I took my duck to UFO Museum

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I just met you and this is crazy but you're an alien so best friends [Music] maybe wrinkle do you know where the alien museum is I can't find the alien museum anywhere I can't find it do you know where it is Ringle oh it's right there good job we found it wrinkle yeah thanks for helping me that is awesome that is [Music] outstanding yeah I feel you same that's [Music] awesome oh this is our chance very good you have a good one hey you [Music] too rink thank [Music] you be scared of aliens don't be scared of aliens come on you got it come on hi [Music] awesome you are beautiful we be able to get two tickets absolutely what's your [Music] wrink you excited she's a little nervous can I take a picture of course my gosh in 1947 there was an incident in Roswell it was a UFO incident a cute couple on vacation crashed their car a little bit outside of Roswell I'll tell you the next on these boys you know you put the Rings and then you slightly get smaller and then bigger good jewelry but also proper head support crinkle they got next like you you're very alien [Music] right you be looking at them they looked at you you looked at them and they looked at you and you looked at them and then what happened rinkle yeah they have very nice looking toes I know they really have nice looking toes wings [Music] Wings sippy sippy very good okay let's see more aliens let's learn about this [Music] incident I'm not sure what the things on the wall say this really does it form me radio now people think it was this big thing they cut it right out of the ground and brought in here forse it's only this big it's only this big is this a spaceship for ants like tiny tiny aliens you could eat them I honestly thought the aliens were bigger but they just they were increased in size over there to um show detail like the um cereal on the box and this guy's this guy's that guy o I want to talk to this guy this guy see him he's wearing a mask it's like an alien wearing an alien mask you want to learn about George Roberts no what about Thomas de boss let's learn about Thomas de boss I was a colonel stationed at for wor Army Airfield I served as chief of St I agree R I only think he knows that I'm leaving he's going to keep talking I feel bad this is like a website this is like a like I just walked into a [Music] website the head parachute it's a cranial parachute project Mogul was a codeen name for the top secret army air core balloon device this says nothing about the head parachute not even going to explain it [Music] these guys look mean compared to the first ones come on guys why the long face what are you all butt hurt about they look butt hurt aliens are also artists little would you know they get very creative that's right aliens love to do that they can't help themselves think it's uh Lilo and Stitch yeah Lilo and Stitch little man described by is what is he saw Lilo in sketch is that Lilo or [Music] stage you took her to V yeah I see the AL we [Music] saw thank you so [Music] much so you just met wrinkle yeah is there anything you'd like to say uh hi you a migratory just like us yep avoid the winter absolutely I'm going to figure out [Music] waybe fun you keep in Lucky I've never seen a $2 bill no and what does the $2 bill represent wow wrinkle bless you with good luck thank you wrink it's always good to have a little luck in your pocket yes definitely especially with some Big Dreams that was very kind of you thank you so much oh yeah sorry real quick um our kids have special meets and they would like to take [Music] picture thank you wrinkles [Music] people don't thinking about it very often if the Earth ever stood still just stopped moving you would fly off it with such momentum such an unbelievable speed you fly right off it do you have any idea how fast the Earth is moving wrinkle think about it did you think about it I don't know how fast the Earth moves wrinkle I don't know how fast is growing wrinkle I have no idea how fast it's going I don't know what's going on in this movie but I'll tell you it's not addressing the true issue which is if the Earth Stood Still I'll make a whole video about it if you're interested you go check out is it over here is it over here is it over here is that what they do there's a link there's a link there's links anyway let's look at this big robot went to sleep the Bro sleeping on me how do you how do you turn him back on that's what turns me on I broke it he broke it Michael he broke it he's just sleeping he's just pining for the fs speaking of pining through the fjords now this alien was born premature so they have to keep him in this tank so that he will grow properly until he's ready to face the world it's not going to stop him from Living in full life thanks to modern technology alien technology get T this is not a very nice area he was put in this isolation tank is a prisoner from space wars and this is the poor alien mother who was burned and had to give birth to a premature baby over there prematurely which was driving a spaceship hit by a drunk driver luckily this team of experts were able to save made her and deliver her premature baby uh successfully don't worry young mother your baby is in good hands thanks to New Mexico medical science nice I look we made little roses little roses out of tin foil and everyone knows aliens like shiny things just like raccoons the more you know these are aen this one he look like a robot his belly is singing maybe he's just hungry that's how you pronounce that are they feeling the Declaration of alien Independence L look lnle look that's Nick Cage and the lady from the movie they're trying to steal the the Declaration of alien Independence should we stop him is it like a National Treasure thing I thought that was Nick Cage and he was stealing the Declaration of alien Independence but that's not it's just a piece of paper there what is it not International but what inter Global intergalactic intergalactic it' be an Intergalactic treasure is that a duck or a goose what do you think it is I don't it's a duck or a goose I think it's a goose oh it's a duck yeah hi honey this wrinkle hi wrinkle hi B oh you're so cute long see it could have been a national security did you make a friend ring you having a moment come on Ringo oh go okay let's see what I got in my pocket let's that's my baby can I get a video of course we're at the UFO Museum in and this dog has shoes on I like you I love you you're cute she has a stroller right oh yes that's a little mobile money very cool I could be my friend I know look at that are you team alien or team astronaut team alien look at that you want to be an astronaut you don't have to be an alien you could be an astronaut let's see wake out challenge mode join the whole F keep your eye on gaming energy oh it's it's a game ready [Music] R energy oh energy analy I like the energy oh [Music] oh I lost [Music] hi hair hey [Music] [Music] wrinkles my there oh my God that I never been this close to a duck that wasn't chasing me you get chased by Ducks often when I was a kid yes that's I've seen monkeys and bearded dragons and snakes and he had [Music] some be smoking but if you would then you should use pretty little lady alien ooh dled up for the the Box social I invite you to the S Hawkins dance wrinkle no I'm sorry sorry lady alien you're going to have a dabbing alien dab it dab it wrinkle yeah no that's that's old [Music] now you're out of this world rinkle like a D smells like dirty [Music] astronaut classic green alien oh he's funny looking oh you like classic green alien I want him close to me I like it's funny c a head no don't don't take it away it's mine I'm going to take it away no it's mine this is my new friend his name is Jeremy hello Jeremy I just met you and this is crazy but you're an alien so be friend may be all right well we got to test it see if you can tell me which one's Jeremy I'm mix [Music] them Jeremy yeah right that is Jeremy you're right that's Jeremy yeah it's your new roommate yeah are you going to buy it of course I already bought it for her you did oh my gosh here well thank you you are so kind you knew exactly which one she wanted thank you so much no you're very welcome you see that wrinkle that's so nice she bought you Jeremy ow don't hurt me okay we'll mess with Jeremy aliens are social creatures it's always good to have a friend for your alien also get lonely you go to work for a couple hours and I'm just going to sit or miss you okay let's see what else we have [Music] here hi hi my scary wi I am pretty scary this was kind of [Music] scary look at his butt oh my eye I'm blind okay not that one about this one this one is um a camouflage I'm camouflag you cannot see me camouflage camouflage look at my [Music] butt I don't know if I like this one's head shape it change his [Music] head my head is too big oh oh he all [Music] head and [Music] sa [Music] nice alien balls very chubby ho little chubby soccer ball alien he's not so cute he's very [Music] mean [Music] nice squeezy alien that's kind of nice stress relief stress Rel a good day my lady [Music] oh a good afternoon my [Music] [Applause] lady sir oh my God so squishy don't e it don't e it don't e it but check it out a a rinky I look like an alien R go I'm from Mars I'm from out space I'm not really from outter space you see when a space shuttle loves another space shuttle and they dock I learned this from my visit to new traic and then he goes he flies away to get a pack of cigarettes and a carton of milk and he never comes back about six to 8 maybe 14 months depending on your economic bracket and then NASA has a new space shutter that's going to make the Final Cut I saw that on an episode of Harry Potter once look like a cookie you probably shouldn't eat it nowadays everything isn't cake so you have to make sure that you look twice don't just put anything in your [Music] mouth got this one really light and then someone else got one of those four so was very nice me my mom and my sister were literally like running from this thing my mom smacked it with her purse and that is like one storage from Child literally sticks out the turkey experience yeah he was somebody's dinner that year you have a good day hey you too want want one with big alien [Music] head [Music] see [Music] it are you selling cookies yes we are oh is this new this toasty thing yes looks like a french toast and one on the end is new and it's a caramel chocolate chip oh oh is usually called Dosey Do and it's a peanut butter sandwich I thought it was losing my mind for a second yeah this is the first year that that this Cil decided to use the other Baker these are normally tag alons but they're called peanut butter patties feel like they're going to melt with my car I got to eat them quick I think I can tackle this in one day with a nice juga [Music] milk thank you for having us in here and let us know if you see an alien I cook is [Music] KN fun good timeing have a little bit of zucchini left it's got a hair on it oh room temperature zucchini with a hair on yum my favorite yeah it's an alien finger [Music]
Channel: I took my duck to...
Views: 53,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: duck, ducks, pet duck, pet ducks, cute, cuteness, cute duck, cute ducks, UFO, ufos, alien, aliens, I want to believe, Roswell, museum, museums, alien museum, wrinkle, wrinkle the duck, human, human name, positivity, wholesome, family friendly, emotional support, animal, animals, pets, animal friends, travel, adventure, vlog, vlogs, people, traveling
Id: 25rUmu-jaKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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