I Tried Making Pancake Art

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i also have a playlist stream it now hey everybody if you're new to my channel my name is chris clements or if you're only clementines welcome back to the dysfunction that is my channel i feel like a drn headlights because i am a drn headlights because this is the first video in the kitchen so no it's still my show though thank you if you are a long time viewer on this channel you know where am i going with this i didn't even think about how i'm gonna explain this i have made plenty of weird quirky unusual things in the kitchen i've made giant pancakes i have made other stuff i can't remember but i'm gonna continue confidently with this list today i figured what could we really do to break in the kitchen as a nice celebration of the kitchen losing its youtube virginity you know should we audition it for the bachelor i've seen so many videos whether they're on instagram or youtube or stuff where people obviously make cartoons out of pancakes or like they draw with pancakes so what am i doing yeah i'm going to try and do that jesus christ it's the [ __ ] title we've all read it chris you would think i have not graduated college let alone like kindergarten yeah i'm just gonna get into it but before we get into the videos a lot of you guys know i dedicate my videos to different organizations causes or small businesses or really anything at this point that needs our attention guess what today's no different if you've been able to see my hands i have been uh shredding it up and by shredding it up i literally mean i have open wounds on my hand i don't know this bandage right here is actually not a band-aid it is from a company called groundages i know this seems really random but i never thought about the fact that when people who don't have the same skin tone as me come over to my house and they did get a boo-boo i just handed them a [ __ ] caucasian band-aid the [ __ ] is that i never even thought about that so a few months ago i bought a bunch of these to have them on deck and honestly it's gorgeous like it's stunning and dare i say it's more comfortable and luxurious feeling than a bamboo i just wanted to shout out this company because i think it is such an amazing concept they have four different shades in each of these i don't know i thought these were like chic as [ __ ] and you know we should be supporting black business baby i'm gonna leave a link down below for bondages i like i said we'll probably never order a band-aid again lastly really quick register to vote and if you're voting by mail make sure you select that you're voting by mail and make sure you mail out your ballot by october 19th voter suppression is real it's happening if you don't know what it is i'm not gonna sit here and tell you what it is look it up and read about this i have pancakes to draw baby [Music] without further ado shoddycall911 because i'm probably gonna burn the house down doing this so get ready so yeah okay so a lot of you guys probably already saw me make pancakes on this channel it's the same recipe i know this might be crazy i prepared today i have a bunch of colors and i have four different things i'm gonna try and make via pancake batter what a sentence i will say i did try and make a black slash dark brown by mixing all of the colors together because no store in my area has black food coloring and it really just looks like diarrhea so i'm giving that preface right off the bat oh my god it's been so long since i've done like a kitchen video i'm like what do i do these are vegan pancakes the recipe is from tasty if you type in fluffy vegan pancakes it's the first thing on google so we have this really sexy new viking stove in this kitchen and it literally yeah we all know where i'm going with this all right so i'm putting this on a low as low as it can go because burning the pancakes is something i'm incredibly stressed about i'm dedicating this first one to just our gorgeously sexy president who uh we need to vote out once again please vote for biden thank you so i'm gonna start off with a clown emoji feels fitting i may have planned all of these colors but i did not plan a process i really couldn't have thought this through less i cannot emphasize that enough i guess i'm going to start with the eyes that is the most repulsive color why are they all doing that stop they're all like literally squirting here we go we're off to the races we're going to start with this black color for the eyes oh [ __ ] now what we're going to do is we're going to make the circle shape oh my god that's not a circle should we just stop the video we're going to do the lips this is going to be such a brutal video okay okay i actually oh that's like a [ __ ] emoji mouth here we go okay all right we're gonna do the nose oh my god oh my god i'm flying so low i'm flying so low oh my god oh my god we are oh now we just fill oh no the red hair oh my god that doesn't look like anything [ __ ] i need to put white in the mouth this is maybe the most stressful thing i've literally ever no that's just simply untrue the back doesn't have to look good it just needs to be done what's gonna happen i don't know i wanna see what this looks like i don't think that this is gonna go well but honestly neither has trump's entire presidency so it would be a very fitting end to this clown oh it's just like not there yet i see the hair ripping both trump and this clown have hair that's ripping off that's the correlations are really there and i didn't even try all right we're just gonna do it [Music] low-key the scariest thing i've ever seen y'all hire me for your next birthday party or something or don't actually i don't want to go and dare i see the black actually like pull through where am i cloud9 i cannot believe that this literally works finding new hobbies every day it does look insane i know but like oh my god i really don't say this is like the dollar tree mickey mouse pancake this clown has had a sad life now you're going in my belly anyways i'm talking to a pancake so not a good sign ready for my next act i am going to do something that i feel like a lot of you guys probably want me to do a marijuana leaf who's already thinking this isn't going to turn out right i'm going to put more vegan butter on this griddle is hot it's not even a griddle chris stop playing yourself i'm going to start outlining it in the shade that i'm going to call i shouldn't have had dairy queen last night oh my god oh my gosh this is like literally not on the thing so the flame is just burning my hand isn't this thrilling watching a grown adult spend their day like this all right now we have to do the whole stem um yeah this wait i'm not going to rule this one off totally yet all right we're filling in the weed leaf i'm very curious to see how this is going to turn out and if i'm going to be able to flip it make a circle around it so it's flippable okay apparently i don't know how to make a circle oh i might have just ruined it by doing this are we having fun are we having a blast this might be clogged oh my god that just like literally [ __ ] out a piece of dough waiting for this to cook so i can flip it this is crazy i've always been like i would never do that and here i am today with five times the batter amount and so many beautiful colors yeah this just straight up looks like a bag of mustard if anybody's wanted to try this and you're still quarantining why the [ __ ] not this is like kind of fun and by kind of fun i mean the two hours i spent making all of this batter not fun but like this part definitely not one of the worst ways i've spent my time in the last five months so there's that review that concluded nothing all right i'm just gonna go for it [ __ ] she's a heavy she's a heavy one aren't we all i'm gonna turn it to medium high really quick so we can spark up this bud once again so tired inside thank you all right here we go we're just gonna do it one two three oh i mean like listen is it amazing no but for an amateur of my status yeah it looks like a moldy snowflake okay oh my god i finally have a new nickname for tomi lahren incredible at least this video was productive in some capacity what a [ __ ] treat and then after this i'm gonna smoke the real thing we're gonna take this bad [ __ ] off the stove like okay yeah the more i look at it not great i really should have outlined it with the dairy queen i should have eaten last night but it's just it is what it is well just thinking about how much i've lowered the bar for myself this next one i'm very excited for this because i am replicating the middle kid no f to give t-shirt which is for sale link in my description follow the instagram middle kid supply oh i just literally ate i don't know why i'm like it was if i've never done that before i'm like oh butter oh this is gonna be fun because i didn't have another container so i'm gonna be doing one of those five minute crafts hacks and cut the corner yeah it's gonna be a nightmare oh my god this is gonna be lit this is gonna be lit what is next blue oh my god oh my god oh my god okay oh my god okay okay okay okay okay now ladies yeah this is just not gonna go well oh [ __ ] i need the little price tag i'm just gonna use yellow finally i'm taking the purple this is the purple yeah it's not like a direct match whatever i don't [ __ ] care oh my god oh oh i just realized i did it backwards no oh my god i realized that i'm going to flip this and it's all going to be backwards oh i have nothing to say because i am truly truly i mean sweating just my [ __ ] sweating two well if we've learned anything today kids it's just one don't make lists of things you're counting into don't try what [ __ ] we all got gas except my car because it's electric anyways here i go drinking more caffeine gotta keep an eye out for spatular did not work i was gonna say as well as i thought but it didn't work at all this like looks so lumpy look at this it's so ugly oh honey oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh oh it's i would care but i truly have not a single f to give see what i did there okay for real though if i had gotten this right this would be so sick this sucks i'm so mad about this not only is it backwards it also fell apart which now that i'm thinking about really i connect with all right i'm gonna make a final one that i thought of while making the no f's to give one fried egg but it's a pancake as we can tell it takes little to nothing to blow my mind these days all right let's get the yellow ball sock back yeah it really just gives big ball sock energy oh what was that you want some ziploc ball sack got it all right we have the yolk and then we have [Music] the other part what is that called oh my god this is [ __ ] adorable this is like the cutest [ __ ] i've ever seen just realize that i'm staring at a pancake three inches from it it's the [ __ ] cutest pancake i've ever seen oh my god i want to make bacon oh my god i'm gonna make bacon i'm so excited for my little breakfast of breakfast chris stop you do not need a reason to sweat more i really can't tell if this is done chris low stress first you know what to quote tana mojo and erica costa we don't [ __ ] care listen oh the ignorance is in the air oh my god i don't know why that was my literal first reaction oh my god okay oh look at this in need of mental attention i am so excited about this like are you kidding me anyways forgot i was filming i don't know what else to say i'm just genuinely shut the pistor like are you kidding me right now hi i am christopher davinci no i'm not branding this video on a high note and we're literally going to end it on the high note because i'm about to go get the high note yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for coming along on this adventure of something i've literally never done before this was really fun if you want another video like this leave a comment down below of things i should turn into pancakes please make them realistic yeah i don't know what else to say just have a well-balanced breakfast to get to so i will catch you guys later worst way i've ended the video thank you
Channel: undefined
Views: 286,615
Rating: 4.9554996 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Klemens, chrisklemens, klemens, klementines, chris clemens, chrisclemens, Chris klemens interview, interview, asking strangers, chris klemens vlogs, man on the street, I Tried Making Pancake Art, Chris Klemens pancakes
Id: _9cAkUoC5s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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