioning and I'm not fully convinced I really want to do this again because I feel like I was limiting myself with my analytical mind my logical mind over analyzing everything in the background and knowing now what to expect I feel like I could let go even more in the next time that I do this to potentially have an even deeper experience we're here for our souls unfoldment you know we're here to grow we're here to love we're here to learn and with every lifetime with every incarnation we get to experience life and choices of connection and love and and grief and disappointment and all of those things and it's an opportunity to make choices we do have free will we do have choice how will we respond in every situation will we respond with fear or will we respond with love and compassion for ourselves and others so I think the main question a lot of people are probably wondering is our past life regressions real our past lives real and I honestly don't know at the beginning of this video I had no idea and at the end of this entire experience and diving into all of this research I still have no idea if you are super curious about this as I was and you're interested in trying out a past life regression for yourself to see what happens dr. Davina is gifting the vibe tribe with a special offer for a virtual past life regression so I've linked her info down below so you can sign up if you do end up doing a session please let me know how it goes I'm genuinely so curious to see how other people respond to this so shoot Museum comment below and let me know what you think and that is it for this episode of Skye life I want to thank you so much for watching and remind you that you have the power to thrive you have the power to live your best life ever we'll see you next week bye why waste your time working 9:00 to 5:00 it was too old baby it would fly into the sky did you cuz my son [Music]
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Views: 519,695
Rating: 4.9205728 out of 5
Keywords: past life regression, past lives, past life regression hypnosis, past life regression therapy, reincarnation, history of reincarnation, dr brian weiss, dr brian l weiss, hypnosis, brian weiss past lives, hypnosis for past life regression, past life research, hypnotherapy, metaphysical, spirituality, spiritual, mind body soul, soul, consciousness, many lives many masters, brian weiss, past life, regression, sky buzzfeed, buzzfeed, hypnotic, psychology, therapy, theta brainwaves, phobias
Id: f3I9vKK_JU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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