I took a 70HR greyhound bus from NEWYORK to LOS ANGELES...alone

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[Music] [Applause] oklahoma city amarillo albuquerque phoenix flagstaff nevada las vegas los angeles california you're going to be here about 40 minutes about 40 minutes [Music] break here please make sure [Music] is [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] hey guys i'm heading you can see the los angeles is right there where is it right there the second one down that's crazy it's not really time to go yet though we still have like a half hour so i'm not going to sit in a seat because that is incredibly dirty i'm going to stand somewhere and wait i as far as pittsburgh pennsylvania but with me only a couple of stops gonna make norristown king of pressure harrisburg and pittsburgh please we're gonna [Music] he or she will give you a different reporting pass with a different number you're going to start to present your ticket and your reporting pass so that you've collected that report and passed and rescued your ticket [Music] again i'm bringing your job as far as pittsburgh pennsylvania [Music] you guys just made our first stop harrisburg pennsylvania the bus is right there feels good to get some fresh air it's only 1 48. um we left at 11 30 so we're like two hours deep this is a 45 minute stop i don't think i'm gonna go anywhere cuz i'm not hungry or anything like that i'm just gonna sit down and stretch my legs you guys i'm so happy i was so scared the bathrooms are going to be dirty at this train station but they're super clean look how clean it is in here i'm so happy because i've been to some disgusting train station or bus station bathroom so look how clean it is i'm so happy i'm still going to put stuff down and sanitize and wash everything i own and everything on me but this is so clean i'm very happy i love this hand sanitizer hand sanitizer from dr bronner a really good one [Music] [Music] all right you guys i made it to pittsburgh i have an hour here they stop the bus over there and they're going to clean it desanitize it clean and empty the toilets clean the bus do everything which i'm so happy about i'm so happy they do that that's new since the coronavirus because they didn't used to do that but yeah so we have an hour layover here in pittsburgh which feels really nice to sit in a seat and not be on the bus i'm gonna walk around in a second and see if they have any actual food man they have crap around here oh no i'll show i'll talk to you guys when i get food look what the bus driver did he left these chocolates for me um he's gone now we have a new bus driver taking us to the next couple states but look at these he left his name is leo and he lent me chocolate no one's ever done this anything for me so this is a big deal hi pittsburgh you guys we are i think 20 minutes away from columbus ohio we're not there yet soon about 20 more minutes and we'll be in columbus ohio we just took a quick break because a lot of people wanted to smoke so we're going to wait like 20 minutes and then we're gonna get back on the bus and go to columbus [Music] hey guys i'm in columbus ohio and i just had the worst bathroom experience of my life as soon as i get back on the bus i'm getting my hand sanitizer i'm getting my wipes oh my gosh the bathroom was disgusting oh my gosh i'm not liking columbus ohio even though i'm only in the uh greyhound station but it's just oh it's disgusting mic one i'm really tired it is 11 o'clock um and i got on the bus at 11 30 so i'm hitting the 12 hour mark and i have to say it's not that bad it's really not when i'm on the bus i'm relaxed um leo how do i have to talk about leo leo is an angel that god sent to me he was the very first bus driver i had he drove from philly to pittsburgh i'm so sad he's not the driver the entire way he literally blessed me he i don't even know where to begin with this man so buses usually have a reserve section where you can pay extra and sit in reserved he put me in reserve so that i can be sitting by myself and have space and the reserve seats are nicer so he put me in the reserved area first of all and then he told me that if i need anything that i can call him or just text him or let him know and he'll call whoever is driving the bus and tell them to take care of me and make sure i'm safe like what he's so sweet and he left me chocolates i don't even know where he got [Music] chocolates [Music] so [Music] guys we're about to arrive in saint louis missouri first i need to welcome all these animals i'm going to put this eyelash on and i'm gonna floss good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to st louis missouri this is st louis missouri now for your safety please remain seated until the bus comes to a complete and safe stop okay those passers continuing on this bus westbound towards rolla fort leonard wood lebanon springfield joplin tulsa oklahoma city amarillo albuquerque phoenix flagstaff nevada las vegas los angeles california you're going to be here about 40 minutes you're going to have about a 40-minute break this bus is due out again at 7 30. [Music] so [Music] time to get back on the bus [Music] um hey guys we're in joplin missouri and it's finally an actual place to get food i'm so happy i can get some real food okay let's see what they got and we're on route 66. [Music] everyone is guys i'm in oklahoma city and they're cleaning the bus right now we're gonna get back on in like a half hour it's really hot it's like really hot really really really really really hot and dry so i can't wait to get back on the bus [Music] so [Music] oh another beer okay you guys we're at a rest stop for 20 minutes he said [Music] we've got 20 minutes i'm gonna go in here i'm not really hungry it's too late for me to eat but i'm still just gonna do it hot food oh my gosh [Music] oh my gosh i have a waffle egg sandwich that's waffle and egg you know you're in the south and corn dogs this is like what people think of when they think of american food oh i like these water bottles waiting so i can stretch my legs out a little bit more it's like a few pictures because this looks nice i'm really really what's the word i don't know lethargic a farther [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] hey guys i am in gallup new mexico i believe we have a 15-minute break [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] you guys this camera attracts a lot of attention anyways i went in there and i got this t-shirt i'll show you when i get on the bus and this pin since we're in indian territory there's like indian merch everywhere [Music] tell me [Music] is to be [Music] wondering [Music] cause i'm always in a fever [Music] i wonder where my heart cause no matter what you do your stuff can amaze [Music] [Music] want is be free [Music] [Applause] [Music] me you
Channel: Maryjane
Views: 368,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7-22-20, greyhound, maryjane, byarm, world tohr, travel, covid travel
Id: wwMu4dUDdM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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