I tried Controller for 7 Days — Is Aim Assist broken?

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as a mouse and keyboard player i've never used controller before my entire life but i wanted to see what it was like abusing i mean using that sweet sweet aim assist scared i went on a seven day control only challenge i brought up my good friend boomeransel to help coach me through this journey and uh yeah his controller really that brain dead op our mouse and keyboard player just overreacted damage as well we're here to find out and here's how it went yes candy room my one o'clock i'm your first client nice how do i go into my lesson for controlling jesus christ trust no one all right so open your settings wait wait i need to learn how to do that first so let me see so hold the right button the right one got it wow that's so janky and then you're gonna wanna go to controller settings can you like quote me on this in your video i have a hundred levels equivalent of controller experience so like i'm hardly an authority on this you know i don't want to see you two comments but like oh boom razzle is such a bot on the roller like okay i'm still learning i'm just like right i'm like 30 hours ahead of you so anyway so a lot of people argue on sensitivities all you all you need to know is complexity reptar is 4-3 okay classic should we do 1v1 the good news is this seems like we're in a bot lobby it should be probably 58 other content creators who are all trying controller today everybody everybody will be just as confused as you i don't think anyone will ever be as confused as me [Music] why is she looking at me take out the three one yeah i pull down too hard not too much really like just barely from the middle of your denso wow oh it's very slight the recoil control all right let's go uh let's get getting some action nice your first bite get in there get in there i'm how much um hold on what do you what do you mean how much did you hit her for what i'm saying uh just give me a second 14 damage get in here stop telling me to get in there i'm scared just one question i didn't know what i was did you feel it i i definitely felt something i was like wait a second how does it feel playing a game that you're literally have thousands of hours in and you're playing it like a toddler um does it feel weird yeah okay he's around here somewhere [Music] stop struggling ah damn i hit him i i did get hit in how do i hold up my shield damn it [Music] well it makes you feel better or worse i mean it's the same as always no that came out wrong it's always like this playing with you god we've been kissing let me just put it this way i've been holding back and nobody has accused you of smurfing all right what's the play oh i'm just kind of trading a sniper fire with this guy no stop wait oh i meant to go to my inventory but i pulled the menu and i meant to back out of that but i ended up hitting enter you are without a doubt the worst student i've ever had you said they were pretty bad okay you got it oh man um i'm bubbling you i'm bubbling you said they were terrible look at them god dude it's like i've resetted like my brain this is so hard does anybody know how to learn controller fast dude dude honestly honestly if you don't play like right on your man account like i won't blame you like i can i can kind of pass it out no when i took you on as a pupil i knew that it would get rocky did you know did you think you'd get this rocky i don't don't answer that i'm kind of excited this is day two go away i'm holding the door i'm on the door uh okay i was going to grenade how do i stop grenading how do i stop grenading how do i stop grenading oh my god oh my god ah dude i couldn't get out of my grenade dude you hit triangle hit triangle hold up try it yeah got it okay okay the thing about most people learning controller is they've like maybe played it a couple years ago and it's been a while for for you like you've never done this before never done this ever that's why i'm here to make sure if things get too intense we'll get you out of there i'm in like uh one of those uh shark like the shark cages you know yeah pull on your rope twice if you want me to get you out the rope comes up and it's like frayed edges exactly i feel like one strong pull and it goes it's literally slapping no no the signal was two pulls i'm like screaming you see a bunch of bubbles come up dude i miss touching my keyboard dude don't don't we are we're going to have two mantras the first mantra is complexity reptar pro apex legend player plays on 4-3 classic no dead zone okay our second mantra yeah no keyboard and mouse keyboard and mouse is for cheating script kitties okay and people who want to aim with their whole arm okay believe in the sticks if you want to be a controller player you have to start talking like a controller player okay uh ice in my veins let's go let's do peep those shots shin's northward chin's what do you have to say about mouse and keyboard uh um uh they can move while they loot they can move while they lose a bunch of move loot cheaters you know that wasn't meant to be in the game right everybody was supposed to be standing still right cheating right it's cheating it's an exploit good good again you're like profusely sweating your hair is like out of its bun good good two two hits two hits cracked them okay missed okay missed you're you're just shooting feel the amoses okay okay [Music] i'm not feeling anything you lost it oh damn it's if you would have hit her through the smoke your aim assist is turned off for a second i thought you were the chosen one there's a prophecy a keyboard and mouse reborn controller player will be able to get amos this through windows through smoke aim assist that people didn't think was possible i guess the prophecy was wrong okay i mean i'm hitting them a little bit oh i'm doing it boom i'm going to go left to fight these guys there's a big battle right here oh big battle yeah oh no up here oh this one oh here's one wait wait wait i got this okay got one come on candy come on you can do this wait wait wait i got it yes yes yes i'm the winner you're ready for once for pred ranked why are star people i mean i'm your only pupil you were the lowest rated coach your dojo was like in tatters you know like it's like clearly needs like more students find you nope can you get them no we've been held down master can i just this once please let me take out these chains you took an oath remember that let's play ranked oh well level 10. damn it damn i'm down candy it's all up to you no not yes i need you you have to let go it's you it's all you candy no no no yg throw me into reigns hey though we grinding though 233 rp this is day three i believe feels like month three yeah this is this is tough don't forget who the sensei is here i would never i would never question your leadership sensei now i haven't been telling you the whole truth about controller i had to know you were really ready really committed what do you mean sensei what more is it to learn then what is this you see our power is dwindling and to stay relevant we need sacrifice we've been sucking the aim out of these m k players and injecting it into ourselves that is where did you think aim assist came from out of the sky no comes from crackhead m k players i'm going up to our guy he's elusive but i think he's got the best positioning oh oh okay huh those aren't kind words dude you know what you know what i quit this team i don't agree with you guys i i don't think we're meant for each other i thought we had something and honestly i want a divorce can you can you grab my banner please please [Laughter] dude you do sound like the youtuber i know exactly who you are i think oh jesus you sound like him at least i don't know i don't even know what to do just keep just keep walking into the fence kill yourself no play it out i don't want to see more slurs that just do what he says okay or else he's gonna get us demonetized i think most people don't like themselves being that way but but like like like most people could be like reasoned with like he was kind of hoping to be met with like similar energy because he's probably like having a tough tweak or something you know like why like what like i don't know he's having such a tough week that he's playing apex legends at 12 noon eastern time on a weekday yeah because he got broken up with yo did you get um broken up with yes many times like like i meant like i meant like this today you know what i'll tell them hey listen i just i'm just gonna level with you bro i'm doing a one week controller challenge i'm on day three i'm gonna suck so just yell at me now no no just like start berating me now so like i don't have to like hear it later no it's all good i'm just used to having uh really [ __ ] teammates that don't talk and push you know how it is then why are you surprised because i'm so annoyed that's us that's me you did what you wanted i did because i thought i guess i'm the toxic teammate actually now dude dude dude see people don't that's what i'm saying like this isn't how he is with his mom this is his wife like he's happy that he like used harsh words like people people can like walk it back i'd be happy i'll be i'll hold some honest with you i do i really enjoy your uh i'm i'm glad thank you i don't post much anymore [Music] stop looking at me spectate him exclusively look at him i've exclusively spectated you oh jesus oh jesus oh no [ __ ] day four of controller don't know if i really improve past day one boom is not here because he's watching lgs yes that's right my sensei is not gonna be treating me today but it's okay oh this tracking oh we did it oh boom is proud of me adam [Music] okay i'm getting better aiming better [Music] okay armor swap perfect my accuracy is like a lot better i don't know i feel like i can finally control this stuff [Music] gosh dude [Music] nice i mean obviously the players weren't amazing they're pretty terrible but i do feel like i was able to like at least control my recoil and like track a little bit better that is a massive improvement holy cow you've surpassed me now proof that you've been practicing in off hours yes let me show you what i've learned in the dojo i challenged you to a duel you may think i was just an apprentice but now i am the master okay [Laughter] i got it mastered all right show me your room no sorry dude i don't i don't think you're doing bad that guy was just a dick but i i know i'm doing dude you made me foreign god i was doing so much better yesterday when you weren't here we land on crafting i'll make candy a car and a wingman and then go kill myself i would like for you to practice those weapons dude team liquid they have a controller player gilderson's every game they make him a wingman car oh my god got the wingman in the car right yeah i messed up very forgiving lowdown oh my god now he's beginning to believe wow oh he's one he's literally one hold on i got this i got this i got this [Music] that's pretty nasty someone's right next to us [Music] yeah you're right great work today um great a lot to work on which is good i'm going backwards this is day five and i feel like i'm going backwards no no you're going to feel that way moments of extreme growth and then flat like nothing is changing [Music] yeah she knows hey she knows apex yeah a little bit better today huh a little bit better today i honestly rests absolutely probably helped this whole control journey just reminds me so much of when i first started playing guitar when i was younger absolutely i would i would feel rusty like the first like first if i'm learning a new song i'll feel like super rusty not rusty just like struggling with like the finger positioning and all that stuff and then i'll go to sleep wake up and i'll i'll get it like maybe like twenty percent better or fifty percent better it was weird get inside get inside no no no no okay master no oh bastard you did it are you okay i'm fine i must leave you now wait i'm i'm not ready you get there yes you are you've been ready this whole time i got one [Music] up ahead up ahead all right got him we gotta go now we gotta go yeah let's go oh boy ready aim you got it one more yes [Music] dude this is this is working oh what you want to do by the way i mean today is the last day days of our lives i'm ranked geez we're close we're close to go we'll get there we're gonna get there bring it oh so you want us to get that that's the goal is to get the goal i don't think we'll be that hard it's interesting i feel like they four was the first day in this in this journey that i felt like significant improvement the four or five are roughly the same but day six and seven i also felt like another jump no you're definitely gonna get those like plateaus and then like rapid learning right here and he was the one i was aiming for wow jesus those were gold those were golds yes we're doing it ah a crater do you want to try that uh sure or it could possibly go [Music] jesus christ this guy's about to finish the game with your crater with my favorite i'm gonna let him uh take the heat a little bit hold up he's not dude this guy's literally i got you i got you needed there we go there we go did you get the killer to that guy i did i did i it was very close tierra tabate is that a bad word in some language i just did this racial slur someone oh you know you just swore you just swore let's go let's go over here maybe we can here honestly she panicked she's more scared of us than oh no all random he's getting pushed i'm quite sloppy but i did some damage save on random get away from our caustic we got it his fighting style is that of a venus fly trap caustic just his mouth is just completely you know the jaw is unhinged just waiting for a rape to walk in well this isn't great because yeah it's team of three i think we need to drop it now go with our caustic he's the key to all this oh he's that flesh i'm moving up there with you you got him okay great he's the key to all this huh yes i passed you mastered you're allowed to move on to the next level of razzle dough i grant you a d-minus d minus one kills i'm on a damage control is fun but oh my god it's not easy any closing thoughts any closing thoughts i got 420 rp wow uh plays it it just goes to show how much time it takes to really master any input like it's just so difficult like the amount of experience that you and i have on mouse and keyboard we've three thousand hours on apex it's really really hard this has been very productive i'm glad that i learned it i've progressed a lot farther than i thought i would have in a week with and i didn't like play controller 24 7. and i don't know it's like i'm good enough where i am seeing improvement to the point where i could see myself like picking this up again i think you did really good night and day compared to uh day one you would curb stomp day one candy yeah i would hope so i'll try mk now yeah
Channel: kandyrew
Views: 767,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, apex legends, mouse and keyboard, apex legends mouse and keyboard, apex legends controller, apex legends controller to mouse and keyboard, controller to mouse and keyboard, controller to keyboard and mouse, apex legends mouse and keyboard settings, apex, mouse vs controller, mouse and keyboard apex, keyboard and mouse apex legends, apex legends keyboard and mouse, controller, apex legends keyboard and mouse settings, controller to mouse and keyboard apex
Id: x8zRHZ_tUw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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