I tried MOBILE Minecraft while CHEATING with keyboard and mouse...

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today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be playing wait what is this java edition what keyboard compatible okay wait that's actually kind of creepy why does it say that i didn't make it say that why did minecraft know that this video had to do with okay this is weird regardless guys in today's video we ain't gonna be playing minecraft java edition okay i mean that's what we do for every video today guys we're gonna be playing mobile minecraft let's just wait a second i mean this is cool and all but there has to be a better way oh wait what this is what i'm talking about guys we are playing mobile minecraft on the computer i know my big brain exploded guys i've never played this before and as you can see i have my little skin look at this with a golden mine concave this is so sick before i get into this video guys if you're excited smash the like button because i've never done this if we can maybe demolish 30 000 likes in the first day guys i'll maybe do more minecraft pocket edition or more videos where i cheat or i don't i don't really know just leave a like for more cool videos like this okay but of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because only about 69 of people watching right now are actually going to subscribe so subscribe because at 2 million subscribers guys we're going to go bulk or well i'm going to go bald not you but yeah i'm going to look like an egg so subscribe to see that and with that said ladies and gentlemen let's do this i'm going to be using a keyboard oh god it's so white it's so bright as well as a mouse while basically we're gonna be going against people on like phones and stuff i don't know how that's fair however one thing i want to show you guys is if i go to profile and check this out i have my normal minecraft skin right i look pretty cool i do be vibing though but then check this guy out this is so sick i made myself like me you know see look look at the guy and then look at me and then i look at the guy and they look at me again that's that come on i literally look like this except you know i have a real human arm should i chop off my arm irl and also maybe my leg and there you go actually become irrobionic wait what oh my god i should become a hot dog cyborg okay whatever we're not here to look at the cool features that minecraft pocket edition has the goal is to uh okay no i don't have any friends that sounded so bad it's true though i don't have any friends on here but if we go to servers this is how you join minecraft server there's only like wait there's only a couple i don't know really how minecraft servers work oh my god cubecraft 20 000 players wait how much does this river have a thousand a thousand two hundred nine plex has eight thousand okay wait qrap seems to be like the biggest ever so i'm just gonna join cubecraft for now oh my god dude i'm so excited right now we're in ladies and gentlemen we are oh my god wait am i taller than the what look i'm literally taller than this steve just by like a little bit it seems okay maybe i'm just an idiot wait what did i just blink in this game guys i swear i just blinked i'm not done wait what he just did it again oh my god whatever it doesn't matter holy crap guys is it just me or does this game look so like i was about to say it looks like a console game well yeah no dawg literally all the minecraft people you see around me guys are on either mobile or controller very rarely do you see someone also on pc because there's java edition why would you play pocket edition when you have okay whatever okay so guys basically which game do we want to cheat at oh is this survival games bro i feel like that's it okay guys i just joined wait everything is invisible what's going on is this it okay wait there you go we're in the game oh my god dude i'm so excited bro i look so awesome i am so excited bro i'm the coolest minecraft player like looking ever all right all you mobile scrubs wait i just realized my face cam's in the way of my heart okay hold on the game's about to start though i don't have time to change it i forgot this is mobile minecraft gamers okay go go go loot up loot up oh oh oh oh oh i can click so much faster than the average person okay this steve is just dead go go go go go go dude we can steal luke from people's chests so easily and oh my god there you go bro the inventory is so weird wait how does this look oh my god this is so different i just realized to a lot of viewers this is how the normal minecraft inventory looks like but to people like me who play on the like java edition minecraft basically regular pc version it's so weird okay hold on let's quickly put on all our gear there you go let's get this stone sword in our first slot i assume that's how it goes i have a golden apple as well oh my god hey hold on this is really scuffed i'm just gonna uh okay bye bye facecam border okay i'm all the way down here now hello okay there you go i feel like this is a better position for the face cam so now guys let's do this oh hold on there's someone here there's someone here oh and just come here you stupid mobile player get rekt oh my god he has no idea what he's doing dude he just got demolished and we just got a full set of armor hold on make sure oh we just got a chest wait i already had a chest protection two all dude we're so stacked guys we just wrecked that freaking mobile player let's go i feel so bad bro this is gonna be booing oh wait there's someone else right here okay okay i'm gonna act like a mobile player hello yes i can't move it what what was that lag no way no way no way no way hold on if i eat this golden apple dude i hit him once let's go let's go let's go wait what this guy's what the heck was that was that guy hacking oh my god i think that guy was actually hacking i'm not entirely sure it looked like it though right who's moving so fast around me was crazy or maybe not maybe they have aim assist or something i have no idea right but all i know is i got a way better chess play and a way better helmet there you go we are now upgraded you also have a flynn steel and a bunch of food okay we're doing good guys and we have a health potion which oh my god i just realized guys top right is where our food is i totally forgot we should be eating right now my hp wasn't going up man oh my god i'm so bad at freaking mobile minecraft i can't even click dude this is so weird guys i'm sorry if i'm a little bit of a noob wait there's another guy right there oh you freaking mobile minecrafter yeet get wrecked get wrecked yeah you don't even know what to do oh he's running for his life he's running for his life i feel so bad we gotta kill him wait we gotta eat more our hp is down i keep forgetting guys oh my god come on come on come on come on you can't run for me you freaking mobile player for i am on pc oh we killed him he thought he could stop psych guys i feel so bad i feel like this video is gonna be like literally just 20 minutes of my of bionic just bullying mobile players this is so mean oh my god but this is so much fun at the same time i feel like i have super powers bro i'm not even kidding and hold on dude i wasn't even using our sharpness one iron sword wait we're full iron as well oh my god we're so gonna win our literal first game guys i'm not even warmed up that's so cool though how the graves are like the loot that is so weird man honestly it's pretty easy to like learn everything and oh there's another guy there okay we're full hunger or full hp dude i'm just so weirded out by like where the hunger is and stuff because it's mobile but come on man oh god he's fighting back he's trying to fight back you cannot fight back the pc is too strong oh my god dude i feel so bad oh we got a power to bow is that better than uh what do we have already oh wait we already had a power tube oh we also got a diamond dude diamonds oh my goodness okay wait is it just or is our inventory also a lot smaller like what but i'm honestly just going to throw a bunch of this random armor down in here because i don't really need it i actually i'll held on to the sticks i'll hold on to this other things i don't even know what i'm saying okay we're good we got 37 arrows guys we also have a flint and steel oh my god we should try and kill the last mobile player with a freaking plane steal that would be so funny okay let's make sure to eat i i'm looking at my top right don't worry eat bunk there you go we're full hp someone just suffocated oh i see another person over there oh dude they look stacked hold on maybe we can put a flain steel on them oh god okay hello sir okay okay let's fight let's fight let's fight let's fight let's fight oh my god this guy's actually pretty good wait never mind oh my god we just strafed him we won wait what that was so easy oh my god dude let's go again guys this is insane we gotta try out some more game modes so make sure to stick to the end of this video we look at this elf guy what the balls i thought i looked cool look at that okay i mean i i think i still look a lot cooler i'm literally like me irl in minecraft this is so sick dude okay oh my god we're in a candy land bro this freaking minecraft version is so fire i'm not even kidding all right let's do this let's do this we can click we can out loot everyone because they're on mobile and stuff so yes let's get the sword oh my god dude this is literally free stuff let's get into this chest joint chest plate chest plate boots dude i literally got everything not even joking guys oh my god we got everything hold on we could probably kill a lot of people if we wait is pvp enabled oh it is let's kill this kid there you go i got him i got him i got oh he stood no chance it's actually going to loot him really quickly get all this stuff and you got iron pants let's kill oh my god this guy right here this guy this guy let's get this guy boom boom boom boom boom boom boom he's gonna die let's get this guy right here there we go i killed him from fall damage oh my god i'm so low on hp but maybe we can hit him come on yes dude we got three kills we're on three kills already oh my god protection two chainmail uh chest plate which is way better than what we had already oh wait where do you have iron leggings wait iron boots protection too though and a helmet oh my god and a better bow hold on let's get this better bow in our inventory let's get oh my god we have tnt and xp okay let's splash out the xp there's still someone right there hold on can we get back up there oh there's someone right here why are you coming to me mobile player i am pc master well why do i run like that that's so weird oh my god there's someone else over there hold up wait screw that guy hey man hello he has a diamond helmet oh my god hello mr finn bob mid-99 oh he's definitely on console dude he turned so slow guys i'm too fast as a pc player you can't compete man come on come on come on oh he's so dead thank you for giving me this helmet what oh my god dude i got so scared okay we're fine on hp though i kind of got scared guys let's get this helmet there you go iron sword oh my god this is so nuts there you go dude the cool thing i just realized guys is you don't even need to really like you can just click on an armor and it'll replace to whatever you have already that's so fire i let that one person live dang it dude guys honestly i'm having so much fun like if you want this to be like a series on the channel oh wait i just saw someone's name there's a chest here though we already have iron leggings wait what do i even yeah why am i still looting for hello mister hello mobile player i'm just gonna go ahead and yeah you're dead dude we're too strong man diamond axe hold on what's stronger diamond sword or okay no the iron sword sharp one is better than the diamond axe i just realized we can't really oh wait we can craft okay wait what if we do like that can we combine them okay no we cannot combine flynn steals i see a name there though hold on i haven't been eating i'm such a bot well that guy is stacked bro hold on okay let's get all our health back there you go hp bro we're gonna freaking wreck this mobile player he has no idea i'm right behind him unless he does and he's oh look at him he's so newbie oh my god i'm shifting i'm shifting and hello there you go yes you can't run from me now bro oh dude i feel like i'm bullying these kids man i'm too good on the pc why are you running hold on let me just quickly bought him oh is he not dead yet bro what i hate him twice with the bow how is he not dead he has to eventually eat right come on guys we need his blue we need his oh he just we just died to fall damage okay let's make sure no one's gonna sneak up around us i'm really scared there's some loot right there i see but hold up let's get the helmet everything boom chest plate there you go equipped and then element also oh wait no no no we just do not want to quit the helmet wait am i literally dude i'm full iron i am literally set oh my god we have so much good stuff guys hold on let's move this like this there you go i cannot believe we're doing so good man i honestly knew like a diamond sword what oh my god and i see the other person do we want we won guys leave a like if you think we're gonna win right now oh god it's the other person right there hello sir oh god i'm noob i'm new i'm gonna act like a noob i'm gonna go and eat or maybe not are you gonna bow me i don't want to show him that i have a diamond sword hello yes i am mobile noob i don't know how to play yep look look hold on i'm gonna be turned around and leave you turn around he's gonna try and sneak up wait wait or he's not he's running away he's scared of me okay bet wait i'm gonna go kill him oh my god dude i strafed him so hard he didn't land a hit on me at all oh wait no he's so dead come on come on come on come on i think i see the other person's name over there oh my god the other person to the left he's gonna loop around no don't you dare loop around you nerd let me kill you please yes yes come on no how is he still alive oh my god the other person's right there dude he's running away he's like screw that i don't want that smoke i don't want no smoke bionic come on come on come on come on oh we killed him did he have anything good okay he had another diamond bro we're gonna still win this it's it's only me and the other guy left let's go and eat that guy literally stood no chance versus us because we're literally playing on key oh wait why did i think lifting up my hand was gonna show my keyboard well you saw the mouse okay let's go ahead and just freaking click as fast as i can and we won again ladies and gentlemen this is too overpowered guys i honestly feel so bad here let's go back to the lobby i love how server works oh my god it almost just makes me want to make another server except for like pocket edition guys that would be so sick i mean i don't know if anyone would play it though on pocket edition but like i'm already learning how to play on pocket edition and it's so easy i mean maybe because i have a computer right like pocket edition on the computer is really easy but i don't know i feel like everyone can oh wait there's skywars right here okay let's definitely do this but yeah guys honestly i feel like i can really do more content on this okay we have skywars solo we have teams of two who yo let's do solo i honestly need to try it out on the mobile like actual play mobile minecraft um not just cheat and play on the keyboard and mouse okay yeah let's do this i think the best thing we could do wait did i not get a kid oh my god i didn't choose a kid i'm an idiot we got armor though let's go okay i think the best thing we could do guys is honestly i'm trying to speed bridge but like it's kind of not working okay we're at mid first yeah guys we just gotta get all the loot at mid oh there's some stuff here oh my god yes golden apple and more blocks let's get the arrows okay let's go let's go let's go go go go go go i don't really know how to bridge i really hope i don't fall off okay go go go go go let's go dude we're at mid first oh my god let's get all this good stuff iron sword as well we don't really need it though because we have sharpness one diamond or a stone what's wrong with me okay let's put on these boots oh my god that person over there has diamonds we got an iron chest plate which i think i already have yeah i already have which is good okay another chest right here nothing dude come on we have a bow we don't even have a bow dang it there any more chests we can loot not really oh my god this guy's right there hold up hold up roll an apple golden apple okay we just ate a golden apple oh my god we just gave him the strafe oh my god we're wrecking him come on come on come on let's get him let's get him let's get him let's get him let's get him wait what okay hold on i'm gonna run away a little bit i'm gonna eat this golden apple why is this guy coming after me dude what is this oh my god they're both teaming on me they're both teaming on me dude i'm gonna go and just place a bunch of blocks okay let's get let's sneak up let's sneak up let's sneak up come on come on this is an epic fight we should win this we should win this we need to win this oh he's gonna die he's gonna die he's gonna die he's gonna die yes oh my god we just killed him we killed all of them let's go now we're healing let's get this diamond helmet sharpness two stone sword no wonder he did so much damage oh my god thank god we didn't die gamers and a bow oh my god let's go let's throw off this helmet we don't really need it let's get this bow let's go okay there's someone coming right here let's bomb one time oh we missed this guy could be a pc player oh no no he's not he's definitely not oh my god wait did we just win dude there's just only one more guy there's only one more guy left guys look at the bottom right players 2 out of 12. we can win this we can win this let's go bro we're freaking a mobile pro don't know where the other last guy is though come on man maybe if i hit shot show yourself howard does it even oh my god it actually shows i don't know why my name has numbers but i mean i i made it bionic but i guess it just added the numbers oh wait there he is he's over there he has a shield what we diagonally bridge this way he won't see us he doesn't know where we're coming from oh my god this is gonna be perfect guys we're gonna win this man i'm gonna do this for the cyborg army right now watching i'm gonna do this for you all right watch this he's sitting up trapped he's running away he has probably some traps set up oh he does yoink didn't work on me i ain't slow oh my god he fell through his own trap no way oh my god we are a beast subscribe to make me bold not only irl but in game because i have a man button in my minecraft character i'm sorry for all the mobile guys i killed with the keyboard and mouse i would love to say that no mobile players were harmed in this video but that would be a lie hopefully you guys enjoyed today's video on mobile minecraft for minecraft bedrock minecraft pe there's so many names i don't know what to call it if you guys want to see another video like this then just make sure to leave a like subscribe if you guys are new i'll see you guys in the next video peace gamers
Channel: Bionic
Views: 4,027,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I tried MOBILE Minecraft while CHEATING with keyboard and mouse, mobile minecraft, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft bedrock, cheating in minecraft, minecraft cheating, cheating with keyboard and mouse, i tried cheating in minecraft, bionic
Id: MGCqcb0Am94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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